Good morning. Welcome to Victoria’s Faith. I’m Cherry Campbell. This morning I’m going to begin sharing with you a short teaching that I gave in one of our Victoria’s Faith services called Faith, Hope, and Joy. So join me now in our live service for part one of this message, Faith, Hope, and Joy. So we’re going to talk about Hope and expecting tonight. So we give in Faith now, if you’ve been joining us, you know, that before we receive the offering, we always share the word because how does Faith come? Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. So before we give, we hear the word so that we’re ready to give in Faith because it’s when you give in Faith that you can expect the harvest and the reward and God working for you and through you and your finances and your life and for your family and everything you need. Hallelujah. Glory to God. So we’re looking at the word tonight. So we’re going to give in Faith, but we also receive in Faith and we’re going to talk about receiving Hebrews 111 says now Faith is the substance. That word is actually an old English word in the King James, but we can actually see it. Sub stands. Stance is standing. Sub is below our underneath. And the literal meaning of that word in the Greek New Testament, the New Testament was written in Greek. It is actually foundation. It is that which something stands on. It’s a foundation. And so substance is the foundation. The substance, the foundation, Faith is the foundation of things hoped for. The evidence of things not seen. Now what is hope? It’s the Greek word alpizo and it means to wait with joy and full confidence. Are you waiting for your answer with joy? Or are you getting impatient and impatience produces grumpiness and grouchiness? Well, if you’re grumpy and grouchy, you’re not in faith or in hope because in hope you wait in joy. Happy and dance and praise the Lord. It’s coming and full confidence. Confident expectation. You are fully confident that what you are believing for is coming. It’s on its way. Hallelujah. Confident expectation and happy anticipation. All right, let’s think of something to be happy anticipation. Christmas dinner. Thanksgiving dinner, especially when you start smelling all the wonderful aromas of the turkey, the dressing, the pies, maybe chocolate chip cookies or something like that. And then your mouth starts watering and the children are looking forward to opening the presents with what are they sad or they depressed or they scared? No. Happy anticipation because they know something good is coming. Why else would you have happy anticipation unless you know that something good is coming? Now that points out let me point out to you that what is the opposite of hope hope is expecting good. Dread is expecting bad. Dread and fear. Dread and fear are expecting bad things. You’re dreading it. Oh, no, this is going to be bad. Well, we don’t have dread. We have hope because we expect it to be good. All that God has for every good and perfect gift is from the father. He daily loads us with benefits. Amen. And so he’s always doing good. So we have happy anticipation, which is hope in what happy about it because we know what’s coming is what good. Amen. And then it’s a strained expectancy. So think of those children and they expect grandma and grandpa to come driving up in the driveway and they keep running. Look out the window and stretch in their head. Is that them? Oh, I just heard a car. They heard a car. They run out. Is that them? Is that them? Strained expectancy. Looking. I think it’s coming. Oh, they’re just coming right over the hill there. That strained expectancy because they know someone is coming or you know something is coming. You’re looking with an outstretched neck. I know it’s coming. It must be right on the corner. There I can almost see it. That strained expectancy is hope. And then watching with that stretch head. What was I doing them looking when you’re straining expecting you’re stretching out your neck. Looking, watching with that stretch head and another definition of hope is the vision. It’s the picture. It’s the image. It’s the dream of what you are expecting. You’re seeing it or you’re smelling it. I mean the aroma of the cookies and yeah, they’re in the oven. You can’t see them or taste them. But in your mind, you can see them in your mouth. You can almost taste them. They’re not there yet. Right now it’s just a figment of your imagination, but it’s so real because you are so expectant of that coming. Those delicious chocolate chip cookies or apple pie or whatever your cinnamon rolls, whatever you like to smell of. That you can smell it and while it’s in the oven, you can’t see it. It’s baking. You know it’s coming. You know it’s getting ready. You can’t see it. You can’t touch it. You can’t taste it. But you know it’s coming. It’s almost there. And so in your mind, you can see it. And in your mouth, you can almost taste it. Well, that’s the vision that the picture, the image or the dream of what God has promised you. I mean, if it’s a new home, you actually you do need to put up pictures of what you’re dreaming for. If you’re dreaming for a new home, then put a picture up on your refrigerator. I’ve done it and it worked. I’ve done it and it worked and car. I did it and it worked. I got it within a year, just a few years ago. I was living in one place and I wanted to upgrade and I put a picture on my refrigerator of something similar to what I wanted to upgrade to. And within a year, I got it and at the same time I put a picture of a car, a nicer car than I had on the refrigerator and about it the same time I put them up on the fridge and about it the same time about 11 months later, 11 and 12 months later, I got both of those. But all year, I was laying my hand on it and saying, thank you Lord, this is my vision. This is what I believe I receive. And you know, in Habakkuk too, we talk about this many times that in January, especially the beginning of the year, to write the vision and make it plain on tablets so that those can run with it, who read it. Well, that’s going to be you and you need to be able to run with it. But you need to have it written and have a picture of it. And so I’ve heard a people have envisioned boards and that’s a perfectly good thing to do. And I’ve made my refrigerator door into a vision board and put things on there that I’m believing for. And so that I can lay my hand on it and say, thank you Lord, I believe I receive it, I claim it, I have it now in Jesus name and the picture of it puts a picture and image in my mind of what I’m laying hold of with my faith. And so you need a picture. So words are good, but if you can get a picture, it’ll even, well, they even say a picture is worth a thousand words. So maybe you need a healing. Well, maybe get a picture of you in perfect health. Maybe it was 10 years ago before, you know, when you were younger, it might have been 10 years ago. So sometimes when you were in perfect health, put a picture of you in front of your eyes to see yourself that way again that you don’t see yourself with the problem you have now. You see the weakness, the illness, the pain or the injury that you have now. Now you see yourself and you keep that picture of you in excellent condition in front of your eyes. Maybe you were even doing something physically active. And you are showing your strength. Maybe it a park playing or running a race or playing a sport or something. Get a picture of you being perfectly healthy and doing something active. And then put it on your refrigerator on your bathroom near where you will see it all the time and let that picture get burned into your mind. So you don’t see what you are now. You see that. And that is what your faith is building. I believe I received that. And you know, face says I’m not looking at what I see now. That’s what Abraham did. And it Romans 4 says he considered not his body now dead or Sarah in her dead room. But he expected and believed those promises that God had said to him that he would be the father of many nations. And he changed his name to the father of many nations. So if you have to change your name, I’ve heard a people doing that too. I’ve heard a people changing their names. I mean one man, he was called Jerry Newhart because he needed a new heart. And he called himself Jerry Newhart. The doctor said your heart just worn out. It’s just worn out. You need a new heart. And guess what? He got it. He got it. It manifested. He got a new heart after he stood in faith and his family stood with him. And they believed God in some months later. He went back to the doctor and the doctor took the test and your heart is like it’s brand new. And the medical records show that he had a new heart. So call yourself what you desire to be healed. Prosperous. A successful business person. Maybe a CEO or a manager or some promotion that you desire owning your own business. Whatever you want to be or do or have. Call yourself that and call yourself having that. And that is the picture, the image of what your faith begins to work to build. So when you have hope, your faith has a project. See, faith is the force that builds what you are dreaming and visioning. Faith goes to work. But if there’s no dream, no vision, how can your faith build anything? You know, with no blueprint, a builder cannot build a building. Faith cannot build anything without a vision of what to build. So when you have hope, a vision, a picture, an image of what you want to be, do and have. Be, do and have. Write them down. Put a picture of them up on your refrigerator and let your faith go to work. I believe I receive that. I claim that I have that. It’s mine in Jesus name. And then pull out scriptures. Go through the word of God. Scriptures that promise you what you are believing for. There are many, many, many, many specific promises for healing, finances, family, children, marriage, homes, jobs, vehicles, everything. And then there are many just general promises like whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it. And it shall be yours is whatever, whatever. Yes. And Jesus said, if you remain in me, and my words remain in you, you ask whatever does whatever mean whatever. Whatever you wish and it will be done. Now that says it has to be started in the word. The word paints the picture. The word gives the promises. What you just heard was part one of a short teaching that I gave in one of our victorious faith services called faith, hope, and joy. And we will continue and conclude this message again tomorrow. So join me again tomorrow and remember God loves you. You are blessed and highly favored by the Lord.