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10.30.24 – Faith, Hope & Joy Part 2


00:00:00 Cherri Campbell

Good morning. Welcome to Victoria’s faith. I’m cherry Campbell. This morning I’m going to continue and conclude a short teaching that I began sharing with you yesterday that I gave in one of our victorious faith services. So join me now in our live service for Part 2 and the conclusion of this teaching, faith, hope and joy. And so that I can lay my hand on and say thank you.

00:00:22 Cherri Campbell

But I believe I receive it. I claim it. I have it now in Jesus name in the picture of it puts a picture, an image in my mind of what I’m laying hold of with my faith.

00:00:34 Cherri Campbell

And so you need a picture, so words are good. But if you can get a picture, it’ll even. Well, they even say a pictures worth 1000 words. So maybe you.

00:00:45 Cherri Campbell

Need a healing?

00:00:46 Cherri Campbell

Well, maybe get a picture of you in perfect health. Maybe it was 10 years ago before.

00:00:55 Cherri Campbell

You know when when you were younger, it might have been 10 years ago, but sometime when you were in perfect health, put a picture of you in front of your eyes to see yourself that way again.

00:01:07 Cherri Campbell

That you don’t see yourself with the problem you have now. The the weakness, the illness, the pain or the injury that you have now. Now you see yourself and you keep that picture of you in excellent condition in front of your eyes. Maybe you were even doing something physically active and.

00:01:27 Cherri Campbell

You were showing your strength, maybe at a park, playing or running a race, or playing a sport or something. Get a picture of you.

00:01:38 Cherri Campbell

Being perfectly healthy and doing something active and then put it on your refrigerator on your bathroom near where you will see it all the time and let that picture get burned into your mind so you don’t see what you are. Now you see that and that. That is what your faith is building.

00:01:59 Cherri Campbell

I believe I received that and, you know, face says I’m not looking at what I see now. That’s what Abraham did. Romans 4 says he considered not his body now dead.

00:02:10 Cherri Campbell

Dead or Sarah and her dead room. But he expected and believed those promises that God had said to him that he would be the father of many nations and he changed his name to the father of many nations. So if you have to change your name, I’ve heard of people doing that too. I’ve heard of people changing their names. I mean, one man he was.

00:02:30 Cherri Campbell

Called Jerry New Heart because he needed a new heart and he called himself Jerry Newhart. The doctor said. Your your heart’s just worn out. It’s it’s just worn out. You need a new heart. And guess what he got.

00:02:43 Cherri Campbell


00:02:44 Cherri Campbell

He got it. It manifested. He got a new heart after he stood in faith and his family stood with him and they believed God. And some months later he went back to the doctor and the Doctor took the test. Said your heart is like it’s brand new.

00:02:59 Cherri Campbell

And the medical records showed that he had a new heart. So call yourself what you desire to be healed. Prosperous. A successful business person, maybe a CEO or a manager or some promotion that you desire.

00:03:17 Cherri Campbell

Owning your own business, whatever you want to be or do or have, call yourself that and call yourself. Having that and that is the picture, the image of what your faith begins to work to build. So when you have hope, your faith.

00:03:37 Cherri Campbell

Has a project say faith is the force that builds what you are dreaming and visioning. Faith goes to work, but if there’s no dream, no, no vision, how can your faith build any?

00:03:54 Cherri Campbell


00:03:55 Cherri Campbell

You know, with no blueprint, a builder cannot build a building. Faith cannot build anything without a vision of what to build. So when you have hope, a vision, a picture, an image of what you want to be do and have be.

00:04:15 Cherri Campbell

Do have write them down, put a picture of them up on your refrigerator and let your faith go to work. I believe I received that. I claim that I have that. It’s my.

00:04:27 Cherri Campbell

In Jesus, name and then pull out scriptures, go through the word of God scriptures that promise you what you are believing for. There are many, many, many many specific promises for healing, finances, family, children, marriage, homes, jobs, vehicles, everything. And then there are many, just general.

00:04:47 Cherri Campbell

Promises like whatever you ask for in prayer believe that you have received it and it shall be yours is whatever. Whatever. Yes.

00:04:59 Cherri Campbell

And Jesus said.

00:04:59 Cherri Campbell

If you remain in me and my words remain in you, you ask. Whatever does whatever mean whatever.

00:05:07 Cherri Campbell

Whatever you wish, and it would be done now that says it has to be started in the word. The word paints the picture. The word gives the promises the word gives you the support for your faith. The word feeds your faith. The word of God is spirit food. It’s also faith, food, the word.

00:05:27 Cherri Campbell

Feeds your faith and without the word, your faith will start to get starving, hungry and skinny and won’t have any strength to build anything you ever think of. A skinny little starving child trying to lift a sledgehammer.

00:05:43 Cherri Campbell

Won’t work.

00:05:45 Cherri Campbell

That person needs to build that muscle, and the word feeds your faith and puts muscle to your faith. The word of God does that. It’s protein. It’s like a protein drink. Eating the word is like eating protein, drinking protein. And it’s a protein drink. It builds up your face.

00:06:05 Cherri Campbell

Muscles so that your face then can build the project you are believing for glory to God. Hallelujah. Now Isaiah 4923. Now we’re talking about hope will not be disappointed.

00:06:18 Cherri Campbell

Then you will know that I am the Lord. Those who hope in me will not be disappointed. See, if you don’t quit, the only thing that will cause you not to receive is you quitting your faith.

00:06:36 Cherri Campbell

Quitting your confession of faith. I believe I have it. It’s mine. In Jesus. Name. Stopping your ruling. See, we do have to rule over the devil and we have to kick the devil out of our territory. He is a claim jumper.

00:06:57 Cherri Campbell

He tries to sneak onto the claim. What you claimed for you, your health, your finances, your family, your children, your job, and he wants to come in and steal it away from you. You.

00:07:08 Cherri Campbell

Gotta kick the devil off.

00:07:11 Cherri Campbell

Say no, that’s mine. Claim jumper. Get out and bring the law of God’s word down on his head. So you gotta stand your ground. You got to kick the devil out and resist the devil, and he will flee from you if you don’t, he’ll come and take over everything you have.

00:07:27 Cherri Campbell

You got to do that part. That’s your part and stand firm and don’t quit your faith in the confession of your faith. I believe I receive it and don’t quit walking in love because.

00:07:39 Cherri Campbell

Getting out of love opens the door to the devil, so those are the primary things you do your part and you stand and you don’t quit.

00:07:47 Cherri Campbell

Doing those things then you will receive if you don’t quit, those who hope and me will not be disappointed. Jeremiah 112. God says, for I am watching to see that my word is fulfilled. All the promises that God has made to you. He is watching to see that they are.

00:08:07 Cherri Campbell

Fulfilled in your life. Hallelujah as you are.

00:08:11 Cherri Campbell

Eat it. And as you don’t let the devil in on your territory, you don’t go to sleep and let the devil claim your stake. First Thessalonians 524, the one who calls you, is faithful, and he will do it. He will do it. Nothing is too hard for God. Nothing.

00:08:31 Cherri Campbell

Is too hard for your faith. All things are possible to those who believe.

00:08:36 Cherri Campbell

If you eat enough protein, God’s word, if you eat enough of God’s word and strengthen your faith every day, give your faith good protein drinks with the word of God and keep your faith strong. Then your faith will be able to build whatever you are believing Hallelujah, and God will do it. Hebrews 1035.

00:08:57 Cherri Campbell

But do not throw away your confidence. It will be richly rewarded. Do not throw away your confidence. It will be richly rewarded. Don’t give up. That just says.

00:09:09 Cherri Campbell

Don’t give up.

00:09:10 Cherri Campbell

Don’t give up. Don’t give up. It’s yours. If you don’t give up, your faith will be richly rewarded. Hebrews 10/23. Let us hold unswervingly to the hope. The vision, the dream, the confident expectation.

00:09:30 Cherri Campbell

Be happy, joyful anticipation. That means holding on to your joy.

00:09:37 Cherri Campbell

Let’s hold unswervingly to that hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. Hallelujah. Glory to God. Glory to God. Don’t let go of your faith and your hope. They work together. Some call it.

00:09:56 Cherri Campbell

Faith and hope are are the power partners. They work together, faith and hope. Work together. Faith is the power and the muscle that builds what you are hoping for. The vision that you have, the hope and the promises of God in that faith is also the foundation of your hope because.

00:10:15 Cherri Campbell

If you didn’t read God’s word and believe it.

00:10:20 Cherri Campbell

There would be no hope.

00:10:23 Cherri Campbell

That’s why people are hopeless.

00:10:27 Cherri Campbell

Hopelessness is caused by not knowing God’s word and or not believing causes hopelessness. But when you believe it, then it produces hope. So don’t let go of your fear.

00:10:41 Cherri Campbell

Peace and your hope in the promises God has spoken to you for your life. Expect his words to come to pass daily, every day you get up and.

00:10:56 Cherri Campbell

Say thank you.

00:10:57 Cherri Campbell

Lord, I’m expecting it. It could be today and I believe I receive it in Jesus name.

00:11:03 Cherri Campbell

Stay in faith and stay joyful. And I’ve said before joy and peace are the two major gauges of your faith and your hope.

00:11:15 Cherri Campbell

If your joy or your peace go down, it means you’re running low on faith and or and hope and joy particularly is a is the sign of hope. Joy and peace are the signs and evidences of faith.

00:11:35 Cherri Campbell

Being in operation when your faith is working, you have joy and peace. When your hope is working, you have joy and excitement.

00:11:46 Cherri Campbell

If you really believe it and expect it, you’re excited. So excitement is another evidence or sign or gauge of your hope. How much joy do you have and how much excitement do you have about something happening that you don’t yet?

00:12:07 Cherri Campbell

That actually measures how much hope you have your joy and excitement. So stay in faith, stay joyful and expectant and say thank you. Lord Jesus, I have it. It’s mine and keep on. Keep on on keeping on saying it until you see it.

00:12:27 Cherri Campbell

In manifestation and you have it. A man, a man. Amen.

00:12:32 Cherri Campbell

What you just heard was Part 2, and the conclusion of a short teaching that I gave in one of our victorious faith services called Faith, Hope and Joy, and I trust and believe you were blessed and encouraged by this message. And if you’d like to listen to this message again, innocent tiredly, you can go to my YouTube channel, which is under my name. Cherry Campbell.

00:12:52 Cherri Campbell


00:12:54 Cherri Campbell

Campbell CMPBEL. And they’re in the top category called Radio broadcasts. You’ll see this message called Faith, Hope and Joy. Let it bless you and share it with your friends and family as well. Now join me again tomorrow for another inspiring message. And remember, God loves you. You are blessed and highly favored by the Lord.

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