♪ All the kids, shout your prayers ♪ Welcome to Victorious Faith. We believe you will be blessed, encouraged, and receive fresh faith to begin your day as you listen to today’s message with International Missionary and Bible Teacher, Cherry Campbell. Good morning. Welcome to Victorious Faith. I’m Cherry Campbell. This morning I’m going to continue sharing with you the message that I’ve been sharing with you for the last couple of broadcasts that I preached in one of our Victorious Faith Healing Services called “Tap the Power.” So join me now in our live healing service for part three of this message. Tap the power. Get born again and you’re in error the kingdom and all that he has is yours. Hallelujah. Amen, amen. And I love Luke 15 and the two sons, the story of the two sons, and the father is a picture of God. And in verse 31, before that, the older son is a picture of many Christians complaining, “God, why don’t you heal me? God, why don’t you meet my needs? Look what you’re doing for him. You didn’t do anything for me.” It’s a lot of Christians. It’s a lot of Christians, and that was the older son. But do you remember at the beginning of Luke 15, the parable in verse 12, the younger son went to his father and said, “Give me my share of the estate.” I think you need to read it. Luke 15, because you might not believe me. Luke 15, verse 12, “The younger son said to his father, “Father, give me my share of the estate.” And then what did he do? He gave the younger son his portion. Is that what it says? Did he just give the younger son his portion? He divided his wealth between them, meaning the older son got his share. He got it, but he didn’t know he had it. And that’s the problem of Christians today. They got it, but they don’t know they’ve got it. Luke 15, 12, “The younger son said, ‘Father, give me my share of the estate ‘so he divided his property between them, ‘dividing between them,’ meaning the older son got his share. And the younger son got his share.” And I like to say at least you got to give the younger son some credit for some brains. He knew he had his inheritance. He knew he got it, but the older son didn’t even know he had it. Didn’t even know he was given to him. Because think of the time the younger son went away to a far country. Okay, it takes time to travel. It’s probably by foot, maybe by horse, to a far country that could be weeks or months. Then he squandered all his wealth. That could be weeks or months. Then a family comes in and he goes and feeds pigs. That could be some more weeks. And then he comes back home again from a far country that’s more weeks or months. Probably at least a year or more. Two, three, five years had gone by. And where is the older son? Slaiving. For his father. The older brother, verse 29, he answered his father, “Look, all these years, I’ve been slaving for you. Never disobeyed your orders yet you never gave me, even a goat.” Well, what about all that inheritance? If the younger son had squandered his wealth, it says he squandered wealth. The older son didn’t get less than the younger. Sometimes the older gets double. So if the younger son got wealth to squander, wealth, it says he squandered his wealth. So there was wealth to squander in riotous living. And the older son said, “I never got anything.” “Why don’t you do it for me? You did it for him.” It’s yours. It’s already been given. And he didn’t even know he had it. He didn’t know he had an inheritance of wealth that was already given and divided to him. His name was on it. It’s right there. You can have a party every day. You can have a party every day. It’s yours. It’s already been divided. Way back when the younger son got his. You got yours. And then, verse 31, my father, which is a picture of God, says, “You’re always with me and everything I have is yours.” It’s all yours. There’s nothing that’s not yours. And that is our father. What does the father have? He has everything. He has all power. All might. He has all healing andointing. Life, Zoey. He’s got all abundance and wealth. Nothing lacking. All peace, all joy, all wisdom, all answers to every question. And you look at him and say, “God, why didn’t you give it to me?” He says, “Son, everything I have is yours.” It’s all yours now. And when do you get it? When you get born again? It’s not when you die and go to heaven. What most Christians think when they die and go to heaven, then they get their inheritance. Now, whoever heard, “If you have a rich father, leaving you $100 million, do you get your inheritance when you die or when your father dies?” Well, I die and then I get my inheritance. Well, what good does it do then? No. You get your inheritance when your father dies. Well, Jesus already died. And rose again and said, “All that I have is yours.” So the death is already taken place for that inheritance to be given to you. And now all you have to do is be born again into the family of God. And as soon as you’re born again into the family of God, you are a child of the kingdom. You are an heir of the kingdom and all that the father has is yours. So you don’t need to be like this older son going around, “We never gave me anything. Why do you heal him and you don’t heal me?” I’ve had diabetes for 15 years. No, I haven’t, but there are Christians who will say that. You know. There are people who say that. “Why don’t you heal me? You heal that one. You gave him a new car. Why I’m still driving this old junker car.” “Hey, everything God has is yours. It’s already been given to you. But that was then looked for. The anointing comes to set the captive free in whatever area you need freedom. If you need freedom in your body from sickness, then there’s an anointing to heal. If you need freedom in your mind from worries and troubles, then there’s the anointing for peace. If you need freedom in your finances, then there’s an anointing to destroy the Yilkapavari. If you need freedom in your family, from family problems, then there’s an anointing to destroy the Yilkapavari, strife, division, and all those problems and bring the peace of God in there. The kingdom of God has come. Means the rule of God has come for you into your life. And all you have to do is receive it. Hallelujah. It is a key to connecting, and that is faith. Faith connects to the power. Faith connects to the power. So there can be power all around. But that doesn’t mean you’re going to be healed. Let me give you biblical examples. Let me show you in Luke chapter 5. You know, the power of God has come to earth when Jesus came. And when Jesus rose from the dead, he destroyed the power and the authority of Satan. He destroyed the authority, I should say, of Satan, and the kingdom of darkness and the curse of sin and death. But that is still here where we have to, on an individual basis, receive it. One person at a time, you take it for yourself. And you can minister to other people. That’s what ministry is. Ministering the yolk destroying burden and moving power to someone else. Minister healing to them. Minister life to them. Minister salvation to them. Let me come back and explain this. You know what? I said, I don’t like to say the gospel of salvation because I know the Greek New Testament word for salvation is so, so. And to save, it actually includes prosperity and healing and peace of mind. Both Hebrew and Greek, Old Testament, New Testament, is that the picture of God to save you is to save you in all areas, not just one. You know, there are Christians who think God only cares about your spirit. There are Christians who think, well, God only cares about your spirit. That’s what He’s going to take care of, wants to make sure you’re going to get to heaven. But as far as your financial needs and all that, He doesn’t pay attention to that. Well, that’s not true at all. Jesus died to bring the yolk destroying burden and moving power. And it’ll work in every area of your life. But it’s like a pie. I like to take example of a pie. Being the whole pie is your whole life. And you divide that pie into pieces, represents the areas of your life. And one slice of the pie is new birth. It takes care of your spirit entering into the kingdom of God. New birth is one slice of pie. But another slice of pie is for your healing, the healing of your body. Another slice of pie is your destroying power on your finances to destroy lack and poverty. And debt to bring increase in blessing which God commanded from Genesis 128. That was His will for man was to be fruitful and multiply. The curse stopped it. So then there’s a slice of pie for your finances. There’s a slice of pie for your family, your marriage, your children. There’s a slice of pie for your mind, your peace of mind, and your emotional soul, health. There’s a slice of the pie that is for your life calling and purpose to be fulfilled. God has an assignment for every person. And then that’s your work that you were born to do. God created Ephesians 2.10. We are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus to do good works which He prepared in advance for us to do. We are created for good works. We are created for a purpose. You were born for a purpose. A purpose made you have to be born. God doesn’t make someone and then think, okay, now what am I going to do with this one? Let’s try to figure out something here. I run out of things. No, he doesn’t make someone and then try to, okay, what do I want to do with this one now? No, purpose came first. A purpose made you have to be born. Because there was a purpose, I need a person that will be doing this. And then God’s, okay, I want to make Judy, she’ll do that. A purpose then was in God’s heart, mine, okay, I’m going to have someone do this. And then God says, okay, I’m going to make Albert to do that. So a purpose made you have to be born. You had to be born because there was already a purpose that you had to fulfill. Okay, man. You have a life because you have a purpose. You have a life because you have a purpose. There is something that you had to fulfill and that’s why God gave you life. Hallelujah. And so that’s another slice of the pie. So then salvation is giving you the whole pie. That means you are born again in your spirit. Your body is made whole. Your finances are made whole. Your family is made whole. Your mind is made whole. Your work is being fulfilled as God created you for. That’s the whole pie that God is, that’s the package of salvation. That’s what salvation means in Greek and Hebrew. It’s the whole picture. New birth, it’s not just getting in the kingdom. It’s now the whole kingdom is yours. And the anointing will come to destroy every yoke in your life to make you free, to make you whole. Hallelujah. That is God’s will. That is God’s purpose. That’s why Jesus came. That’s what the anointing does. That’s what the blessing does. That’s what the kingdom of God does. And Jesus said the kingdom of God has come to you. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. So let me show you that the power of God that is available can be present yet not tapped. What you just heard was part three of a message that I preached in one of our victorious faith healing services called tap the power. And we will continue this message again tomorrow. So join me again tomorrow and remember God loves you. You are blessed and highly favored by the Lord. We’re glad you joined us today for victorious faith with cherry Campbell. We invite you to visit our website at victoriusfaith.co where you can listen to the victorious faith radio broadcast, find Biblical study helps, contact cherry and make donations. You can also write to us at PO Box 509 East Lake Colorado 80614. Victorius faith is a God and partners supported ministry. As you so seed and partner with this ministry, we believe God with you for the full harvest of victory you need in your life. Please join us again Monday through Friday at the same time to begin your day with fresh faith. And remember faith is the victory that overcomes the world. ♪ I’m born in town ♪