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10.21.24 – I LOVE JESUS!


[Music] Welcome to Call to Freedom with Barber Carmac. This is Jimmy Lakey and I’m delighted that you are joining us for this half hour. You can reach Call to Freedom at box 370-367 Denver, Colorado, 802-37 or by going to the website at If you want to leave a message or order a word-powered daily reading Bible Guide or a Freedom Street Express newsletter, you can call us toll-free at 1-877-917-7256 and leave your name and address including your zip code. If you want to talk to Barbara right now, she is expecting your call. You may call that same toll-free number 1-877-917-7256 to speak to her. And now let’s join Barbara in the studio. Welcome to Call to Freedom another new week and almost another new month and we’re getting close to the holidays. And things are happening so frequently now. I mean it’s just snow-balling and so intensely and you know there’s only a couple weeks before the election prays. God, all of these different commercials are going to be over with. Well maybe not all of them but oh praise the Lord. Just stay steady my friend. You are blessed because you are in God’s will. His will is to heal you, provide for you, protect you, and daily give you the generous gifts of his grace. And his grace is wrapped around his precious son, our Lord Jesus. That’s right. Every time I think of the word grace now, I think of Jesus wrapping his arms around me and providing me with what I need. Oh that’s grace friend, that is grace. Let’s do the Monday Bible slogan. This is my Bible. I am what it says I am. I have what it says I have. I do what it tells me to do. Well most of the time I do. This is my Bible. It has given me new life. It is the Word of God. And these days are changing. I am finding myself in a new kind of a transition in my life. Don’t think that just because you are getting older, it is going to be the same or the same. My diet is changing. My exercise regimen is changing. Everything about my life seems to be changing in a flux all the time. So just take it and rest and know that Jesus is taking care of you. And I am blessed to dispense for in him you live and move and have your being. And it is getting close to the holidays and I just want to tell you that I do have the spiral power packs. And they are now in a beautiful teal and also I have them in a cassette case. These are great for stocking stuffers. These are great to hand out to employees or to people that you are associated with, to friends, to neighbors. A wonderful little gift. And it is a power pack. That is what Darren named it. So 35 years ago and it is still a pack full of power from the Scriptures of God. So I just invite you to either buy that. And I am going to have a special going. And it is the old price. And the old price is $5 and it is not even 650 anymore. It is $5 for the cassette case of power pack and $10 for the new spiral. So get it. Get it. It is hot. And you can either go online and do that through your giving to donate at or you can send me a check for the power pack. That is what we do and it is worked out so well for all these years. And so I am grateful that you are able to either donate online or to write a check or money order. And thank you so much. I will — I sent a check for $1,000 to Samaritans per Slaas Friday and another one this next Friday will go out. So if you would like to help send a donation to call to Freedom and we will put those donations together. That is what I did with this first check. And I think it is just a really great way of helping and providing for those people that are in need. If you watch the news and say, “Oh, those poor people, do something about it. Give, either go to and give there or write a check or money order or donate online to call to Freedom. And if you donate online, just specify. This is for North Carolina or for the flood, whatever. A lot of people have said for the flood and it was a flood. So you know instead of saying, “Oh, those poor people, come on, let’s do something here and donate.” And then I will be sending that check this Friday, probably another check the following Friday. And as far as the voting guide, I’m still sending it out. And you can either call me after the show at 1-877-917-7256 or you can email me. If you have an email address and I’ve tried a couple email addresses and one was full. And so I couldn’t proceed and another one, it didn’t go through. So make sure your email address is accurate. But you know, we know that he is in an exhausting campaign. He’s not exhausted. I mean yesterday was such a wonderful thing to watch him at McDonald’s. He was learning how to fry the French fries. And he had three little ports there with his baskets. And he just was learning. He’s saying, “Well, I could do this all day.” It was so fun. And then when he went to the drive-through window and gave out the orders to people, they were so shocked. And he said, “This is on me. This is on me.” They didn’t pay a thing. The ones who were going through the drive-through window. It was so fun to see this man. He is not losing his mind or he’s not lacking in energy and not one bit. Then he was at a barber shop in the Bronx and he talked to all the people and the chairs. “Oh my goodness, this man is so… he’s just so marvelous.” And so I want you when you do fill out your ballot. And this is going to be soon folks. Pray over your ballot before you take it to the polling place. That it will get to its destination and be counted. And without any hindrance from the enemy, take it to your precinct knowing that you have done your patriotic duty. As an American, praise the Lord. So we want you to get those in and vote for the candidate who’s just so marvelous in all the policies that came down the pike. I’m waiting for those four years to come back and more for the common people. He is so comfortable around the common citizen. I know he had cufflinks. He had his white dress shirt and cufflinks on, but he had that apron on and he was going to town. Just frying those French fries. It’s just marvelous to see. I’m almost hungry for French fries now. And last week at a rally, one of the attendees of Connola Harris said, “Jesus is King, yelled it. Jesus is King.” And she said, “You’re at the wrong rally.” Oh my goodness. She said, “You’re at the wrong rally.” And then when JD Vance was holding a rally last week from the crowd, they said, “Jesus is King.” And he said, “Yes, Jesus is King.” And so we get two, so different, different answers. And I want you to know, I’m for the one that says, “Yes, Jesus is King.” Praise the Lord. Our memory verse for this week is Jeremiah 17 verse 7. “Blessed is the man, woman, man or woman whose trust is in the Lord and whose trust is the Lord.” That means total dependency on God. I’m getting there. Oh praise God. I’m getting there. And in the living, it’s Jeremiah 17, 7 through 8 says, “But blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence.” They are like trees planted along a river bank with roots that reach deep into the water. Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought. Their leaves stay green and they never stop producing fruit. Oh, I hope you never stop producing fruit, my friend. My confession for today by Rick Renner, this is a good one, folks. I boldly declare by faith that I walk in forgiveness. Offense, bitterness, strife and unforgiveness have no place in my life. The Spirit of God dwells in me and He always convicts me of wrong attitudes and motives that the devil could potentially use to bind me. That’s so true. So God gets rid of all those thoughts and we’re going to say that verse from 2 Corinthians 10 here in just a moment. I do not listen to those negative reports or accusations. I love Jesus and I want to please Him. Therefore I refuse to allow these destructive attitudes to remain in me. I am learning to be a merciful person. It takes time to get rid of the critical and judgmental spirits. It really does. It’s taking me a lifetime. Oh, my goodness. Oh, every time I looked at a person, I would judge them by their dress or by their talk. And I don’t do that anymore. Thank you so much, Lord Jesus. It’s just such a freeing experience not to see someone and judge them or be critical of them. Oh, I’m so grateful. I’m so grateful. I learned before I went to be with the Lord. And Rick Renner goes on to say, “And be long suffering towards others and slow to get angry. All of these qualities keep me safe and secure from the devil’s attempts to invade me. I declare this by faith in Jesus’ name. And you can go to 2 Corinthians 10, 5, through 6. I say this verse maybe 5 or 6 times a day. Because I’m in traffic and I’m with people, I’m in the grocery store. People are loud. There’s people walking beside me. They’re so loud on their phones and I’m going, “Oh, please, Lord Jesus, I don’t want to hear about their mess.” Oh, so here’s a 2 Corinthians 10, 5 and 6. I cast down every or you can say casting down every evil and vain imagination. Those imaginations that are from the flesh are carnal and every lofty thought that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. See, we want to learn more about who he is and what he requires of us. And I take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. We learned that verse a couple weeks ago. Like a 6 verse 8 or was it last week? So much has gone on. Micah 6, 8. Why is required of you? Oh man, oh woman. Why is required of you? But to seek justice, to love and be kind and to walk humbly with your Lord. Oh, that is so good. Praise the Lord. So every day you are bombarded. You are bombarded with hundreds of thousands of thoughts. You may not think so. But when you go to bed at night and you can’t sleep because of all the thoughts swirling around in your mind, you know that they have been going through your mind all day long. And that’s 24/7. So we have to rest and say thank you, Lord, that I’m taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. So they will either send you into spiral of unbelief or fear or they will send you into a plateau of rest and calm and peace. And you want that rest and calm and peace. So you can choose which thought to believe? Well, you know, because if you give into the negative thoughts, you will end up losing. So it’s you who are deciding you are deciding whether you’re going to believe those negative thoughts or those beautiful true thoughts. And I have decided I decided a long time ago I decided to follow Jesus. And so I am relearn I’m learning day by day those thoughts that are positive and wonderful and they will help me and encourage me and everything I do. Romans 8.6, beautiful chapter in Romans Romans 8 verse 6 says the mind set on the flesh. Now if you continue to let your mind go in the direction of the negative and the things that are going to be bring you down, the mindset on the flesh is death. That’s what Paul said in Romans 8. The mindset on the flesh is death. The mindset on the spirit is life and peace. And I want you to have life and peace, my friend. If you listened to our Friday on core program with Darren and I know some of you are probably realizing that you can’t get into the website and get to the into Freedom Street and get into the radio shows. And that’s because my new webmaster is changing everything over he did it last weekend. So you may not be able to get into it today or tomorrow. But I will be I will hopefully I will be able to get it on again. So thank you so much for your patience. This is a big project and I haven’t had anybody knew for over 10 years and God bless you Chris as you as you bring everything over from the old and into the new. And so if you listen to our Friday on core program with Darren praying for several who called in you will know that God’s anointing is on these prayers of faith because Jesus healed all who were ill and who is inside each and every one of us. Yeah Jesus our Lord Jesus Jesus is King. It’s important to note that the people who Jesus minister to did not have what you and I have. They did not have the gospels and the books of the new covenant and many people did not even know the old covenant because they weren’t readily available then only the scribes and the priests and those who had read the Old Testament and the Torah they had the word of God. But the common person did not that’s why they went to the synagogue. So we have an opportunity to learn and reach out to those who need ministering. I love to talk about healing because God has given us the authority to pray for people and I love that I love to pray for people and some folks it’s a little bit hard to get into that soft faith heart but we we’re going to learn and we are learning folks I’ve learned from Darren not to take any credit for the prayers of healing when they manifest and deliverance that is manifested. I don’t take any credit for those healings that are prolonged and in this case the people that go to heaven early I’m not taking the credit for either and that’s what Darren said I’m not God is the one who knows he’s the one who is in charge. So either way either way the believer is covered whether he’s healed here on earth or if God takes him home I’m so grateful it’s a win-win situation prays the Lord, prays his name forever. I’m going to give you several scriptures here and I’ve got I’ve got him here in my little bag that I bring to the studio every day. I’m going to give you scriptures that you can copy down and if you just copy down the reference and then write down the scripture afterwards but you know the first scripture that I say every day at 17 verse 28. In him I live I take every breath from him a friend and move and have my being and another scripture that I stand on all the time is Romans 8 verse 11 that same spirit and I say holy spirit you who raised Jesus from the dead you dwell in me and you will quicken and make alive my mortal my physical body. I speak to holy spirit and I speak to the Lord Jesus every day friend. First Peter 2 24 he bore my sins in his body on the cross that I might die to sin and live to righteousness for by his wounds I was healed. He took every sin that I have ever committed and will commit that’s what this verse says he bore my sins sins in his body on the cross that I might die to sin and live to righteousness. Don’t keep sinning. Give yourself over to Jesus and by his wounds I was healed you were healed at the cross. So what a beautiful promise and then Mark 10 verse 27 with minutes impossible. Some of you have gone to the doctor and you say well I don’t know what’s wrong with you but here’s a prescription. Don’t take it. Don’t take it with minutes impossible but not with God for all things are possible with God. Nothing is impossible with God. And friend I want you to know that you don’t have an issue that God cannot heal or deliver you from. Nothing is too difficult with God and that’s in Jeremiah 32 verse 17 and 18. Jeremiah was in a fix and yet God told him in the 32nd chapter. Oh nothing is too difficult for me. All Lord God thou hast made the heavens in the earth by thy great power. Nothing is too difficult for you. Jeremiah was going through some emotional moments with God when he said I can’t talk well and I’m young and God replied I watch over my word to perform it. How important do you count the word of God? How important do you count the word of God? Do you look to the scriptures to get answers for your requests? That’s our assignment to read and study the word because when you get into the word the word gets into you say that with me when I get into the word the word gets into me. What you must examine inside of you is the death trio of doubt, fear and unbelief. When you cast those spirits out of your life then you can begin to build on the faith because faith does not dwell, excuse me, dwell where fear, doubt and unbelief exist. Faith does not exist there where you have made a home of fear and doubt and unbelief. You got to get rid of those that that trio of death. And then you can begin to build your faith. Jesus said in Mark 11, 22 through 23, have the faith of God or have faith in God for truly, truly this is Jesus. Truly, truly I say to you, whoever says to this mountain of challenge, to your mountain of challenge be taken up and cast into the sea and do not doubt in your heart. You don’t doubt in your heart that he’s going to do what he promised he would do. He shall have you shall have you shall have that promise that verse says he shall have what he’s asking for. But if you’re asking you shall have what you’re asking for. That’s a promise from God himself. Now I have a few examples of diseases that people think are impossible and I’m going to continue with this tomorrow. Once the doctor gets through with his diagnoses, then it’s either down the tubes or you’re going to walk out of the office feeling absolutely great. And sometimes that happens, you’re feeling absolutely great. But most of the time you’re going to find the doctor examining you, examining you, finding something wrong with you. All right. And so the first one, the great one, the sea disease, see cancer, it sends a shiver down almost everyone’s back. But with God, it’s nothing. It’s nothing. Cancer is a spirit of death, destruction, defilement. And that’s those are spirits that you need to bind in Jesus name. And I pray that you will be taking communion. If you’ve had a diagnosis from the doctor, I would take communion every day. Every day take communion in my home. Take that grape juice and bless it and take a cracker and bless it. And as I dip that cracker in the grape juice that has become the blood of Jesus, I take that energy and that healing into my body. Remember what Jesus said in John 10, regarding a 10, 10 regarding the devil. He comes to steal, kill and destroy. And he’s going to try to steal the word out of your heart. He’s come to kill you and destroy you. And if you have the word of God, he’s going to flee. If you speak the word of God to that devil, he will flee from you. And that’s in James 4. And you know, he’s got a pretty good track record, but not after Jesus was raised from the dead. We’ve got to outmaneuver him in his deceitful ways. Jesus gave us the keys of the kingdom and that’s binding and losing. And I’ll talk to you more about that tomorrow. When you recognize the spirits that are at work and try to kill you or steal from you, you bind that spirit in Jesus name. Jesus name is powerful. It’s all powerful. And lose a spirit of joy and peace and deliverance and divine health. And you will see Holy Spirit working in your mind and in your body to bring about good results. Absolutely divine and good results. Praise the Lord. Oh, here’s a song. First things first, all things that I have held dear, the vanities that whispered in my ear. What would I do if they all disappeared? Riches and fame and all that they could buy. I’ve come to find they don’t satisfy. What would I gain if my soul excuse me? What would I gain if my soul’s the price? I don’t want to love what the world loves. I don’t want to chase what the world does. I only want you. First things first, I seek your will, not my own surrender. All my wants to you, Lord. Keep the first thing first. To live your truth, to walk your ways, set my eyes, Lord. I fix my face on you. All my desires reverse to keep the first thing first. I give it all. My life and offering. My heart is yours. Here’s consumed by fire. All the things that I have held dear, the vanities that whispered in my ear. What would I do if they all disappeared? Riches and fame and all that they could buy. I’ve come to find they never satisfy. What would I gain if my soul’s the price? I don’t want to love what the world loves. I don’t want to chase what the world does. I only want you. I only want you. First things first, I seek your will, not my own surrender. All my wants to you. Keep the first thing first. To live your truth, walk your ways, set my eyes, Lord. I fix my face on you. All my desires reverse to keep the first thing first. I give it all. My life and offering. My heart is yours. So have your way in me. Your kingdom’s all I want to see. I don’t want to love what the world loves. No, I don’t want to chase what the world does. I only want you. How we all know? First things first, I seek your will, not my own surrender. All my wants to you. Keep the first thing first. To live your truth, walk your ways, set my eyes, Lord. I fix my face on you. All my desires reverse to keep the first thing first. To keep the first thing first. All my desires reverse to keep the first thing first. To keep the first thing first. All my wants to you. Keep the first thing first. To live your truth, walk your ways, set my eyes, Lord. I fix my face on you. All my desires reverse to keep the first thing first. Thank you, Lord. Oh, thank you. Keep your, keep our first things first to serve you. Father God in Jesus name, I ask for you kind and loving spirit. To go to each one listening today to comfort and guide and heal in the powerful way that you do, may we put our total trust in you believing that you are moving on our behalf. Oh, we are your focus, Holy Spirit. We praise you and thank you for manifesting our healing in Jesus name, in Jesus name, amen. And I’m going to be talking more about that. He’s healing you right now, my friend. He’s healing you as you trust him. And total trust here means total rest. You’re not anxious. You’re not doubting. You’re not hoping that it will work. No, you know that you know that Jesus in you is working in you. Oh, God bless you. And if you want voters guide, just email me at Barbara Carmack at freedom and give me also your cell phone number if you have that because I found a couple emails that just wouldn’t go through. So if you will email me at Barbara Carmack at freedom, I’ll send you those because the time is getting pretty close. God bless you and keep you. Oh, I want you to win. I want you to win. I want this country to be on fire for God again. God bless you and thank you so much. Take joy. Thank you for listening to Call to Freedom with Barbara Carmack. You may get in touch with Barbara at Call to Freedom. Box 370-367 Denver, Colorado 80237. Or you may leave your message at 1-877-917-7256. Call to Freedom is a listener supported radio ministry. Barbara and her power partners invite you to come on board with us and become a network of hands holding up Call to Freedom ministry. Power partners support Call to Freedom with prayer and monthly financial support. You will be blessed supernaturally. We invite you to visit Call to Freedom’s website,, where you can hear Barbara’s daily radio broadcast 24 hours a day or order materials. You may share your phrase reports in heart prize by mailing them to Call to Freedom. Box 370-367 Denver, Colorado 80237. Or you may email us at Barbara Carmack at Until next time, remember Jesus loves you, Barbara loves you, and take joy. [Music] [Music]

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