In this episode, Cherry Campbell dives deep into the intricacies of living in perfect peace through spiritual laws. Learn about the unchanging principles that govern the spiritual realm, including the laws of love, faith, and words. By understanding and applying these laws intentionally, you can align yourself with God’s purpose and experience true inner peace. Cherry shares profound insights on how walking in forgiveness, exercising faith over fear, and speaking life into your circumstances can transform your daily life. As the episode progresses, the focus shifts to the essential practice of taking communion, emphasizing its significance as a reflection
Good morning. Welcome to Victorious Faith. I’m Cherry Campbell. This morning, I’m going to continue sharing with you the message I’ve been sharing with you for the last several broadcasts that I preached in one of our Victorious Faith services called Living in Perfect Peace. And I believe this message is blessing you. If you follow these steps, you can learn how to live in perfect peace. So join me now in our live service for part nine of this message, Living in Perfect Peace. So we prophesied what’s going to happen in this year. It’s also going to happen next year and the next year and the next year until Jesus comes. And we saw that the laws of the spirit will continue. Let me go back and read those again. The spiritual laws will never change. They will always be operative. They are the law of love, the law of faith, the law of the creative power of words, the law of spiritual authority to rule on the earth over yourself and your circumstances and situations, the elements around you. The law of sowing and reaping, the law of wisdom, which is being led by the Holy Spirit, and the law of obedience. So what do you do? Diligently and intentionally and daily. Diligently, intentionally, and daily use the spiritual laws for yourself instead of against yourself. The laws work. Walk in love, forgiveness, and mercy. You can work that against yourself by getting in strife and division. And that gives the devil an open door. Ephesians. Ephesians 4.27. Ephesians 4, 27. Do not give the devil a foothold. But verse 26 says, in your anger, do not sin. Do not let the sun go down while you’re still angry. In other words, walk in love and forgiveness. And then the next verse, do not give the devil a foothold. So by getting out of love, by not forgiving, by getting in strife, allowing the spirit of division, you do give the devil a foothold. You could also, Peter says, giving place, give no place to the devil. You give him place. You give him room. You give him access. You give him an open door. You give him an opportunity. You give him a foothold by getting out of love, by getting in strife, division, anger, unforgiveness. So you close the door on the devil and, Keep the devil locked out by diligently walking in love, forgiveness, and mercy. Number two, the law of faith. So just stay in faith. The opposite of faith is fear, worry, and doubt. Stay out of fear, worry, anxiety, and doubt. Stay in faith. The law of the power of words. Watch over your words. Guard your tongue. The power of life and death is in the tongue. Power of life and death is in your thoughts. Guard your mind. Guard your tongue. And speak only life, only blessing, only healing, only prosperity, only the promises of God. Watch over your words. Okay, let’s make it three things. Watch your heart. Walk in love, forgiveness, and mercy. Watch your mind, your thoughts, and Cast out fear, doubt, worry, negativity, and stay in faith and watch over your words, your mouth, your lips, guard your tongue. Speak only words of life, health, blessing, goodness. God’s word. And then use your authority. Take authority over your circumstances and conditions. If you see anything rising up around you, a sickness, a plague, take authority. I cast it down. I break its power. It shall not come into my house. I cover my house in the blood of Jesus. That sickness will not enter my house in Jesus name. Or if you see accidents or if you see danger, threats of danger. Or threats of financial problem. Or threats of family problems. Or work problems. Use your authority. Bind and loose. Use your authority. Take authority over your circumstances and conditions. Over the curse of sin and death. And all its effects. And over evil influences working against you. Bind the devil. Loose the angels. Speak God’s word. Write that in there on your notes. Speak God’s word into every situation because God’s word will rule over the situation. Whatever you say will rule over the situation. And if you agree with the problem, the problem will rule. But if you agree with God, then God will rule and his promise will rule. So speak the promises of God over every situation. Whatever you say will rule because your words are releasing your authority and your faith. And if you agree with the problem, the problem will rule. If you agree with God’s promise, God’s promises will rule. And then the law of sowing and reaping. So good seed and believe God for your harvest. If you ever accidentally sow bad seed, you’ve done something bad, then repent and cast down that bad seed. Say, Father, I ask that you forgive me. I repent of that. And I call that seed dead. It will not bring up a bad harvest for me in Jesus’ name. And then the law of wisdom, seek the Lord’s guidance, direction and wisdom, the Holy Spirit every day and in every circumstance and in every situation. Don’t just go your own way. Don’t forget God. That’s not that people in Christians intentionally disobey God all the time. It’s more that they ignore God and they forget God. They just go do their own thing without thinking about God or without asking God. You need to ask God about all kinds of decisions that you have to make. Seek him in all your ways. In all your ways, seek the Lord. That’s what Proverbs says. All your ways, acknowledge him and he will direct your paths. In all your ways, acknowledge him. Seek him. Seek his wisdom. Don’t forget him. Ask him. And then obey. Do it. Follow his direction. Give your heart wholly to him. What else do you do? Keep your eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of your faith. Stay in the word of God. Read Psalm 23 and Psalm 91 every day. Plus, whatever other promises you are standing on, the scripture promises that you’re standing on, that you’re confessing and believing to come to pass. You speak those words every day. Number three, cast all your care on him for he cares for you. Resist care and anxiety. And number four, lean not on your own understanding. That’s what I was quoting just a minute ago. But trust in the Lord. Proverbs 3, 5 and 6. Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge him. Seek him. Ask him in everything. And he will make your path straight or he will direct your steps. Number five, submit to God. That’s obey him. Submitting is obeying. resist the devil, turn against him, rebel against the devil. You know, some people want to be rebellious. We’ll just be rebellious, but rebel against the devil. Say no devil. I’m not going to think your thoughts. No devil. I’m not going to sin. No devil. I’m not going to do that. No devil, no devil, no devil. Be rebellious against the devil. Be obedient and submissive to God. And the devil will flee from you, James 4, 7. And then in everything, rejoice. And again, I say, rejoice. Rejoice in the Lord always. And again, I say, rejoice. Glory to God. Hallelujah. Amen. Sila. Think on these things. I want us to receive communion now. Pass out those elements to us, please. And if you’re listening online, go ahead and get yourself some communion elements. And get juice if you have it. But if you don’t have juice, you can pick a substitute. Take a substitute drink. I mean, I’ve been on the mission field where I had nothing but water. If you have nothing but water, take a cup of water. If you have something else… Take it, whatever you have, and then pull out some bread if you have it, or a weedy, or a cracker, or even if you just have a Rice Krispie. So I did this on New Year’s Day. I like to do it every New Year’s Day. I also, not always, but I frequently do it when I pray over my tithe, but take communion. And in the communion, I’ve taught on the lesson of blood covenant, right? And that’s another message I encourage you very strongly. Listen to it. It’s on my YouTube channel on the blood covenant. But I teach about the covenant God has with us and how we enter into that covenant. It’s a marriage. It’s a marriage. And when it says in 1 Corinthians 11, do this in remembrance of me. Jesus was not talking about remember all my thorns. And the whipping and the beating and the nails. That’s mostly what Christians think of. Do this in remembrance of me. And they think of, oh, Jesus, you were beaten. Oh, Jesus, the nails that pierced your hands and feet. Oh, the spear, the thorns. And they think about his suffering. Well, that’s important. But that’s only partway there. What did he do it for? Why did he do it? What did it accomplish? What did it procure for you? It was the entering of a covenant that provides for you everything you need. By his stripes, you’re healed. His punishment brings you peace. Shalom, wholeness, nothing missing, health and prosperity. He becomes to you everything you need. So I go through those names, my healer, my provider, my protector, my deliverer, my fortress, my strength, my salvation and my victory, my wisdom, my helper, my keeper. my peace, the one who’s present. And I say, Lord, I receive you. What he did on the cross was for a purpose. Don’t stop in your meditation with just what he suffered. It was all for a purpose. The focus and the main thing you think on is what did it do? What did it provide? What did it buy for me? What did it pay for? What did it give me? What did it give me access to? And think on those things and receive those things by faith. Otherwise, what he did was in vain. His suffering was in vain if we don’t receive what he did it for. If he was beaten and by his stripes were healed, but we don’t receive healing, then his beatings were in vain. If the punishment which brought us peace was upon him, but we don’t receive our peace, the punishment was in vain. Don’t let his awful sufferings be in vain, but say, Lord, I take. Remember, that’s what the word receive means in the Greek. Take, procure, seize, grasp, take hold, and take to yourself. I take, I seize, I lay hold of everything you paid for for me. I receive my healing right now by faith because you paid for it. I believe I received the provision for every need right now because you paid for it. I believe I received my peace, not only calmness and tranquility and quietness, but I received shalom, wholeness, nothing missing, nothing broken, health and prosperity in every area of my life. I receive you as my victory. I receive you as my keeper, my shelter, my helper. I take you now. That’s my meditation. That’s where I go when I take communion. Those are the things that I think on. I take by faith everything he paid for. What you just heard was part nine of a message that I preached in one of our victorious faith services called Living in Perfect Peace. And we will continue and conclude this message tomorrow. So join me again tomorrow. And remember, God loves you. You are blessed and highly favored by the Lord.