Join Barbara and Darren as they explore the importance of seeking new opportunities and stepping out in faith. Listen to testimonies of individuals finding miracles on their journey and learn how changing your environment can lead to new beginnings and fulfillment in life. Through candid conversations, they emphasize the transformative power of prayer, the necessity to leave comfort zones, and trusting in God’s perfect plan for our lives.
Welcome to Call to Freedom with Barbara Carmack. This is Jimmy Lakey, and I’m delighted that you are joining us for this half hour. You can reach Call to Freedom at Box 370367, Denver, Colorado, 80237, or by going to the website at If you want to leave a message or order a Word Power Daily Reading Bible Guide or a Freedom Street Express newsletter, you can call us toll free at 1-877-917-7256 and leave your name and address, including your zip code. If you want to talk to Barbara right now, she is expecting your call. You may call that same toll-free number, 1-877-917-7256 to speak to her. And now, let’s join Barbara in the studio.
You will be listening to a Darren Live broadcast today. By the amount of calls and emails I’ve received, you have enjoyed hearing shows from the past. On this program, Darren and I talk about the negative effect that fear has on a person’s life. And we discuss the fact that God has not given you a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind. Thank you for joining us today. approach it as an opportunity to see God at work in your life. As we join the broadcast, Darren is talking about our special friends, Jack and Nancy. Let’s join this Encore Darren Live program now.
And we’ve been doing those meetings there for over three years. And we probably should have kept a Tuesday miracle log because we’ve had so many. And people getting born again, set free, finding new friends. The list could go on and on. And, you know, even Jack was mentioned in the newspaper out in Strasburg.
Yeah. Yes.
Jack the meter man.
Yes. The meter reader.
It was really, really a neat article about Jack. Jack and Nancy are frequent visitors to our class. In fact, not just visitors. They’re kind of old timers. But we have a good time and we see people growing in the Lord. And that’s so exciting to me to see people that are fighting that great big monster, the big main monster the devil throws against us as that monster called fear. And it’s not just called a monster in scripture. It’s called a spirit monster.
That’s right. And it is sin. When we give into those things, so many of us, we give into fear or we give into anxiety or worry. And I know some people don’t believe those are sins, but those are sins. And it says God didn’t give us the spirit of fear. And it’s because it is so detrimental in our lives. God isn’t that kind of God to give us that fear. But he gave us power and love and a sound mind. And Darren, that’s such a reassurance. Praise God. I need to apologize. I need to apologize to you and the listening audience. You’re speaking to me? Yes, I’m speaking to you. I need to apologize to all of you because yesterday Holy Spirit was nudging me saying, you know, you had a couple of prophetic words for people and he was saying ears, ears. and someone has a problem with their ears, and they just cannot hear. It’s either a big vacuum, it’s like they’re inside of a drum, or it’s ringing, or something like that. And I didn’t say anything on the show. Of course, we had three calls, and half an hour just goes boom, boom, and it’s gone. And so all afternoon, he kept… telling me about ears last night. We get to the meeting and we had such a great time. And I’ll tell you, over 50 people came during that. It was windy and cold. I mean, and I’ll tell you, I was amazed. We have some really true diehards in the Lord. I just, I love all of you. Praise God.
What’s your apology?
So, and then I get there and during prayer, Holy Spirit is saying ears again. And I didn’t do it. And I just ask your forgiveness because I got home and I started reading the envelopes. And one of the prayer requests was, please pray for my ears. I have ringing in my ears. So in Jesus name, I thank you, Father God, that if this person is listening or any of you that have problems with your ears this morning. Put your hand over your ears in Jesus name. I know Holy Spirit wants to heal you because he was nudging me all day yesterday. I asked his forgiveness and he is ready to heal you today. And in Jesus name, I thank you, Father, that you are going by the unction of Holy Spirit to everyone that has a problem in their ears so that they can open their ears, their natural ears in here. And Father God, I ask also that you open their spiritual ears. to hear the word of God. In Jesus’ name, thank you for this healing. Hallelujah. Amen.
Well, we also had a marvelous miracle shared with us last night. A lady who received a tremendous miracle in the class probably two months ago has been coming alone by herself the last few weeks because her husband was working night shift. Well, he held up his hand last night. He said, I had a major miracle. I got a new job and twice the pay that I had before.
Isn’t that great?
And, you know, we prayed for things like that, that God would just bring around the best employment possible But he’s the type of guy that will go out and ask, make himself available for those openings. And, you know, you can pray and pray in your prayer closet, but some days you have to get out and go out and fill out a job application. You have to go out and make a move. And I have a letter in front of me here, and I’ll let you put the name on this guy that you want to put on him. I mean, if you would describe this guy.
Well, we can just call him Single Guy.
Single Guy. Okay. In fact, that’s the way he signed his letter. Now, I’m not going to tell you whether he’s in Garden City, Kansas, Georgetown, Colorado, Carr, Colorado, Otis, Joe’s, Raton, New Mexico, down in Canadian, Texas. I’m not going to say where this guy’s from, okay? But he’s from a small town. Okay, here’s what he says. Dear Darren, I’m writing to you because during your show I’m working. I don’t always get a chance to listen to your show. I don’t have a computer. Now here’s my details. I’m 36 years old, a male. I’ve never been married. I have no kids. That’s good. Darren, I’d like to be, well, I mean, you shouldn’t probably have kids if you have never been married, right?
That’s true.
I would like a miracle because I live in a small town and all the Christian women here are in high school. Well, he probably should draw a line through that option.
I don’t think that’s the total truth, though, either. I think there are other single women who are Christians.
He said, yes, I am a born-again Christian. I want to meet the soulmate of my life. Pray for me. Would you write to me and let me know? Well, instead of writing, I’m going to send him a copy of this tape. But here’s what I’m going to say. You know, I’ve driven up and down I-25 for many, many thousands of miles. I’ve never seen anybody catch trout in the middle of I-25. Well, you say, how stupid an illustration. Well, no, it’s not really stupid. The reason you don’t catch trout in the middle of I-25 is there’s no trout there.
That’s right.
So if you want to find trout, you’re probably going to have to get off the highway and drive up in the mountains and find a stream where there is some trout.
And we’re not saying there are no single Christian women there, but he just hasn’t met them.
Well, it sounds like it. But here’s my point. If I want to catch catfish and I’m fishing for catfish, I’ve just got to have catfish. Probably I’m going to have to maybe go to Kansas or down in Oklahoma or down into Texas. I’m going to go down where they have a lot of warm water. If I want catfish, if you’re going to catch what you’re after, you got to go where they are. That’s my point. And I, you know, we have a lot of people talk to us and they give us, they give us, they just think they’ve got an impossible situation. No, you know, there are no borders there. keeping you from driving to Denver. And there are a lot of single, wonderful Christian ladies here in Denver.
Job opportunities are absolutely wonderful. Job opportunities are wonderful. In fact, probably better than in this little town.
In this little town. Okay. Also, I know a little bit about Tulsa, Oklahoma. I mean, there’s an abundance of singles there, both men and women. And if you’re not finding what you’re looking for where you are, guess what? Get yourself in the vehicle and get going.
That’s right. There’s Bible school there, and I’ll tell you, there are people that are 45 and 50 going to that Bible school.
And some older than that.
And I know two men from this exact area where he’s from. After graduating from high school, they went to Tulsa, and they found their wives in Tulsa. I mean, we just read here in Genesis, Darren, about Isaac. He didn’t have a wife, and Abraham sent the servant to the foreign country, Haran, which was many days east of where they lived. to find a wife for him. Also, Jacob, he ran away from home for fear of his brother Esau, but he found a wife in another country also. So they left home and they found a wife. Now, if you say, well, I can’t leave home, then you are limiting God because there’s no such thing as I can’t. I know I lived in the Greeley area for 40 years. And Darren, when you were talking about moving to Denver, I said, oh, this is home. I can’t do that. And God almost had to kick me out of there. But he did. And praise God that he did, because our life has changed. And I’m so fulfilled and satisfied.
And you like Denver.
Oh, I love Denver. Yes. A lot of people in like city.
We happen to like it.
Well, I’m from the country. I was raised on a farm.
Now, here’s what we’re saying, folks. Some of you are where you are, and you’re complaining because there are just no opportunities. And I would agree with you. In some communities, there are very limited or no opportunities, maybe for marriage or for job, for employment, for advancement. Don’t let fear keep you there. You may be in a very comfortable paralytic. Now, I want you to hear me, paralytic loop situation. Some of you are in a paralytic loop in the middle of Denver saying, oh, I just can’t find a good church. Oh, I just can’t find anybody to fellowship. I can’t find anybody to lay hands on me and pray the prayer of faith and put their faith with mine so I can get healed. Or I could find a better job if somebody just agreed. Oh, I can’t find any good friends. Hey, try Tuesday night. We have some delightful people on Tuesday night.
Well, or try so many times in these apartment complexes, there’s community centers. Try getting out of your little four walls and meeting the person across the hall or meeting the person down the street. It does take effort on your part. You cannot sit at home, watch television and expect to find somebody or a job or be in fellowship. That is impossible. And so we encourage you. You must make a decision. God has the best for you, but you have to believe that if he sends you somewhere, it’s the very best for you.
You know, I’ve talked to quite a few people that were doing the loop, and they were paralyzed in their situation. And they said, oh, Brother Darren, would you pray for me? And they’d give me a request, something like this. You know, I need to find a wife, or I need to find a husband, or I need to find a better job. And I have a rather creative mind, so I’d stand there for a little bit, and I’d say, well, have you thought about it? Oh, no, I couldn’t. No, no, that wouldn’t work. And, you know, you go through six or eight or ten options. And then they got all the reasons why that wouldn’t work. And then I walk away saying, well, guess I just found out why it just won’t work for them. They’re going to be locked in. Or I might tell somebody, you know, you could be healed. Oh, let me tell you about my family. They start giving me their family medical history. And I say, now I know why you’re not healed. is you have accepted the limitations of your situation, and that’s tragic. That is really, really tragic.
It is.
Don’t allow the devil to get you in a corner and plaster up all the walls and do all that kind of stuff, and then you tell me, well, I just can’t get out of here. Yes, you can. Mm-hmm. Yes, you can. And praise God, we still live in a free country. Bless God. And there are no fences across I-70 or I-25 or I-80. We flew this weekend down to Phoenix, and there weren’t any doors on Phoenix keeping us out of there or out of Tucson. And when we got back to Denver, there were no barbed wire fences keeping us out of Denver.
Praise God.
Now, come on, folks. There’s a way to change your circumstances, and it might be that you have to put down your pet little idol called fear. Now, I have been there. I know what it’s like to feel fearful. I know what it’s like to say, well, there’s new territory. I mean, could I get a job? Yes, I’ve driven clear across the country and found a job in a brand-new city.
I think it also involves laziness, too, because we get into a rut or we get into a schedule or a routine. And the very idea of getting out of that is just absolutely impossible for us to think about. And because we’re so familiar with what we’re doing, we can’t possibly get into any new adventure or area. And I say, wow, that is that’s tremendous to be able to think about. Hey, I’m going to do something brand new that I’ve never done before and get excited about it.
And you’ve got to know this, that God is in your town, whether it’s a little town, a big town, or a big city. He’s there. But he’s also down the road and around the bend and over the hill. He’s there also. And if you give him a chance, and I look at it this way. When I drive through the farming communities, I look at a grain elevator, and sometimes I see these trucks that drive in for a load of grain. And you know that grain is not going to come out in the middle of the street. It’s not going to be half a mile down the other end of town. You have to get under that spout in the elevator for that grain to drop in your truck. Some of you are trying to get God’s glory where you are. And God says, look. My glory is going to be on your life and my blessing is going to be on your life 50 miles down the road. And you’re going to have to move. If you’re going to find that place of blessing, you’re going to have to move.
Well, that’s what he did with Abraham. That’s what he did with Joseph. That’s what he did with many, many.
Abraham’s father was an idol maker. They had to be very wealthy, but God says, Abraham, you’re moving. And he didn’t have a map. He didn’t really know where he was going. He just believed God and went for it.
Oh, and he had much more success than if he would have stayed there. Also, I have a verse from Genesis 28, verse 20 through 22, when Jacob had run away from home to go to his uncle Laban’s house, his mother Rebecca’s brother. And he saw a ladder going down from heaven and angels up and down the ladder. I think that was God telling him, I’m going to take care of you, Jacob. And Jacob said something to God. God, if you will be with me and will keep me on this journey that I take and give me food to eat and garments to wear, and I can return to my father’s house in safety, which he did many years later. Then this stone, which I have set up as an altar, as a pillar will be God’s house. And of that thou does give me, I will give you a 10th of all that you give me. Now, this is the second time that this tide is mentioned once with Abraham meeting Melchizedek. Now with Jacob, I believe Darren, when we put God first and we say, God, I’m going to get to know you and you’re going to bring all of my desires together. If this young man can say, Father God, I’m going to give you the first part of my day. I’m going to make sure that I tithe and I give you what is yours. And I’m going to make sure that my life is congruent, Lord, the way you asked me to do it. Then God will bring the woman in his life. I truly believe that.
Now, I believe this too, Barbara, that many times God just gives us a choice. And let me give you an example. We talked to a lot of people are from North Dakota. So let me pick on North Dakota for a minute. If you don’t like real cold winters and real hot summers, you probably shouldn’t live in Bismarck, North Dakota. Now, I haven’t lived there, but that’s what they tell me. They have hot, hot summers and they have real cold winters. Well, guess what? You have a choice. And if you don’t like cold weather, why don’t you move south? And, you know, God may just be saying, you know, I don’t care whether you live in Albuquerque or whether you live in Riverside, California, or whether you live in Tucson, Arizona. I don’t really care. Or maybe you want to go down to Brownsville, Texas. I just don’t care. But see, I believe that he gives us many times that choice.
I know. I’ve always wondered when there’s a great flood along a river or something and all their houses are absolutely flooded. And this doesn’t happen just once in 100 years. This happens maybe every 25 or 30 years. Or every 10 years. They’ve got to rebuild. Or on the slopes of California and their house goes down to the sea and they build there again. I’m going… Are they stupid or something? I mean, I would get up on the shore far away, at least two or three miles away, if I knew that might happen again. And people are, what are they, creatures of habit? They have got to go and rebuild again.
You know, many people tend their life, I should have, would have, could have, you know, I could have done better, I should have moved, and they didn’t move.
They didn’t move.
They didn’t move.
And they got destroyed, man.
Well, let’s talk to, there’s a lady on the phone, Pam in North Glen, how are you?
Hi, Darren. Hi, Barbara. Hi. How are you? Doing good. Great. Last night when I left the meeting, and I was talking to you, Barbara, last night about my husband.
And a ton of bricks fell on me as I was turning the corner into the driveway. My husband is a reasoner and a planner. And I know you’re supposed to ponder. And that’s a lot different than reasoning, isn’t it?
And… How do I go about praying that reasoning thing away from him?
Well, I believe that Ephesians 1, 17 and 18 is really good. And I would really pray to know that he is, I mean, born again. I know sometimes it’s really hard for a wife to sit down with a husband and Honey, do you really know that Jesus is Lord of your life? If you know that, then you can read Ephesians 1, 17 and 18 and pray that for him, that his eyes, the spiritual eyes would be open for him. Because I know you and I have talked about it, that he just doesn’t believe in giving to the Lord. And that is a real important part of being a born again Christian. And so we need to ask God to change that mindset that he has, because it is really carnal. It is a carnal mindset that he has. So change those patterns of what he grew up thinking and hungering and thirsting. That’s another thing you need to pray for him. Matthew five, six. Oh, good. Good. That’s great.
I would bless your husband with the thirst for righteousness. And Pam, let me say this to you. I spent several years in college. But if the colleges had the answers, you know, we’d be lined up from here to Boulder trying to break the doors down to get in there. And the answers for mankind are not really found at the mind and the reason level. They’re found in the heart. And one reason we have so many metal breakdowns in the United States is we try to reason and we’re trying to make the mind do something God didn’t create it to do. The mind really needs to be a servant of the spirit. So can I read a little scripture to you? Sure. Okay, in Romans 8.6 it says, For it does not subject itself to the law of God. It’s not even able to do so. And those who are in the flesh cannot please God.
Oh, that’s good.
And, you know, we try to get people to have a spiritual identity, and many people try to have a mental identity. They say, above all, I have to reason, I have to think, I have to figure things out, I have to deduct, I have to, you know, all that stuff. And that person is really bound that does that. So I suspect your husband is bound just because he’s depending on his mind too much.
That’s what I see here more and more that I’ve been home. Right.
So then fear, of course, is right there at the door to paralyze a person’s thinking. And this is a scary world. If you don’t really trust in God, this is a scary world. Because all you have to do is read just the headlines. If you didn’t read the paper, just read the headlines. Just listen to a little CNN news. I mean, you’d freak out. And it’s no wonder that there are a lot of people committing suicide today. And a lot of the younger people today are taking that option of suicide. They’re saying, hey, the adults haven’t figured this out. They’ve screwed up our world. And I just think I’m just going to check out. And a lot of them do. And that’s because they’re trying to reason it out, trying to figure it out. And there are a lot of things, very honestly, you just plain won’t figure. Know what I’m saying?
Yeah. Now, he won’t let you give your tithe, right?
Well, we go around and around about it. I’m trying to be a submissive wife, which is hard for me to do sometimes. But he’s a money handler, and he does it really well. Except for that.
Does he do it really well? Yes, he does. Do you have everything that you desire?
90% of it, yes. Do you? Okay. I’m saying if you would talk to him and say, could I take the money that I earn and give that 10%? You’re not asking him to give you all the paycheck to God, all your paycheck to God. You’re just asking for 10% of your paycheck. And let’s do an experiment for 90 days.
Okay. I was going to suggest that, but. With me not working for the past couple of months, I know that’s a lame excuse.
Well, but now you are working again, right?
I’ll be starting here at the end of the week. Okay.
Yeah, I would agree with Barbara there. I believe God will just do things for you.
I do, too.
Your husband needs to see something.
That’s right.
God’s not beyond being challenged there. In fact, this is one area and only area in Scripture where he says, test me. Try me out. Try me out.
Okay. Because I think he’s a reasoner and he’s overwhelmed by that fierce thing going on. We’re not going to have enough money.
Well, I tell you what, when you pray for your husband, buy him the spirit of fear.
Yeah, and bless him with peace and with righteousness.
All right, Pam.
God bless you. God bless.
We love you.
Love you, too. Okay. Bye-bye.
Let’s talk to Seal and Greeley. How are you?
I’m doing pretty good. Good. I’ve looked into you guys off and on for quite some time, but this is the first time I actually got through when you were actually there. Oh, well, good to know.
Well, we’re glad you called.
I was… I was listening, and I just came out of an appointment and heard you talking about going and getting a job somewhere else and getting out of the four walls. Right. I just wanted to share with you an experience that my husband and I had. We were living in Minnesota, and we were planning our vacation to northern Minnesota. And the night before we left, we really felt like the Lord was telling us to come to Colorado to visit his mother. And so the next day, instead of going to northern Minnesota, we came to Colorado. While we were here, we had been thinking we’d always wanted to move back here so he could be by his mom. And it’s been, it was, I think, like 10 years. And while we were here, all of a sudden we thought, you know, Oh, let’s see if there’s jobs. And we were here for a week. During that week, I called on a job position, got a job. My husband went back, or we all went back. I quit my job that I had. and we moved to colorado did your husband get a job here too yes he did actually he came here on the promise of a job oh and um he didn’t even know for sure if he’d get it or not um but if you trust that god is faithful and he is telling you that that’s where you need to be um all it’s going to work out exactly so has he taken care has he taken care of you Oh, yes. I mean, it did take time for my husband to get here because we had to sell our other home. But we had time to see each other like we met in between for a couple months. But the good thing was within two weeks of my husband getting here, Here, we bought a new home.
Oh, praise God.
And I think it was just the timing, because the people whose home that we bought had been thinking about selling their home, and so God wanted to place us in the place where we were.
And He didn’t want us to get a different home, so there were other things that had to fall in line. So it’s really been wonderful.
We’ve been working and doing… Well, actually, now I’m a stay-at-home mom, so… God’s blessing us tremendously because we listen.
Yes, that’s right. And you obeyed. You did more than listen. Shema. That word Shema is in Deuteronomy 6.4. And it’s a Hebrew word meaning listen with the intent of obeying. That’s what you did. That’s what you did.
You know, I was listening yesterday with Dr. Zodiati.
Oh, yeah.
It was so wonderful. And I had always wanted a Hebrew-Greek study Bible. I had Dr. Sodiatis, and I gave it to my pastor because he’d always wanted one, and I just gave it to him as a gift.
Well, you blessed your pastor.
So do you have one? No. Well, I got a cheap one, and it wasn’t the same one. I didn’t realize that. I thought I was getting the same one, and I don’t like it as much, but… It’ll work until I can get a different one.
Well, we’ll pray that you get a Dr. Zodiani’s Hebrew-Greek study.
Yes, thank you. Yes, I’m going to be looking for the New Testament one that he was talking about. The Greek one.
Yes, the Greek one.
You know, we were so honored to be able to interview a man of that stature on our show. I mean, that’s like a dream for us. We’ve had his Bible for a number of years, and that was actually a rerun that we did on Monday. because we weren’t able to get on the plane. All the planes were full coming back from Phoenix. So we did rerun that show, and so many people are blessed.
Oh, I’m glad you did because I would have missed it because I didn’t get to hear it before that.
God bless you. Listen, if you’re not on our mailing list and you haven’t gotten a devotional from us this year, we’d be happy to send you one if you give John your name and address. Okay. All right. Wonderful.
Thank you so much.
Delightful call. It was great.
Thanks, Celia.
Bye now. Bye. Wow, what a great praise report. Yeah.
Amen. It’s important. Amen. I’ll tell you, we have just about a minute to go. And folks, we want to tell you, we absolutely love doing these radio shows. And more than that, we love watching our listeners grow in the Lord. Yes.
Call to Freedom is a listener-supported radio ministry. Barbara and her power partners invite you to come on board with us and become a network of hands holding up Call to Freedom ministry. Power partners support Call to Freedom with prayer and monthly financial support. You will be blessed supernaturally. We invite you to visit Call to Freedom’s website,, where you can hear Barbara’s daily radio broadcast 24 hours a day or order materials. You may share your praise reports and heart cries by mailing them to Call to Freedom, Box 370-367, Denver, Colorado, 80237. Or you may email us at barbracarmack at Until next time, remember, Jesus loves you, Barbara loves you, and take joy.
Thank you.