In this engaging installment of Theology Thursday, Pastor Bob Enyart challenges listeners to discern the pervasive clichés that have crept into Christian teaching. The conversation shifts toward understanding the rightful place of judgment and forgiveness in our lives as believers. With a focus on cultivating meaningful relationships and spiritual growth, this episode encourages you to reflect on the key teachings of Christianity and how they apply to our contemporary church environment.
Greetings to the brightest audience in the country and welcome to Theology Thursday. I’m Nicole McBurney. Every weekday we bring you the news of the day, the culture, and science from a Christian worldview. But today join me and Pastor Bob Enyart as we explore the source of our Christian worldview, the Bible.
Please turn to the epistle to the Hebrews chapter 5 verse 12. Now as we go on assuming we get into the next chapter before the end of this lesson will introduce the subject of eternal security it’s called the endurance, perseverance of the saints, whether or not you could lose your salvation. That, of course, is a topic that interests many Christians. It’s very controversial. At Denver Bible Church, we teach that under the law, you had to endure to the end to be saved, but under grace, you are sealed with the Holy Spirit until the day of redemption. So that there are many Bible verses that teach both. Some people think, well, the Bible would only teach one. Well, there are two covenants for God’s two covenant peoples, and God teaches different things for his different covenant peoples. So we think that that’s the reason why so many people have their proof texts showing, say, you can lose your salvation, and then their problem texts, the ones that seem to say you can’t, and then they have to fight one set or the other. We think both sets are true. that’ll come up in a little bit now I’d like to reread the last few verses were were up to Hebrews 512 but to give us the context speaking of Jesus in verse 9 having been perfected and we saw last week that Plato was horribly wrong when he claimed, without any kind of defense, he just asserted that anything perfect cannot change, and one of the many examples you can give to refute that is the baby Jesus, the holy child. As with any baby, Jesus changed enormously, certainly his physical body, and he was perfect. Adam and Eve were perfect. The Garden of Eden was perfect, yet they changed tremendously. So, having been perfected, he, Jesus, became the author of eternal salvation to all who obey him. called by God as high priest according to the order of Melchizedek. And notice that to all who obey him. We’ll get into that idea as we get into chapter 6 with the question of eternal security. Is it possible to lose your salvation? What if someone puts their trust in Christ, becomes identified with him as a member of the body of Christ, and then stops obeying him? What happens then? verse 11, of whom, speaking of Melchizedek, of whom we have much to say, and we’ll get to that in chapter 7, and hard to explain since you have become dull of hearing. So this is where we left off last week, and that’s quite an insult, right? You wouldn’t want that said of you. I wouldn’t want it said of me, but easily it could be said of us. It’s so common that that human beings become dull of hearing. Now, what might be a symptom of someone who has become dull of hearing? How do you know? How do you know if you or I, if we are dull of hearing? Well, one symptom would be if you notice yourself or someone else putting one ear towards something, sort of half paying attention, half and then concluding that, well, that’s too confusing, or criticizing the speaker instead of my own inattention. Oh, he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. That’s too confusing. It’s whatever. That’s an example or a symptom of being dull of hearing. It’s like, please, don’t bore me any further. But what’s being presented might be important, true, even fascinating but it could come across as boring if somebody’s not investing themselves in trying to understand what’s being said but now what if something really is boring or false or unimportant and somebody’s going on and on and on about something that’s not important well of course that happens and so then when listeners tune out it’s the fault of the speaker of course when his or her message is boring or unimportant, and it’s also good that the listeners tune out if the material is false. If it’s just downright false, you tune in to the radio, or you pop in a teaching tape or a podcast, and you’re listening, and you could discern that what’s being said is not true, well, then it might… dull your hearing very quickly, and that’d be the fault of the speaker. So as with all conflicts, there are two sides to the matter. In this case, though, here in Hebrews, it is the hearers that are being reprimanded, appropriately so, we know, because this is part of God’s Word, and God’s Word is inspired, so they’re at fault. I think in the days that we live in, when we could be intensely entertained at any moment. Isn’t that true? At any moment, merely by pushing a button on a remote control or sliding in a DVD or turning on a podcast, entertainment easily could hit us like in a maximum way because it’s all recorded and because of technology. And so it’s easy to get addicted to things that produce adrenaline, whereas a Bible study probably doesn’t produce as much adrenaline as, say, a Tolkien story made for a major motion picture. There’s a huge difference. And you could entertain yourself with the one and so end up being lax on the other. So… we need to pray and ask god for the strength to focus on what is important and especially on what is important to him and then also to have healthy relationships with family and friends lord god help me to focus on what is important to those i love because if i’m only interested in what’s important to me then i’m not going to have good relationships And I won’t have a good relationship with God if I’m only interested in what’s important to me. So March for Life is coming up. Somebody’s going to pray for good weather. There’s bad weather. Then they’re upset. Their prayer didn’t work. Why did God let it rain on our event? And so they’re focusing on what’s important to them and not to others. That is especially to God. Regarding being dull of hearing, sometimes the Apostle Paul, we can tell from reading the New Testament and others in the Bible, undoubtedly even the Lord, Paul would give Bible studies that lasted for hours. Remember in Acts, there was a guy named Eutychus. And he was listening in an upper window. The home was full. And Paul was going on and on. He’s getting ready to leave the next day. So he doesn’t want to leave any moment to waste. So he’s going to keep teaching as much as he can. So it’s midnight now. The guy falls asleep, falls out of the window, down, and to his death, gets killed. So, as we’ve often said, if there are no casualties, it’s not a Bible study. That story is in Acts chapter 20. And you read it, and you see Paul speaks to midnight. Here’s this crisis. Paul then, with God empowering him, restores this man to life. And then he continues talking until daybreak. So… we need to focus focus on the text focus on what’s important focus on the strategy focus on our relationships so that we can apply the mind that God has given us to make wise decisions and take proper actions so verse 12 For though by this time you ought to be teachers. Now, who ought to be teachers? Only a few people? No, those who are reading this, if they’ve been believers for a while, then they ought to be teachers. For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the first principles of the oracles of God. And you have come to need milk and not solid food. So everyone should become a teacher eventually. The purpose of being nurtured spiritually, intellectually, is not just to fill up, but then to share what we’ve learned with other people. Friday night, some of us went to Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship, and Peter here was there, and he brought his friends, telling them about what’s important, so that we receive not only from God for our own edification, but then we can impart to others what we’ve learned. And one of the things, we heard a creationist expert on astronomy speak about planets, and And it was to the glory of God. It was very exciting. And so it’s so important not to view our own edification as an end in and of itself. But I learn so that I can share with others the truth about the Lord. So because those reading this, the book of Hebrews, because they have not learned They need to start over again with the basics. But that’s sad for these people because they should be mature by now. And they have come to need milk and not solid food. For everyone, verse 13, for everyone who partakes only of milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, for he is a babe. So there is something beautiful about coming back to the foot of the cross. We become Christians at that moment when we realize that Jesus Christ is real. He died on the cross. He loves us. He was raised from the dead so we could have eternal life if only we trust in him. And then we could get busy with our lives and even with Christian ministry and lose that first love. So there is a real fundamental way in which returning to the basics is so important when it involves our relationship. Return to your first love, as Jesus said in the book of Revelation to some believers who had left their first love. So return to your first love. But when it comes to matters of theology, doctrine, the scriptures, it’s sad if we’ve gone five years, 10, 20, 30, and really don’t know much. Then that’s unfortunate. Is everyone called to be a theologian? No, definitely not. And there are people who are theologians, they study Greek and Hebrew, they study theology, and a theologian might be a man or a woman, but either way, they might be married to a spouse who’s busy providing, earning a living, or taking care of the kids, or taking care of the house. And so the spouse is not going to be able to take the time to become proficient at the various intricacies of doctrine when that’s not their profession. And so in a body that As with the body of Christ, there are many members. The members have different gifts. But it doesn’t mean, therefore, that, well, I don’t need to know about the Bible because I’m not called to be a theologian. That would be an overreaction in a bad direction. And so some of us easily get all head knowledge, and our Christian life is not experiential, it’s only head knowledge. Others have intense experiential Christian living, but not the knowledge of the Word of God. So both are errors. And we ask God to help us to be whole and well-rounded, to live the Christian life, to experience it, that our emotions themselves might be honoring to God. I’m not self-indulgent. I don’t get carried away. But I honor God in the way I have empathy for other people, in the way I’ve learned to love Him, the way I love my kids and my family, my friends. So I serve God with my emotions also, not only my actions, not only my mind, but as a whole person. And so we need to be able to become spiritually mature, including and understanding God’s word, regardless of what part of the body of Christ we’re in or that we make up. But that doesn’t mean that one person will be as proficient as another. Of course not. Now, This here was a sad state of affairs, that these believers were so immature that the analogy is made to an infant who cannot eat solid food, but they can only drink milk, that’s it. So then today, if they were that bad then, I think you can make a case that we’re worse off today. that today forget milk the body of Christ is lactose intolerant they can’t handle the milk and I’ll give some examples we could think of Christian cliches which are only popular because we are lactose intolerant as a body we cannot handle even the simple truths as a result While the Bible is set aside, there are cliches that are paramount, that no one dare challenge any of the cliches. And they are, don’t judge anyone ever at any time for any reason. Even though Jesus said, don’t judge you hypocrite, first stop committing the same sin, then you can judge your neighbor. Then you can judge your brother. But we stop where Hillary Clinton stops. Don’t judge. That’s it. As though we’re an absolute. So that’s an example of being lactose intolerant. There’s an entire book in the Bible called Judges. What are the judges? The evil people? No. They’re the good people. Jesus commanded us to judge with righteous judgment. Paul says we are going to judge on Judgment Day. We’ll judge the angels, the fallen angels. We will judge the world. Christ commits judgment into the hands of the saints. And he says, if we’re going to judge angels in the world, shouldn’t we be able to judge even the least matters? I’m embarrassed about you guys, he writes to the Corinthians, because you’re not judging. Start judging. We have the mind of Christ. He who is spiritual judges all things. So that’s the other side of the coin. And that’s the side that’s ignored because the body has become lactose intolerant. If you think you can’t judge people selling drugs to kids on a playground, well then you’re pretty much setting yourself up to be thwarted in any kind of spiritual or emotional growth. You’re not gonna be able to grow if you think you can’t judge. And it set yourself up for being a hypocrite because in my perspective, the most judgmental Christians are the ones who say they can’t judge. Intensely judgmental. Not against homosexuals or child killers, but against those who would rebuke homosexuals and child killers and atheists and so on. Another of the clichés is to forgive everyone. That forgiveness is an absolute. And if that were true, that means that repentance is superfluous. It’s not necessary. And if we forgive everyone, we’re teaching the world that God will forgive everyone without repentance. Whereas Jesus said, if someone sins against you, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him, Luke 17.3. If he repents. So we could throw that out too, because that doesn’t fit in with the cliche that the body of Christ has accepted, because we’ve set aside the Bible for these easy, super-spiritual rules that which contradict the scriptures, but they make us feel good. Sort of makes us feel self-righteous. Takes me out of the battle. Hey, I can’t judge anybody. Besides, I forgive them anyway. Well, what do you forgive them for? You can only forgive someone that you’ve judged to be wrong. So the cliches tend to contradict themselves. Does that make sense? How can you forgive someone if you don’t think they’re wrong? And how could you think they’re wrong if you can’t judge them? So judge not and forgive everyone is a contradict, where truth doesn’t contradict. Truth is non-contradictory. All sins are equal. That’s a cliche. Makes it easy, right? If somebody is apathetic about killing unborn children, and then, hey, that’s the same as stealing a Tic-Tac. And so what’s the difference, really? And I hear that kind of thing on Christian radio. So all sins are equal. That’s what the Bible says, right? The Bible says, all sins are equal, thus saith the Lord. No. Jesus said some people have the greater sin. In fact, that guy there, he has a lesser sin than these guys, because to whom much is given, they’re more accountable. And so you have a whole… a whole chunk of the teaching of the Bible that shows that some sins are far more grievous to God than other sins. That’s why there’s a judgment day. Judgment day is not to determine who’s going to go to heaven, who’s going to go to hell. That’s determined when somebody dies. And when they die, then they’re separated. Those who go to hell, they die and they go to Sheol, to Hades. The believer dies and he goes to be with the Lord. So Judgment Day is not to decide your eternal residence, but Judgment Day, Jesus said, some will be punished intensely, others will be punished less so, and it will depend on many factors. So if you sin and you’re not forgiven by Christ, you’ll suffer for that sin. But what if you teach others to commit the same sin you did? Then you’ll suffer worse. And these are all fundamental principles of scripture that are contradicted by the cliches. But the cliches go unchallenged. And one reason is because they take the Christians out of the spiritual battle. And the Christians no longer are a challenge. So if you have a large church, and the church is sort of uninvested from the battle that’s raging around it, for example, with our godless public schools, So giving your child a godless education, I believe, is inherently sinful. It’s inherently wrong. So you have a big church, a megachurch, thousands of members. How many send their kids to public schools? Well, a lot. So if the pastor stands up and says it’s a sin to send your kids to public school, then what happens? Those people all leave, and then you can’t meet your budget, and you have 20 people on staff and property, eight acres and building. So what happens is the kind of thing that goes for doctrine today is really superficial cliches that are false. And all sins are equal, so it really doesn’t matter. Even if it’s wrong to put your kids in public school, who are you to judge and forgive everyone? So what does it matter? And pretty soon, the only thing that matters is tithing, putting it in, but not taking it out. And if you’re not supposed to judge, then when the plate comes by and you took out, would the church that says don’t judge, would they somehow all of a sudden find a backbone and be very critical? Say, we’re not going to tolerate that. Well, why not? Don’t judge. Forgive. So you can very quickly find out where people stand when it comes to money quite often. Sort of follow the money. Don’t call anyone a fool. The Bible does frequently. Jesus, David, Paul, they call people fools. But you can’t call anybody a fool. That’s more important than do not commit adultery. More important. Hate the sin, love the sinner. We paraphrase that, hate the gin, love the dinner. When God sends people to hell for all of eternity, is he sending their sin or is he sending the sinner? Who goes to hell? Is it the sinner or the sinner? It’s the sinner. It’s not their skin that gets judged. It’s not the finger that pulls the trigger that kills an innocent person. It’s not the action that gets judged. It’s the sinner. And so hate the sin, love the sinner. Of course, God loves the whole world. But he also hates those who shed innocent blood. He hates those who sow dissension unnecessarily. So God can hate and love at the same time, and we can too. We can hate the person who kills the innocent, but love them enough to share with them that they need God, and Jesus Christ will forgive them. So you could do both. You could hate the perversion, the homosexual who is trying to undermine the truth of God, but love him enough to share the gospel with him. You could do both. And the Bible calls on us to do both. that God has a plan for your life. So, you know, what car do I have to buy? What job do I take? Who do I marry? So, God told me to marry this person, and everybody’s so happy, and then a year later, there’s a divorce. And what happened? God told me to divorce this person? No, it’s just we make claims and we attribute our own decisions to God as though God is the one who got me into this mess. And why? And that’s common in prison if you have a jail ministry. Everybody who’s in jail because of their own sin and decisions and actions say, why did God do this to me? God has a plan for my life. This is part of his plan for me. Why? Why? Why does he have nicer plans for other people and my life is miserable? You see how it’s a victim mentality. It’s not biblical. God’s plan for our lives is very general. It’s an umbrella plan. It is that we would love him, serve him, become conformed to the image of Christ, love and serve our family and our friends. That’s God’s plan for my life. Now, which car I buy, the myriad of decisions I make day to day, every year, God is not micromanaging my life. As our kids become adults, we don’t want them to call us and ask every decision they make, should I do this? Should I do this? Should I do that? What should I do on every decision? Because then they would never grow up and mature. So God, he doesn’t want to make every decision for us. He’s given us a mind, faculties, so that if we honor him, we could make decisions that are good. They don’t have to be the perfect decision. Like, am I hiring the perfect person? That’s no such thing. That’s a make-believe thing. Am I marrying the perfect person? Am I buying the perfect car? That’s all make-believe. Right? God gave Adam Eve, and they fell into terrible sin. So, what? If God would have given Adam someone else, then… It’s not God, if only God will show me the right person to marry, then my life will be great. That’s false. There’s only one person for me to marry in God’s perfect plan. If I find that person, then everything will be great. Is that true? Well, what if you find the wrong person? You marry, some guy marries the wrong woman, right? She was supposed to marry another guy. Now that poor slob, his life is ruined. Because some other guy he never even met married a woman he never met that he was supposed to marry. So now he’s stuck with second best. Isn’t that absurd? And then just within a few iterations of that, everyone in the world has married the wrong person, everybody. But if we have no free will, if we have no will, and everybody has to marry whoever God picked, then God is picking all these people and it’s a catastrophe because divorce is epidemic. So all these superstitious ways of trying to simplify the Christian life, they’re all cliches that are so popular because we’re lactose intolerant. The body of Christ can no longer even handle the milk. Forget the meat, we can’t handle the milk. So it’s easier to get someone who’s an unbeliever and bring them to the Lord and then build them up than it is to take a Christian who’s already been ruined by 20 years of teaching and try to help them to grow. If they want to grow on their own and come along, great, but you can’t force feed to someone who’s an adult. God does not change in any way. The utter immutability, of course, that’s not true. God the Son humbled himself, became flesh, took on the sin of the world. The Father poured out his wrath on the Son. All those were terrible changes, important changes, but terrible. God became nicer in the New Testament. Old Testament, he was mean. New Testament, he’s nice. And that contradicts the God cannot change attitude. cliche. So cliches tend to contradict each other.
Hey, this is Nicole McBurney jumping into the broadcast. We are out of time for today, so be sure to come back next Thursday to hear the rest of this study. To find other resources and Bible studies, be sure to go to That’s