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Mon - Fri: 12:00 AM - 12:30 AM & 11:00 AM - 11:30 AM
On this special encore episode of Call To Freedom, we present to you a classic Derin show, where Derin is helping a listener who has battled fear and unworthiness and inferiority for most of her life.
[Music] Welcome to Call to Freedom with Barber Carmac. This is Jimmy Lakey and I’m delighted that you are joining us for this half hour. You can reach Call to Freedom at box 370367 Denver, Colorado 80237 or by going to the website at www.freedomstreet.org. If you want to leave a message or order a word-powered daily reading Bible Guide or a Freedom Street Express newsletter, you can call us toll-free at 1-877-917-7256 and leave your name and address including your zip code. If you want to talk to Barbara right now, she is expecting your call. You may call that same toll-free number 1-877-917-7256 to speak to her. And now, let’s join Barbara in the studio. On this encore broadcast, Darin and I talk to a listener who has battled fear and unworthiness and inferiority most of her life. Darin is saying that she needs to build up her confidence in the word and he prays the stranglehold of fear be gone in Jesus name. He gives her Matthew 5-8, 2 Timothy 1-7 and Hebrews 10-35 to meditate on every day. Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God. God has not given you a spirit of fear but of power and love and a sound mind. And cast not away your confidence for it has a great reward. Now let’s join the program. Well, thank you Jimmy and we are ready to go today and I need to tell you folks in this last night and you missed a real wonderful class. We did. We saw a lot of people just dive in and say holy spirit take over my life. Give me a prayer language. Turn me on, give me power. And many of those people need people but they didn’t have the power but I’ll tell you something today they’re walking around with it. That’s good news. Isn’t it hard to turn off our minds? It says in 1 Corinthians 14, your mind is unfruitful when you begin to pray in the spirit. And I’ll tell you it’s so hard for people to turn their minds off. But there is a one precious lady I was praying with last night. It’s just so hard I’ve learned to think I said turn your thinking off. She’s trying to think the words out. And our minds what God has messed up. That’s my reason and all that’s figuring and all that stuff. Well, let’s talk to Lola and Greeley how are you doing? I’m fine. What can we do for you today? I was just calling to say thank you guys both to you in Barbara because I listen to you all the time at work. And I just need prayer for fear is what I’m calling for. Okay. What’s going on? Why are you fearful, Lola? It’s been like this all my life. I’ve just been afraid of people. Okay. It really kept me away from going to church. I did go to the Benny Han crusade and that I was really nervous and it was hard for me to really get into it because I was just the fear of being with them. I was the fear of being with all the people and everything but I did enjoy myself and just need prayer. Have you was it hard for you to make this phone call? Yes. Well, I’m proud of you doing that. Were you fearful as a little child? I pretty much. I’ve been like this afraid of people to be around people and stuff. But I’ve forced myself, I make myself, you know, I go to work every day and stuff like that. I’m on vacation right now that’s why I’m calling. Okay. What’s your age, Lola? I’m 41. 41? Well, it’s a fear of the spirit. You probably know that if you’ve listened to us very long. Yes. And it’s something that God can take away. And you know sometimes we’re tormented with fear. Sometimes it’s a spirit of anger. Sometimes it’s a spirit of unforgiveness. Sometimes it’s a spirit of hate. And God can take that away. But now I tell you we’re going to pray here a little bit. Do you believe when we pray it’s going to go away? Yes. All right. Now I have to, I have to make a deal with you here. If we pray in which we’re going to and God takes it away, what you’re going to put in this place? I’m sorry I didn’t hear. I say what you’re going to put in the place of fear. Once God takes that out of your heart, what do you want to put in its place? I don’t know. I don’t want to be afraid anymore. I want to be able to go to church. I want to worship with people, God-living people. But see, if you don’t put something in its place, it’ll be like Jesus prayed for this one person and cast out the spirit. And seven more worse than that one came back, then they found the room all swept out and cleaned, and they moved in. So what I’m telling you, getting around to tell you here, is that we’re going to have to put in its place, their spirit of confidence. Yeah. And that comes out of the word. So my question is, are you willing to confess some scripture, meditate some scripture and put something good in place of this fear? Yes. Do you know any word? No, not that much. I’ve listened to the little guy that his name was, I guess, Alex, that had said the scripture he was reading, and that’s what I would like you guys to give me those scriptures, so I can read those all the time. Okay, we can do that. We can do that. Sometimes do you feel sorry for yourself? Yes, I do. Because I, you know, I try and do a lot of nice things for people, because that puts in my heart. And it’s like these people are just going to appreciate it, family and friends. Okay. It really hurts, but I don’t like to feel sorry for myself, because I know I’m a good person, and I know I have got in my heart. Well, you see, fear also comes with unworthiness and inferiority and all those things, and it’s a very paralytic thing, and you know, it’s really time for you to say what you’re doing, and I’m really proud of you for doing that, but it’s time for you to say, I don’t want to live this anymore. Yeah. I’m tired of being afraid, I’m tired of feeling sorry for myself, I’m tired of not having the friends that I’d like to have, and tired of being misunderstood, and all that, and that can turn around for you. So are you ready? I’m ready. Father, God, I thank you for Lord’s phone call, and as she cries out to you today, I’m asking you to deliver her of this stranglehold thing called fear, and to take away the inferiority and unworthiness, and Lord, ask you to cleanse her past and take away the times when she looks back, and maybe she feels like she made a fool of herself or she was awkward, or she didn’t go to church and people were expecting to be there, and she maybe had to make up some phony excuse of why she wasn’t there. And Lord, I’m asking you right now today, and I say that spirit of fear is leaving her life, that spirit of self-pity and unworthiness and inferiority, and I thank you Jesus, she can become very strong and outgoing, and now in its place, she has said that she would speak scripture. So Lord, I know she’s going to do that in Jesus’ powerful name, amen. You got a pencil there? I do. Okay, let me give you a couple of scriptures here. One, as God has just clenched you really of a spirit of fear. So I’d take Matthew 5/8, that says, “Blessed are the pure and heart for they shall see God.” I’d take, second Timothy 1/7, that says, “I’m not giving you a spirit of fear, but a power of love and a sound mind.” And then I’d also take two more scriptures. Hebrews 10, 35, and verse 36. Okay, what was that again? Hebrews 10, verse 35, and 36. That one says, “Cost not away your confidence, Freud has a great reward.” And this is a good one for you, the 36 first, “For you have need of endurance, so when you’ve done the will of God,” and see, the will of God is to meditate and speak His word. So when you’ve done the will of God, you receive what was promised. And you can use those scriptures, and that’s kind of the same chain of scriptures that I gave Alex. By the way, I saw Alex’s dad on Friday, and Alex is still doing extremely well. I don’t want him to grow up and be 41 years old and still be afraid. Really proud of him. Another thing, in 1 John chapter 4, verse 16, John is talking about the love of God. And God is love, and the one who abides in love abides in God, and God abides in Him. And by this love is perfected with us that we may have confidence. Because as He is so are we in this world, there is no fear in love. See now what you need to ask God for is His love, and see His love flowing over you. Like 1 Corinthians 13 says, “That’s the love chapter. Read that. That’s a great chapter.” But it says, “This love is perfected through our scriptures on confidence and God’s love.” Then it says here, which I really love, “Perfect love casts out fear.” And that’s what you need to dwell on God’s love. Not what people think of you, not what people say about you, because look what they did to Jesus. But you need to concentrate on God’s love. You really do. 1 Corinthians 13 is a great chapter to read about God’s love. And also this 1 John 4, 16 through 18. And do you have our tape on binding and losing? I got the fear, the one about fear. I think that’s the one I got. Okay. The one on binding and losing would be good too, because as the devil comes back and harasses you, you can bind the spirits of fear and self-pity and unbelief and anger, and lose the spirits of peace, the spirits of joy. See, you need joy in your life. And you lose those, and you lose a spirit of might and counsel that’s found in Isaiah 11, too, because God wants you to counsel with Him, and to pray with Him. He wants to help you so much. He really does. He loves you. You still have your pencil there, Lola? Yes, I do. Right down 1 John 4, 4. I don’t want you to say this with me. Greater is He who is in me. Greater is He who is in me. Then He who is in the world. Then He is in the world. Now you’re a Christian? I guess. I just want to, I believe in God, and I want to do what’s right. Well, see, the Holy Spirit had me ask you that question, because if you died tonight, you’re not real sure where you go, are you? Yeah. Well, I was, when I was about 14 and I was baptized. Okay. And I spoke in tongues, but that was long, long time ago, and I’ve done some things, you know, that I, that I’ve said the sinner’s prayer, and I said it every time I see it on TV or, okay? I get anywhere I go. Well, but you’re not real sure if you died, whether you’d go to be with Jesus or not, is that right? I think I would. Okay. All right, now you need to hold on to that confidancy. And then by the way, the devil can rattle you. See, and it says, the Holy Spirit will bear witness that you are a child of God. And so you take that 1 John 4, 4, and you say that scripture. Greater is He who is in me. Then He who is in the world. And so you say that every day, and that will help you build up a foundation of confidence that yes, you are born again. And that will also help you fight the fear because the fear of guarantee you, Lola, will try to come back on you. That’s why you absolutely have to promise me you’ll do these scriptures. Okay. Now here’s the way to do them. Do them in the morning. Do it at noon. Do it at night. And any other time you have time, I’d put them on a little card, and I’d get the card out and I’d read that. And the way I would do it is I’d say it seven times in a row. Like, blessed are the pure and art for these who see God, blessed are the pure and art. I’d say that seven times, and now I go to the next scripture seven times, and the next one seven times. And I’d do that in the morning. Do it at noon. Do it at night. And do it especially before you go to bed. Okay. And you’ll be on your way because the word of God is so powerful. It’ll drive all those old habit patterns. Because what your struggle is going to be now, today, tomorrow, and the next few days, is going to be habit patterns. Yeah. Because you’ve been in fear for a long time. But I can tell you, I guarantee you, everything I have, I bet on this. That spirit of fear is gone. Now what you have to do is renew your mind, and God’s Word will change your habit pattern. So one day you won’t even be tempted to think fearful. I hope so. I don’t tell you. I want you to say this. I believe it. I’m a believer. I’m a believer. I’m not a doubter. I’m a winner. I’m not a loser. I’m not a loser. Because greater is he who is in me. No, no. Greater is he who is in me than he who is in the world. That means, see, that means Jesus inside of you and the rotten devil. He doesn’t have a chance against Jesus. Okay. Okay. You hold on. Let me get your address. I’m a prayer partner. Bless your heart. Do you get a newsletter every month? Okay. All right. God bless you. Okay. Well, you hang in there. We’re rooting for you. Okay. All right. You guys all the time and you’re really great. I’ve learned a lot and I just want to say hi to my friend Mary. We listen to her every day at 1030 on our break. Really? Okay. Well, let’s hope Mary’s being good while you’re on vacation. Yeah. I hope she’s listening. Okay. God bless you, Lord. We appreciate you. Okay. Bye. Bye-bye. Well, folks, there’s a lot of process. I hope you’re listening and see if you renew your mind in the Word, you’ll defeat everything that the devil throws at you. I don’t care what it is. What he has for you doesn’t add up or won’t stand up to what God has for you. God’s more powerful than the devil. Now, why are you telling this out there and everybody knows that? No, everybody doesn’t know that. And I’m talking about that in a very vital sense. You need to know when you get the Word of God and you go after those things that are tormenting your life, guess what has to give in? You don’t have to give in. That thing is bugging you has to give in. And that’s great news. That’s great news. You have a letter? Yeah. A power partner and he is such a blessing to me every month when he sends his check. And he says, he’s explaining Deer Daron and Barbam. So glad we’re all in one family. Thank you for all that you do for the Father’s kingdom. I love you. And there are no words to express my love. God bless you all. And his grace and peace be with you. Here is my power partner, Tide. I’ve been working a lot of overtime, but my Father owns it all. So here is my gift. And I’m standing on God’s Word, Matthew 13.23. And Matthew 13.23 says in the one on whom seed was sown on good soil. This is the man who hears the word and understands it. And he indeed bears fruit and brings forth some hundredfolds, 60 and 30. So Richard, I’m believing that God will pour out the greatest amount to you, hundredfold here for you, brother. And I’m right where Jesus wants me to be for such a time as this harvest time is now for God’s people. And then he quotes Isaiah 41. I love letters like this, Deer. And Isaiah 41.13. And it says, “For I am the Lord your God who upholds your right hand, who says to you, ‘Do not fear I will help you.'” And, “Oh, I will, I thank you so much for that scripture.” And he says, “God will restore to his people the years that the locusts have eaten Joel 225. Stay strong. We love you.” And bless Tony and his family and home of refuge. And we’re going to hear from Tony and Rosa tomorrow, aren’t we? Hey, man. You know, Richard’s letter is so meaningful. And you folks don’t realize this, but when you sit down and you write a letter like this and you put scripture in there, it ministers to Darren and Barbara. And they say, “Wow, these guys are catching on, and we’re not the only one out there peddling the word, sewing the word in people’s hearts.” And every time Richard writes, I mean, he does not write a letter of flimflam and surface stuff. You know, well, God bless the Broncos and hope the sun shines all winter long. He does write stuff like that. I mean, he gives us wonderful letters of depth and we so appreciate that minister to us. That’s right. And you know, I’m sure Richard does not have a real easy life. And yet his letters are always edifying. He is always on top of his circumstance instead of under it. So I appreciate that so much. I just wanted you to know that letters like this are the letters that those kind of letters, God really, delights in. It’s wonderful. Well, last night. We received a note last night. Let’s just talk about that for a minute. Well, it says, “Today on the radio, you talked of Psalm 103.” Well, it wasn’t us. But I want to talk about Psalm 103, how God saves absolutely. And he does. When you ask God to forgive you of your sin, he saves absolutely. And I’d like to just say what– Now, what does that just hold on a minute? What does that–what do you mean when you say he saves absolutely? When you say the sinner’s prayer, when you say, “Father God, I am a sinner. I acknowledge my sin. I need to be born again. I need to change my heart from that heart that obeyed the kingdom of darkness to the one that obeys you, Lord, that comes into the kingdom of light,” as Peter said in 1 Peter. And so that’s the kind of absolutely–when you pray that prayer, you’re saved. I mean, if you died the day that you said that prayer, you’re going to go to heaven. That’s being absolutely saved. And here it says in Psalm 103, verse 17, “But the loving kindness of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting. Here’s the catch on those who fear Him and honor Him and revere His name and His righteousness to the children’s children.” Listen, we have a tape. Here is your salvation at risk. And that means therein and I believe that you can walk out from the covering of God’s grace. You can’t as an act of your will. You know why I believe that, Barmer? I believe that because if God can’t make me get saved, in other words, I have a will. I can say, “Fui on you, I’m just not going to buy it at this religious trash. And God just get away from me.” In fact, I don’t even believe you exist. I mean, we’ve heard people say stuff like that. Well, if God could, He could reach down to say, “I want the whole world to be saved and I call you all saved. I forgive your sins and snap these fingers and everybody, it would be all cool.” It doesn’t work that way. You have to come by a decision of your own and say, “Okay, I understand that Jesus already died for me. I want a cash in on that forgiveness. Yes, I have been a sinner. Yes, I do accept the forgiveness of Jesus Christ. I want to be born again.” That’s right. Henry Pant means to change. It means to turn around from those things you’ve been doing. Now, if you continue in that sin that you have been, you could just ask God to forgive you of. And your habit patterns do not change because you do not really know you’re not mind in the Word. And you get back into that pit of destruction. God somehow, God, that God doesn’t do it. But you have walked out of that wonderful grace that God covers you with when you’re saved. And Peter talks about people that have fallen away from the grace of God. And in Romans, or the writer of Hebrews says, “Who has once been enlightened and you turn away from the Jesus that died for your sins.” It is a bombination to God. And we know the writer of Psalm 103 and it was David. He says, “Bless the Lord, who delivered me out of the pit of destruction, who forgave all my iniquities.” David knew, Darren, that God forgave him of the adultery, God forgave him of the murder. That was gone away and cast into the sea. But David also knew that he needed to walk with God. It wasn’t a game plan, guys. He needed to walk with God on a daily basis and honor and revere God. And David knew that God’s love was everlasting. It sure is. But as an act of our will, if we get stiff-necked, if we allow bitterness and resentment to turn into mockery and blasphemy, Darren. You know, the Holy Spirit wants me to say this to our listeners, to our power partners, to our friends and to you that aren’t our friends. We have some of you to listen to that are not friendly toward this ministry. Well, I’ll tell you something. We’re still blessing you. And I want to say another thing to you. You need to get clear in the water. Some of you have only stuck your little toe in. You’re just dabbling, you’re messing around. You’ve got just enough religion, just enough Jesus to be miserable. Why don’t you go for it all? It’s okay. It’s true. Why don’t you go for it all? And we’ve got people just messing around and saying, “Well, you’re not working it. You’re not getting involved with it.” You see, you need the whole council of God. You need to get in. In fact, we have a Bible reading program that will get you through the Word any year. Some of you believers, I’m asking the Holy Spirit now to give you a kick in the backside here when I say this. In fact, these are probably the ones making me say this. Some of you have never read the Word completely through. You dible the oil, you might read the 23rd Psalm, you might go over and read a little bit in the gospels and you’re just messing around. Why don’t you get serious about this? And let me tell you folks, you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to understand this. There’s a whole bunch of wacky things going on in our world. And for example, you go into a business today and you want to buy a product that maybe five years ago was on the shelf. Right now, it’s not on the shelf because they’re waiting until you come in and plunk down your money to go to the whole cell and buy it to have it shipped in. Hopefully, they send you the right thing. And we’ve ordered just simple things as paper supplies. We order gray envelopes all the time. We’ll guess what they’ve seen green, they’ve seen blue, they said, “Dar, every color, but the right one.” Well, guess what that does? That delays, it costs that company money, it costs us time and hassle. So much waste. That’s just a small example. Now, I mean, you can look at that. Politically, you can look at the geopolitical forces in our world today. You can look at the, you know, here the Russians are bombing the Chessians right now. And I mean, they’re all kinds of wars and rumors of wars and earthquakes. It’s exactly what the Bible says. We’re getting ready to wind this thing up and go to be with Jesus. Yes. I just wanted to, I just have to say this part of this letter, Psalm 103, “How the Lord saves absolutely.” But I was looking at 1 Peter 418 that the righteous are scarcely saved. That is not what that verse means. And I hope you’re listening today. In 1 Peter 417, it is time for judgment to begin with a household of God. That means God’s going to shake you. He’s going to test you to see if your heart is right with him. And that’s what some of you are going. You’re just like you said, Darren, you’re just kind of living on the outside and you’re miserable because you’re not getting your feet into the river of life. And it begins with us first. What will be outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God? For if it is, for, and if it is with difficulty that the righteous is saved, what will become of the godless man in the sinner? Hey, it was with difficulty that we were saved. Jesus died on the cross. He hung there. He bled and died. It was with much difficulty that we are saved. You know, we had a surgeon in our class last night and I think it was the first time he visited the class. He’s a frequent listener, but he said I was just I think he said in Ethiopia. I was in a hospital where 93% of the people had active AIDS. Yeah. I mean, they’re going to lose a whole generation there, but folks, we’ve got our problems here in the United States also. Let’s talk to Helen. The line one. How you doing? Hello, Helen. Hi. How are you? I just want to encourage that young lady that called in earlier and tell her to really get into those scriptures because it really works. And I wanted to tell you that we could go to tonight, you know, when you said you saw these drops of the one that’s like gold droplets falling on people. The anointing. Yeah. I think one fell on me. I just had I have felt so good ever since. And I went to the dentist. Friday, they had to extract a muller and he had quite a problem with that. He had taken the next grade. New he was going to have a problem. And the anesthetic that gave me may be very, very shaky. And I told him I wouldn’t be able to write a check to somebody else was going to have to write it. And because of the scripture Luke 1019, where he was given this authority over serpentine scorpions. Right. Second Timothy. One seven words is not given this spirit of fair bit of power and love and sound mind. Those scriptures came to me and I was shaking so bad I couldn’t even get up and come home. And I remember you know you’re teaching on the power that we have. Right. And I just commanded. I just said in Jesus name, I command this body to stop the shaking and trembling right now. And I have to tell you I was even amazed. It stopped immediately. I became like a wet rag. And I just completely relaxed and was able to write my check and the dentist was amazed. I told him what I had done. Well, I think that I think that’s wonderful. You know what you’re saying to this younger person. That other person was 41. What’s your age? Hell. Well, I’ll be 74 next month. I thought if I worked it right. I thought I would work that right. I could get that out of you. What you’re saying is it works for people no matter what their ages. Oh, that’s right. Another thing. Another amazing thing that happened is that he had asked me to get a prescription before I ever came to the dentist office for pain. And I just declared I just declared that I would not have pain. Our child 228 if you declare a thing that will be established for you. And I didn’t have one better pain than having had any sense. I think that’s great. That’s great. I just drilled over it. Well, good. Well, listen, I appreciate your call. Yeah, God bless you. Not only that, we love you. Love you too. Okay. Thank you for listening to Call the Freedom. The verse of scripture I want to leave you with is first John 4, 16 through 18. And you have come to know and have believed the love which God has for you. God is love and you abide in his love. There is no fear in love for perfect love. Cast out fear. Fear is eradicated when you realize God’s perfect love for you. And you acknowledge his love. God bless you and keep you until we meet again. Thank you for listening to Call to Freedom with Barbara Carmack. You may get in touch with Barbara at Call to Freedom. Box 370-367 Denver, Colorado 80237. Or you may leave your message at 1-877-917-7256. Call to Freedom is a listener supported radio ministry. Barbara and her power partners invite you to come on board with us and become a network of hands holding up Call to Freedom Ministry. Power partner support call to Freedom with prayer and monthly financial support. You will be blessed supernaturally. We invite you to visit Call to Freedom’s website. www.freedomstreet.org where you can hear Barbara’s daily radio broadcast 24 hours a day or order materials. You may share your phrase reports in heart prize by mailing them to Call to Freedom. Box 370-367 Denver, Colorado 80237. Or you may email us at Barbara Carmack at FreedomStreet.org. Until next time, remember Jesus loves you, Barbara loves you, and take joy. [Music]