Join Cherry Campbell in an enlightening discussion on the spiritual law of faith and its transformative power in our lives. Discover how the natural world falls short, and how, through understanding the kingdom of God, we can tap into a higher power to change our circumstances. Cherry emphasizes the importance of aligning yourself with the Word of God, which acts as a seed, allowing faith to grow and yielding a harvest of healing, prosperity, and protection.
Good morning. Welcome to Victorious Faith. I am Cherry Campbell. This morning I’m going to continue sharing with you lesson number 12 in a series of studies called Understanding the Kingdom of God. And this lesson number 12 is a summary of the spiritual law of faith, which I preached in the Pacific Islands of Pohnpei, Micronesia. So join me now in this live service for the continuation of lesson number 12, a summary of the spiritual law of faith. Animals have no power to change their environment, change their circumstances. If it rains, they get wet. If there’s drought, they go thirsty. If there’s famine, they go hungry. If there’s plagues and diseases, they get sick and they have no power to stop it or to heal themselves. Animals are victims. You know what a victim is? A victim is someone who just experiences whatever happens. He cannot change it. Animals are that way. They have no power to change the circumstances around them. The Bible says the wicked are just like them. The unbelievers are just like them. Why? They have no power. They have no power to change and they cannot stop the disease. They cannot stop. I mean, just look at the world today. Today we see a world that is showing this more than ever before. The world does not know what to do with the economy. Bad economy, what do we do? They try to fix it, but what they do makes a bigger mess. In America, they’re borrowing money to get out of debt. You cannot go into debt trying to get out of debt. You just go farther in debt. It doesn’t work. It’s the human natural way of thinking and the end of it is death. It’s like saying, I’m digging in this hole to get out of the hole. Well, the more you dig, the deeper you’re going. That’s the natural world. They’re just getting deeper and deeper. They’re not able to get out. Why? They have no answers. They have no power to change things. You know, they talked about the SARS disease. You know, everybody was afraid of SARS. Now, most recently it was, what was that flu coming? Swine flu. Swine flu. You know, people are afraid of the swine flu. Why? They have no power to stop it. They have no power. They have no power to stop it. They can’t cure it. They are powerless. But guess what? The church is not powerless. We have the answer. We have the power. We should be the ones changing the economy. We should be the ones removing the SARS and the swine flu and every other disease that tries to come into our country because we are the ones that are carrying the power in the word of God and through faith. It’s creative power. Creative power is available to us and we’re the only ones that have it. We’re the only ones that have it. But the problem is that so many Christians are using natural faith and therefore, even though they’re born again, they’re still powerless. They’re powerless to change their circumstances. You know, that’s the biggest problem every human being has. is needing power to change their circumstances, needing power to pay off their bills and to heal their body and to fix their family, fix their children, take care of the children. Everybody is needing power to take care of the needs and the situations of life. Only in God and in the God kind of faith do we have that power. But we do have it. It has been given to us. Everything we need to get the victory has been given to us. But a lot of Christians are living the natural way by natural faith. And just like the sinner, they’re victims to the SARS or the swine flu. They’re victims to bad economy, job loss, pay decrease, money decrease. And they’re suffering. They shouldn’t be. Because we’ve got the power. And it’s in the God kind of faith. So the natural faith has no power to change things. It is powerless. But the God kind of faith has all the power you need to turn your situation around. It is explosive power to come in and heal your body. It’s explosive power to come in and heal your finances. It’s explosive power to come in and deliver your children from drugs. It’s explosive power to provide you with everything you need in this life. It is the God kind of faith. And Jesus is saying, you and I must have this faith. Amen. How do we get it? First of all, let’s say, how do we get it? Go to Romans 10. Romans 10. We can have the power to change our situation and not only ours, but those for other people. Other people around us. Romans 10, verse 17. Therefore, faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Faith comes by hearing the Word. So what is the source of faith? The Word of God. The Word of God. It’s just like corn will come from a corn seed. The corn seed produces the corn. Cucumber seed produces the cucumber. The Bible, the word of God is the faith seed. It is the seed of life. I mean, there are so many scriptures. We have been born again, not of corruptible seed, but incorruptible by the living word of God. The living word of God is incorruptible seed. And other scriptures also. Mark chapter 4, the sower sows the word. And then Jesus told the parable, the sower goes out and sows his seed. And then the disciples said, explain to us what that means. And Jesus said, the sower sows the word. The word is the seed. So the word is the seed that will produce faith. And without the word, you have no faith. How can you get corn without a corn seed? You can’t. It’s impossible to get corn without corn seed. It’s impossible to get faith without faith seed. And the word of God is the faith seed. Therefore, you must have the word in order to get faith. Amen. Faith comes from hearing the word of God. The word of God about what? The word about whatever it is that you need. In other words, we’re talking about specific things. words out of the bible for specific needs that means yes you can go to numbers the book of numbers and read all the numbers of the tribes of israel but that’s not going to produce faith for prosperity very fast or faith for healing it will take a long time But where do you look for prosperity? You look for the promises of prosperity. What did God say about your prosperity? I quoted you a whole bunch of verses already. Prosperity is the reward of the righteous. With wisdom are riches and honor, enduring wealth and prosperity. Blessed is the man who fears the Lord. Wealth and riches are in his house. God takes pleasure in the prosperity of his servants. He meets all of my needs according to his riches and glory. The Lord is my shepherd. I have no wants or needs. I need nothing. Psalm 34, 9 and 10. Those who fear Him lack nothing. All of these will produce faith for prosperity. Faith for your needs to be met. You must meditate on those verses over and over and over and over again to get faith in your heart to believe that your needs are met and to believe for riches and wealth and honor. You must meditate on those. What about healing? You go to the healing scriptures. By his stripes you were healed. He himself carried our sicknesses and bore our diseases. God said, I am the Lord who healeth thee. He sent forth his word and healed them. Proverbs 4, 20 to 22. My words are life and they are medicine. Or some translations say health. The Hebrew says medicine to your flesh. My words are medicine in your body. Jesus came doing the will of the father. He said, I came to do my father’s will and he healed all the sick. All the sick. It is God’s will for you to be healed. But how do you know that? And how do you get faith for it? You must read the promises for healing. To get faith. The seed of healing is in the word. The seed. You know, Jesus said that everything operates by sowing and reaping. God said everything works in the kingdom by sowing and reaping. The kingdom of God operates by sowing and reaping. What does that mean? Everything is produced from a seed. Everything is produced from a seed. And everything grows the same way a seed grows. You have to water it. You have to stand and wait and be patient. And then you harvest it. So everything you need comes from a seed. Your healing comes from a seed. And the seed is the word of God. The healing promise is the healing seed. that will produce a healing in your body. Prosperity promises are the prosperity seeds that will produce prosperity in your life. Protection promises are seeds for protection that will protect your life. A lot of people think, well, God just let me have that car accident. It was not God’s will for you to have a car accident. He gave the word. He says, He delivers us from all harm. No weapon formed against us shall prosper. Though a thousand fall at my side, ten thousand at my right hand. What’s that? Eleven thousand people. A thousand at my side, ten thousand at my right hand. There’s eleven thousand people are dead. It will not come near me. Psalm 91. You have to believe it though. You have to add your faith to it. Lord, you said even if 11,000 are fallen dead all around me, it will not come near me. And you say it’s not going to come near my house. It will not come near my family. It will not come near my vehicle, my property. It will not come near anything I own. The swine flu? it will not come near me. It will not come in our house. It will not come to our children. It will not come on our property. It will not. A thousand may fall out there with swine flu, but it will not come near us. He protects us and He delivers us from every evil. Amen. You’ve got to believe it, but where do you get it from? From the Word of God. The Word is the seed that will produce faith for your prosperity, for your healing, and also for your protection. What you just heard was the continuation of lesson 12 in a series of lessons called Understanding the Kingdom of God. And this lesson number 12 is a summary of the spiritual law of faith, which I preached in the Pacific Islands of Micronesia. And we will continue this lesson next week. And if these messages are blessing you and encouraging you, building your faith and giving you new revelation, then I invite you to partner with us in supporting the radio broadcast airtime. You can do that by going to our website at Victorious, like a champion, V-I-C-T-O-R-I-O-U-S, faith, F-A-I-T-H, dot C-O, C-O like Colorado. And go to the giving page where you can give online, buy Zelle Bank Transfer, PayPal, credit card or debit card. And if it’s your first time to partner with us or give by Zelle, please give us your email address in the memo line so we can respond to you with a thank you and our partner letter. Also, you can write to us by postal mail at Victorious Faith, P.O. Box 509 East Lake, Colorado 80614. And as always, we bless your seed and we command it to multiply and be fruitful a hundredfold in Jesus name. And we agree with you for your victories, breakthroughs, harvest and answers to prayer. in Jesus’ name, and we bless you in Jesus’ name. Now, join me again next week for the continuation of this message. And remember, God loves you. You are blessed and highly favored by the Lord.