Explore the divine dimensions of wisdom and prosperity as Cherry Campbell shares insights from her teachings in the Pacific Islands of Micronesia. Through the understanding of God’s ownership of the world’s riches, she sheds light on how believers are empowered to claim their inheritance through faith. Learn how to shift from being victims of circumstance to creators of a blessed reality through the God kind of faith.
Good morning. Welcome to Victorious Faith. I’m Cherry Campbell. This morning, I’m going to continue sharing with you the message I began sharing with you yesterday that is part 12 in a series of messages called the Kingdom of God. And this lesson 12 is a summary of the spiritual law of faith, which I preached in the Pacific Islands of Micronesia. So join me now in our live service for lesson 12, a summary of the spiritual law of faith. Proverbs chapter 8, wisdom is calling out. Wisdom says, with me are riches and honor, enduring wealth and prosperity. Is it God’s will for you to have wisdom? Yes. And wisdom says, with me are riches and wealth and prosperity. So if you get wisdom, you will get riches and wealth and prosperity. It is His will. Not for you just to have enough, barely get by, pay your bills and that’s all. But to be rich, it’s His will. The wealth of the wicked is laid up for the just. It belongs to the righteous. Everything in the earth, Psalm 24, 1, belongs to the Lord. It doesn’t belong to the devil. Everything in the world belongs to the Lord. All the riches belong to the Lord. In Haggai chapter 2, it says that the gold and silver are mine, says the Lord. The gold belongs to God. It’s His. And who has He given it to? His children. God doesn’t need any more gold. His roads are already paved with gold. Ours are not yet paved with gold. That’s why we’re the ones that need it. Amen. He already has his and what’s here in earth is made for man. You know, nothing on earth is going to be taken to heaven. The gold that’s on earth doesn’t go to heaven. It’s to stay here on this planet for us to use it. That’s the reason why it was created. Did you realize that gold was created for us? Not for the devil. For us. For us. It wasn’t created for the devil. It wasn’t created for the sinners. It wasn’t created for those who sell drugs. It wasn’t created for those who sell pornography. It wasn’t for those who work in the mafia. That’s not who the gold is for. The gold is for the church, for the righteous, for the just. That’s who it’s for. It was created by God for God’s own children. It’s ours. How shall we receive it? By faith. Hallelujah. Amen. Everything is by faith. So it sounds like we need faith, don’t we? If you’re going to be saved, you need faith. If you’re going to be healed, you need faith. If you need prosperity, money, you need faith. It’s going to come by faith. Let’s look at Mark 11. Mark 11, 22. Mark 11, 22. Have faith in God, Jesus answered. Now, actually, the New Testament is written in Greek. This verse in the Greek, original Greek, does not say have faith in God. It literally says have the faith of God. Of, not in. So there’s a difference there. He is not saying, believe in God. Hey, everybody, just believe in God. That’s all you got to do is believe in God. No, that’s not all you have to do. There’s a lot of Christians who believe in God, but they don’t have the faith of God. There is a big difference. People are believing in God, but not having the faith of God. And Jesus is saying, have the faith of God, or you could say God’s faith. So what I’m going to show you is that there are two kinds of faith. Two kinds. Everybody say two kinds of faith. First of all, I’ll tell you the word faith simply means believe. Faith means believing. There’s two kinds. One kind is natural faith or human faith. The other kind is the God kind of faith. They believe differently. Natural faith believes what you can see. What you look at around you, how you feel, that’s what they believe. I believe the sun is shining because I see the sun shining. I believe I’m healed because I feel like I’m healed. They believe what they can see and feel and touch. The God kind of faith believes what it cannot see. It believes it is a reality what is unseen. In other words, in Genesis 1, God created the heavens and the earth and then he created light. But what did he see? He looked and darkness was over the face of the deep. He opened his eyes, physical eyes, what we would call physical, and he saw darkness. But he did not say, wow, it is so dark out there. That’s not what he said. If he had said it’s so dark, it would still be dark today. But he looked at the darkness and he said, light be. And light was. He looked at the darkness and he said, Light. How did Jesus heal the sick? He said to the lame man, Get up. Now, in the natural, you look at it and say, He can’t get up. Why tell him to get up? He can’t. Because of faith, seeing what nobody else could see. Faith was seeing that he was up. He was healed. He was walking. And the man had the shriveled hand. The arm was all twisted. And Jesus said, stretch out your arm. The man didn’t have curled up fingers and God said, here, give me your arm. No, he said, stretch it out. That was something that the man could not do in the natural. His arm was all twisted up. And Jesus said, stretch it out. Well, the man didn’t sit there and argue and say, I can’t. Can’t you see? No. He acted by faith and he began to stretch out his arm and the power of God healed him right then. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. So you see, faith sees what you cannot see with the physical eyes. And therefore you’re believing what you don’t see with your physical eyes. You’re believing that you already have the healing before you feel healed. before you look healed, before you sound healed, before the doctor says you’re healed. You believe that you’re healed. You believe you’ve got the money in your hand. You’ve got $20 or $50 in your hand before you see it. You cannot see the $20 or the $50, but you believe it’s there. Okay, let me go a little bit more simple. Natural faith believes after it can see something with its physical eyes. Natural faith will believe afterward. It sees it with the physical eyes, then it believes, okay, now I’ve got it. But the God kind of faith believes before you can see it with your physical eyes. The God kind of faith comes first, believing and then seeing. The world says seeing is believing. You see it and then you believe it. Some people say, I’ve got to see it to believe it. Well, that’s natural faith. And you will not receive. But the God kind of faith says believing is seeing. You believe it first when there is nothing to see. But then that believing is what will make you see. It will cause it to come into effect. Let me show you like this. Natural faith comes after. So by coming after, natural faith is a result of seeing something. I believe this podium is here because I see it. That’s natural faith. And it’s a result of what I see. So natural faith is after. It’s a result of seeing. But the God kind of faith comes first before you see it. And therefore, I want to show you this. The God kind of faith is God’s creative power. It is the power that God used to create the heavens and the earth. Faith produces power. The God kind of faith produces. The God kind of faith is explosive power. The God kind of faith is creative power. God believed and then he saw the heavens and the earth. The heavens and the earth were made because God released his faith and his faith exploded and created the heavens and the earth. The God kind of faith is power. It is power to create things. So it believes it, and in its working, it creates it. The God kind of faith created the light. So that’s why I say the God kind of faith comes first. You see nothing at all, but you release faith, the God kind of faith, and you’re releasing power to create, explosive power to create what you believe. Do you understand what I’m saying? It is not a result. The natural faith is powerless. Powerless. It has no power to change anything. All you do is believe, I feel sick, I believe I’m sick. Guess what? You’re going to stay sick. There’s no power in it to change what you feel. You believe you don’t have the money, then you’re going to continue not having the money. Because that’s what you believe. And that has no power to change anything. It’s powerless. That’s the way the world is. The world is powerless. They have no power to change their circumstances. You know, the Bible says in Psalms that the wicked are like the beasts of the earth that perish. What does that mean? Animals have no power. Animals have no power to change their environment, change their circumstances. If it rains, they get wet. If there’s drought, they go thirsty. If there’s famine, they go hungry. If there’s plagues and diseases, they get sick and they have no power to stop it or to heal themselves. Animals are victims. You know what a victim is? A victim is someone who just experiences whatever happens. He cannot change it. Animals are that way. They have no power to change the circumstances around them. The Bible says the wicked are just like them. The unbelievers are just like them. Why? They have no power. They have no power to change and they cannot stop the disease. They cannot stop. I mean, just look at the world today. Today we see a world that is showing this more than ever before. The world does not know what to do with the economy. We are the ones that are carrying the power in the word of God and through faith. It’s creative power. Creative power is available to us and we’re the only ones that have it. What you just heard was lesson 12 in a series called The Kingdom of God. And this lesson 12 is a summary of the spiritual law of faith, which I preached in the Pacific Islands of Micronesia. And we will continue this message again tomorrow. So join me again tomorrow. And remember, God loves you. You are blessed and highly favored by the Lord.