God’s forgiveness for eternal life is a one-time occurrence, while any sin after salvation must be confessed daily.
Welcome to the In Touch Podcast with Charles Stanley for Thursday, September 26. Scriptures clearly tell us that in order to be saved, we must believe. Let’s get clarification of what that really means as the Ways of God series continues.
Would you like to get to know God better? Well, if you are a believer, more than likely you’d say yes, but I’m not quite sure I know how to do that. I read the Bible, I pray, I go to church, I give.
But I don’t know that I’m really and truly learning to know. Him better. Well, one thing is true.
If you will listen to this whole series of messages that we’re doing now, you will learn to know God better. Because we’re talking about the ways of God. And you see, until you begin to understand the ways of God, how does.
He think? What motivates. Him?
Why does. He do what. He does?
Why does. He respond the way. He responds?
Why does. He act the way. He acts?
You see, once you begin to understand the way God thinks a little bit and the way. He operates, and oftentimes. He doesn’t operate the same way we do.
But when you begin to learn the way. He thinks and what motivates. Him, all of a sudden you begin to understand better.
You begin to know. Him better. And that’s what we’re up to in this whole series entitled The Ways of God.
And what I want to talk about in this message is this, one of the ways of God is this, He forgives our sin. Now you would say, well, everybody knows how to be forgiven of sin. No, they don’t.
So I want you to turn, if you will, to Ephesians chapter one. And I want us to read beginning in verse three, and let’s read through verse eight. And this is an awesome passage that we could be on a long time.
But I just want to introduce this whole sermon today and listen to what he says beginning in verse three. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ. Just as.
He chose us in. Him, that is in Jesus, before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and blameless before. Him in love, He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to.
Himself, according to the kind intention of. His will. In other words, it was all.
His idea. To the praise of the glory of. His grace, which.
He freely bestowed on us and the beloved. Now, here’s the verse, watch this. In Him that is in Christ, we have redemption through.
His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of. His grace, which. He lavished on us in all wisdom and insight.
I want to stop right there. Go back to verse seven. In Him we have redemption.
Redemption means release of freedom as a result of payment. You redeem someone by paying whatever the price is, and then they are freed or redeemed. In Him we have redemption through.
His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of. His grace. Now, let’s think about this whole issue of forgiveness that relates to our salvation.
Because you see, forgiveness that relates to our salvation works differently than forgiveness that relates to our daily sins. Because the truth is, even after we’re saved, we’re going to sin. Things we think, motivations that are not right, arguments with people, whatever it might be.
So, in terms of forgiveness for our salvation, let’s first of all think in terms of this. What does the word salvation mean? What’s that all about?
Salvation is simply this, it is the work of God, whereby. He delivers us from the penalty of sin which is death. And through Jesus Christ and.
His death at the cross, He endows us with the gift of eternal life. So, it’s the work of God, whereby. He delivers us from the penalty of sin and endows us with the gift of eternal life.
Every single one of us has sinned against God. It is a universal fact. And this is why the Bible says, for all of us have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
We’ve fallen short of what is required of us, what is necessary to be acceptable in. His sight. He says, the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Every single person needs to be forgiven of sin because what sin has done in our life, and that is it has separated us from God. And many people are separated from God who don’t even realize they are. They say, I’m not so sinful, and I’m not as bad as other people.
And so, what happens is this. They compare themselves with some other person, especially a believer, rather than comparing themselves with Jesus Christ, who is the Holy Son of God. So, all of us have a sin problem.
We had a sin problem before we were saved. We have a sin problem now until we learn how to deal with it. And so, when you look at the Scriptures, and.
He says here that we have been redeemed, how? Through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. That is, salvation comes as a result of the work of God in a person’s life.
That work of God in a person’s life transpires when that person is able to understand that Jesus Christ came into this world as sinless virgin born Son of God, laid down. His life voluntarily on the cross, shed. His blood, which was the way God made it possible for all of us to be saved.
And when the person is willing to respond to that, something happens in their life. And so, you say, well, what kind of response does that require? Well, it requires a very definite response.
And a person says, well, you know, the truth is, I don’t really think I’m all that bad. Well, I’m going to show you in a few moments just how bad you are. So, don’t walk off, don’t run away, don’t shut it down, don’t turn it off.
At least if you want the truth, because I want to show you, what is the Word of God? What does it say about us? Now, when it comes to salvation, a person says, well, I’m going to get saved one of these days when I get good and ready.
And I want to say to you, no, you’re not. Well, how can you tell me that I’m not going to be saved when I get good and ready? Because the Bible says you’re not.
Nowhere does the Bible say that you can be saved any time you get ready. That is, your forgiveness from God for your salvation, that work in your life whereby God does what? Relieves you of the penalty of your sin and dows you with this awesome gift of eternal life.
That cannot happen and will not happen just when you get ready. You say, well, doesn’t the Bible say, whosoever will may come? Yes.
Doesn’t the Bible say that Jesus said, for God so loved the world that. He gave. His only begotten Son that whoever believes in.
Him will not perish, but have everlasting life? Didn’t He say that? Yes.
You mean to tell me that I can’t be saved just in time I get ready? No, you cannot. Well, I never saw that in the Bible.
Well, let’s see if we can find out where that is. I want you to turn, if you will, to John, the Gospel of John chapter six, verse forty-four. No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him, and I will raise him up on the last day.
What does that mean? Simply this, that until the Holy Spirit of God convicts you of your sin, brings you to the realization that you need God, brings you under conviction and guilt over your relationship to God, until the work of the Holy Spirit transpires in your life, you will not be saved. And here’s the reason why.
Because you won’t want to. Man in his naturalness, that’s what the Bible calls it. Man doesn’t just naturally want to get right with God.
Something has to happen. And so, the Spirit of God begins to work in a person’s heart. And we say, whoos that person.
Helps them to understand that things are not right, that there is a separation between them and Almighty God. And oftentimes, that comes as a result of difficulty, hardship, pain and suffering. And when somebody comes to me and says, here’s what’s happening to my son and he won’t listen to me, and I’m praying for him and I’m afraid and on and on and on.
I go, what do you suggest I do? They don’t usually like this, but this is the answer. If your son’s living in rebellion, or your daughter, your husband, or your wife, here’s what you pray.
You pray, God send them enough pain, suffering, heartache. I mean, God just pour it on so heavy, they can’t stand it. You say, I love my son, I’m not going to do that.
What does the Bible say? You love him, you put the rod to him. So, he’s too big to put the rod to him.
So, what do you do? You pray for God to do it. God knows how to put enough pain, suffering, hardship, and trial and difficulty in a person’s life.
They begin to cry out, Oh, God, have mercy upon me. You say, well, is that the right way to do it? Let me ask you a question.
Had you really be kind and sweet and let them die and go to hell, is you have to be honest. What’s reality? Reality is sin is a destroyer.
It destroys the soul eternally, it destroys the light, the body, the spirit. We’re talking about people being saved, people getting right with God. So, when you look at the Scripture and you realize that every single one of us needs a relationship with God, because.
He says the wages of sin is death, the gift of God is eternal life. If I’m going to have a right relationship with God, I have to go about it in God’s way. And He says it’s when.
He draws me, when I get under conviction about my relationship to. Him. There are people who get in a situation, they’re scared to death.
Never been scared to death in their life. And all hells break in loose in their life, and they don’t know what to do. And they make God this promise.
God, I promise you, oh God, I promise you, get me out of this, and I’ll preach the gospel, I’ll do anything because they’re afraid, and because they’re lovelorn. God, if you’ll just heal him, here’s what I’ll do, I promise. If you’ll just heal her, God, here’s what I’ll do.
All of that is emotion. When it comes to salvation, salvation is more than emotion. Salvation, listen, the forgiveness of your sin in order for the penalty of your sin to be forgiven forever.
And for you to be a child of God is not simply an emotion. It is an act of your will based on truth. It is an act of your will based on truth.
Now, for a person to be saved, there’s certain things you have to understand. And one thing is this, that is, you have to have at least some understanding of who Jesus is. When people say, Oh, I believe in Jesus, so I’ve always believed in.
Him. I talk to. Him all the time.
The truth is, have you ever confessed your sin to. Him, acknowledged your sinfulness, that you alienated and separated from. Him?
Have you ever acknowledged the fact that you’re going to hell if you don’t receive Jesus Christ as your Savior? Have you have acknowledged the fact that you need. Him desperately in your life, not the fact that you’re afraid and going through difficult time and you just want.
Him to bail you out? God’s not a bailer, He’s a Redeemer. He laid down.
His life in order to change your life and to grant to you the awesome gift that no one, under any condition, anywhere in the world could ever do for you, and that is to save your soul, to forgive your sin and make it possible for you to become a child of God. Well, not only must you recognize who Jesus is, but secondly, there is a requirement. And oftentimes we hear people talk about, well, I believe in Jesus and I, you know, my mother did, my grandfather did, and all these people believed in Jesus.
But there’s more than just believe in.
Some of us says, no, wait a minute. Now, doesn’t the Bible say, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you’ll be saved? Yes.
Does not Paul say, if you confess with your mouth, the Lord Jesus as Lord Savior? If you confess. Him as Lord of your life, you’ll be saved?
Yes. And doesn’t Jesus say, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, or those who believe in. Him are saved, forgiven of their sin, no wrath and nothing?
Yes. All kinds of verses about that. But the question is, what does the word believe mean?
The word believe, when used in the New Testament, is a word of action. It is not just a passe word. For example, the word I serve, that’s action.
I love is action. I believe is action. So, when a person says that they truly believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and they believe in the Lord Jesus Christ from a scriptural point of view, and this is the only view it works, some action takes place.
Because, you see, you cannot separate in the Bible faith and repentance, and usually not a lot of repentance is spoken of. So, listen, if you will, in this thirteenth chapter of Luke. Turn there for a moment, if you will.
Thirteenth chapter of Luke, and I want you to look at a couple of verses here. And I won’t give you all the context, except simply to say that Jesus repeated this twice in the Gospels. He said in verse three of the thirteenth chapter, I tell you, no, but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish.
In the fifth verse, I tell you, no, but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish. If you go to the twenty-fourth chapter of Luke, and this is when Jesus is speaking to. His disciples before.
He leaves them. Here’s what. He says to them.
He said, Now, I’m sending you out. And I want to tell you what the message is. The message is all about this.
He says, look if you will, in verse forty-five, He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures. He said to them, Thus it is written that the Christ should suffer and rise again from the dead on the third day, and that repentance for forgiveness of sins would be proclaimed in. His name to all nations beginning from Jerusalem.
He said the message is a message of repentance. Now watch this. Watch this carefully.
If I really and truly believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, according to what the Scripture teaches, if I believe in. Him, here’s what that means. I believe.
He’s who. He says. He is.
I believe. He’ll do what. He says.
He’ll do. I believe. He has the power to forgive me of my sins.
I believe. He desires that I walk a godly life and therefore, He will equip me to do that. Therefore, if I truly believe.
Him, there’s going to be a change in my life. And that change is what repentance is all about. Because I believe in.
Him, I will turn from the way that I’ve been living, I’m going to live a different life. If I really and truly believe in. Him, there’s going to be a change.
If, listen, I will only change because I believe in. Him. The only reason, because you cannot separate repentance and faith, two sides of the same coin.
So when. He says repentance must be proclaimed, He naturally was including faith. And when the Bible speaks and Paul speaks so many times about placing our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, He spoke of repentance.
And so, our responsibility is to place our trust in. Him, to repent of our sins. Somebody says, well, does that mean that I got to straighten up before I get saved?
No. In other words, you don’t straighten up before you’re forgiven of your sin and the gift of salvation be bestowed upon you. Because first of all, you can’t.
If you could, you’d just straighten up and that would be it. He says, not by works of righteousness which we’ve done, but according to. His mercy, He saves us, forgives us of our sin.
For by grace, God’s awesome love and mercy toward us, are you saved through faith? That’s not of yourself, it’s the gift of God, not of works. No getting ready.
So, we’re talking about faith and repentance. If I am going to be forgiven of my sin, and I only have two choices, watch this. If I’m not forgiven of my sin through the death of Jesus Christ, I’ll have to stand before.
Him and give an account for all my sin in the judgment of God. And somebody says, well now, okay, I go with that, but here’s what I’m going to tell Jesus when I get there. You’re not going to tell.
Him anything. You, you, listen, you’re talking to holy God if you had that privilege. You’re going to tell holy God whose very presence you cannot stand in.
You’re talking to holy God and you’re telling. Him what you’re going to tell. You’re not going to tell.
Him anything. When you’re not standing before. Him, I guarantee you there’s going to be pure silence on our part.
Standing in the presence of holy God. You see, we have such an irreverence in our day. We don’t even know what that means.
To be absolutely, totally silent because you simply stand in someone’s presence. Because the holiness of their life is beyond your comprehension. You’re not going to tell them anything.
Our forgiveness of sin is based on one thing only, His death at Calvary and my willingness to accept that as the only sufficient adequate payment for my sin. And in that once and for all act, when I ask. Him to forgive me of my sin, and what am I asking.
Him to do? I’m asking. Him to forgive me for what sin primarily?
Not drinking, smoking, running around and being an adulterer. But asking. Him to forgive me for the sin of unbelief, which is the bottom line of all sin until I trust the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Savior.
Because the truth is, if I’m not a Christian, what I’ve said is I don’t believe all that. So, genuine true belief is such that it makes a difference in my life. And Paul put it this way in Second Corinthians chapter five.
He says, Therefore, if any person is in Christ, forgiven of their sins, saved, have the gift of eternal life, they’re a new creature. That is, something’s new. And he says, Old things have passed away, behold, things have become new now.
Why do you think Jesus in. His conversation with Nicodemus turned it this way? He says, Accept a man be born again, he’ll not see the kingdom of God.
Well, born one time, born again is something spiritual. And does not birth indicate something new? And the truth is, the new birth means a new beginning, a new start, brand new.
When you are forgiven of your sin, you’re forgiven of your sin and you’re saved. At that moment, listen, watch this carefully, that is a one-time act. You’re only pardoned one time.
You commit a crime, you go to court, and the judge says you are pardoned for this crime. Can’t bring you back for the same thing. And so, what happens is, watch this carefully, when you trust the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, you are forgiven of your sin.
That forgiveness, watch this carefully, that forgiveness is the act of forgiveness on the part of God whereby your sins, all of them, every single one of them, past, present, and future, are atoned for in one act in. His death at Calvary, period. So, what happens?
It’s in that act in response to your belief and your repentance toward. Him, your faith in. Him, that.
He atones for all of your sins. Now, watch this. That’s the sins you have committed, and.
He’s atoned for the sins you are going to commit. When you’re genuinely saved, that’s a change of attitude, and a change of actions in your life.
Thank you for listening to He Forgives Our Sin. If you’d like to know more about Charles Stanley or In Touch Ministries, stop by intouch.org. This podcast is a presentation of In Touch Ministries, Atlanta, Georgia.