This is Pastor Rick Warren's Daily Hope. If you're new, we're so glad you found us. And if you're a daily, daily hoper, welcome back.
Today, we're going to continue with our series called 40 Days of Prayer. Such a great series because Rick is going to help you cultivate a powerful prayer life so you can experience breakthroughs. Breakthroughs in your relationships, breakthroughs in finances, health, and really every area of your life.
So don't miss a day of this life-changing series. I'm so excited about today's message, so let's get started as Pastor Rick brings the final part of a message called, Who Do You Think You're Talking To?
Sometimes we ask things we don't really know what we're asking about. One time, the mother of James and John, who were two of the disciples that Jesus picked, the 12 guys who traveled with him, she comes to him like a good mom. She's proud of her boys.
They're traveling with Jesus. She goes up to the Lord and says, Lord, when you get to your kingdom in heaven, can my boys sit on either side of you? I could just see a mom doing this.
And John's going, no, mom, come on. And Jesus, in Matthew 20 verse 22, Jesus replied, you don't realize what you're asking for. You have a limited perspective.
You don't see the whole picture. You don't realize, ma'am, what you're asking for. Many times, God has wanted to say that to you.
You don't realize what you're asking for. You don't really want that. What you want is something different.
And so I'm not going to give you this because you think you want this, but it's not really what you need. It's not good for you. It's not really even what you want.
You don't realize what you're asking for. And in that point, when God says no, you need to just go, I trust a good, good father than I do my own judgment. Because I think this would be good for me, but God, you got the bigger picture.
And you can see my whole life in front of me. You don't know where this turn is going to take me. I don't know, but you do.
And if you say no to that job, or no to that engagement, or no to whatever I've asked for, I'm just going to trust that you are a good father. Because you can see what I can't see, and I don't realize even what I'm asking for. As Garth Brooks said, thank God for some unanswered prayers.
Now let's just be honest. It's easy to trust God's goodness when things are going good. No sweat.
Everything's going good in my life. God is a good God. The test is can you say that when everything's bad in your life, when things aren't working out, when you're not seeing the changes, when you're not getting the answers, when it seems dark, when you feel alone or afraid, when things are not going good in your life, can you still say, you're a good, good father, it's who you are, it's who you are, it's who you are?
That is the ultimate test of your faith. And God is going to test your faith thousands of times in life. Do you trust your feelings?
It's easy to feel good when God is good, when things are good. Or do I trust the faith that God is good even when I can't see it? That the sun is still shining when I can't see it?
The test of your faith is not how high you jump in praise, singing a song, when things are going good in your life. The test of faith is how straight you walk when everything sucks.
And you're still going straight. I'm still trusting in the goodness of God. I did not get that job.
I just got fired. I'm trusting in the goodness of God. His plans for my life are good plans.
God, I trust you. I don't see it, but I trust you. Ultimately, I'm going to trust you.
When things don't work out. When my wife got breast cancer, the month we launched the peace plan, I'm going, come on, Lord, we're trying to do something serious here. This is for you.
And the Lord's going, Rick, don't you think I know that? And I don't know if my wife's going to die, and I'm praying for a healing. I don't care if it's by miracle or medicine.
Doesn't matter to me, just for healing. Don't want to lose my wife. And month after month, I'm holding the bedpan while she vomits into it, and she's going through all this radiation and chemo and surgery.
Is God a good father when your wife's got cancer?
Yeah. When I have two prayers in my life that I've prayed every day for over 40 years and I'm still waiting for the answer, is God a good father? Yeah.
Yeah, he's still good. When my youngest son lost his life long battle with mental illness that I had prayed every day, God would take away. And he takes his own life, and he makes a permanent solution to a temporary mood.
Is God a good father when your son commits suicide?
He's still good. Not everything that happens in the world is good. Not everything that happens in the world is God's will.
There are a lot of things God doesn't want to happen, but he's given us a free choice. It's your greatest gift, and it's your greatest curse. Because he's not gonna force you to love him.
Is God a good God in that moment? Yeah. The moment of ultimate test of your faith is when you can say, like Job, when you've lost everything, all your family, all your crops, all your business, all your health.
You've lost everything. And Job says, you give and take away, you give and take away, but my heart will choose to say, Lord, bless it, be the name. You're a good, good father.
Even when I've lost it all, I trust you. That is maturity. That's where God wants to take you.
That you do not live your life based on your feelings, but you live your life based on the truth. God has a plan, and if I'll follow that plan, it's a good plan, and even the bad things that happened, God said, I'll fit that into the plan, too. You know, a lot of times, when you pray for stuff, it doesn't happen.
Let's just get real honest here, okay? Let's talk about this. Most or many of your prayers, you have not seen the answers to.
You know, this week, on Wednesday, I got a terrible stomach ache. I mean, it was bowl over in a fetal position, and then you can't handle it kind of pain. And I'm laying there, bowl over in pain, and I cried out to God, God, take away this pain.
You know what happened? He didn't take it away. Anybody ever been there on that one?
He didn't take it away. And actually, the pain lasted several hours longer. It eventually subsided, but he didn't take it away.
Now, what does that tell me about prayer? That prayer doesn't work? No, I've seen it work too many times.
That God isn't good? No, God is good whether I'm in pain or not. That God doesn't care?
Of course, God cares. That I should give up on prayer because I don't get everything I selfishly ask for every time? No.
God is not a vending machine. He's not a genie. I said that.
And prayer is not a painkiller. It is not a painkiller that takes away all of your pain. God has not guaranteed a pain free life to you.
That's called heaven, but not here on earth. Nowhere in the Bible does it say God wants you to live pain free. Actually, pain keeps us from many times getting into worse situations.
Nowhere in the Bible does it say that God said prayer will make every single moment of your life easy. It is not God's job to make every moment of your life easy. You'd never grow up.
You'd be immature. You'd be spoiled. You'd be incredibly self-centered.
It just doesn't say that. So when I'm in pain and I pray and I don't see the answer, should I give up?
My job is to keep praying, to keep trusting God with the answer, because I know that everything he does and everything he allows in my life, he will use for good. And so I accept a no or a slow or a grow or a go, because I know that God is a good, good father, even when I'm in pain. If a doctor does a surgery on you and cuts you open, that's going to cause some pain.
But if that surgery saves your life, it's a life-saving surgery, and you are in pain in the surgery, and then you're in pain in the recovery, you say, that's a bad, bad doctor? No, he just saved your life.
When God doesn't immediately end your pain, as he didn't mine, he was just saying to me in that moment, my grace is sufficient for you. Rick, you can handle a little pain in your life. You can handle a lot of pain in your life.
I've had a lot of pain in my life. In fact, almost everything I've learned in life, I learned through pain. I've learned nothing from pleasure.
Zero, zip, nada. I learned very little from success, but I learned boatloads through pain. And God is more interested in making me a man of God than he is in making me comfortable.
God is more interested in making you a man of God than making you comfortable. He's got us more interested in making you a woman of God than making you comfortable. Comfort's gonna go on for trillions and trillions of years in heaven.
But right now, you're in the grow up stage. And so not everything you ask for, you're gonna get. Otherwise, that's like Midas Touch.
Everything turns to gold. If you never had any pain or difficulty in your life, how strong, how mature would you be? Not very.
You don't know God is all you need until God is all you got. And then you realize that God does everything for good. Isaiah 55, verse eight and nine, God says, my thoughts are completely different from yours.
Which is why he doesn't answer the way I want them too many times. And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine. For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.
And Rick, you're praying at one level, and I'm thinking about your life at another level, because I want good for your life even more than you do. Will I trust him? Number five, last one.
Finally, because God is always good, he invites us to live with him forever. God wants to show you his goodness, not just while you're here on earth. God is going to show you his goodness forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever for all of eternity.
Wow. Because God is always good, he invites us to live with him forever. Two verses, and I'll close.
Second Thessalonians. Our Lord Jesus Christ, and God our Father, who loves us, has given us, by his grace, his goodness, an everlasting encouragement. I'd say so, heaven's called an everlasting encouragement, because it never ends.
And a good hope, there's that word good, and a good hope that will last forever. Forever, circle that, forever. Now he says, may this encourage your heart, even when you're in pain, that no matter how much pain you're in, it's not gonna last forever, but heaven's gonna last forever, joy's gonna last forever, hope's gonna last forever.
May this encourage your heart, and give you strength for every good thing, there's that word good, that you do and say. When God is good to us, he wants us to be good to other people. We did that entire series on Psalm 23, and the last verse, Psalm 23, says this, surely goodness, surely goodness, God's goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life.
That's good, but then he adds this in. And, then, I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. That's a good plan.
Why am I saying this? Because until you're absolutely convinced that God is a good God, and that he's always good, and that he never does bad in your life, if until you understand the goodness of God, your prayers are gonna be powerless, and passionless, and pointless.
On the other hand, when you realize, no matter how I feel, and no matter what it looks like, God is for me. He's not against me. God is a good God, and he wants what's good for me more than I even want it myself.
And he knows what will make me happy more than I know it myself. God is a good God. And that's the foundation of all your prayers.
Now, your prayers become passionate and purposeful, and they've got to point to them. You have power in your prayers. So let me ask you this.
What do you want to see happen in your life the next 40 days? I want you to commit the next 40 days to learning how to pray. I'm going to teach you in the weeks ahead, both in small group and here, how to pray effectively.
But it starts with the goodness of God. Nothing's more important in your life than you learn how to pray effectively, friend. It's the way you tap into God's power, God's presence, God's peace, God's purpose, God's plan.
It's the way you tap into all of that. So what do you want to see in the next 40 days? Start thinking about that.
You have not because you ask not. The Bible says Satan is not afraid of your plans. Satan is not afraid of your schemes.
Satan is not afraid of your budget or your strategy. Satan is not afraid of your programs. But he's scared to death of your prayers.
Because that's where you tap into God. And he knows that anytime God wants to do something really cool, really great in your life or in your family or in your job or in your community or in your church or in our nation, he starts by motivating you to pray. So if you're going to commit to praying and learning how to pray the next 40 days, buckle up.
Get ready for the adventure of your lifetime. Our nation needs a spiritual awakening. Our nation needs revival.
Our nation needs God.
Things happen when people start praying together. These last two verses on your outline, Psalm 119. I want you to pray this this week, this verse.
Pray it every day. Verse 37 and 40. Lord, keep me from paying attention to what's worthless.
You might write out next to that cable TV. From social media. Lord, keep me, if you spend as much time checking in with God in prayer as you do checking your Facebook, you'd be a whole lot stronger.
Lord, keep me from paying attention to what's worthless. Instead, let me live by your word. You need to get in a small group, or you're gonna learn the word.
I want to obey your principles. Please renew my life with your goodness. And then make this your prayer.
Lamentation 521. Bring this back to you, God. You can pray this every day.
Bring this back to you, God. We're ready to come back. Give us a fresh start.
And as your pastor, I'm asking you to pray three things every day this week. Lord, revive my heart, revive my small group, and revive our church family. Father, you are a good, good father.
There are many people here in pain. You're still a good, good father. We've all had prayers that weren't answered the way we want them to be answered.
You're still a good, good father. Help us to remember that your plan for our lives is always good, so we choose your plan, not ours. Help us to remember that you always give us what we need, not what we deserve.
Thanks for that. And thank you that you not only forgive us, but you pour your goodness into us. Thank you that you're not mad at us, that you're mad about us.
Thank you that you amazingly put our good above your own good. And you did that through the cross by dying for the sheep. You didn't spare your own son, so you certainly give us what else we need.
And Lord, even though we don't always understand it, we thank you that you don't say yes, go to every prayer request. Your goal is not to make our lives easy, but to grow us up. We realize that your thoughts are not ours, your ways are higher than ours, and a lot of stuff we don't understand and we won't understand till we're with you in eternity.
And thank you that you have invited us to live with you forever in heaven. If you've never opened your life to Christ, say, Jesus Christ, I want to accept your gift of heaven. I want to accept your gift of forgiveness.
I want to accept your gift of a new life, Jesus Christ. I want a relationship with you. I want to put my trust in you.
I pray, Lord, that in the next 40 days together, you will revive my heart and all of our hearts. You will revive our small groups, all of them. You will revive our church family.
Only changed people can change the world. I pray this blessing in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and everybody said, Amen.
Hey, if you've just prayed along with Rick to accept Jesus in your life, Rick would love to hear from you. Just email rick at We'll send you free tools to help start your relationship with Jesus.
And now here's Pastor Rick with a letter from one of our listeners.
You know, we get letters and emails from people all around the world and from all ages. And here's one that I got from a listener in Indonesia. His name is Stephen and he's 12 years old.
He wrote, Dear Pastor Rick, thank you for the powerful way that you've impacted my life. I'm just a 12 year old schoolboy in Jakarta, Indonesia. But I listen to the broadcast every morning on the way to school.
My life has changed completely this year. I'm at a new school and my family's just about recovered from some financial problems. But I'm still having to learn a whole new way of life.
Some days I really feel bad, and I ask God to help me. But then the Daily Hope broadcast comes on the radio, and you always say something that helps me feel better. And I know that at that moment, God is trying to speak directly to me through you.
So thank you ever so much. Well, thank you ever so much, Stephen. I love hearing from people like you literally all around the world, who have been impacted through Daily Hope.
You know, by the way, I want to thank all of those of you who support us regularly with your financial gifts every month. We can't do this without you. But because of you, we're able to minister to people like this 12-year-old boy, Stephen, in Jakarta, Indonesia.
You're never going to know this side of heaven, the number of lives that you have impacted because of your gifts to Daily Hope. Thank you, thank you, thank you. When we get to heaven, we're all going to rejoice and see the results there.
If you'd like to help support Pastor Rick and this ministry with convenient automated monthly giving, you just go to or text the word HOPE to 70309. And when you do, we'll send you a special welcome gift to say thanks. Again, that's or text the word HOPE to 70309.
And we can't tell you how much we appreciate your support. Thank you. We hope you'll join us next time as we look into God's Word for our Daily Hope.
This program is sponsored by Pastor Rick's Daily Hope and your generous financial support.
Pastor Rick teaches that, from the beginning, God’s plan has been to make you like his Son, Jesus—this is your destiny. The Bible describes Jesus as “the exact likeness of God,” “the visible image of the invisible God,” and “the exact representation of his being” (2 Corinthians 4:4 GNT, Colossians 1:15 NLT, Hebrews 1:3 NIV).
Hey there, everybody, and welcome to Pastor Rick's Daily Hope. And whether today is your first time tuning in or if you're a regular listener, we're really excited that you're here. Well, today, Pastor Rick is continuing his series called Discover Your Destiny. So get ready to explore the practical steps to grow in all areas of your life. spirit, mind, body, relationships, and even your career. So stick with us as we uncover God's incredible plan for your future. And here's Rick with the final part of a message called, How Can I Know My Destiny?
Number three. Now the third thing that Esther did, she not only got disturbed, and she not only looked at what God had given her, but you've got to take the time to hear God's call on my life. I must take the time to hear God's call on my life. You need a retreat. You need a getaway. You need to get away for at least a day, maybe two or three days, where you sit down and you listen to God. You sit down, you shut up, you be quiet, and you pray and you plan and you think about the next 10 years of your life. And you think, what does God want me to do, given my gifts and given my passions and the needs I see around me? What does God want me to do? And you're not gonna do this on your own. So you gotta have like a little retreat time. Now notice this, Mordecai, who's her adopted father, they all know about this plot to kill all of the Jewish people. And in verse 13 and 14 of Esther 4, it says, Mordecai sent this word to Esther. Do not think because you're in the king's house that you alone of all Jews will escape. For if you remain silent, and he said, you can't remain silent. If you remain silent at this time, he said, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place. In other words, Mordecai said, I've got faith in God. He's not gonna let this God's chosen people be eliminated from the face of the earth. He's not gonna happen. So God will provide, but he says, if you don't do anything about it, you and your father's family will perish. Besides, he says, who knows? but that you have come to this position for such a time as this. Now remember, Esther is a 20 year old, in her 20s, young, poor, orphaned, Jewish girl. And she's now the queen of Persia. And Mordecai's going, Esther, you think this is by accident? I don't think so. Do you not think that God puts you in this position for such a time as this? This is no accident. And don't just think you can ignore these disturbing trends out there in society. You cannot remain silent. You gotta do something about it. Now I wanna tell you, that's not just true of Esther. It's true of you. Some of you young women, you're exactly where God put you for the reason he put you there. Some of you young guys, you're exactly where God put you. It doesn't matter what your age is. You are where you are for such a time as this. And God brought you to Saddleback Church not to sit, soak, and sour, but to make a difference with your life. He has a destiny for your life. God says, I brought you to this place, and I brought you to this time, and I want you to hear my call. Now you gotta take the time to hear God's call on my life. Now God has called everyone. We've talked about this before. A lot of people think God only calls preachers and missionaries and nuns and priests. Those are the called people. No, everybody is called. Your calling is your vocation. As I told you, it's this Latin word, voce, which means vocal. Your vocation is your call, your voice. Everybody has a vocation. Everybody has a calling of God. God has called every one of you to make a difference with your life. Some of you are not picking up the phone. Now here's the point. You don't call God. He calls you. You don't just go, what would I like to do with my life? Sorry, you don't get that option. Unless you don't want any blessing. God says, no, no, I created you for a purpose. I have a vision and values and I have a purpose, plan and a destiny for your life. And God calls you and you gotta pick up the phone. I wish what we were doing were just a matter of life and death. That'd be easy, but it's not. It's more important than life or death because eternity is in the balance, heaven and hell. Jesus talked more about hell than he did about heaven. They're real. We're not just talking about helping people now. We're talking about their eternal destinies. It's bigger than life or death. And God has brought you to this place just like he brought Esther to her place, including the good and the bad that happened. I'm sure it was no fun going and having sex with a king you didn't even love. and knowing that the night before and the night after you, it's gonna be somebody else. But God said, you know what, I can even use that. I can even use date rape. I can bring good out of anything. Esther 4, verse 15. Then Esther sent this reply to Mordecai. Go and gather together all the Jews who are in Susa. They're the capital. and fast for me. Said, I want you to find everybody you can, get everybody who's Jewish, and I get everybody to fast for me, because I'm gonna have to go confront the king. And I know that this is a scary thing. She's going, you know what? First place, it's against the law for me to go to him. You only go to the king if he invites you. It's against the law for me to take the initiative and go to the king. If you read the story, she said, in fact, he hadn't called for me in 30 days, so I haven't had any contact with him in a month. So I don't know if he still loves me or what. And number two, I'm gonna have to reveal that I'm Jewish, which means I'm gonna keep it a secret from my husband. And number three, I'm gonna ask him to publicly renounce a decree he's already signed and he's gonna look foolish. to reverse a command. So I'm gonna probably die for this. I'm gonna probably lose my life for this. I'm taking my life in my own hands. So she says, you go gather all the Jews who are in Susa and fast for me. And do not eat or drink for three days or night or day. And I and my maids will fast as you do. And when this is done, Then I'll go to the king. She's saying, before I initiate any confrontation with the king, which is no light matter and can cost me my life, I'm gonna have to have a little retreat. And I'm gonna need to get off by myself and I'm gonna fast and I'm gonna pray and I'm gonna think and I'm gonna plan out my words and I'm gonna give some serious time to my destiny. Now, Esther does two things that you're going to need for your destiny in the next 10 years. Number one, just like Esther, you're going to need all the support you can get. She said, go get everybody you can to pray for me. That's why you must be in a small group. Because you cannot fulfill your destiny on your own. We get well in community, we serve in community, we share in community. God meant for us to be in community. The very first thing God said to man, it is not good for men to be alone. Whether you marry or not is irrelevant. You have to be in a family. You have to be connected. You have to be in community. She says, get everybody praying for me. You're going to need that. And the second thing Esther did, and you're going to need to, you're going to need some time alone. You're going to need to go on a retreat, at least an overnighter, where you get alone. Because if I tell you, go home and make these lists of all the things that you're gifted in and make a list of all the things you care about, you know what? You're not going to do it. You're gonna walk out of here and you're gonna forget it and you're not gonna do it and you're gonna come back next week and it still won't be done. So I'm going to force you to do it. And in the next three years, I want everybody in this church to take a retreat. a life planning retreat to plan goals in all the key areas of your life. What are my goals financially? What are my goals for my family? What are my goals for my personal life? What are my goals for my health? What are my goals in learning? And I'm gonna help you. Nothing becomes dynamic till it becomes specific. Now, number four, one last thing. The fourth thing you have to do is what Esther did is that is you must make a faith commitment. You must make a faith commitment. The Bible says without faith it's impossible to please God. The Bible says according to your faith it will be done unto you. The Bible says the just shall live by faith. The Bible says all things are possible to him who believes. Now Esther says I know this is scary and I know it's a big risk and I'm scared to death to take this initiative to go to the king and tell him I'm Jewish and ask him to rescind a stupid decree that a bad guy got him to approve. But It's the right thing to do, so I'm gonna do it. She's an amazing woman. Now in Esther 4.16, she makes this faith commitment to do the thing that she's most afraid of. She says, and when this is done, you know, my three-day retreat, we've all prayed, we've all fasted, and I've thought through where I'm going. When this is done, I will go, that's a faith commitment, I will go to the king, even though it's against the law. And if I perish, I perish.
What a woman. What a woman. What an amazing woman. If I perish, I perish.
But I'm gonna die doing the right thing. Friend, you're not ready to live till you know what you're ready to die for. You cannot live until you have qualified and clarified in your heart what you're willing to die for. You're not ready to live the next 10 years. If you don't know what you're willing to die for, you're not living, you're just existing. Not knowing what's worth dying for makes life motion without meaning. You gotta know what's worth giving your life for. On the other hand, when you understand your destiny and you really get it, it grabs you. That calling grabs you and you go after it with total abandonment. And you say, if it takes my life, it takes my life. And if I perish, I perish. But I'm gonna die doing what God tells me to do. Now I want you to write this sentence down. I can only manage what I measure. Would you write that down? I can only manage what I measure. If you don't have measurable goals, it's just a wish, it's a dream, it's a hope, but it's not a real goal. And if you don't set some measurable goals for the next three years, in phase one of Decade of Destiny, to measure, that you can measure, you're not gonna be any different in three years, much less in 10 years. And so I'm gonna help you set some spiritual goals and I want them to be specific. And I'm telling you right now that on the last Sunday of this two month campaign, I'm going to ask you, I'm gonna challenge you to make four faith commitments. You don't have to write these down. But you'll say, four faith commitments. Number one, what do I wanna learn in the next four years, in the next three years? My goal for you is that you'll be smarter, as I said, smarter and sharper, and you'll be more skilled and more successful. What do I wanna learn? What am I gonna commit to become in the next three years? What am I gonna commit to contribute in the next three years? What am I gonna commit to do with my life in the next three years? These three year faith commitments come up in another month, because all the messages are worthless. If we don't make it measurable, I don't need it, you need it. It's not for me, it's for your benefit. So you can measure your progress over the three years. Jesus said it like this on the screen. According to your faith, it will be done to you. You know, every morning, I sit on the side of my bed and I pray a prayer. And that prayer, I pray the same prayer every day. It's a little prayer I've just written and memorized. And then I say the words to a song. I don't sing it because I can't sing, especially in the morning. But I say this as I'm sitting on the bed. I don't even get out of bed until I've done this. I say, Lord, Lord, I offer my life to you. Everything I've been through, use it for your glory. Lord, I offer my days to you. Lift up my praise to you as a living sacrifice. Lord, I offer you my life. I say it every day before I get out of bed. I think this is the attitude Esther had when she knew that going to her husband, the King of Persia would likely mean her head would be cut off because first she did admit she's Jewish. And second, she's asking him to reverse a decree that would make him seem foolish. But Esther says, Lord, I offer my life to you. Everything I've been through. My parents died. I was in the cattle call of a harem. Everything I've been through, use it for your glory. Lord, I offer my days to you. Lift up my praise to you as a living sacrifice. Lord, I offer you my life. And if I perish... I perish. And because she was willing to lay it on the line for the destiny God had planned for her, the Jewish nation was saved. You see, you wouldn't be saved without Esther. Because if the Jews had been annihilated, there would be no Jesus the Messiah. And you would be hopeless. That's the impact of Esther. Let's bow our heads. Would you pray this prayer in your heart? Dear God, I want the rest of my life to be the best of my life, I want my life to count. I don't wanna live for myself, I wanna live for you and for the destiny you've created for me. Help me to recognize the gifts that you've put in my life. Not just the assets, but even the liabilities, the limitations, the handicaps. even the hurts, and to realize that even those are part of the plan to get me where you want me to be in the time and place and what you want me to do with my life. Help me to identify the needs that stir my heart. To realize that when I see something, I go, that's wrong. That needs to be corrected. Somebody ought to do something about that. That you're speaking to me. Help me to take time to hear your call, to be quiet, to settle down. Lord, without even knowing when I'm gonna do it, I commit right now to going on retreat. And in the weeks ahead, help me to consider what faith commitments you want me to make in the key areas of my life. If you've never opened your life to Jesus Christ, regardless of your religious background, say, Jesus Christ, please make yourself real to me. I don't understand it all, but if you're real, I open up my life to you. I want to know you. I want to learn to trust you and love you. I open up my life to your plan and purpose, dear God. I want to fulfill your destiny that you have for me. In your name I pray. Amen. Hi, everybody. This is Rick, and I hope you enjoyed today's broadcast. You know, if you just prayed that prayer for the very first time or you just recommitted your life to Jesus again today, would you let me know about it? There's something real about sharing your commitment. So write me, Rick, at and say, Rick, I prayed that prayer of commitment. I gave my life to Christ, and I'll send you some material that'll help you on your journey with Jesus, and I'll also pray for you. God bless you.
What a life-giving message from Pastor Rick. Now let's join Rick with today's offer. Thanks for listening today.
You know, honestly, I never paid much attention to my health until I had a little epiphany a few years back when I baptized over 800 people in a single day by immersion. Now looking at myself and everybody that I was baptizing, it was real clear that we all needed to get healthy. So I put together a team of nationally known doctors to help me develop a program for our church. I called it the Daniel Plan, based on the passage in the book of Daniel, where Daniel has a contest with King Nebuchadnezzar on who can be the healthiest. The Daniel Plan is centered on five essentials that will help you become healthier. faith, food, fitness, focus, and friends. There are a lot of diet plans out there that deal with food and fitness, but the secret sauce in the Daniel plan is focus, learning to have your mind renewed, friends, learning to grow in community, and faith, trusting God's power rather than willpower. You know, we found that when individuals addressed health issues in each of these key areas, they are transformed. In fact, in the first year of the Daniel Plan, over 15,000 people from 190 countries participated, and the results were life-changing. In fact, our own church, Saddleback Church, lost over a quarter of a million pounds in one year. Can you imagine that? What did it do for our church? It increased our energy. We started sleeping better. It reduced our need for medication. The whole church was healthier. Now, the Daniel Plan has recently been released in a book format, and I want you to have a copy of this book today so you can start getting healthier now. And I'll send you a hardcover copy of the Daniel Plan book as a very special thank you for your gift to this ministry.
Just go to to get your copy of this great resource. That's Or you can just text the word HOPE to 70309. That's the word HOPE to 70309. And thank you so much for your support. Your gift to Daily Hope really helps us share the hope of Christ with people all over the world. Be sure to join us next time as we look into God's Word for our Daily Hope. This program is sponsored by Pastor Rick's Daily Hope and your generous financial support.
Join Pastor Rick as he provides a roadmap to harnessing your unique gifts for the benefit of others. Through intriguing discussions on stewardship and selflessness, he outlines how every talent we possess is meant for a greater purpose beyond personal gain. Inspired by the compelling concept of SODSAT moments, this episode challenges listeners to step up and address the cries for change they see in the world, supported by powerful Biblical promises of blessings for every act of kindness and generosity.
Hey there, everybody, and welcome to Pastor Rick's Daily Hope. And whether today is your first time tuning in or if you're a regular listener, we're really excited that you're here. Well, today, Pastor Rick is continuing his series called Discover Your Destiny. So get ready to explore the practical steps to grow in all areas of your life. spirit, mind, body, relationships, and even your career. So stick with us as we uncover God's incredible plan for your future. All right, well, I can't wait to get started today. Here is part two of a message called, How Can I Know My Destiny?
Unpleasant obstacles are often God-ordained opportunities for you to make a difference in the life of other people. Here's the problem. You never see it. while you're in the pain. You just can't see the purpose when you're in the pain. Let me give you an example. The story of Job, that's the book next to Esther. And you know this story, Job was the wealthiest man in the world, and one day, actually in 48 hours, he lost all his wealth, he lost all his health, he lost all his family, he contracted a very painful terminal disease, And he starts saying, God, I've served you all my life. Why is this happening? And for 39 chapters, God says nothing. And he can't figure it out. Some of you are right there right now. You're still in chapter 39 or 35. It's not until chapter 40 that God starts explaining to Job what's going on. A lot of times God is giving you a test and God seems a million miles away and you've been doing the right thing and everything still sucks in your life. And you can't feel God. Did you know that in the book of Esther, this is the only book in the Bible that does not mention God one time? God seems to be nowhere in this story. All the theologians, Jewish and Christian, say this is the hiddenness of God. And instead of God doing some fantastic miracle, he just uses normal people in normal situations, making normal decisions to change the destiny of the world. God is hidden. Now Job says it like this in Job 23, here on the screen. He's in the middle of all his problems. He says, I don't see God. I don't see God in the north, for he's hidden. So I turn to the south, but I can't find him. But he knows where I'm going. In other words, I don't know where I'm going, but God does, and I'm going to trust him. He says, and when he has tested me like gold in a fire, he will pronounce me innocent. This is an exhibit, a faith. For I have stayed in God's path, even though nothing in my life makes sense. I have followed his ways, even though I'm in enormous pain. I have not turned aside even though I have lost everything. I have not departed from his commands. In other words, I'm still doing the right thing. I'm not a fair weather believer that if God doesn't bless me, I'm just gonna walk away from him. But I have treasured his word in my heart. He says, you know, I still trust God's word, God's promises, even though I don't feel him, I don't see him, and everything in my life sucks right now. He says, his mind, God's mind concerning me remains unchanged. And who can turn him from his purposes? For whatever he wants to do, he does. And here's the sign of hope. He will do for me. He will do for me. God says, Job says, he will do for me all he has planned. He controls my destiny. Now, Nothing in your life is accidental. Zero, nada, zip. Both the pleasures and the pains, the assets and the liabilities, the limitations and the opportunities, they're all a part of the plan. In fact, even when and where you would be born and the fact that you're here today is a part of the plan. A thousand years before you were born, God knew that you would be at Saddleback Church. I don't care if you're Buddhist, Baptist, Catholic, Jewish, Mormon, Muslim, atheist, agnostic, or whatever. God knew you would be here because he wanted to say to you, I have a destiny for you. I have a destiny for you. In fact, the Bible says this. Look in Acts 17 here on the screen. God determines the time set for them and the exact places they should live. You live here and you came here or you attend here because God planned it. And God wanted you to hear this message on decade of destiny because he wants to do something in your life different than the next 10 years. In the next 10 years. He wants to do that. You're here. That's why he brought you here. Now notice this next verse, 1 Peter 4.10. In fact, let's read this verse aloud together with great gusto, whoever he is. All right, 1 Peter 4.10. Each of us, as good manager of God's different gifts, must use for the good of others the special gifts we have received from God. Now, very important verse, so let's leave it on the screen for just a minute. I want you to notice every phrase. Each of us, that means everybody's included. There are no no-talent people. There are no gifted-less people. You got gifts. Everybody, everybody has gifts. Everybody has talents. Each of us as good managers. The Bible word for management, if you've been in the small group studies these weeks, know is the word stewardship. The word steward means manager. The word manager means steward. Management is stewardship. It means what I have is on loan. What I think I own is only on loan. I don't really own anything. I don't own my wealth. God just loaned it to me for 80 years. If somebody's before me, it'll be somebody's after me. I don't really own my health. I don't own my body. I don't own my time. It's all on loan from God. God is the owner of everything. He owns it all. We are simply stewards. We're simply managers. We are to use what he loans, but God owns for his glory and for his purpose. Now it says, as good managers, you are to manage the gifts God gave you. It says, we must use, if you don't use it, you lose it, for the good of who? Would you circle that? For the good of others. One of the most important lessons you have to learn in life is this. Your gifts are not for you. Hate to tell you that, but your gifts are not for you. They are for the benefit of other people. Your ability to make a sale, to close a deal, to crochet a sweater, to make a meal, to teach a child, to whatever gift you've got, to, you know, Be as good as sports, be good at math, be good at music, whatever. Your gifts were given for you to bless other people. God did not put you on this earth just to live for yourself as a selfish little clod, as George Bernard Shaw used to call it. No, God put you here to live for others. And your gifts are for the benefit of others, and their gifts are for the benefit of you. Now there's a lot of things I'm not good at, but one thing I am good at is I'm good at teaching. If I don't use my gift, you get cheated. If you don't use your gift, I get cheated. No gift is more important than the others. They're all equally important. Some are hidden, some are visible, but they're all important. And God puts you here not to just be a passenger on planet Earth, but to be a part of the crew. You're a part of the crew and to make a difference with your life. So one of the major decisions you're going to have to make before we get into Decade of Destiny starting in January is why and how am I going to use my talents in the next 10 years? And am I going to use my talents simply for me or am I going to use them for the benefit of other people? God never blesses selfishness. If you think that the purpose of a decade of destiny is just so you can get a whole lot more things, you're in the wrong church. Because God never blesses selfishness. On the other hand, if you say, I want to fulfill my destiny, which I guarantee you will include benefiting other people. If you bless other people, you will be blessed so much, you won't be able to handle it. I am exhibit of A of this story. That the more you give your life away, the more God blesses your life. The more you give it away, the more you think about others, not yourself, the more God blesses your life. So you have to decide, will I be a giver or a taker in life? Takers are never happy. Givers are the happiest people in the world. Am I gonna be miserly, which is miserable? Now, here's your homework. On this step one, I want you this week to go home and make a list of what has God given me to use for good. And you make a list of all the, what's my background? Good and bad. What is my parenting and family life like? Good and bad. What are the connections? What are the opportunities? What's my wealth? What's my language? What's my health? What are the things I struggle with in my health? What's my location? What's my passion? You look at everything in your life, none of this is insignificant. It's all a part of the plan for your destiny as much as it was for Esther, this poor Jewish orphan girl who becomes queen of Persia. So you've gotta know what you've got and only until then can you then ask the question, what will be my greatest contribution? Now the second key is just as important to discovering your destiny. Gifts plus needs plus calling equal destiny. So the second thing you have to do is this. I must identify the needs that stir my heart. I must identify the needs that stir my heart. When you look around you and you say, what is it that ticks me off? When I look at the world, what irritates me? When I look around and I see a need, a hurt, an injustice, a problem, what do I look around and I go, that's not right. What is it that if you could, you'd change it right now in our society? What would you do? It's gonna be different for different people because we have different passions. What is it that keeps you awake at night? What disturbs you? What causes you to think, Somebody ought to do something about that. You see, everybody, I've learned, at some point in their life has what I call a sod sat moment. S-O-D-S-A-T, sod sat moment. A sod sat moment is when you come and you say, somebody ought to do something about that. Everybody at some point has a sod sat moment. And you look around and you go, that's just not right. That's just not right. Somebody ought to do something about that. Moses had a sod sat moment. He looked around and he saw this entire nation in slavery. He goes, this is not right. Somebody ought to do something about that. A guy named Nehemiah in the Bible looked at the city of Jerusalem that was decaying and defeated and the walls had all been broken down and Nehemiah goes, somebody ought to do something about that. We need to rebuild that wall. King David, wasn't king at the time, he sees an arrogant giant named Goliath making fun of God and all of his people and he goes, somebody ought to do something about that. Goliath guy. Yeah. There's a guy named Haggai, a little book in the end of the Old Testament. And he looks around and says, hey, we're all living in these nice, beautiful paneled homes and God doesn't even have a place of worship. Somebody ought to do something about that. There's a guy in the Bible named Amos. He wrote a little short book and he says, you know what? All these politicians, they're corrupt and they're unjust and they're ripping off the poor and the middle class. Somebody ought to do something about that. It's called the Book of Amos. Nothing happens to somebody as a sad, sad moment. Now this happens in Esther's life. She hears that her people, the Jews, are gonna be annihilated by this nutcase, Haman. And that he's got her husband, the king, to sign off on a decree that all the Jews can be put to death without fear of retribution. And there's gonna be a genocide of her entire race. And she says, somebody ought to do something about that. Now remember, she has kept her identity a secret from her husband. And she's thinking, a lot of people are going to die if I don't act. And here's what happens. Esther 4, verse 4. She gets very disturbed. It says, when Esther's servants told her what Mordecai, this is her adopted father, was doing because of this genocide thing coming up, she was deeply, deeply disturbed. Question, does anything disturb you? Or is your life so self-centered and so isolated you're not living in community? You're living such an individualistic life that nothing disturbs you as long as it's not about you. That stuff can happen all around you and you're impervious to it. You don't even notice it. You're not disturbed about anything unless it's something disturbing you. You know, the thing I'm so proud of of you in this Saddleback Church, is that we have over 300 ministries, well over 300 ministries to the community that deal with hurts and habits and hangups, that deal with problems and injustices and difficulties simply because somebody in the church said somebody ought to do something about that. None of those 300 ministries did I personally start. They were started by you and by others. I gotta tell you a story. This week I had to go up to Pasadena and I went into the Pasadena library and after it was over I walked across the street and I got a lunch, I ordered a sandwich, some coleslaw and some french fries and I said I wanna take it to go, I'll eat outside. So I have my lunch and I'm walking down Pasadena, downtown Pasadena, just looking for a place to sit down and we come upon this big stone church. and these big stone steps down the front. There are three homeless guys sitting on these steps. There's a white guy with really bright red hair. There's a black guy, African American guy, and there's a Hispanic guy. And the three guys are just sitting there, homeless. So I walk over and I sit down among them. They go, oh, you brought lunch. And I said, that's exactly what I did. And I, you know, as soon as I saw him, I thought, you gotta help these people. So I walk over and I sit down and I start dividing it all up. I kind of felt like Jesus in the 5,000 feeding, you know. The only problem was mine wasn't multiplying. And so I only got one fourth of my lunch, okay. But I'm passing the french fries around, the coleslaw around, we're splitting up the sandwich a little bit. And we had a great time just talking, chewing the fat, having a good time. It's nice, and when I got ready to leave, I didn't really have any cash to give them, and I don't like to give cash to people anyway, because I might use it for drugs or to support an alcohol habit or something. But I opened up my wallet, and I had three Starbucks cards in there. So I thought, oh, that's a good idea, because that can't be used for drugs. So I gave Meech a Starbucks card, and I said, you know, this will help you get some food. And as I'm starting to walk away, the white guy with the red hair says, I know who you are. And I go, excuse me? He says, let me tell you a story. He says, five years ago, on the other side of LA, this is 30 miles away from Pasadena, in East LA, five years ago, you pulled up to a taco shack. He said, you were going up to visit the Dream Center. And he said, you stopped there to get some tacos. And he said, you looked over and you saw me and I was homeless. And he said, you looked at me and said, hey, would you like a burrito? And I said, yeah. And you said, would you like two? And I said, yeah. So he said, you bought me two burritos. He goes, you're Rick Warren. And I'm going, now what is the likelihood of me running into the same homeless guy in a metropolitan area of 15 million people, five years later, 40 miles away, and it's the same guy? Now we were only two blocks away from Fuller Seminary. And these guys goes, we can't wait to tell all these Fuller students we had lunch with Rick Warren. Oh yeah, we're like this. We ate five years ago too, you know. The second thing to know your destiny, you gotta find a need and you go after it. You say, identify the needs that stir my heart. Now let me show you an amazing promise of God. to those who get disturbed about helping people less fortunate. I want you to notice the actions and the promises. There are actually 10 promises of God to you in this passage. Isaiah chapter 58. First he tells you what to do. He says, remove the chains of oppression and the yoke of injustice and let the oppressed go free. There are a lot of people put down by society. He said, you are to defend the defenseless. You're to speak up for those who had no voice. Then he says, share your food with the hungry, open your homes to the homeless poor, give clothes to those who have nothing to wear, and do not refuse to help your own relatives. I wish he hadn't said that last sentence. I like all the other parts. I don't like that part. Then he gives the promises, and he gives 10 promises. Then he says, number one, my favor will shine on you like the morning sun. You will be blessed if you help others. And he says, number two, your wounds will be quickly healed. You got a hurt, you want your hurt to be healed, you help somebody who's in more pain than you. I'll say it again. If you want God to help you in your hurt, You go help somebody else. You don't wait till you're finished, till you're healed. You go help somebody else in their pain, he said, and your wounds will be quickly healed. And then he says, I will always be with you to save you. How'd you like to have that as a promise in the next 10 years? And my presence will protect you on every side. That's another promise of God. And he says, when you pray, I will answer you. How'd you like to have every year prayer answered? When you call to me, I will respond. These are promises of God. If you put an end to oppression and to every gesture of contempt, what's every gesture of contempt? That's racism, friends. That's what it is. It's racism and it's wrong. And to every evil word, what's he talking about there? He's talking about being civil. that you are to treat with respect and dignity everybody, no matter what they believe, no matter what their religion, no matter what their race, no matter what their worldview is. You don't have to agree with them. You don't have to agree with their lifestyle, but you are to treat them with respect. When people give evil words on blogs, you do not retaliate. You put away every gesture of contempt and every evil word, you are positive. And if you give food to the hungry and you satisfy those who are in need, then, here's the rest of the promises, darkness around you will turn to brightness of noon. All that depression in your life, it's gonna lift. And God says, I will always guide you and I will satisfy you, satisfy you with good things. I will keep you, read this with me, strong and well. Is that an amazing promise? How'd you like to be strong and well for the next 10 years? Every one of those 10 promises is geared to how generous you are in life. Because you can spell, you spell love G-I-V-E. You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving. And God wants you to learn to be generous. Now here's your homework assignment. I want you to make a list of what do I see around me that disturbs me. First you make a list of all your gifts, your background, your talents, assets, and liabilities. Then you say, what is it where I want to feel like saying somebody ought to do something about that.
Wow, some powerful words from Pastor Rick today. And now this is really one of my favorite parts of the broadcast. This is letters from our listeners. And now here's Rick.
Did you know that there are people listening to Daily Hope broadcasts and following our message all over the world? Here's an example of an email from a listener that just came in from Brazil. He says, hi Rick, my name is Marcelo and I'm from Sao Paulo, Brazil. Every day I listen to Daily Hope on my way to work and God has used your life to speak his truth into my life. Today, I'll be speaking to a group of retail leaders from all over Brazil about living a life of integrity. Hope you won't mind, but I've translated a lot from your message, living a life of integrity, to share with this group. That message touched me so much that I felt the need to share it with others. Well, that's so great, Marcelo. I'm so proud of you. You're being a light for Jesus Christ in his workplace. You're sharing a message of hope with business people. That is just fantastic. Now, I want to say everybody can do the same thing. It doesn't matter where you work. You can share the message of Daily Hope or any of these Daily Hope messages with your coworkers and your friends, and I want to encourage you to do that. And when you do, let me know about it. Be sure to write me and tell me your story, just like Marcelo did. Email me today, rick at Thanks for listening to Daily Hope today.
Be sure to join us next time as we look into God's word for our daily hope. This program is sponsored by Pastor Rick's Daily Hope and your generous financial support.
Join us as we explore the fascinating story of Esther, a young Jewish girl who rose to become the Queen of Persia and saved her people from annihilation. Pastor Rick walks us through the principles that determined her destiny and how those same principles apply to our lives today. The episode sheds light on understanding personal gifts and limitations, the unique shape that these create, and how both good and bad circumstances are integral parts of God's plan. Tune in to find out how to stop the pity party and embrace your unique path towards a fulfilled life.
Hey there, everybody, and welcome to Pastor Rick's Daily Hope. And whether today is your first time tuning in or if you're a regular listener, we're really excited that you're here. Well, today, Pastor Rick is continuing his series called Discover Your Destiny. So get ready to explore the practical steps to grow in all areas of your life. spirit, mind, body, relationships, and even your career. So stick with us as we uncover God's incredible plan for your future. Okay, let's get right into it. This is part one of a message called, How Can I Know My Destiny?,
You see, God didn't create you just to take up space to breathe, use resources, retire, and die. He has a plan. He has a purpose. He has a destiny, a calling for your life. Now, the question I'm often asked is, well, how do I know? I mean, really, how do I know what God wants me to do with my life? I want to give you a little equation. Would you write this down at the top of your outline? Gifts... Write this down, gifts plus need plus calling equals destiny. Your gifts, the gifts God gives you, that's the assets and the liabilities in your life, the needs that you see around you plus the individual calling God has on your life, that's called your vocation, Your calling comes from vose, the Latin word for call or voice, vocal. Gifts plus need plus calling equals your destiny. Now what I want us to do this weekend is look at a very well-known story in the Bible, the story of Esther. as a model of the four things you must do in order to fulfill your destiny and in order to discover what your destiny is. Now next week, we're turning the corner on this eight-week campaign where we're gonna look at four key areas of your life. We're gonna look at your finances. And my goal for you in the next three years is that your finances will be determined and disciplined and debt-free. Some of you it's gonna take a little bit longer than three years, it may take you the whole decade. But we're gonna help you, I want you to get directed and disciplined and debt free in your finances. We're going to look at your health and I'm gonna look at my own health. I want you to be holy and happy and I want you to be healthy as we go into this decade. We're going to look at what you have to learn, and that'll be another specific week. What are your learning goals? We're going to look at the fact that I want you in three years, the end of phase one, to be more skilled. I want you to be smarter, and I want you to be successful because of what you have learned. And when it comes to what you do in life, I want you to be... more caring, more creative, and more cheerful, because the Bible says do everything with a good attitude. And we're gonna look at those specifically, but this week I want us to look at how do you know your individual destiny? And we're gonna look at lessons from the life of Esther. Now, one of the most gripping stories in the Bible is this story of Esther, which is in the book of Esther. It is an amazing story of how a young Jewish woman saved the entire Jewish race, changed destinies of history, and prevented an entire people from genocide. Now let me give you a little background. 2,500 years ago, the Persians ruled the world. The Persian Empire stretched from India all the way into Africa. In fact, look up here on the screen. Here's the map of the Persian Empire. And you know modern day Persia is Iran. And the mighty king Xerxes was the emperor of the mighty Persian empire, which, as I said, goes from India to Africa. And Xerxes was a very powerful king, but he also liked to party. And he held a banquet, and I'm not making this up, a banquet that lasted six months. Now that's a party animal, if you ask me. That's a party animal. And one day, when he had all of his cronies, I don't know, hundreds or thousands of people partying at this party, while he is drunk, he asks his wife, Queen Vashti, to come pose naked for all of these drunk guests, because he wants to show off his lovely wife. Vashti was a woman of integrity, and of course she refused to do this. And so Xerxes divorced her and banished her and took away her queenship. So then he decreed an empire-wide search for a new young wife. And he has a mandatory Miss Persia contest. And so they go all over the empire and they're looking for bachelorette number one and number two and number 500 and number 1000. And this is not optional. They took the most beautiful young women in the empire and they forced them to all come to Susa, where was the capital of the citadel. Now, at this point, They narrow it down to a finalist group. And a young, poor, orphaned girl named Esther, who was Jewish, was not Persian, but Jewish, is one of the selected finalists. And she is put in a harem run by a guy named Haggai. And Haggai has, I don't know, hundreds of these young virgins. And for one year, they are given the spa treatment. And they are fed certain foods, and they're pampered, and they are given facials and hair and makeover. I mean, anybody can look good after a year, don't you figure? I mean, if you were at Burke Williams for a year, you'd probably be pretty pretty too. And she is being pampered for a purpose. And then each of these girls is to go spend one night with the king, have sex with him. Now, this sounds like a disaster in the making. This poor orphan but attractive young girl named Esther. Now, each of the women go to this one night with the king, and when the king, Xerxes, the Persian king, sees Esther, and she's been told by her adopted father, Mordecai, don't tell him you're Jews, you're Jewish. He falls head over heels in love with her, and he makes her queen. So the queen of Persia is now an orphaned, poor, young Jewish woman. Now the plot begins to thicken. And after Esther becomes queen, they uncover a plot by an evil man named Haman. Haman is a government official who is the original anti-Semite. And he decides that he's going to get all of the Jews in the empire destroyed. And he gets the king to approve a genocide decree. The king does not know his wife is a Jew. It's a true story. Does not know his wife's a Jew, and he approves Haman's genocide. By the way, during World War II, many of the Jews called Hitler Haman because he was trying to do the exact same thing that Haman did 2,500 years ago. Well, I don't have time to go into all the details of this story. It is a fascinating political thriller filled with intrigue, lots of double dealing. It's a great, great story, but the bottom line is Esther, this young girl, risks her life at great personal expense, she could die for this, to save the Jewish nation. And it's a phenomenal story. In fact, I highly encourage you to read this story this afternoon. It is a fascinating story. But what does it have to do with your life and what we're gonna call Decade of Destiny? Esther did four things to discover her destiny. And you're gonna need to do these same four things. Would you write these down? Number one, first, I must recognize the gifts God has given me to use. I must recognize the gifts that God's given me to use. These are the gifts that you had nothing to do with. They were just given to you by God sovereignly. These are the cards you're dealt. This is the hand you got. There are a lot of things in your life you had no control over. You didn't choose your parents. You didn't choose your background. You didn't choose your race or nationality. You didn't choose when you would be born. You didn't choose where you would be born. You didn't choose the natural talents that you were given. You didn't choose the color of your hair till much later. There are a lot of things you had no choice over when you were born. Now, God gives every individual a different shape. We call these gifts that God gives you your shape. We talk about it in Purpose Driven Life. Shape is S-H-A-P-E, the five things that make you you and make you unique. And everybody has a different shape. Spiritual gifts, heart, ability, personality, and experiences. These five things make you. Spiritual gifts, what am I gifted to do? Heart, what do I love to do? Abilities, personality, we're all different personality, and experiences. We all have different kinds of experiences. There's nobody in the world like you. God never makes a clone. God never makes a copy like a snowflake. He never makes two snowflakes alike. You have a unique thumbprint, eye print, voice print, heartbeat, you have a unique footprint. There's nobody, and when God made you, he broke the mold. Now, you have different gifts. Now, you've heard it said in the Constitution that all men are created equal. Now, that's true in one sense, in that we're all equally loved by God. We are all equally valuable. We are all equally worthy of respect. We all have human dignity. There is nobody who is unimportant. And so we are all equal in that way. But we are not all equal in giftedness. And we are not all equal in background. And we are not all equal in opportunities. And we are not all equal in education. And we are not all equal because We're all in different places. You could have been born in Sudan, southern Sudan, where you don't have any, one set of clothes, no home, and are starving to death. You're fortunate, you live in America. And you've had many, many blessings that other people don't have. I don't know if you've realized this, but the truth is life is not fair. The Bible never says life is fair. In fact, that's why one day God's gonna settle the score. That's why there is a heaven and a hell. One day God is gonna even the odds. He's going to bring about justice. He's gonna settle the score. He's gonna balance the issues. And all the unfairness is gonna be taken care of in eternity. Life is not fair here because this is not heaven. This is earth. Now, God does dole out different gifts and we all have different gifts and different abilities and different background and all these different things. Now, I am not accountable for the gifts God did not give me. Does that make sense? In other words, I'm not very good, for instance, at art. In fact, I can't draw stick figures. I'm a terrible artist. I'm really not very physically coordinated. I have not very good hand-eye coordination. I can actually be clumsy. I was never very good at sports. I'm not good with mechanical things. I couldn't rebuild the carburetor if I had to. And I get very impatient. I'm very patient with people. I'm very impatient with things. And I'm just not good at that. So when I get to heaven one day, God isn't gonna say, hey, Rick, why didn't you paint like Rembrandt? Because he didn't give me those gifts. He's not gonna say, why didn't you shoot hoops like Kobe Bryant? Because he didn't give me Kobe Bryant's physique. Mine's better. I mean, I'm a hunk of burning love, you know, when you think about this. Yeah. Why are you laughing? My own church makes fun of me. I can't believe it, but anyway. The truth is, I'm not accountable for the gifts I don't have. Does that make sense? And you aren't either. And when you get to heaven, God isn't gonna say, why weren't you more like your mom? Or why weren't you more like your brother? Or why didn't you have the talents that your dad did? And why didn't you accomplish what your sister did? And on and on and on. God is not gonna compare you to anybody else. He's gonna compare you to you. He's gonna say, what did you do with what you were given? And the evaluation of your life will not be on what you did compared to everybody else, but what you did given the hand that God dealt you. Does that make sense? Now the Bible says this on the screen, Romans chapter 14. Each of us will have to give a personal account to God. You're not gonna give an account for anybody else, just yourself. Now, listen to this carefully. What we consider to be limitations in our lives, are actually part of the giftedness. That God, when he decides what he wants you to do with your life, what he creates you for, what your destiny is, he gives you both assets and limitations. It's not just good things. There are actually bad things in your life, too, that he allows them to happen in order to shape you for what he wants to do with your life. Life is not fair. Now, let's just take this young girl, Esther. She has some assets, but she has some liabilities. Let's start with the liabilities. First liability. Number one is that she's orphaned. Both her mom and dad died. So she's starting off with not an intact nuclear family. Mordecai, her relative, adopts her, but she doesn't have a mom and dad. So that's a strike against her. Second, she's a minority. She's a minority. She's a Jew living in Persia. So she's a minority. That's gonna be tough. Third, she's a single woman. And in the Persian Empire, women had zero rights and single women had less rights than married women. So she's got no rights, okay? She's poor, she's young, she's a minority, she's a single woman, and she's a believer in God in a pagan culture. So she's got five strikes against her. Exactly the kind of person God says, I think I'm gonna use to change the world. God loves to use the unexpected people. We always wanna choose the superstars. God says, no, I think I'm gonna take a single, young, poor, orphaned, minority woman to change the world. This is typical of God. He loves to use the unexpected. Now, that's not to say she didn't have some gifts because she did have some gifts. Number one, she was smart. Esther is very, very bright. She's intelligent. When you read the story, she's extremely smart in knowing how to use her words and knowing how to get back against the political intrigue of the palace and knowing how to make things happen. She's extremely smart. She listens to advice. And that's a sign of intelligence. So she's got a sharp mind. Second, she's attractive. She's a looker. Obviously, she made the finalist group. And then she's given a year of these treatments. She's purpose-driven pampering. You know? getting her ready for her one night with the king. And the third thing is she's winsome. Esther has an attractive personality. She's engaging. She's charming. In fact, as you read her story, everybody just falls in love with Esther. Okay, yes, she's minority. Yes, she's a believer. Yes, she's got all these things that strikes me. But she just knew how to get along with people. And three times in the story, we're told that she found favor with different people. Look at these verses on your outline. Esther chapter two. Verses eight and nine. Esther pleased Haggai and won his favor. Now who's Haggai? Haggai is the supervisor of the harem. So there's hundreds of women in this harem who've made the finalist thing and it says that Haggai liked Esther and he gave her preferential treatment. Immediately he provided her with beauty treatments and special food and he assigned to her seven maids selected from the king's palace and he moved her and her maids into the best place in the harem. So she gets favor with the guy running the harem. Then in verse 16, 15, it says, Esther won the favor of everyone who saw her. This girl is winning miscongeniality. Everybody's going, oh, we love Esther. They don't consider her competition. She's just so charming, so engaging. And in verse 17, it says, then she won the king's favor and approval more than any of the other virgins. So he, this is Xerxes, set a royal crown on her head and made her queen. Now, you need to understand this. Orphan girl, now the queen of Persia. But none of it would have happened if she hadn't had her limitations. Not just the gifts, but the bad things in her life. I mean, if she had been a rich, married man, she's not even in this story. Because the king wasn't looking for a rich, married man. And if she hadn't been a minority, if she hadn't been Jewish, she couldn't have saved the Jewish race. She wouldn't have even cared about it. So the things that seem to be kind of on the downside were actually on the good side. The point is this, what often looks like a disaster, in this case, I'm part of a cattle call and I'm gonna go out to have sex one night with somebody I don't even love and then probably would be discarded and because I'm no longer a virgin anymore, nobody's gonna wanna marry me. What looks like a disaster was actually God's plan to save the Jewish race from genocide. What's the point? Even the bad things in your life have a purpose. It all has a purpose. It all has a purpose. And you will never know and you will never fulfill your destiny until you stop having a pity party about the bad things that have happened to you. You gotta stop having the pity party. You gotta realize that not just the assets, but the liabilities in your life are God ordained to make you you for what he wants you to do. Not what he wants somebody else to do, what he wants you to do. See, so many people wish they were somebody else. Well, if only I were like that person. If only I had her talent. If only I had her husband. If only I had his wife. If only I had that job. If only, if only, if only. And what you gotta do is you gotta stop saying, well, it'd be nice to be that person. Sucks to be me, but it'd sure be nice to be them. That will, as long as you have that attitude, you will never fulfill your destiny in life. You gotta stop the pity party. You gotta stop moaning and murmuring, and you've gotta realize that even the downsides in your life are part of the plan.
Wow, such a great message from Pastor Rick today. And I hope you were just as encouraged as I was. You know, the truth is that most of us don't pay much attention to our health until something goes wrong. We put on a couple of pounds every year and think, no big deal, right? But a few pounds over five or ten years really adds up. Yeah, I know about that. But on a more serious note, it can lead to major illness like diabetes and heart disease. So that's why Pastor Rick worked together with medical and fitness experts to create the Daniel Plan Study. This is a six-session video and workbook study kit from Rick Warren, Dr. Daniel Amen, and Dr. Mark Hyman. This is an out-of-the-box approach to a healthy lifestyle based on five essentials – faith, food, fitness, focus, and friends. The Daniel Plan study gives individuals and small groups the encouragement and accountability needed to succeed. So if you've been watching the scale going up lately, or your health may be in trouble because of your weight, it's really not too late. So join the thousands of people who've lost weight, improved their health, and improved their relationships through the Daniel Plan. So be sure to request your copy when you partner with Daily Hope to take the Word of God to a hurting world. Just go to to get your copy of this great resource. That's Or you can just text the word HOPE to 70309. That's the word HOPE to 70309. And thank you so much for your support. Your gift to Daily Hope really helps us share the hope of Christ with people all over the world. Be sure to join us next time as we look into God's Word for our Daily Hope. This program is sponsored by Pastor Rick's Daily Hope and your generous financial support.
Join Pastor Rick as he shares insights on living a decade of destiny by adhering to God's word and resisting shortcuts. Through Noah's incredible journey of faith and persistence amidst monumental challenges, learn about the antidotes to discouragement and the importance of maintaining faith in God's promises. This episode is a testament to how unwavering trust in God's grace paves the way to fulfilling your life's divine purpose.
Hey there, everybody, and welcome to Pastor Rick's Daily Hope. And whether today is your first time tuning in or if you're a regular listener, we're really excited that you're here. Well, today, Pastor Rick is continuing his series called Discover Your Destiny. So get ready to explore the practical steps to grow in all areas of your life. spirit, mind, body, relationships, and even your career. So stick with us as we uncover God's incredible plan for your future. And now let's join Rick for the final part of a message called The Life God Blesses.
The Bible says, We don't look at troubles that we could see right now. Instead, we look forward to what we have not yet seen. For troubles we see will soon be over, but the unseen joys to come will last forever. Faith is seeing, believing what you cannot see. And it says here, we look forward to what we have not yet seen. You see, the things you see right now are temporary. Everything you see is not going to last. It's what you don't see that's going to last forever. So he says, what are you going to focus on, the temporary or the eternal? I realize that short-term thinking is what our culture teaches. And I realize that Decade of Destiny is a counterculture move. For me to get you to think 10 years is highly unusual, because most people don't even think a year or a month in advance. They're only thinking from day to day. So I realize this is against our culture to think about what am I gonna do in the next 10 years? But you can't see it, but you trust God. We look at what we have not yet seen. The troubles we see will soon be over, but the unseen joys will last forever. So what does this mean? It means that whether you are blessed or whether you are stressed in the next 10 years will be completely dependent upon what you choose to focus on. If you focus on your problems, you're stressed. If you focus on God's potential and power, you're blessed. If you focus on your troubles, you're stressed. If you focus on God's truth, you're blessed. If you focus on your circumstance, you're stressed. If you focus on Christ's control, you're blessed. It's all what you have your eyes on, blessed or stressed. And the Bible says this, By Noah, Noah's belief in God, this is faith that caused him to see what he couldn't see. Noah's belief in God was in direct contrast to the disbelief of the rest of the world. See, this is a counterculture move, to believe in what you cannot see. His belief in God was in direct contrast to the disbelief of the rest of the world. How was he able to believe? The Bible says he heard God. Noah heard God. You say, well, I don't hear God. How do you hear God? Listen, you hear God by getting near God. You need to write that down. You hear God. I hear God by getting near God. You can't hear God from a distance. You can't hear God if you got the TV or the radio on. You can't hear God if you're always got iPhone plugs in your ears. You can't hear God if you're listening to everything else in life. The Bible says, be still and know that I am God. That means sit down and shut up. It means get alone with God and be quiet and read the Bible a little bit and talk to him in prayer and say, God, is there anything you wanna say to me? You can't hear God unless you're near to God. Now the Bible calls being near to God walking with God. It's a phrase that you find in the Bible. Adam walked with God, Enoch walked with God, Noah walked with God, not physically. It means they were near to God. Near to God. Notice this verse. The Bible says, Noah, Genesis 6, 9, third part of it, Noah walked with God. Now, walking implies three things. Follow me on this. Walking with somebody, when you walk with somebody, implies affiliation, it implies agreement, and it implies alignment. What do you mean by that? First, when you walk with somebody, it implies affiliation. It means, I'm not ashamed to be seen with this person. Are you embarrassed by being seen with Jesus? Are you embarrassed that people might know you're a believer, that you're a Christian? Are you embarrassed by your relationship to Jesus Christ? You can't walk with God unless you're affiliated, you're associated, you have a relationship with God. And not only do you have to have affiliation, you have to have in the same thing alignment. That means you're walking in the same direction at the same pace. You can't walk one way and your partner walk another way. Some of you have tried to walk with somebody who they walk slower than you do or faster. And you're in a mall and you're walking and like every 10 steps you have to slow down and wait for them to catch up. Don't look at them right now because some of you, you married a person like that, okay? And the person you married either walks too fast or too slow for you. And you find yourself, you have to be at the same pace and headed the same direction. If you're gonna walk with God in the next 10 years, you gotta walk at the same pace, not fast, not slower than God, and you gotta walk in the same direction. You got affiliation, you gotta have alignment, you gotta have agreement. The Bible says in Amos 3.3, can two people walk together if they don't agree? The answer is no. No, they can't. How do I know if I'm walking with God? How do I know that? Same three things. I'm in agreement with God, I'm in alignment with God, and I'm not ashamed to be affiliated with God. Oh, and there's one other thing. How do you know if you're walking with God? You'll be out of step with the world. Because the world's walking the opposite direction at a different pace. You'll be out of step with the world. What's the result of walking with God? What's the result of walking with God the next 10 years? Let me tell you what it is. You have no fear. You fear nothing. When you walk with God, it takes all the fear out of your life. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, nothing, nada, zip, because you are with me. You lose your fear when God is near. If you're afraid for your finances, you're not walking with God. If you're afraid for your marriage, you're not walking with God. If you're afraid for your career, you're not walking with God. When you walk with God, you have zero fear. You lose your fear when God is near. Noah was totally unafraid. Everybody in the world's going the opposite direction. He doesn't care. He walked with God. He's not afraid. Many of you have been living in fear for the entire year. God brought you here today so he could say this to you. Stop being afraid. I don't want the next decade to be a decade of fear. I want it to be a decade of faith for you. Last decade, there were a lot of fears in your life. Don't carry those fears into this decade. This should be a no fear decade. I'm not afraid anymore. How do you lose your fear? When God is near. And when God is near, then you can hear. And when God is near and you can hear, There is no fear. No room for fear, perfect love is living here. The Bible says perfect love casts out all fear. In your heart, you're either gonna have love in your heart, you're gonna have fear in your heart. When you bring love in the front door, fear goes out the back door. When you bring fear in the front door, love goes out the back door. Love and fear cannot operate in the same heart at the same time. Now, where do you get the perfect love? Well, not from anybody on earth because nobody on earth can love you perfectly. Nobody can love you perfectly. But the Bible says God is love. The only reason you can love is because God is love. And God loves you perfectly. And when you invite God into your heart in Jesus Christ, it knocks the fear out. Every time you start to get afraid in the next 10 years, you say, perfect love, come into my heart. Perfect love, fill my heart, because it takes out the fear. Love is the opposite of fear. And when you love God and you love your neighbors yourself, your life will be filled with love. Now there's a third antidote that we find in Noah's life, and that is the antidote to tempting shortcuts. Number three, I must do exactly as God tells me to do. I must do exactly as God tells me to do. This is the third key to making it to the finish line. You can have all those nine steps we talked about last week, how to get to your goal, but if you don't do this, you're gonna give up too soon. God will tell you exactly what to do, and then you don't take any shortcuts. You see, Noah didn't just hear the word of God, he heeded the word of God. Verse nine, I love this. It says, Noah always tried to conduct his affairs according to God's will. Do you do that? Do you try to conduct all your affairs according to God's will? Do you say, Lord, what do you want me to do today? What do you want me to do in this interview? What do you want me to do with this sale? What do you want me to do with the next hour? He always tried to conduct affairs His affairs according to God's will. Now, what if God asked you to build a battleship? He's not going to, but let's say he did. You'd probably have some questions. I can think of at least four. First, I would ask, what's a flood? Because in those days, the Bible says at the beginning of time, it had never rained on the earth up to this point. Genesis chapter 2 says that God watered the earth from up within. You know, we know there's water under the ground. And he watered it up from within, almost like a dew that condenses on the ground in the morning. It had never rained. That's one of the reasons. We know that after the flood, the atmosphere changed. We know that simply from fossils that Earth had a tropical climate for a long, long time. And you can find tropical fossils on the top of some mountains that are now covered with snow. You can also find seashells, which obviously we know where those came from too. But the fact is it was a tropical environment. By the way, we know that's why people live longer. When you read in the Old Testament, they lived for hundreds of years. which helped perpetuate the human race when it was just starting off pretty small. Obviously, there was a reason for that. After the flood, something changed in the canopy, in the environment, in the atmosphere, and people didn't live as long. Evidently, more of the sun's rays were getting through or whatever. We don't really know. But the fact is, the Bible said it had never rained. So when God says it's gonna flood and it's gonna rain, not only did Noah not see it, he couldn't imagine it. It had never been done. It's an incredible thing. The second thing I'd ask is, how do you build an ark? How do you build a battleship? And remember, in those days, there was no Home Depot to get lumber from. I mean, you can't be like Evan and Almighty and have the trucks pull up and deliver the lumber. You've got to go out and cut the timber down. That's why it took decades and decades and decades to build this ship. I'm gonna ask the question, how do I get it to water? Because Noah lives hundreds of miles to the nearest ocean. By the way, when the flood came, the Bible says it not only rained, it rained for 40 days solid, but it also says God opened up the springs and the wells under the earth and they, long after the rain stopped, the flood kept rising because of the waters underneath that we know, the subterranean waters. might ask the question, God, how do you intend to round up all these animals? Now, really, I don't have a problem with this. If you believe God can create a universe, God is omnipotent. He can do anything. So he could just snap his finger if he wanted to. It doesn't really matter to me how he did it because if you believe God can create the universe, God can do anything he wants to. Now, it's amazing that Noah did not argue. He did not complain with his assignment. He just goes, whatever you say, Lord. I'm going to do it exactly like you do it. Noah's faith is incredible because the request is incredible. It's unbelievable. It's ridiculously out of human imagination. And yet the Bible says this, Genesis 6, 22. Noah did everything exactly right. as God had commanded him. This verse is actually quoted twice. It's also in chapter seven, verse five. Two times it tells us Noah did everything exactly as God commanded him. Now what does that have to do with your life? In the next 10 years, God blesses people who do what he says even when it doesn't make sense. God blesses people who obey him when it doesn't make human sense. God blesses me when I do what he tells me to do, when I follow his instructions, even when I don't understand it. If you could understand everything God does and why he does it, you'd be God, but you're not, so you're not going to. You don't have the brain capacity to understand what God does. It would be like an ant trying to understand the internet. So a lot of life is just, okay, you say so. Doesn't make sense to me. In fact, it seems stupid. In fact, all the cultures go in the opposite way. But I'm gonna do what you tell me to do in your word. So I'm gonna follow you. Now, this is so important because faith is obeying when I don't understand it. At this stage in your journey, in the next 10 years, let me tell you when you're gonna have the most difficult time. The next month isn't gonna be hard for you. Well, it could be, but nothing like it's gonna be because in the middle of the years, it is in the middle of your life that you have the test that determines how you're gonna end life. Most people think, well, if I wanna end well, I have to start well. No, you really don't. You can actually have a lot of false starts early on in life. You can mess up the early years of your life. You could really just really mess it up and have a bunch of false starts and still end well. Where the real test of where you're gonna end up is is in the middle years when you are discouraged to give up on your dreams. When you are tempted to take shortcuts, to take the easy way out, to skim a little, to fudge a little, to do the easy thing, to skimp, to cut corners and to say, Lord, I know this is what you want me to do and I think I can do it faster if you let me do it my way instead of your way. That's the tempting shortcuts. God told Abraham and Sarah, you're gonna have a baby that will be the father of a great nation. And at 80 years of age, Sarah still didn't have a baby. And now she's going, hmm, shortcut. So she says to her husband, why don't you take my handmaiden, Hagar, and have a baby through her? God says, shortcut, not my plan. It happens all the time. You'll be tempted to take shortcuts in the next 10 years. Ethical, moral, financial, spiritual, relational shortcuts. Don't do it. Don't do it. You do it exactly the way God tells you to do it. Hebrews 11, 7, Noah obeyed God and built a large boat to save his family. Now the fourth antidote is to the fourth trap you're gonna face in the next 10 years, and that is discouraging delays. Because when God gives you a dream, it never, never, never happens immediately. Because God wants to work on you during the delay. We talked a little bit about that last week. Now if anybody had the right to be discouraged over delays, it was Noah. Do you know how long it took him to build the ark? 120 years. Do you think you could sustain motivation on a project that took you 120 years? I doubt it. Do you think you could go 120 years without a single word of encouragement except from God? I doubt it. This man models persistence, determination, endurance. He's an amazing thing. And so the fourth antidote is I must refuse to give up on the dream God gives me. I must refuse to give up on the dream God gives me. You just keep on going, whether you feel like it or not. You don't give up in the middle. You gotta sustain it over the long haul. It is in the middle of your life that determines the end, whether you end successfully or not. Now again, I told you this earlier, Decade of Destiny, what I'm doing with you and our entire church is really a counterculture move because nothing in our society teaches you to think ahead. Everything in our society teaches you live for today and if it feels good, do it. And don't worry about tomorrow or next month or next year or anything like that. Don't even plan for it. To get you to think 10 years ahead is a counterculture move. Would you write this down? Everything takes longer than I think. Isn't that the truth? Everything takes longer than I think. So if you're gonna be different 10 years from now, you better start on it now. You gotta start on it now before you get to the end of the decade. Everything takes longer than we think. Now I'm sure Noah in that 120 years got discouraged, was tempted to give up. I'm sure he faced loneliness. I'm sure he faced fatigue going after his dream. You will face loneliness and you will face fatigue going after the dream God gives you. Count on it. You will face loneliness and fatigue going after the dream God gives you. But you just keep on going. And the reason Noah kept on going is faith in God. Look at this next verse. Hebrews 11, seven, in the Living Bible, Noah trusted God. When he heard God's warning about the future, Noah believed him. It's faith, even though there was no sign of a flood. Now for 42,001 days, Noah has only one goal. fulfill my destiny, do what God made me to do. I'm sure in many days as Noah's building the ark, he's thinking, this is not the life I signed up for. This is not the life I signed up for. Little did he know he was gonna save the world. And I bet many days he didn't feel like working and he'd come home at night tired and Mrs. Noah would say, how was work, honey? Same place, same thing, but he never gave up. you may feel like giving up right now and we haven't even started. You may already feel like giving up. You say, just life is tough. And I think God brought you here this weekend so he could say to you, don't, don't, don't, don't give up. God is in control. And the final of your chapter, final chapter of your life, you haven't read yet. Now God's already written it, but you haven't read it. And you need to not give up. The Bible says this, look here on the screen. Well, let's read this verse aloud. Let us not get tired of doing what is right. For after a while, we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't get discouraged and give up. The most difficult part of that verse, the after a while part. After a while, we will reach our goal. We will fulfill our destiny. We will accomplish our dream. It's after a while. Now, did you know that the ark is a symbol of salvation? In the Bible, just like Noah's family was saved by being in the ark, they were saved from destruction, you are saved from destruction by being in Christ. Christ is the ark. How was Noah saved? The same way you and I are. We're saved, some people think, but the people before Jesus were saved by works, and then after Jesus, they're saved by grace. No, no, everybody who's ever been saved by God has been saved the same way, by faith in God's grace. The word grace, the first time it's mentioned in the Bible, is in Noah's life. The word righteous, the first time it's mentioned, is in Noah's life, and Noah lived by faith. Look at these next two verses. The Bible says, by faith, Noah, by his faith, Noah showed the world was wrong. Everybody said, we're going this way, but the whole world was wrong. The crowd is often wrong. The majority is often not right. By his faith, Noah showed that the world is wrong. And he became one of those who are made right with God through faith. And the next verse, Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. We are saved by our faith in God's grace. Friend, this is the only way you're ever gonna be saved. It's the only way you're ever gonna get to heaven. You must put your faith in God's grace and you need to do it today. Now the Bible tells us in 2 Chronicles 16, 9, God is looking for people to bless. God is looking for people to use. He's looking down, anybody I can bless in the next decade? It says, "...the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, and He may show Himself strong in the behalf of those whose hearts are perfect toward Him, are leaning toward Him." God is looking for people to use and to bless. I want you to be one of those people. I want our church to be filled with blessable, usable people in the next 10 years. But to do that, to fulfill your destiny, you must do what Noah did. Let's bow our heads. Father, I know that in our broken culture today, you're looking for men and women who will choose to be like Noah. May our family, our church family, be filled with people of faith like Noah. Now you pray. In your heart say this, dear God, I wanna be the kind of person like Noah who brings a smile to your face. I want my faith to be strong to the finish line. I don't wanna fall into any of these traps in the next decade. Forgive me for all the times I've worried about what other people think. Give me the courage to dare to be different so I can fulfill your destiny for my life. I want to listen to your voice, not the voices of doubt. I want to get near you so I can hear you. Jesus, in this next decade, I wanna do exactly what you tell me to do, even when it doesn't make sense to me. I wanna trust you. When I'm tired and when I'm discouraged, help me to be like Noah and never give up. If you've never invited Jesus Christ in your life, say, Jesus Christ, I know I can never save myself. I need to put my faith in your grace like Noah did. I'm asking you to forgive me because of what Jesus did on the cross. And I want to open my life to you. In your name I pray. Amen.
Hey, if you just prayed to receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior, awesome. Congratulations. And we would love to hear from you and send you some free materials to help you know him better. So email rick at That's rick at And now this is really one of my favorite parts of the broadcast. This is Letters from Our Listeners. And now here's Rick.
Today I want to share a note from Dion with you who listens to Daily Hope and she came to faith in Jesus along with her husband. Isn't that wonderful? Here's what Dion wrote. Pastor Rick. A couple of years ago, I would describe myself as a person who believed in God but definitely was not a Christian. My husband started listening to pastors on YouTube, and he started sending me your different videos, and you spoke my language. Your explanation about Jesus Christ described the person I was striving to be more like. I then found your podcast at Daily Hope and A Purpose Driven Life and even The Daniel Plan. Basically, I became a super fan. Ha, ha, ha. You always emphasize the need for a church home in small groups, and I began asking God to lead my husband and I to find the right church home. Well, the third church that we tried just happened to be a church where we attended a weekly AA meeting for over three years, and we loved the Sunday messages from the very first service. It felt like home. They have small groups like you talk about, and we jumped into attending the small group meetings weekly. Within two months, we both got baptized and are now official members of our church. I truly believe God allowed you to plant this seed in our souls. That led me to want a deeper relationship with God through Jesus. I'm now a Christian that's working to spread the love of Jesus to others. Thank you so much. I pray that you can continue being a vessel for others who seek Jesus. May God bless you, Dion. Well, wow. Dion, I am so encouraged to know that you and your husband became followers of Jesus. And it's always so exciting to hear how God uses our simple small steps of faith to make a lasting difference in our lives. You know, those of you who are listening right now, did you notice that Dionne and her husband also got baptized and they joined a local church and they're part of a small group? Have you done that yet? If you haven't, I want to encourage you to do that. I hope everybody listening here will get baptized, will join a church family and get involved there. This is how we grow in the body of Christ. We need each other. We're better together.
Hey, if you'd like to let Rick know how this broadcast has blessed you, he would love it. Please feel free to send him an email at rick at That's rick at Be sure to join us next time as we look into God's Word for our daily hope. This program is sponsored by Pastor Rick's Daily Hope and your generous financial support.