In this episode of the National Crawford Roundtable, we talk about the latest assassination attempt on Donald Trump . The head FBI investigator is a guy who openly hates Trump. Should Trump go out in public between now and the election? How should Trump beef up his security? We will also look at Trump’s tax plans–no taxes on tips, no taxes on Social Security and no taxes on overtime wages. And, should Trump do another debate?
Welcome to the National Crawford Roundtable Podcast, a view of culture, current events and politics through a biblical lens, brought to you by Pre-Born, Saving Babies and Souls. Join us in the fight to save babies from abortion. Your gift provides a free ultrasound for a mother in need.
80% of the time, she will choose life. Visit and click on the Pre-Born logo to donate to Save Babies Now. And now here are your hosts, Neil Boron, Bob Dutko and John Rush.
All right, welcome National Crawford Roundtable. I am your host, John Rush, this week with Bob Dutko from Detroit, Michigan. The Bob Dutko Show.
Neil Boron is back with us from Buffalo, New York. Neil Boron live. Hey, guys, what’s up?
Hey. What’s up?
Good to be with you again. Thanks, John.
What’s up? A lot. Just be glad you’re not wearing a pager this morning.
Oh, man. I hate when that happens.
Sorry. We may get into that a little bit later today, but yeah, and really quick, Hezbollah has guaranteed that they will retaliate.
Do people even still… I didn’t even know people still used pagers.
My son sent me that yesterday morning. I’m like, are we in 1990?
Well, in places where they just invented electricity, it stands to reason.
I get so…
That is true. That is true.
Oh, my word. Anyways, let’s start. Trump’s assassination attempt.
He’s had two now on his life. This last one, of course, more and more details continue to roll out on it. For those of you that maybe live in a cave with a pager and haven’t seen the news of late, there was a second attempt this last Sunday.
He was out on the golf course. All sorts of questions around, you know, was this guy just there? Did he happen to know Trump would be there?
Was it just him getting lucky? So many conspiracy theories, which I do not buy into. You know, this is a deep state thing.
This is foreign countries. First of all, let me dispel all of that. No, the deep state wants Donald Trump as the candidate, despite what a lot of people may think.
Other countries want him as the candidate because he is the most beatable that we have right now. And most people in the entire world know that. So there’s no way those other entities would want to take Donald Trump out.
Bob, I’ll start with you.
Well, first, when I look at the assassination attempts on Donald Trump, you know, I’m not usually one of those people to blame rhetoric for stuff because I know the left plays this game all the time. But no, Iran would love to take this guy out. Obviously, there’s a lot of enemies around the world that would love to take him out.
But to me, I don’t think this is more complicated than the liberal left continues to paint Donald Trump as a Hitler, as a threat to democracy, a threat to humanity, a danger to the world. And let’s face it, if someone had successfully assassinated Adolf Hitler during World War II, they would be perceived as a hero and doing a service for humanity. Well, when you raise your rhetoric against Donald Trump to the level that they’ve done on the left, of course in a country of 350 million people, you’re going to have some people feeling like they’re doing something noble for humanity by trying to take him out.
They’re trying to protect their fellow man. But I also have to say though, that you look at the first assassination attempt in Butler a few weeks ago, and a lot of people speculate in that this was maybe a miraculous intervention from God, in that Donald Trump turned his head at just a split second, at just the right angle that he wasn’t killed. It could have been a coincidence, but it’s like, my goodness, you just have to wonder.
And then even with this particular attempt, have you seen those bushes, those hedges that this gun barrel was pointing through the end of? How in the world did a Secret Service agent even see that? I mean, this is so, this would be so camouflaged.
It’s one thing if you just have a silver chain link fence, and there’s some barrel of a gun sticking through it. But when you have all of those hedges behind the trees and everything else, I can’t help but wonder, did an angel of God basically direct that Secret Service agent who just happened to coincidentally see that barrel of a gun coming through there? I’m not trying to automatically spiritualize it.
Maybe he’s just an eagle eye, and he’s trained to see stuff like that, and he saw it anyway, and okay, fine. But it’s really remarkable to me that he got this close to dying two times in a row, and the liberal left continues to paint him as some kind of dangerous Hitler that needs to be taken out. Hakeem Jeffries, the head of the Democrats in the House, he would be Speaker of the House if Democrats had control.
After the assassination, he lied about Trump saying, Trump’s Project 2025, national abortion ban, extreme MAGA Republicans, and said, we have to stop him. It’s like, come on. This was after the second assassination attempt, and they’re doing no reflection whatsoever.
They’re still convinced that the violent rhetoric comes from the right.
Real quick, Neil, before you take over, I want to just jump in really quick to, again, some of the conspiracies about foreign actors, deep state, etc. Guys, being a somewhat gun expert like I am, the weaponry this guy chose to use even, and the shot distance he was going to try to make, the reality is, you have much better choices than if an expert had been hired to actually do that. All of those things change.
So I just want to make sure I throw that out there. For all of those conspiracy theorists out there that think that, you know, this is a deep state ploy, or this is some foreign entity that’s doing these things, let me tell you what, you wouldn’t hire the guy they hired to have done this, but Neil, I’ll let you have the floor now.
Well, yeah, and I’m not an expert on assassination attempts by any means, but at some point, wouldn’t the president have moved into position much closer than where they took this guy out? Like, that eventually, you’re going to play through, and when you get to that portion of the fairway, or whatever, that he’s going to be within range of a good shot, I don’t disagree with you that this is probably not, you know, a highly coordinated deep state thing, but it is remarkable to me that in both of these situations, you’ve got sort of a bumbling person. I mean, neither one appears to, you know, be a marksman of any sort.
These are not the sharpest tack in the box by any means.
Yeah, yeah, but they had freedom to roam into what would eventually be a hot zone, right? Some kind of a perimeter, right? Where the president’s, and they’re just kind of, they got in there, and how did they get in there, and how were they not detected earlier?
Now, I realize in Butler, Pennsylvania, they knew that kid was there, but he was seen with a range finder. He was considered to be a person of interest or whatever. I mean, they gave him some type of a label early on, and then let him go free, like just walk around, just feel free to just meander through this hot zone, this perimeter we’ve set up.
In the other case, I mean, the guy was there obviously about 12 hours early, but he must have had some knowledge. How did he get the knowledge that the president was gonna play or play that part of the course on that particular day? I got a lot of questions about that.
I don’t think it’s deep state stuff, but it definitely in my mind speaks to the idea that there may be some kind of a mole inside the Secret Service. Who knows?
Well, I’ll throw that back to you, Bob. I mean, potentially, I’m not gonna disagree with Neil on some of that stuff. That’s one of the first questions I had.
Or did this guy just get a lucky break? They claim he had been there since about 2 a.m. He basically hung out the entire day. Was it just him being extremely lucky, hoping that on a free day, Donald Trump would play it, you know, his quote unquote home course?
Guys, I have no idea, Bob.
Yeah, and I don’t either. I guess I’m not usually a conspiracy theorist guy, but at the same time, I can’t 100% rule out stuff like that. So let me just say, if I had to bet money, I would bet that this is just a lone left winger who likes Kamala Harris, hates Donald Trump, and wanted to take him out.
But if we ended up finding out that there was somebody high up in the FBI or Secret Service who actually hired him through a couple of buffers or whatever, I wouldn’t be shocked, but I’m putting my money on the Occam’s razor that this is just a left wing guy who bought into the rhetoric of the hateful left.
Which, you know, speaking of that, Bob, I’m going to switch over to pre-born here, because that rhetoric, which so much misinformation, I feel when it comes to abortion. I mean, you heard Kamala Harris during the debate literally lying about late term abortions, the fact that they don’t exist. There’s not one woman in America that gets a late term abortion.
I mean, literally lying through her teeth, because the fact of the matter is, yes, those happen on an ongoing basis, a daily basis. A sad fact, but happens on a daily basis. Yet there’s organizations out there like pre-born that are trying to stop those things.
Well, they are. And by the way, let’s not forget David Miralenci Davis let her get away with that lie and all the other lies.
Felt no need to fact check her at all. But no, you’re absolutely right. I mean, sometimes people look at what’s happening in the abortion debate and they go, well, what can I do?
You know, it’s just, it’s up to the organizations. No, it’s actually up to us as individuals, because what we can do is we can actually stop abortions. We can save babies’ lives by giving to pre-born.
Now remember, pre-born is the main pro-life group that shows ultrasound images of unborn babies in pro-life centers all across the country. And we know statistically when a mom sees a picture of her baby, it’s the first time she’s ever seen what her baby looks like, she chooses life almost all the time and usually ends up accepting the Lord. So our mission is to pay for as many ultrasound images as possible.
$28 is the average ultrasound expense to stop one abortion, to save one baby’s life. So we ask everyone in the audience, will you pray about a number of baby’s lives that you would be willing to save and this is your gift to pre-born, take $28 times fill in the blank. $28 times fill in the blank and whatever that number is, hey, that’s your forever legacy of the amount of abortions that you and your family stopped.
Now, there are some of you out there that are well off financially and maybe you could use a good tax write-off for your business or something. We need some of you to buy ultrasound machines. They’re $15,000 a piece.
Your forever legacy will be you stopped thousands and thousands of abortions. So 15 grand for buying an ultrasound machine and then for everybody else, the regular folks, take $28 times fill in the blank and that’s your gift to pre-born, the number of babies lives that you saved. Anything that you give to pre-born, anything, 100% goes to fund ultrasounds, nothing for overhead.
So here’s how you give, go online right now to and click on pre-born., click on pre-born and give right there. Or you can give over the phone with a real live person, just call 833-850-BABY.
That’s 833-850-BABY. And John, I want to say also when talking about who’s behind this, and when I talk about the angry rhetoric that’s used against Donald Trump.
I agree with you on that, by the way.
You know, I just, I think I mentioned this in a previous podcast, but I want to mention this again. Back when Donald Trump was president of the United States, not a candidate, he’s actually president, CNS News, which is a conservative news service, they decided to take just two months and see what names Donald Trump was called on ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN and MSNBC. Now, this is only a two month window.
And these are the names that he was called on these networks, quote, sociopath, disturbed person, trader, white nationalist, white supremacist, white bigot, racist, sinister, destructive virus, treasonous, Mussolini, Joseph Stalin, Nazi, evil, mentally unfit, dictator, Hitler, Adolf Hitler, unfit to be human, domestic terrorist, psychologically troubled, hate monger, imperial wizard, neo-Nazi, national security threat, piece of blank, S-word, killer, domestic terrorist, menace, nuts, mentally unstable, madman. And then of course, now lately, he’s regularly been called a threat to democracy, a threat to humanity. When you have someone called these kinds, yeah, a threat to the entire world, when you have someone called these kinds of names, you cannot equate that with Donald Trump calling the news media fake news.
Yes, Donald Trump can be harsh in what he says, but you know something? He doesn’t go to this level that they do about him on a regular basis. That is truly dangerous rhetoric.
I agree. And you’re 100% correct. In fact, there’s all sorts of clips out there where you can see past politicians, Joe Biden himself, which is the current president, I think anyways, I haven’t seen him for a while, but I think he’s still the president of the United States.
You know, him talking about taking Donald Trump out behind the woodshed and this, that and the other. I mean, these are things that just, you know, gin up their base, if you would. I don’t know how else to say it, Bob.
I agree with you. I don’t see this as being anything, you know, foreign entity or deep state. It’s simply a matter of they are, they are revving up their own sociopaths, which by the way, there’s a lot of them in their, in their ranks and I mean that sincerely.
There’s a lot of mentally ill people in the liberal ranks that all they have to do is have that button push just a little bit harder and these are the sorts of things that happen.
Right. That is so true. Go ahead.
And really quick, Bob or Neil, going over to you on the pastoral side. I do believe and Bob says this a lot, these are very demonic things. I mean, anybody that would want to shoot and take out a either president or somebody running for president, I mean, honestly, do that with anyone, school shooting, etc.
There’s got to be a demonic overflow, if you would, or presence there, because normal people don’t do those things.
You know, we don’t talk about it much. I mean, I’m not I don’t mean on this podcast. I mean, as believers, we don’t talk about the fact much that we don’t wrestle against flesh and blood.
I mean, we see if we have adversaries in the world, like maybe the guy down the street who doesn’t like the color, I painted my fence or whatever. I mean, these people that we have conflict with, they’re obstructionist in some fashion. Maybe it’s a guy we’ve got trouble with in the office or whatever.
You know, we just, we see them as human obstacles. But the reality is that this world is not our home, that the prince of the power of the air has something to say about all this. And there is demonic activity in the world.
And I’m 100% sure it’s what we’re witnessing right now. And I think that as it escalates, people are scratching their head going, what has happened to the world that we live in? How are these things possible?
And I’m just referring to the two assassination attempts you got even now since the start of this recording for the podcast, even more devices exploding in other parts of the world, Lebanon and other places. And I don’t know, the world is filled with chaos right now. Where’s that coming from?
Well, it’s coming from the fact that God does not have control of human hearts or governments. And until we yield to the power of the Holy Spirit, until we say yes to God’s plan and purpose for our lives, we’re going to see this thing continue to de-escalate. I think we’re actually looking at more chaos in the future, not less.
And that’s where I would encourage, especially a lot of the folks that listen to this roundtable, and I realize they come from every walk of life. Some are Christians, some are not. And you literally have every type of background because we get some some comments and feedback from some of you that are out there listening, which we appreciate all comments, good, bad and otherwise.
But I think rather than going down these conspiracy trails of, you know, it’s Iran or it’s Russia or it’s the deep state. What we’re talking about right now, to me, is a bigger deal and a bigger answer, probably, well, not bigger, the answer as to what’s going on. Bob, throw this back over to you.
I know you and I are pastors, but to me personally, this doesn’t take much to figure out that these are not sane individuals. There’s a demonic presence. And I hate to say this, but all over the left, I wish I didn’t have to say that because it should just be a political party with political ideals.
But this is an entire party that they want total control. They want to force you and I and Neil into doing what they want us to do. There is no freedom of choice on the left.
The reality is it’s total control and they themselves are the replacement for God. Am I wrong?
No, I don’t think you’re wrong at all. First of all, this is absolutely a spiritual battle. If you look at some of the things the Democrat Party is pushing right now, it truly is evil.
I don’t know how anyone who’s a believer in Christ can’t see that it is Satan that is working his agenda.
You’ve got a presidential candidate up on the debate stage saying there’s no late term abortions. I mean, the reality is an out and out lie because they’re happening all the way up to the day babies are delivered. How much more demonic does it get, Bob?
I know. I mean, well, think about this. You have right now several states in this country where the law is on the books that says that if a baby’s born alive after surviving a botched abortion attempt, that that baby is allowed to be denied medical care, is allowed to be left there screaming and writhing in pain until he eventually dies while everybody leaves the room.
You can deny medical care to that baby. And we know full well that there’s a lot of abortion doctors that aren’t going to wait and listen to the screaming for an hour. They’re just going to go ahead and finish the job after that baby’s out, but just not basically put it in their records that they did it that way.
We know for a fact that’s going on, these Democrat states have blocked efforts to pass laws from Republicans that are trying to make it a crime for doctors to do that. And let me just say that for several years now in Congress nationally, you’ve had Republicans trying to introduce legislation that would require legally medical doctors to have to provide medical care to those babies. It’s been blocked in the House by Democrats for years.
It’s been filibustered to this day, still being filibustered by the Democrats in the Senate. The mainstream media won’t report that. How much more evil and satanic can you get than a party that is actively fighting to stop a law that would require doctors to provide medical care to a screaming baby who can live but is just left to die eventually after a botched abortion attempt?
How can anybody not see the evil in this and yet continue to vote Democrat? It’s beyond me.
I just want to add something to that. You know, a cautionary tale, maybe, is to not jump so far to a conclusion that everybody on the left is bad and everyone on the right is good. I’m pretty sure almost everybody on the left is bad.
I’m talking about, you know, those that are pushing these kinds of issues, abortion right up to the moment of birth and leaving a baby to die on the table. This stuff is demonic at its core. No question about it.
But there are others in the Republican Party, a few at least. I mean, obviously, they took abortion out of the party platform headed into the election. There may have been some strategy involved in that.
Hey, let’s take this hot button issue off the table. Let’s look like we’re not so extreme, whatever. But clearly, we all know not everyone in the Republican Party is working on behalf of innocent unborn babies to save their lives.
And Jesus himself is the one who said, hey, if you’re not for me, you’re against me, period. Romans 5.8, right? Christ demonstrated his love for us that while we were sinners, he died for us.
Verse 10 though says, while you were enemies, I did this for you. And so as somebody who isn’t really walking in step with God, spiritually speaking, is an enemy of God. Now, I’m not trying to paint all this with one broad brush, but what I’m saying is, let’s be a little bit cautious and realize that even in the so-called right, or the conservative circles, there are some bad apples.
And I think we need to be concerned about demonic activity at every single level, including in our own school systems, communities, perhaps even in our own homes, and not be naive about that fact. Yes, we can have these conversations, and I’m on board with a lot of what you’re saying, but I also want to pull the camera back a little bit and say we need to be wise as serpents, harmless as doves, because we may have Trojan horses in our own churches or communities without knowing it.
And, you know, I wouldn’t argue that, although I will tell you that when you look at the entire platform of the left and you look at what they do inside of school boards and school districts and the transgender movement, and on and on we go. I mean, I go back to Bob’s point of, I don’t know how in the world you could supposedly, as you just said a moment ago, Neil, be for God, but yet be on that side voting for people that are on the left because the entire platform stands for everything we don’t. And Bob, I mean, I know you feel the same way about that that I do.
And I agree with what Neil’s saying. We have to be careful on our side because, no, we’re not perfect either. I get that.
But all in all, when you look at the two different viewpoints that each one has and if there’s anything maybe that that you could fault the right for is that we just want to be left alone. We want to live our lives. I mean, you do you, I’ll do me.
We want to be left alone. Now, I know that’s not fully a spiritual cause by any stretch of imagination because we want all folks to come to Christ and that’s a whole different conversation. But in general, they’re the party of control, we’re the party of freedom, and yet we don’t communicate that very well.
Well, we don’t. We’re lousy communicators. John, you and I have talked about that many times, but when I say we, I’m talking about the political right on average.
But no, I mean, to Neil’s point, there are bad apples everywhere. As a general principle, cops are good, criminals are bad. As a general principle.
That doesn’t mean that there aren’t bad apples among law enforcement, and that doesn’t mean that there aren’t redeeming qualities among some criminals and whatever. All I’m saying is of the two main political parties, the Republican Party and the Democrat Party, neither one of them is the Party of God. The Republican Party is not the Party of God.
They’re not a Christian party. The Republican Party is a secular party. You have two secular parties, all right?
However, if you look at the plank, the platform of the two parties, the Republican Party, their policies, by and large, are consistent with biblical principles and values. By and large, not all of them, but by and large, the Democrat Party, their policies are diametrically opposed to biblical principles and values. And so based on that, I don’t see any reason, any justification for somebody who calls himself a believer in Christ to vote Democrats into power.
Christians ought not be voting Democrat as long as that’s what their policies are. And bad apples within the Republican Party? Absolutely.
But let’s not have an unrealistic expectation. None of us are claiming that the GOP is God’s official party. What we’re not saying that.
What we’re saying is that the GOP, their policies are more in line with Biblical principles and values. The Democrat Party is more in line with evil, satanic principles and values. And that’s the reason why I say Christians ought not be voting Democrat.
They ought to be voting Republican. Bad apples within the Republican Party not withstanding.
It’s a valuable clarification.
Yes, no, and I appreciate that. And again, pre-born, talked about those folks a moment ago. Great organization, by the way.
And I say it all the time, Bob, put your money where your mouth is for all of you listening, no matter what side of the aisle you’re on. You know, take that out of it for right now. This is about saving babies’ lives, which we could literally do an entire podcast just on that topic alone and what that means and the amount of misinformation, Bob, that gets out when it comes to abortions and what happens after an abortion, and what happens to moms after an abortion, and on and on we go, what happens to families even after abortions.
The reality is, it’s not as clean and rosy as what the left paints it out to be.
No, it’s really not. And when you have moms that have planned parenthood, trying to convince them to come in there and get an abortion, this is an evil going on in our society. Yep, Democrats are the ones pushing that.
You got pre-born across the street, that’s in a pro-life center, that’s showing ultrasound images of those babies to moms, and that’s one of the things, one of the biggest things that causes a mom to choose life. Well, $28 is the average ultrasound expense to stop one abortion, to save one baby’s life. And a lot of you listening to us right now have given a pre-born already, and we thank you for that.
We really do. If you haven’t given yet, or maybe you have, you did last year and you want to do it again, hey, that’s okay, too. We’re asking you to save as many baby’s lives as possible.
Now, if $28 will save one baby’s life, how many baby’s lives would you be willing to save? What can you afford? Take $28 times, fill in the blank.
Pray about a number. That’s your gift to pre-born, and 100% of what you give goes to fund ultrasounds, not a penny for overhead. And if you can afford to buy an ultrasound machine, they’re $15,000 apiece.
Nice tax write-off for you this year. And every penny of that goes to the ultrasound machine as well. Nothing for overhead.
So $15,000, your forever legacy, will be you stopped thousands of abortions. For everybody else, you can decide how many abortions you want to stop. $28 times fill in the blank.
Okay, whatever that number is. So here’s how you give online or on the phone. Online, just go to and click on pre-born., click on pre-born. And if you want to give to a real-life person over the phone, you know, the answer to the phone is 24-7. So you can call anytime.
Call 833-850-BABY. That’s 833-850-BABY. Just mention National Crawford Roundtable when you call.
Alright, as we wrap up this first half hour, this first segment of the National Crawford Roundtable, the one thing that I want to encourage believers to do, and I’ll give each of you about a minute to do this, so I’ll hurry up here. But really, what I want believers to do is, when it comes to Donald Trump, take everything that he says out of the picture. Look at what he’s done.
Look at what he did as president. Look at what he did for even the Christian community. And I’m not saying the guy’s a Christian.
I’m not putting him on any kind of a pedestal. But look at his actions and the things that he’s done and the things that he’s promised to do. Take that completely out of the picture and then cast your vote based upon that.
Neil, I’ll give you the last word before we end here in about a minute.
Well, actions speak louder than words. And I think you’re 100% right. I mean, I think one of the most offensive things about Donald Trump is what comes out of his mouth.
But ultimately, what does he stand for? What has he done? What has he supported?
And on top of that, it isn’t just Donald Trump. We’re supposed to be people of prayer who pray for those in authority. And as believers, rather than just hoping that our candidate wins or that our issues get supported in November, let’s pray because God has something to say about all this as well.
Amen. All right, guys, with that again, this is the first half of the National Crawford Roundtable. Myself, John Rush, out of Denver, Colorado, Rush Cherezin on KLZ 560, Bob Dutko, Detroit, Michigan, The Bob Dutko Show, and Neil Boron from Buffalo, New York with the Neil Boron Live Show.
And guys, again, we’ll be right back. Stay tuned. The second half of the National Crawford Roundtable is next.
This has been a Crawford Media Group production.
All right, we’re back. Welcome, National Crawford Roundtable. I’m your host today, John Rush, Denver, Colorado, Bob Dutko from Detroit, Michigan with us today.
Bob Dutko Show and Neil Boron from Buffalo, New York, Neil Boron Live. Guys, we talked, really kind of got into that last half about not just the assassination, but the left and what they stand for and Christians and how they should be voting, which I know we talk about a lot. But guys, it’s near and dear to me because if we could get every evangelical or so-called evangelical, even people that maybe don’t go to church every week, but still associate with Christians and so on, and they consider themselves Christians, if we could just get those folks to vote for Donald Trump, this is a slam dunk, Kamala Harris has no chance of winning.
Neil, I’ll give you the word on that because you’re a pastor, and I don’t know why it’s so difficult to not only get them to vote for Trump, but in some cases to just get them to vote, period.
Well, I think we need to check our own hearts because the bottom line is, our allegiance first and foremost shouldn’t be to our own political values, but to God Almighty, which means that we answer to him. Ultimately, Romans 14-12 says, each one of us will give an account of ourselves to God. I’m deeply disturbed by some of the things I hear coming out of people’s mouths about this upcoming election and what they want to see happen when ultimately, we’re supposed to be following God’s lead.
Not pushing our own agenda, not pushing the things we want to see, but supporting biblical values, supporting the things that are good and right and true. And it’s kind of disturbing. I mean, by the way, there’s another group, just like there was evangelicals for Biden now, there’s evangelicals for Harris.
Can these people biblically point out how in the world they’re supporting somebody who’s all for cutting off the body parts of our children, right? Without parental consent, somebody who’s pushing the homosexual agenda, someone who is completely, rabidly pro-abortion to the point of abort your child the day before it’s born or leave it to die on the table if it survives the abortion. How in the world are these things being biblically justified?
And these are from alleged evangelicals, although we know that definition’s changed in the last few years. What is an evangelical anymore? I guess we have to define that.
But either way, yeah, I think that those who know and love the Lord Jesus Christ, who understand biblical truth, need to continue to point people to the truth of God’s Word. It’s our standard. It has all of the hope that we have for the world.
All of the things we need for life and godliness are found in His Word, and all of our values need to be based right there.
Amen. Go ahead, Bob.
Can I just respond real quick to something Neil was saying there? First of all, evangelicals for Harris, this is the same group that was evangelicals for Biden. They just switched their name to Harris.
But this is headed up by a woman who is one of those James Cone kind of black liberation theology activists. She’s quoted multiple times as saying the words, whiteness is wicked. That’s who evangelicals for Harris is.
And by the way, Kamala Harris had them host a Zoom event for her just several weeks ago. So I just want to stress that, and I’ve said this many times, we have to understand the proper way to use the word hope. There are a lot of things I hope for.
I hope Donald Trump wins this election. I hope that America turns back to God. I hope Republicans get control of the House and Senate.
But my hope is not in these things. My hope is in Jesus Christ. And so as long as we can remember that, that doesn’t mean that we don’t hope for certain things in an earthly sense and fight for those things.
But when people say, and I’ve heard this many times, I know you guys have too. Oh, Donald Trump, he’s so flawed, and I don’t want to stand before God and explain why I voted for the lesser of two evils. My response is, do you want to stand before God and explain why you used your vote to help the greater of two evils get power?
because if you stay home and don’t vote, then mathematically you’re helping the greater of the two evils get in. And let’s face it, for the last 6,000 years, every single one of us, except Jesus Christ, has a measure of evil. Every vote is the lesser of the evils, if you will.
So we gotta get past that nonsense. The simple fact is, if I need heart surgery and I have a choice between a non-Christian, foul-mouthed heart surgeon, who’s one of the best at that craft, or Pastor Neil, Neil, I love you to death, you’re not operating on my heart. I’m going with the foul-mouthed, non-Christian heart surgeon.
And I know. And I’m not even putting Trump in that category. I think it’s very possible that Trump is, in fact, a baby Christian who’s rough around the edges and still has one and a half feet in the world and a couple of toes in the church.
Okay, fine, let’s leave that between him and God. Let’s pray for him. But let’s look at the job that he did as president, the results that he produced, and what he is already declaring he will do again on behalf of the unborn, on behalf of the born-again Christian community.
That we’re hiring him to do a job. Let’s look at the results he produced in that job that he says he’ll do again. That’s what Christians have a responsibility to do.
Alright, so moving forward, I want to switch gears here for a moment, because I think this is a topic worth discussing. If you’re Donald Trump, knowing what he’s already been through in the past couple of months with assassination attempts, what do you do to beef up security, Bob? because you know you can’t rely on secret service, that ain’t working out very well.
I know, and here’s the scary part of it. Now I guess I am going to sound a little conspiratorial. I can’t rule out that there aren’t some really bad apples in the secret service.
Oh, I can’t either. That I don’t think is conspiratorial at all, Bob. I mean, I think that’s just simply facts.
I know, and in the FBI, and these are still, just because you’re an official in the FBI, or just because you’re an official in secret service, doesn’t mean that you’re still not human, and you’re not still above making horrible decisions, and even doing criminal things. That’s right. Just because somebody is a scientist and wears a lab coat, that doesn’t mean that they’re objective.
They’re still buying into the global warming nonsense, and they’re still thinking men can get pregnant. So, we’ve got to recognize there are going to be bad apples in the FBI and the Secret Service, and I can’t rule out that you might not have one or some that are, in essence, trying to cultivate the ground to have Donald Trump taken out, because they feel like they’re doing their patriotic duty on behalf of America to let Donald Trump get assassinated. So, in that regard, I don’t know how to clean that up, other than, what I would suggest that Trump do specifically, is, one, encourage the Republicans to push for him getting at least the same level of secret service as Joe Biden is getting.
I think that there’s a fair case for that, that’s putting a band-aid on it, but at least it’s something. And, you know, be diligent, of course, in the protection, but also at the same time, I would argue, and I know Neil’s going to agree with this, I would love to see Donald Trump, even in his private moments, just get on his knees and talk to God, and say, God, help me through this, help me get closer to you. I know I got a foot in the world, and a foot in your world, and I’m a double-minded man, I get that, and I’m trying to grow, but God, don’t give up on me.
Even if he had that level of humility, getting on his knees, I think that that would be a good and beneficial thing. Personally, I think God has been sending his angels to protect Donald Trump. This would be a good move on Trump’s part to do at least privately.
But in the meantime, I think you keep fighting the fight and challenge Republicans to speak up and be bold. Yeah, I’d bypass them. And have the gut, no, well, I’m saying have the guts to speak out in defense of Donald Trump and call out the media and call out the Democrats and be willing to fight with Donald Trump instead of allowing him to basically do the fight himself.
I wouldn’t argue that, although if I was him, I would immediately put in six to ten of my own highly trusted agents, maybe even take a guy like Dan Bongino and make him head of that secret service, is then reporting to those particular individuals. That doesn’t really cure the mole problem that potentially is there, Bob, but you definitely have a higher control over things. And then, I know people are going to laugh at this, but lastly, I’d send the bill to the US government for that.
Yeah, it’s not going to get paid, but I would still send a message that since you guys can’t do it, I am, and here’s the bill, by the way, and I would make that very public. Neil, your thoughts?
Yeah, I don’t know on this one, and John, I know that you and I corresponded earlier today about Jeffrey Veltri, who’s, you know, I guess, reporting over top of the FBI investigation for that particular district, right? And that he’s not a fan of Donald Trump. Vocally, adamantly has said he doesn’t like Donald Trump in the past.
And I think even before he was promoted to position he’s in, he kind of scrubbed all of his social media accounts. Correct. So nobody could see that.
But if you stop and think about it, what’s more dangerous having somebody who’s actively a part of the Secret Service detail that’s within, you know, walking distance or arm’s length of the president carrying a firearm, who has hostile intent towards the president, or somebody who’s going to do an investigation after a failed assassination attempt. Like, I don’t see that as a huge threat, even though I don’t think you would get a full scale or fair investigation. You know, hear me out.
I would love to see somebody who’s unbiased really looking into these things, somebody who has a favorable view of the president. That would be wonderful. But it only takes any member of the Secret Service, the lowest level person who just has been added to the president’s detail, to be the one to pull out their own weapon and kill the president right there, just standing next to him.
It’s a very vulnerable thing if you stop and think about it. I do think that he should look into the possibility of hiring additional security, but I don’t know then how that would work in coordination with the Secret Service. I mean, are they kind of like, no, I’m sorry, this is our area, we’ve got it, you’re not welcome here, we’re not going to share information with you.
Is there like territorial stuff that… because top level CEOs and billionaires around the world, they have their own security details. And some of them, I’ve been told, I don’t know this personally, but I’ve been told by people in law enforcement, including a former FBI agent, that some of them have higher level of training and are more aggressively protective of people than members of the Secret Service.
I don’t know if that’s true or not. But either way, I don’t think that the greatest threat are people in Washington, DC. The greatest threat are people on the ground, at the site.
I mean, this whole thing about the rooftop in Butler, Pennsylvania, apparently, now the latest information coming out is that the local people have been told Secret Service would pay attention to the rooftop. Hey, don’t worry about it. We got it.
The building’s secure because we’re the ones looking into it, so you don’t have any need of it. And then they’re saying, hey, there’s a guy on the roof of the gun and nobody’s doing anything about it. I think there’s some major questions that need to be asked there.
And those are people that are within firing range of the president, so I don’t know. It’s troubling, to say the least.
Bob, switching over to Preborn quick because I know we need to mention them and a lot of it. Again, we talked about it in the first half extensively, but the reality is they’re out there trying to save babies’ lives. They are the boots on the ground.
They’re doing things, and I hope everybody realizes this, they’re doing things that, quite frankly, Bob, I can’t do.
I know. And you know what? It’s amazing the amount of babies’ lives that are being saved, the amount of abortions that are being stopped.
But it happens from ultrasound images being shown to these moms. It takes money, though, to show these ultrasound images. And that’s why we ask everybody listening to us right now, if you haven’t given to pre-born yet, will you please do it now?
And if you have given to pre-born, maybe it’s been a while, would you consider doing it again? Maybe your 2024 gift, maybe a nice tax write-off for you for 2024’s taxes. $28 is the average ultrasound expense to stop one abortion, to save one baby’s life.
So how many baby’s lives will you save? Take $28, Tim’s fill in the blank. Maybe it’s 100 babies, that’s $2,800.
Maybe it’s 10 babies, that’s $280. I don’t know what you can afford, but pray about a number, because this is actually really saving baby’s lives, and this will be the legacy of your family. You’ll forever be able to say, you know what, there are X number of people walking around the earth today, you’ll be able to say this year’s from now, because we stopped this number of abortions from happening.
So would you consider doing that right now? Give to pre-born, they’re the ones who show the ultrasound images all over the country in pro-life centers. So here’s what you do, go to, click on pre-born., click on pre-born, and take $28, fill in the blank. Come up with a number, that’s the amount that you give, and 100% of what you give goes to fund ultrasounds, nothing for overhead. And if you want to give to a real-life person over the phone, they answer the phones 24-7.
So go ahead and call right now, 833-850-BABY. That’s 833-850-BABY. And by the way, John, I do want to say the more that I’m thinking about it, the Trump hiring his own private detail to supplement the Secret Service, I don’t know now about that.
My immediate reaction was, hey, you know what, yeah, that sounds great, and yes, build a government, even though they wouldn’t pay it. But that could be a PR mess. It could be perceived as a slap in the face to the Secret Service, and I don’t trust you guys, so I’m bringing in my own people, and I wonder how insulting that may seem to the Secret Service.
That would be the message that you send. The question would be for that middle of the road voter that’s now seen two assassination attempts and might even have doubts about government themselves, what message does that send to them?
Well, it at least puts it front and center, because we know that the mainstream media is trying to take these assassination attempts and turn them into old news as quickly as they possibly can. I mean, let’s face it, if it were Kamala Harris, who somebody showed up trying to assassinate her, and that person was a MAGA hat wearing 19-time donor to the Republicans, who had a Trump-Vance bumper sticker on his truck, oh, that would be day after day after day from now till the end. Look, three and a half years later, they’re still milking the daylights out of January 6th.
So they would be milking that like crazy. This, the media turns it into a one-day story. So to me, the best thing that would come out of your suggestion, John, would be that it would force the discussion of Trump being the victim of multiple assassination attempts to still be front and center and to still be discussed because the media is trying to pigeonhole that entire story.
All right, let’s move on to his tax plans because again, this is some of the things that I think does reach across to the middle because we’re not reaching across the aisle. There’s hardcore lefties. They’re not going to vote for Trump no matter what, so you’re not trying to reach them.
Don’t even try to message to them. It’s a waste of time, energy and money. You got to concentrate on the middle.
The right’s already in. You got to concentrate on that middle of the road voter that’s still swaying one way or the other. So, so far, he’s talked about no taxes on tips, no taxes on Social Security, which affects those that are elderly, of course.
And then lately, the no taxes on overtime wages, which when I first heard that, I really felt like, come on, Donald, you’re just really trying to get votes. But as an employer, Bob, hear me out here. I got to thinking, hmm, you know what?
because you’re matching Social Security.
Well, and he’s also on to something else along these lines. I’ve had in my past, and I got some flack from some listeners on this one when I mentioned this on Monday on my show. But as an employer, I’ve had those situations where you’ve got a really good employee, they’re a solid worker, you’re trying to get extra out of them, you don’t really want to hire another worker, you’ve got just enough work to where you could give this person 10, 15 hours of overtime each week.
But there’s times where they look at that and they say, you know, for the extra hours I work, and what I actually net in my check when it’s all said and done because of, in some cases, the higher tax bracket they may now end up in. At the end of the day, there’s no real net to me, so I’m not going to go ahead and put that extra overtime in. This eliminates this, so not only does it help the employee, you’re helping employers as well, Bob.
John, I am exactly with you on it. I thought the same thing. Now, I’m not an employer now since I’ve been in radio, but prior to that, yes, I ran companies and I was an employer.
And I completely agree with you, that you’ve got employees where you do want to help them, you want to go ahead and give them overtime, of course. But in doing that, you recognize it. Okay, how much can you do?
I need to hire additional people for this one. Now, I don’t necessarily need to. If I can show some love to somebody by letting them work some more.
I’m not out anymore. I’m really not, especially if this would include not having to pay matching Social Security and that I don’t know about. Those are the devil in the details, I suppose.
But it also increases more volunteering for overtime for some people as well. And the bottom line, you can have…
Well, it increases productivity on the workforce side in a major way without having a lot of investment in that, I guess is what I’m trying to get at. And I know some people may not understand all of what I’m saying, but you know what it takes to hire another person, even a part-time person, versus giving that existing employee more time.
Exactly, and with that existing employee now, if they’ve got more take-home pay, number one, they’re going to be more willing to do that if you’ve got overtime-resistant people, but number two, you can take care of your better employees in a much more powerful way, especially if they need some more money and you know that they need a decent amount more money. Well, you don’t have to necessarily pay that person 20 extra hours of overtime at time and a half to be able to get that. Now, suddenly, you can pay them 15 hours of extra overtime.
They’re going to have the same amount of take-home pay. They’re getting the extra money that they need for the sake of their family. And you’re not having to shell out as much as an employer either.
So this actually really does make it better for the employer on top of making it better for the employee, not to mention the fact, talk about reaching out to union workers across this country. What a powerful message to them that, as far as the overtime issue as well. So no, I like it.
Social Security, tips, overtime, it all falls under the heading of we need to lower taxes for regular workers in this country, and that’s what this does. Who cares if this is the particular avenue that he uses to lower the overall taxes that they pay?
Really quick, my other complaint on this, Neil, is all great ideas, but you being the pastor, not the employer in all of this, how much of this have you heard and have we messaged this correctly coming out of the Trump campaign?
Render under Caesar, what is Caesar’s? Listen, I’m not an employer, and I’ve never paid wages to employees, so I don’t know the ins and outs of how that works, nor am I an economist, and I think we need to ask that question. Like, what happens when the federal budget deficit just continues to grow to the point of explosion?
Like, where is the additional revenue going to come from if we allow people to keep money in their pockets? But on the other hand…
They spend that money that’s in their pockets.
Right, disposable income, disposable income, you know, and you start spending it, and the economy improves, and in that sense, it looks like a really good thing. I also had my first reaction to all of these things, the taxes on tips thing, and then later the Social Security and the overtime. I looked at it as like, you know, you’re at the grocery store, you pick up just about everything you need, you get to the checkout line, and then there’s always that stuff, you know, the final things, like you’re gonna grab a couple candy bars, some mints, whatever, they’re right there, and I just kind of felt like it was a way to grab, you know, additional votes.
I had that same initial reaction, but now looking at the response of the American people to some of these ideas, I kind of like what he’s talking about, and I think it’s gonna be helpful long term, but I’m not an expert. I only play one on the radio.
Well, and the reason why I asked on the messaging thing, and Bob goes back to you, I mean, this is one of those things where I see all sorts of positives out of it, although, unless I’m missing things because I don’t watch mainstream news and TV and things like that, so I may have missed some of this, but are we messaging to people the real benefits, even on the employer side, like you and I were just talking about a moment ago, are we messaging that correctly right now?
Uh, no, well, first of all, Republicans don’t message anything well, as you and I both know. That might be, though, the benefit to the employer, that might be a little bit too inside baseball for your average voter.
It would be.
Yeah, and not to mention the fact that I don’t think we want to do anything right now to make this about, hey, look at how this benefits corporate America, because all they would do is seize on that on the left. What I say is, let’s focus on the worker, the tips, the social security, for senior citizens, of course, and people working overtime. Every single bit of that just bleeds regular worker, not corporate executive.
And there’s just no way for the Democrats to spin this into tax breaks for the rich millionaires and billionaires. There’s no way for them to do that. So I don’t think that Republicans ought to try to turn this into a, and let me tell you business owners how this will benefit you too and you corporations how to benefit you too.
They’re going to figure that out on their own. They’re going to know what you and I figured out on our own. We don’t need to be told that in media messaging, I would argue.
Plus, when you’re talking about service workers, it’s not across the board, but largely you’re talking about younger people, I think. People that are working in restaurants and casinos and whatever. And I kind of think that there should at least raise the eyebrows of those folks to be able to say, hey, maybe the Republican Party cares about me on an issue like this, on this social security thing.
Obviously, you’ve got tons and tons of baby boom seniors now who are caring about that kind of stuff. And I think all of this really bodes well in terms of voter interest. Like, hey, wait a minute, what are you saying?
because I could actually keep more money. And isn’t it the Biden administration right now that has IRS agents hunting down all these people to audit them? Absolutely.
And so, I don’t know, who really cares about the American worker? I think Donald Trump has a leg to stand on on this one.
And by the way, can I just say also, Kamala Harris, who’s tried to co-op this now as her plan, I’ll stop taxes on tips. First of all, if Kamala Harris gets in the White House, I guarantee you, there’s no way in the world that taxing on tips comes to an end. No way in the world she’s lying through her teeth.
However, Donald Trump, for people who say, oh, he’s not really going to do something like this, actually, he will, because one thing about Donald Trump, no matter what you think of him personally, he is somebody who does what he says he’s going to do. Remember the moving the Israeli embassy to Jerusalem issue? You had president after president after president, Republican and Democrat alike, all of them saying the same thing.
Oh, I’m elected president, I’ll move the embassy to Jerusalem. Soon as they get in the White House, I’m not touching that with a 10-foot pole. Trump did it and people were shocked.
And he’s like, what are you guys so shocked about? Didn’t I say I was going to do this? That’s what I’m going to do.
So no matter what you think about Donald Trump, when he says he’s going to do something, he does follow through with that.
You know why? He’s not a politician.
He’s going to do it.
He’s not a politician. That’s why he follows through on what he says he’s going to do.
That’s true. Which really quick, Bob, Preborn goes back to that as well. Some of the things that he talked about early on all the way back in 2016, 2017, when it comes to the right to life, baby’s lives, et cetera.
He followed through with the things. Again, is he a Christian? I don’t know, but he did a lot of things to help the Christian community.
He sure did. And let’s face it, he named over 230 federal circuit and appellate court judges across this country in his four years. Almost all of them pro-life and evangelical Christian.
That’s part of the legacy of Donald Trump. And by the way, this is the guy that got Roe v Wade overturned. Nobody could do that.
Ronald Reagan couldn’t do that. George Bush couldn’t do that. Donald Trump got Roe v Wade overturned.
When he says he’s going to do something, he does it. And when it comes to the unborn, what we can do, I’m just one person, what can I do? You can stop abortions by paying for ultrasound images through pre-born.
Pre-born is the main pro-life group that shows ultrasound images all across the country in pro-life centers. And when a mom sees a picture of her baby in her womb, she chooses life. She also usually ends up accepting the Lord, too.
So what we want to do is pay for as many ultrasound images as we can. And that’s the legacy of your family. How many abortions do you want to stop?
$28 is the average ultrasound expense to stop one abortion. So pray about a number of abortions you’d be willing to stop. $28 times fill in the blank.
And whatever that number is, that’s your forever legacy. And 100% of what you give to pre-born goes to fund ultrasounds, not a penny for overhead. Now, some of you out there, we need some of you heavy hitters to buy ultrasound machines.
They’re $15,000 a piece. Your forever legacy will be, you stopped thousands and thousands of abortions. Be a nice tax write-off for you too this year.
So 15 grand to buy an ultrasound machine. We need some of you to do that. For everybody else, we need you to take $28 times fill in the blank, pray about a number, and that’s your gift to pre-born.
So here’s how you give. Go online right now to and click on pre-born., click on pre-born, give right there.
And if you want to give to a real life person over the phone, you know the answer to the phone is 24-7. So call anytime, 833-850-BABY. 833-850-BABY.
Just mention National Crawford Roundtable when you call, John.
Guys, that’s gonna wrap it up for today. I appreciate all of you, and I appreciate everybody listening. That tunes in on a weekly basis.
I’ve been, I am, I should say, I have been. And I will be John Rush. Denver, Colorado, my show Rush The Reason.
You will be eventually.
I will be, yes.
We’re transitioning to John Rush.
That’s right. Bob Dutko, Detroit, Michigan, Bob Dutko show, Neil Boron, Neil Boron Live from Buffalo, New York. And one last thing I wanna leave everybody with is some of the things we’ve talked about today, some of our talking points.
Those of you that are out there around the water cooler, around the dinner table, talking to families, even those that maybe, you know, you’re talking to people that don’t know who to vote for, use some of the things we talked about today to sway some of those people to vote for Donald Trump. That’s it, guys. National Crawford Roundtable.
We’ll see y’all next week.
Have a great week.
You’ve been listening to the National Crawford Roundtable podcast. A view of today’s culture through a biblical lens. Brought to you by Preborn, saving babies and souls.
Join us in the fight to save babies from abortion. Your gift provides a free ultrasound for a mother in need. 80% of the time, she will choose life.
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