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World Help: Noel Brewer Yeats


In this standalone interview, Mike Triem and Liz Franzel interview Noel Brewer Yeats.  They discuss how church missions is perceived in our local churches. Missions should be a daily lifestyle and not only traveling overseas. You can touch the world where you at right now in your own community. Meeting the needs of the whole person is important. When we meet these needs, that’s when transformation begins.  Learn more about Noel’s ministry at

What if we didn’t have to choose? What if we expanded our definition of missions? What if it were less about handouts and more about truly loving our neighbors? What if it were more about helping people thrive on earth and not just getting to heaven? What if we didn’t have to choose between the physical and spiritual when meeting people’s needs? What if it could really be about both?

In her new book, Both: Living Outside the Either/Or of Your Faith, World Help president Noel Brewer Yeatts challenges the traditional definition of missions to encompass both help and hope.


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