In today’s episode of Discovering the Jewish Jesus, delve deep into the spiritual battle between fear and faith with Rabbi Schneider. Learn how fear operates as a spiritual door and discover the tools to transition from torment to triumph. Taking lessons from the Biblical story of Joshua, Rabbi Schneider explains how his command to ‘be strong and courageous’ mirrors our daily struggles against fear in a world filled with challenges.
Welcome to Discovering the Jewish Jesus. I’m your host, Dustin Roberts, and today Rabbi Schneider is going to show us how to move from being fear’s victim to faith’s warrior. When you’re in a bad situation and fear is really gripping you, have you ever been given the advice of just think positive, think happy thoughts? But the truth is, that doesn’t really work. Well, today Rabbi Schneider, he’s gonna explain how fear operates. as a spiritual door and how we can move from torment to triumph. This is a great series to learn how to be strong and courageous. And you can learn more about Rabbi Schneider or this ministry by visiting our website, Now let’s get started. Here’s Rabbi to help us learn more about how to battle the fear that keeps us bound.
As our launching pad, we’re moving out of Joshua 1.9. The Lord says to Joshua, be strong and courageous and do not be afraid. The Hebrew word there for fear in Joshua 1.9 is the Hebrew word araths. And the Lord is telling Joshua, don’t be terrified. Don’t dread. I want you to be strong and courageous. You see, Joshua was looking at a massive army that wanted to kill him. He was looking at hostile enemies that were very dangerous in the natural. And yet Joshua had a God that said to him, don’t look at these people and fear them. Be strong and courageous and do not be afraid. You see, beloved, you and I also live in a hostile world. We’re also surrounded by hostile forces, just like Joshua was. We see death and danger lurking on every side. The Lord said, a thousand may fall at your side, 10,000 at your right hand, but don’t be afraid. God wants to strengthen us, beloved, today to overcome fear. In fact, if we want to go far in the Lord, we must overcome fear because fear will keep us from our inheritance. Just like he kept the children of Israel from their inheritance, they didn’t enter the promised land because they feared. So too, beloved, you and I will not enter into the rest, the peace, the love, the shalom, the victory, the power that God has for us unless we declare war on fear in our own life. You see, ever since Adam sinned in the garden, man’s chief enemy is fear. The first words out of Adam’s mouth when he sinned was, I was afraid. And if you look at your life, I think most of you will be honest and say, yes, from the time that you were a little child, your greatest enemy of your soul, your greatest tormentor has been fear. Jesus said that fear torments. Look at your life. Remember when you were a child, you were afraid of monsters. You were afraid of getting kidnapped. You were afraid of getting sick. And beloved, fear will dog us our whole life until we learn how to overcome it. And there’s only one way to overcome fear, beloved, and that’s faith in the Word of God. It’s faith in the Lord. This is what Jesus taught us when Peter… And the disciples were in the boat with Jesus. And all of a sudden, a fierce storm came. And the Bible says the storm was so great that the boat began to fill up with water. The boat was in danger of sinking. Yet here was Jesus somehow asleep. They awaken Jesus and they say, don’t you care that we’re perishing? And Jesus rebukes them and says, why were you afraid? Why are you timid? And then he speaks to the wind and he speaks to the sea and it becomes calm. In this, we learn that the remedy for fear, beloved, is faith. The Bible says this is the victory that has overcome the world, our faith. And this faith, beloved, that the Lord is calling us to exercise, it’s not a passive faith. It’s an active faith. The Hebrew word that the Lord says to Joshua, In Joshua 1, 9, where the Lord says, be strong, the Hebrew word there is amatz. It means to fortify. We need to fortify ourselves in the Word of God. We need to actively, beloved, strengthen ourselves. This Hebrew word amatz that the Lord says to Joshua, be strong and courageous and do not be afraid. This Hebrew word amatz, it means to harden. God wants to teach us how to close the door of our hearts. He wants to teach us how to harden our minds so that the enemy can’t get in. You see, some of our minds are like mush. All the devil has to do is come and bam, he’s in. God wants us to harden our hearts. He wants to harden our minds, not a hardness towards him, but a hardness towards fear, a hardness towards Satan’s lies, a hardness towards the enemy, so that our doors close and fear can’t get in. We need to be praying, beloved, that the Spirit of God will strengthen us with fire. We ask you, Father, to strengthen us with divine ash, with divine fire, God, that we would arise on the inside and declare war on fear. Father, you said in your word that it’s the violent to take the kingdom of God by force. Help us to be violent against Satan, Father, even as Jesus was violent against those money changers in the temple. Father, we need to overcome. We want to go all the way with you. We want to overcome fear. Jesus, you said you’ve given us power to tread upon all the power of the enemy, to tread upon scorpions. We want to rise up, Father, from this day forward, declaring war on fear. Help us not to be passive. Help us not to let fear in. Help us not to open the door. Father, we need your help today. We ask you to strengthen us, strengthen me, strengthen your people that we would arise in this perverse and wicked generation, casting off fear, living in confidence and courage in your love, oh Yahweh God, in Yeshua’s name, amen. beloved we overcome fear through the energy of the holy spirit and through faith in the word of god and it’s the holy spirit that gives us faith in the word of god the bible says by grace you’ve been saved through faith and that not of yourselves it’s the gift of god and so father we ask you to strengthen us in faith strengthen us father god to have faith in your word i want to read a few scriptures that i read but i want you to know beloved that Repetition is the motor of learning. Paul wrote in one of his letters, it’s no trouble that I repeat these things to you again, and it’s a safeguard for you. These scriptures, beloved, are for you and I. Listen to the book of Isaiah, chapter 43, verse one. The Lord says, I have called you by name. You are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you. And through the rivers, they will not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be scorched, nor will the flame burn you, for I am the Lord your God, your Savior. The Lord continues in the book of Isaiah, chapter number eight, verse 11. And he says this to you and I, yet it even, listen, hear the word of God. For thus the Lord spoke to me, Isaiah is saying here, the Lord spoke to me with mighty power. In other words, Isaiah is saying here, God came to me and when he came to me, it was powerful. Isaiah is saying, when the Lord came to me, I felt the power of God. And so Isaiah says in Isaiah 8, verse 11, for thus Yahweh, thus the Lord spoke to me, listen now, with mighty power. And not only did God come to Isaiah with mighty power, but furthermore, Isaiah goes on to say, when he came to me and I felt the power of God strike me, he instructed me. God gave him wisdom. God gave him counsel. God gave him instruction. And this is written because it’s for you too. So hear the word of God. Isaiah says, for thus the Lord spoke to me. with mighty power and instructed me, listen now, not to walk in the way of the people. In other words, God is saying, don’t be like everybody else around you. Everybody else around you is terrified. Everybody else around you is talking about how the economy is collapsing. Everybody else around you is talking about how the government’s falling apart. God’s saying, don’t be like the people around you. Stay at peace in me. You are not to say, Isaiah continues, the Lord speaking to him. You are not to say it is a conspiracy in regard to all that this people call conspiracy. Don’t get into negativity. Don’t get into their mindset. Listen to the next verse. And you are not to fear what they fear. or be in dread of it. What is dread? Dread is this luminous feeling that something really bad is gonna happen in the future. God is saying, I don’t want you to be in fear and I don’t want you to be in dread. It is the Lord of hosts, Isaiah continues, you should regard as holy. The Lord is speaking to him. The Lord’s instructing him with mighty power. He’s saying, Isaiah, and he’s saying to you and I, don’t get caught up in these conspiracy theories all around you. And don’t fear what the world is fearing and don’t dread what the world’s dreading. People are looking around now, they’re wondering what’s going on. What’s going on? There’s problems on every side. Nuclear power reactors leaking. Terrorist threats on our own soil. And they’re in dread. The Lord says, don’t dread what the world dreads. It is the Lord of hosts whom you shall regard as holy. And he shall be your fear. And he shall be your dread. And then he will become beloved. Listen now, your sanctuary. In other words, when you and I learn by God’s grace to not fear anything else but him, we’re going to live in peace and we’re going to enjoy the Lord’s presence in our life in a rich, deep, beautiful way. Hallelujah. Be strong. Be courageous. We need to make up our mind, beloved, to stop being afraid. So we’re gonna make up our minds by your grace, Father, to not be afraid because when we’re afraid, we’re sitting against you because we’re saying to you, you’re not trustworthy. I can’t believe what you said is true. I love you and I’ve made up my mind to not fear any longer because I don’t want to betray you. I believe in your love and I will not betray you by being afraid. I’m going to have confidence in your love. I’m going to have confidence that you’re with me. I’m going to have confidence in our relationship. I’m going to have confidence that you’re going before me. I’m going to have confidence in our covenant of love through the Lord Jesus. I will not be afraid any longer. I rise up this day in your love. Your word says that perfect love casteth off fear. And I have made up my mind from this day forward to not be afraid, but to trust in you and to trust in your love. No longer will I be afraid. I resist you, Satan, and I trample fear under my feet. Father God, by your grace, I will walk in confidence in you without fearing. In Jesus’ name, in Yeshua’s name, amen. We need to make up our mind to not be afraid. And until you and I make up our mind to not be afraid of Satan’s lies, he’s going to continue to torment us. So we ask for divine courage, Father God, to arise within us. Father God, we love you today. In Yeshua’s name, amen.
You’re listening to Discovering the Jewish Jesus with Rabbi Schneider. He’ll be right back. But first, did you know that thousands of years ago, God gave his people a powerful blessing that captured his heart for them? And this ancient benediction, it offers love, protection, and peace. You can discover how the Aaronic Blessing can transform your life with our free bundle, including a PDF and MP3 teaching. Claim your free gift now at forward slash peace. To become a blessing in someone’s life today, get in touch to partner with us. Our mission is to prepare the world for Jesus’ return, and your financial gift is channeled directly toward this worthy cause. Take your first step today by calling 800-777-7835. That’s 800-777-7835. Or visit us at Your contribution will equip others for Messiah’s return. And now here is Rabbi Schneider with the rest of today’s message.
You know, beloved, what we do concerning fear is drastically going to determine what’s going to happen with us for the rest of our life. I don’t care if it’s in your family relationships, if it’s in your business relationships, if it’s just mental and spiritual health, what we do with fear is going to determine where we’re going to go in life. We need to choose not to be afraid. We need to begin to feed ourselves with the word of God. I encourage you to memorize the scriptures, beloved. We need to make up our mind from this day forward that we are declaring war on fear and not just fears, but fear in general, because fear is not of the Lord. The Bible says fear torments and he that feareth is not perfected in the love of God. Father, we bless you today. We ask you, Father God, for help and for deliverance. Your word says that he that calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. And Father, I know that you’re looking down right now upon your people, your children whom you love, those ones, Yeshua, that you died for that are trapped in fear, those that are in torment day and night. And I ask you right now, Father God, for quickening in their lives. I ask you, Father God, to bring strength and to bring faith, Father God, and for your people to arise, Father God, to break the yoke of Satan off them and to trample the devil and his demons under their feet. Yeshua, you said that you came to destroy the works of the devil, and we ask you, Yeshua, right now, to help us overcome fear, Father, that you would destroy the works of the devil, that you would destroy the works of fear in our life. Hallelujah, Father God, and amen. Beloved, this is a teaching that not only affects our walk in the spirit realm, it affects beloved what’s happening in our practical earthly realms as well. The spirit realm is connected to the earthly realm, but the two go hand in hand. I remember years ago, Before I was teaching on the Jewish roots of the faith and functioning as a Messianic rabbi, I was in the business world. And in fact, just to illustrate this, I just share this just for credibility purposes, but I was the strongest salesperson in the company. And I looked around and I asked myself, well, am I succeeding? And I look at a lot of these other guys and girls around me that were in similar positions in the same position, and they weren’t doing quite as well. And I said, you know, this guy right here, he does a great job demoing the construction and talking about all the different elements of the construction. He’s a fine person. He does a great job. And yet he’s not succeeding like I am. Why? And I realized that the reason I was doing better, beloved, was because I wasn’t afraid. to demo the product strongly. I wasn’t afraid to ask the customer whether they like to purchase. I knew they were gonna purchase from somebody. So I felt I’m gonna ask them if they wanna purchase from us. I believed in our company, it was a great company. So it was all a situation that everybody was winning. But the reason that I was excelling and the reason I was running beloved was because I wasn’t afraid. I wasn’t afraid to ask for the sale. I wasn’t afraid to demo the product. I wasn’t afraid to tell the customer why they should buy from us. And it was all sincere. It was beloved fear that was holding others back. And when I began to ask myself, well, why am I not afraid? And I realized the reason I wasn’t afraid was Jesus. And it was at that moment that I decided that I shouldn’t be any longer in business, but I should be out preaching the gospel. When I realized that the thing that was making me successful in business was my faith in Jesus, that’s when I realized I needed to leave business and go preach Jesus. That’s what I was called to do. And so this is very important, beloved. God wants to set us, hallelujah, free today. Now, if you’re honest, beloved, think about your life right now. What are you struggling with? Let’s bring it to the Lord. Do you know that no matter what it is, God is bigger than whatever you’re afraid of and his command to you is do not be afraid. Don’t look at whatever it is that’s tormenting you, keeping your eyes fixed on that, trust in the Lord. He can cause all things to work for good to those that love him and are called according to his purpose. It’s really about loving God. Do you know that choosing not to be afraid is really about loving God? It’s for saying, Lord, I love you and I don’t want to grieve you by being afraid. I love you and I don’t want to grieve you, Father, by believing Satan rather than you. And the Lord says if we will commit our way to him, he will bring it to pass. That he’s faithful. That he’s faithful. He’ll never leave us or forsake us. So I want to ask you, what are you afraid of? Write it down if you need to. What are you afraid of? List the things that you’re afraid of. Is it your health? Is it money? Is it your home that you’re afraid of losing? Is it your job you’re afraid of losing? Are you afraid of car accidents? That’s something that I really struggle with. I got really terrified because I have two beautiful daughters and both of them got in a car accident within a month apart. And when both of them got in a car accident within a month apart, it opened up the door for Satan to get in. One of the accidents could have been very serious. It was on a very busy street and all of a sudden a car smashed into the side of her car. And if it would have been in a different spot in the car, I mean, it could have been really serious. And when these two accidents happened in my daughter’s life, so close together, somehow there was a chink that came into my armor when I saw how dangerous that was and what could happen. Somehow it was a chink in my armor that developed and all of a sudden, beloved, I started fearing for my daughter’s life. Every time they got on the road, every time they got in the car, I was afraid, living in this fear, living in this torment, fearing for my daughter’s lives as they were driving. And it became overwhelming. I mean, it came to the place where I wasn’t just afraid of it sometimes, it was torturing me. I was constantly afraid of it. I was truly, beloved, becoming dysfunctional and overwhelmed by it. And I remember I went to sleep one day in the midst of this. And it was in the middle of the afternoon. I was so overwhelmed by this fear, I had to go to sleep in the middle of the day. And in my sleep, I was in my sleep in a dream and I was crying out to our congregation and I was saying to them, pray for me. I need your help. And I slept and then I awoke. When I awoke a little bit later, I went downstairs and I checked my phone. Someone in my congregation literally called when I went and checked my messages after I woke up. And this woman in the congregation left me this message. She said, Rabbi, she said, I started praying. When I started praying, the Lord just plopped you down right in front of my face. She said, Rabbi, I don’t know what your need is, she said, but the Lord just put you right in front of me when I started praying. And she said to me, Rabbi, I’m praying for you. Man, it touches my heart so much. I mean, the Lord loves us so much. He’s so involved in our life. The number of hairs on our head are numbered. And beloved, He wants us not to be afraid. So, Father God, we bless you today. Help us to trust in your love, Father God. Help us to love you, Father God, with such strength that, Father God, we could never believe one of Satan’s lies. Strengthen us, Father, I pray. Strengthen us in faith in the truth. Strengthen us, Yeshua, in faith in your word. Strengthen us, Father, I pray, deep downside in our inner man by the Ruach HaKadosh. Father, we want to love you. We want to walk in your covenant love. We want to walk in victory because we love you, Jesus, for your fame and your glory. Beloved ones, not only are thousands of people getting saved through this ministry, but oftentimes when I travel around the world, the Lord will open up doors for me to minister to political leaders and people in high places. I want you to know when you send me through television and on the ground crusades, there’s fruit that’s being won for the kingdom of God. And you that are supporting me, beloved, are having a part to play. You’re going to have a reward for all this fruit that’s being brought through this ministry. You see, beloved, Paul says, how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall the preacher go unless somebody sends him? You’re the ones that are sending me. And together, beloved, we’re going to be rewarded. I want to encourage you right now. If the Lord is speaking to your heart about supporting me and supporting this ministry, just be obedient to him and you’re going to be blessed.
Amen. And as the Lord leads you to support Discovering the Jewish Jesus today, we invite you to stand with us this year as we share Rabbi Schneider’s lessons with the whole world. You can give online by going to our website, You can also give generously by calling our number, 800-777-7835. And I want you to know that your support, it helps us continue to provide biblical insights that help bridge the gap between Jewish wisdom and our modern Christian faith. They were really never meant to be separate. And that’s what Rabbi Schneider does so well. So please help us continue this mission. You can send your donation in the mail to Blissfield, Michigan, 49228. And when you give, we want to say thanks back to you. So we’ll make sure that you receive our latest newsletter. It’s filled with exclusive content and personal correspondence from Rabbi and his wife, Cynthia. And then also I’m excited to let you know today that Rabbi’s message is available streaming on Roku TV. This platform, it allows you to learn more from Rabbi free from the comforts of your very own home on demand. And you can experience his passionate teaching style and dive deep into the scripture like never before. I want to encourage you, search for our channel on Roku TV. That’s Discovering the Jewish Jesus. Begin your journey there today. Or if you need more info, visit our website, And friends, these resources, they’re available because of your faithful support. So as I said earlier, please consider making a donation. Now let’s wrap up today’s message with God’s sacred and special blessing. Rabbi.
In the Old Testament book of Numbers, we find a blessing God speaks over His children through Moses and Aaron. It carries the idea of favor and expression. Open your heart to the Spirit and the Word today and receive Father’s goodness into your life with confidence.
Yevarechei Yahweh vayishmarecha Ya’er Yahweh, P’navei Lecha, Vichu Ne’echa Yissa Yahweh, P’navei Lecha, Ve’asem Lecha Shalom.
The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you. The Lord lift you up with his countenance and the Lord give you beloved one, his peace. God bless you and shalom.
I’m your host, Dustin Roberts, and this program is produced and sponsored by Discovering the Jewish Jesus. Join us again next time when Rabbi Schneider explains the fear factor. What’s that? Well, find out Tuesday right here on Discovering the Jewish Jesus.