Join Sharon Otts on a journey to explore the profound connection between salvation and healing in her captivating series, Why God Wants You Healed. Through an insightful study of Psalm 103 and the historical context of animal sacrifices, Sharon reveals the incredible promise of God’s beneficent bundle—offering forgiveness, healing, and redemption. Discover the deep-rooted biblical truths about faith, healing, and divine will, and how they were prophetically foreshadowed by figures like David and manifested in the life of Jesus Christ.
Greetings, friends and new listeners, and welcome to The Sound of Faith. I’m Sharon Otts, thanking you for joining us today because we know faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Today’s message is part one of the three-part message, Why God Wants You Healed. In Psalm 103, David blessed the Lord, saying, “‘Forget not all his benefits.'” First up, who forgives all your iniquities and heals all your diseases. I call salvation and healing the beneficent bundle in part one of why God wants you healed. How many know where in the Bible it says the joy of the Lord is your strength? Anybody know? See, I’m going to get you people reading your Bible. It’s in Nehemiah. Yeah, have you ever read Nehemiah? It’s a very good book. Oh yeah, it’s all kinds of trouble. All kinds of problems going on. Because they were building the wall of Jerusalem with the enemy attacking. But anyway, at some point, Jeremiah told the people, remember this, the joy of the Lord. is your strength. Amen. Glory to God. So let’s turn in our Bibles to Psalm 103. My purpose this morning is, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to begin a series on healing. Today we’re going to start with the foundation, because you can’t get into the deeper things until you get the foundation going, right? So this morning let’s look at Psalm 103, it’s one we all know and love very much. It’s probably a favorite. And it says, Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me. Bless his holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and what? Forget not all his benefits. And now he’s going to start listing some of those. Verse 3, who forgives all, somebody say all, all thine iniquities, who heals all, somebody say all, all thy diseases, who redeems your life from destruction, who crowns you with loving kindness and tender mercies, who satisfies your mouth with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagles. Amen. We’re going to look at the first part of it, and that would be verse 3. Who forgives all of your iniquities and heals all your infirmities. Amen. And you know, as we go forward this morning, the word all is going to be very important. It’s such a little word. It’s just a determiner. But I’m telling you something. It is powerful when you understand it. And so David says, I am not going to forget all his benefits. So I call this the beneficent bundle. The beneficent bundle. Let me put it in terms you might better understand. A package deal. Okay. How many got that part? So, you know, there are times you can buy something, but you get a lot of other things to go with it. And they say it’s a bundle. You can buy just one thing. However, we have this that will go with that and it’ll make it a lot better. And then we have this other thing that you can add to it and you end up with a bundle. And how many know that when you get a bundle, you really get the best of what you need. Amen. And so I want you to know that that’s what God has done for us. He’s given us a beneficent bundle. Of course, the beneficent, I’m borrowing from the word benefits. Amen. Because he didn’t just give us one benefit. But he’s given us many benefits. And here, married together, going together, they are inseparable, is the fact that he… forgives all our sins, and he heals all of our diseases. I want you to know that salvation and healing are inseparable. They are a package deal. Amen. Not everyone understands that. I would expect the people in this church would, but not everyone does. And so that is our redemption. I want you to know that Jesus paid the same price to save your soul and to heal your body. Amen. It took him shedding blood to save our soul. And it took him shedding blood to heal our body. Amen. And he paid the price for both in full. On the cross he did both. Now think about David when he wrote this. He wrote this around a thousand years before Jesus ever came and went to the cross. But yet he was still claiming salvation, forgiveness of sins, and healing for his body. A thousand years before Jesus ever came and went to the cross. And how was he doing that? Well, he was looking at the animal sacrifices. Yes. That God instituted under the law of Moses. And you know that was quite an elaborate protocol of all the sacrifices that they were to do. Every single day sacrifices were ordered up. And then the people brought their own voluntary sacrifices. And then once a year on the day of atonement. You had the sacrifice. That God would forgive their sins. And not the judgment and the wrath for their sins would fall on that lamb. Instead of them. Or fall on that bullock. Instead of them. Because God will judge sin. He doesn’t sweep it under the carpet. He judges it. But what he did was. Instead of letting the judgment. Fall upon the people. If they brought the sacrifice. And he said. The life of the flesh is in the blood. And I’ve given it to you upon the altar. To make an atonement for your soul. So David was going by the animal sacrifices that were made. And based on them, he knew that all his sins were forgiven. Amen. They were all forgiven because he knew that what God had instituted and the giving of the sacrifice. He said, I will blot out your sins and I will remember them no more. The law of Moses was parenthetical. In other words, God had to put the law in temporarily until the time that he would send his son. But David had a prophetic nature about him. He wasn’t a prophet, but yet he prophesied in the Psalms, amen? He prophesied about the crucifixion of Jesus. You just read Psalm 22 and Psalm 18 and some other ones. And he also laid claim to the covenant of healing. And you say, well, where did he get the covenant of healing? Because in those sacrifices that they made, they were all for sin forgiveness, right? Well, he went all the way back to the time of Moses when he brought the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt. And when God sent him there and said, I’m sending you to Pharaoh to demand that he let my people go. And you know the whole story of the 10 plagues and so on. And finally the day came when they were going to leave Egypt. And actually they were going to leave at midnight. Amen. the midnight exodus out of the land of Egypt. But God said, before you go, you must do something. You must take a lamb, a perfect lamb, and you must take that lamb and kill it. And you’ve got to take its blood and put around the doorpost of your doors of your home. And when the death angel comes in the final plague to take the firstborn out of the land of Egypt, you will be protected as long as you’re inside behind the blood. But that wasn’t all. He said, you got to eat the lamb. You have to eat the lamb. And you are not to leave anything left over. You eat whatever can be eaten and the rest that you burn. You have to eat the lamb. Now, what was the purpose of the lamb? The blood was to protect them on the doorposts and lintels of their homes. The lamb was for their healing. Because he healed them. They ate that lamb. And the scripture says in Psalm 107, 20. This is one of David’s writings. He looks back in Psalm 105, 106, 107. And he gives you a chronological look back at their coming out of Egypt. It’s very good. You should read those three Psalms. And… When they ate the lamb, the scripture says in Psalm 107 20, he sent his word and healed them and delivered them from their destruction. And then if we go to Psalm 105, I think it’s around verse 37, it says, and there was not one feeble one amongst their tribes the night that they left Egypt. Now, I want you to think about the fact that most Bible scholars think it was probably about 2 million people And that’s a lot of people. And they were slaves. So they didn’t have a real nice comfy life. They had a very bitter life. And they had a very hard life as slaves. And you have to know that in 2 million people, there had to be thousands who had health problems. There had to be people that were crippled and old and feeble and weak and just sickly. Amen. Amen. But God says there was not one feeble one. Not one. I mean, with the Bible, you have to believe what it says. It sounds like it couldn’t be so, but the Bible says there was not one. So no matter what their condition or sickness was, because they were obedient and ate the lamb, God sent his word and healed them. Amen. I’m telling you, this was an event that was so supernatural. It has never been duplicated again on a scale of that magnitude. I’ve seen some great healing crusades. You can watch them. And many, many people get healed all at one time in a service. But I want you to know that that night, it was the mass healing crusade. The greatest one that was ever conducted. Amen. And so all of those people that had all those conditions, they came out healthy and whole. And David was looking back at that. And then they had only gone three days into the wilderness when they realized we’re running out of water. And I’m not going to go tell that story because it’s really a sidelight to what we’re talking about. But anyway, they got to the point where they were crying out for water. And there God gave them the water they needed. But then he said, and we’re going to be in Exodus 15, 26. God said, I’m going to make a covenant with you. Now, saints, if I took the time to talk to you about covenants that were made in the ancient days, and especially in the Middle East, it will blow your mind. I have done some studying on covenants, and we here in our time, in our age, and especially in the Western culture, we have no idea how powerful covenants were. People put their very life on the line for their covenant. If they made a covenant, they would die before they break that covenant. It is so integral to what we can see in the Bible. If we can understand covenants better, boy, will we get more out of the promises and blessings of God, such as this one in Exodus 15, 26. And if you will diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord, your God, and will do that which is right in his sight, and will give ear to his commandments and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon you which I have brought upon the Egyptians. For I am the Lord that heals thee. Now we love to quote that last part. We say Jehovah Rapha. And we love to sing about it. Amen. I pretty much probably sing it every day. Jehovah Rapha, you are the Lord that heals me. I like the fact that it’s written in the present tense. The King James has that ETH on the end, which means it’s present, which means it’s perpetual, which means I’m the Lord that heals you and heals you and heals you and heals you. How many know you might need to be healed more than once in your lifetime? Amen. I’m the Lord that heals you and heals you. So David claimed him as his healer. And there are several Psalms that you can read of David where he gets very specific about things that God healed him of. And some of them were so descriptive that it makes you wonder, how did you ever get that disease, David? That’s all I’m going to say. But he cried out in Psalm 30, verse 2. He said, oh, Lord, my God, I cried unto you and you healed me. Now, we all know that David committed two very, very gross sins. In the human scale, they would be in the group of the top worst. Amen. And yet David said, God forgave me of them. I’m looking for that word. I told you to remember. God forgave me of them all. In Psalm 51, he cried out, Lord, forgive me of blood guiltiness. You say, what in the world does that mean? That’s an old English word for murder. Amen. He said, he forgave me of them all. And then he said, and he healed me of all my diseases. And he even went on to say, he redeems my life from destruction. And I love to preach and teach that, but we’re going to save that for later. Later on, we’re going to stick with the beneficent bundle of forgives all my iniquities and heals all my infirmities. Now, if we were to go progress in the Old Testament and we say, well, what is the next really important verse about the bundle? Keep in mind the bundle forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases. What would you think would be the next scripture we would go to? Betty got it. Isaiah 53. How many know what that is? I only saw like three hands go up. I commission you in the name of the Lord to start reading your Bibles. So how many remember now Isaiah 53? Okay, that’s better. Well, I’m not going to preach on it today. I’m going to skip it. What is probably the most important scripture of all in the old covenant about healing, I’m going to skip. You know why? I’m sticking with the things that happened before the cross. I’m going to show you what God did before the cross. And by the time you see what he did before the cross, when you get to the cross… So that’s the idea. So we’re going to skip that. But we’re going to go to another verse on healing. That you rarely hear anyone preach about. And this one is Malachi 4.2. It’s the last book of the Old Testament. Chapter 4 is the last chapter of the last book of the Old Testament. And so here we find in Malachi 4.2. But unto you that fear my name. Now that’s a condition. Shall the son of righteousness arise with healing in his wings. Now look at this. This is the last messianic prophecy in the Old Testament. And it says the son of righteousness shall rise with healing in his wings. How many in your Bible is son? How many of it is it capitalized? And how many of it do you have it in your Bible that it’s spelled S-U-N? And wouldn’t you expect, or at least I would expect, that it would have been spelled S-O-N? That’s what I think. Why are you saying S-U-N? Why is it S-O-N, the Son of God? He’s the one we’re looking for. He’s the Messiah that we’re believing is coming. Amen? And yet, he said S-U-N. Now, I want you to understand that the word here in Hebrew for healing, merpe, means healing, health, and cure, both physical and emotional. Now, understand that it is going to be 400 years that the heavens are going to be closed. There will be no prophet. There will be no word from God. There will be no visitation of God’s spirit. 400 years, there’s going to be a closed heaven. And just silence from God. Amen. And yet a dawn is going to come. There’s going to be a day when the sun of righteousness is going to rise on the horizon. I don’t know if you’ve ever gone to Ocean City and got up early enough to go see the sun rise up over the ocean. Amen. Well, I want you to know that that sort of is a depiction of what it was going to be like when the sun of righteousness. After 400 years of darkness and silence. was going to rise on the horizon. Amen? And here I want you to see that this Hebrew word for healing in his wings, the word is kanaf, and it means wings. It can also mean the border or the hem of a garment. Mmm. You might want to munch on that a moment. And it also can refer, as it is used here, to rays or beams that are sent out by the sun. Whichever metaphor you want to use is okay. In fact, why don’t you just use them all? Amen? Because they were all fulfilled in this messianic one, this majestic one, the sun, S-U-N, of righteousness. Amen? Israel had been in darkness, and now they’ve been slaves to many people, and now they’re slaves to the Romans. And it was time for the sun of righteousness to rise. But he needed someone to wake him up. You know, when we would go to Ocean City, Benny would get up early and go down the boardwalk so he could see the sun. I never made it. I never made it. I thought about it. I thought about getting up and going with him, but he’d get up and I’d just sleep on. I think, no, maybe tomorrow. But I never made it. But I want you to know that he got up and he saw. And God was going to need someone to go and wake the people up. And say it’s time. It’s time for the sun to rise. You’ve been waiting all this time and it’s time for the sun to rise. He had to have someone to wake them up. And get them ready. Who was that going to be? God. John the Baptist, for the first time you answered me right away and got it right. Give yourself a gold star. Amen. I’m encouraged. Now, there was a priest named Zacharias serving in the temple. It was his turn to serve, burning and offering up the incense when the angel Gabriel showed up with a startling message and told him that he and his wife, they were going to give birth to a son. And not only that, he would be a great prophet. Now, Zachariah, being a priest of the Lord, full of faith and power, said, you see how old I am? And my wife is, she’s well stricken. And every time I read that in the King James, it makes me laugh. Well stricken with age. You know, it’s like you reach a certain time on your life and then boom, you get struck with old age. But the interpretation is she’s old. Just like Abraham and Sarah. Well stricken in age. And just like Sarah, Elizabeth had been barren her whole married life. Amen. But nevertheless, we’ll skip all that problem. We’re not bringing any unbelief in this message. We’re going to leave Zacharias alone. Amen. But finally, he was told, you’re going to name this boy John. And he’s going to be a great prophet. And he is going to go to the children of Israel in the same power and the same spirit that Elijah had. And he’s going to prepare the people for the coming of the Messiah. Now, when John was born, you do know that Zacharias was mute for nine months. That was his penalty for not believing. But now that the baby was born, suddenly he can speak again. And he begins to prophesy. Luke 1, verse 78. This is Zacharias’ prophecy. Now, it’s a beautiful prophecy. You really should read the whole thing. But I’m just going to stick with our message. And he says in Luke chapter 1 and verse 78, he’s talking about that John is going to be the prophet of the highest. He’s going to go before the face of the Lord to prepare the people, to give them the knowledge of salvation and remission of sins. Verse 78, through the tender mercy of our God, whereby the day spring from on high has visited us. Amen. And goes on to say he’s going to give light to those who are in darkness and sitting in the shadow of death. He’s going to guide us in the way of peace. Amen. But what I want you to see is the word dayspring. He’s calling the coming Messiah dayspring. You know what it means? The rising of the sun. It’s talking about the dawn when the sun springs up. Now, if you got down there on the boardwalk in Ocean City, you would have seen when suddenly it comes up over the horizon. Amen. He was saying the son of righteousness is going to be coming soon. And when he comes, he’s coming with healing. Healing. Healing in his wings. Healing in his rays. Healing in his beams. Healing in his garment. He’s Jehovah Rapha. He’s the healer. Amen? Now at some point, John grew up and at some point he left home and he went out into the wilderness. And that’s where he got his training. And that’s where he heard from God. And that’s where he was told what he was to do. And finally he was told to go out and start baptizing people. And preach to them that the Messiah is coming. And they need to repent. It’s time to repent. God hasn’t spoken in 400 years. And the first thing he tells them is… Repent! Amen. You got to get that taken care of first. So he tells them to repent. And you know what? John, his message was so powerful. And now he’s not in the city, folks. He’s out in the wilderness. And the people, the crowds are coming out there in the wilderness to see him, to hear him, and to be baptized. And it got to the point that finally the Pharisees in Jerusalem sent some priests and Levites to John and said, you need to go ask him, who are you? I mean, all these people are coming. Who are you? Are you the Messiah? And so they came to ask John, who are you? And John said, I am not. I’m not the one. I’m not the Messiah. I’m not the coming one. I’m not the one that Moses prophesied. No, I am a voice of one crying in the wilderness. They even asked him, are you Elijah? Because he had the same makeup and anointing and power that Elijah had. He said, no, I’m not Elijah either. But I’ve been sent to prepare the way of the Lord. And I baptize you with water. But there is one who’s coming who’s greater than I. He will baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire. And the very next day, Jesus came walking on the shore of the Jordan River where John was. And John said, behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. Amen? He was saying, this is the one I’ve been telling you about. And then Jesus came to John and said, John, baptize me. And John said, oh, no, I’m not worthy to baptize you. You should baptize me. And Jesus said, no, John, we must fulfill all. What? All righteousness. Because the son of righteousness. Is getting ready to arise. Before the people of Israel. We’ve got to fulfill all righteousness. And so he baptized Jesus. And Jesus went down into the water. And when he came up. The heavens opened up. Hallelujah. And the heavenly dove of the Holy Spirit. Spread his wings. Amen. And he lit on Jesus. And God spoke out of heaven and said, this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased. The son of righteousness had arisen. Hallelujah. And he rose with healing in his wings. And healing in his garments. And healing in his rays. Amen. And immediately he was sent into the wilderness. For 40 days where he was tempted by Satan. But when the 40 days were up. He came out in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen. And he began to go forth with his ministry. And in the book of Matthew, the first thing that we see that occurs as Jesus is going out. I’m only going to paraphrase this for you. It’s in the eighth chapter, I believe, of Matthew. And here multitudes are following Jesus now. And his fame is spreading about. But here comes one man to Jesus. And he’s a leper. And, you know, their demeanor would have been very, very shameful. They had to stay six feet away from anyone and say unclean, unclean. They had to live outside of the city. And so they were very isolated. They were disfigured. It was a terrible, terrible disease, horrible disease. And he came to Jesus. He said, if you will. If you will, you can make me clean. You see, he knew that Jesus could. He had no doubt but that he had the power. He had no doubt but that he was a healer. He was Jehovah Rapha. Amen. He knew that he could. He wasn’t sure if he would. And he said, if you will, you can. And Jesus said… I will be thou clean. I ask you the question, is it God’s will to heal you? Is it God’s will to heal all of his people of every kind of disease? Amen. You know, there are denominations that preach that it’s not always God’s will to heal people. Just like I preached a few weeks ago, they preach that everyone’s not going to be saved. And they preach that not everyone’s going to be healed. They will pray for healing, but they’ll say, if it’s God’s will. Lord, if it’s your will, heal my brother. Lord, if you will, you can heal my sister, if it’s your will. Right. The prayer of if you will is a prayer of doubt. How do you expect to get anything praying the prayer of doubt? Amen? You’re not going to get anything praying of if it be thy will. I had someone write me that sends us an offering every single month. I forget what state he’s in. Out of state. And he wrote on there, I am praying for Sister Sharon’s back to be healed if it’s the Lord’s will. If it be thy will. Amen. Let me tell you something. It’s God’s will to heal just like it’s God’s will to save. We’re talking about the bundle here. The beneficent bundle. Amen. And Jesus earthly ministry is proof. Is proof that it’s God’s will to heal all. I want you to understand that Jesus was the exact representation of his father. The exact. And Jesus said in John, and I’ve jotted down four times. I don’t know if I have time to go through them all, but I’ll quickly look. John 5, 19. Jesus said the son can do nothing of himself, but what he sees the father do, that’s what he does. I do what the father does. John 6, 38. I came down from heaven not to do my will, but the will of him who sent me. Keep that in mind. The will of him who sent me. John 10, 37, 38. If I do not the works of my father, don’t believe me. But if I do, believe me that you may know and believe the father is in me and I am in him. John 12, 44 and 45. He said, he that believes on me doesn’t just believe on me, but he believes on him that sent me. Amen. And so Jesus expressed the will of God everywhere he went. He was the will of God in action. Amen. I didn’t come to do my will. I came to do God’s will. So whatever you see me do is God’s will. Whatever you hear me say is God’s will. How many got that? Well, you know, in the scriptures, in the four gospels, 17 times it says Jesus healed all. And 47 other times he healed everyone who ever came to him. There’s not one single time when he told someone no. He never turned away anyone that came to be healed. Even to the point that two Gentiles came to him. And he went ahead and healed at their request. Because of their faith. Amen. He crossed over the dispensational lines. And healed the woman’s daughter. Who was vexed of the devil. And the centurion’s servant. These were two Gentiles that came to him. Now I don’t know if I can go through all of these. It’s what I call the Matthew marathon. Matthew 4, 23 and 24. So we see here that his fame went through all the land and they brought to him all sick people with diverse, many diseases and torments and possessed of the devil and had the palsy and he healed them. All these different people with different things. Amen. And of course that caused great multitudes to follow him. Let’s go to Matthew 8, 16 and 17. We’re building the case. That it’s God’s will to heal because Jesus only does God’s will. Amen. So when the evening was come, they brought many to him that were possessed of devils and many that were sick. And he healed all. He cast out the devils with his word and he healed all that was sick. Amen. All right, Matthew 9, 35. He went about all the cities and villages teaching in their synagogues and preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing every sickness and every disease among the people. Somebody said every. See, he healed them all and he healed every. Okay, Matthew 12 and 15. Jesus withdrew himself. He was trying to get a rest, but the multitudes followed him. And in multitudes of people, there’s going to be a lot of sick people. And what did he do? He healed them all. Matthew 14, 14. How many are getting the message? Matthew 14 and 14 says… He went forth, he saw a great multitude and he was moved with compassion toward them and he healed their sick. The compassion of Jesus. Matthew 15, 30 and 31. Great multitudes came. Okay, here they were. Lame, blind, mute, maimed, and many others. And they cast them down at his feet. Imagine them casting down blind people and crippled people and maimed people. Maimed means they were in a horrible accident, have a horrible injury. They’re probably missing limbs or something. Amen? And he healed them. In so much that the multitude wondered because he caused the dumb to talk and the blind to see and the maimed to be made whole. My God, that must have been something to see. Amen. Matthew 19, 2. And great multitudes followed him there and he healed them. All right, I’m coming down to the end of Matthew. Matthew 21, 14. And the blind and the lame came to him in the temple and he healed them. Luke 4, 40. The sun was setting and they brought any that was sick with diverse diseases. They brought him under him and he laid hands on every one of them and healed them. And Luke 6, 17 and 19. A great multitude came out of Judea and Jerusalem. And even out of Tyre and Sidon. Now that’s up where the Gentiles were. Which came to hear him. And he healed them of their diseases. Those that were vexed with unclean spirits. They were healed. The whole multitude sought to touch him. For there went virtue out of him. This is verse 19. And he healed them all. Folks this is all before the cross. All before the cross. There’s absolutely no reason to doubt that it’s not God’s will to heal everybody of everything before the cross. Amen. And I’ll just say Hebrews 13, 8, Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever. Amen? And so I want you to see, I’m running out of time, so I’m going to put the caboose on this. I want you to see that he healed them all. There was no one, you won’t find one place in the Bible, in the scripture, where he turned away one person. Amen. If they just came and dropped them at his feet, he healed them all. And we know, as I mentioned a moment ago, I talked about the woman whose daughter was grievously vexed of the devil. And she came and, you know, first he ignored her. And the disciples said, you need to turn her away because she’s getting on our nerves, crying after you. And they had no compassion at all. They were failing their training pretty bad at that point. He needed more work to do for them. And so Jesus finally said, I’m sorry, but I’m only sent to the lost sheep of Israel. That’s who I’m sent to heal. It’s not right for me to give the children’s bread. Now, don’t get yourself all upset. That was a common word that the Jewish people used to refer to the Gentiles. You know, and I’m not going to say them in the pulpit. There are words that people use to refer to different people, and you just know immediately who they mean. And some of them are absolutely harmless. They are harmless as they can be. Others are not so nice. But I want you to know that he told her that. I can’t give the children’s bread. I can’t give healing to the Gentiles, to the dogs. She said, truth, Lord, but even the dogs. And I want you to know it’s important that you know that the Greek word that is used there was not just any dog or all dogs. It referred to little dogs. The kind that sit in your lap. The little dogs. And said even the little dogs, even the dogs get to eat the crumbs. Healing was so powerful. The healing that Jesus had was so powerful you only needed a crumb. to get healed and when she said truth Lord but even the little dogs get to eat the crumbs he said woman woman woman woman great is your faith I say to you that because of this saying your daughter is well you go home and find your daughter well and she did and I say to you that healing is the children’s bread How many see here that healing is the children’s bread? It shows us how much God wants to heal people. He wants to heal people. Amen. It’s none of this if it be your will stuff. It’s his will to heal all people. Amen. amen so much so that jesus stepped over the dispensational line of that wasn’t supposed to occur until the cross but he stepped over the line because the scripture that we read in psalm 107 20 he sent his word and healed them and delivered them from their destruction oh we’re thinking about he sent his word let me go back here and read i need to read this in the bible Well he did more than that. John says in John 1.14. And the word was made flesh. And dwelt amongst us. And here’s Jesus. The word of God made flesh. And everywhere he went he healed them. And delivered them of their destruction. Amen. So I ask you a question. If healing was the children’s bread before the cross. Don’t you think it would be the children’s bread after the cross? How many think that if healing was the children’s bread before the cross, it’s surely the children’s bread after the cross? Okay, I’m seeing almost every hand. If the hands are not up, I don’t think it’s because they don’t believe that. I think it’s because they’re doing something on their phone. Because otherwise their hand would be up. I’m going to give you another chance. How many believe that if it was the will of God that the children spread to heal everyone before the cross, it’s certainly his will to heal everyone after the cross. That’s much, much better. Give yourselves a clap offering. So I say to you, the only thing we need to find out is who are the children. Who are the children? And we will talk about that next time. Because this time we dealt with everything before the cross. This is just to lay a foundation. Now we’re getting really to the good stuff. And we will go back. To Isaiah 53. So your homework is. To read it. And even if you want to. Go ahead and study it a little bit. It’s not that many. I think it’s only like 12 verses. 11 or 12. Read it. Get that blue Bible app. And read some of the commentary. Look up some of the words. Amen. And next time we’ll talk about healing. After the cross. Amen. Amen. Glory to God. Can we stand this morning? If you need prayer this morning, there’s no sense waiting until next time. Maybe your faith is already launched. You can come on up here and we will have the ministers to come and pray for you. If you need healing, come up here. Amen.
You see, I’m contending. I’m not out here telling you that I got the complete and total manifestation. But I’m telling you that I’m contending. Amen? And you got to contend too. Amen?
Amen. Salvation and healing are a package deal. David said not to forget all of God’s benefits. Yet many claim that healing ceased in the first century after the last apostle died. They pray uncertain prayers. Lord, if it be your will, heal my sister, heal my brother. It is God’s will to heal all and to heal every disease and affliction. Jesus said he came to do the father’s will and he healed them all. and this was before the cross. Today’s message is part one of Why God Wants You Healed, available on a three-CD album for a love gift of $20 or more for the radio ministry. Request SK226. Mail to soundoffaith, P.O. Box 1744, Baltimore, Maryland, 21203, or go online to But to order by mail, send your minimum love gift of $20 to P.O. Box 1744, Baltimore, Maryland, 21203, request offer SK226. Till next time, this is Sharon Ott saying, Maranatha.