Cherry Campbell expounds on the duality of man’s creation — both made and created — illustrating the distinct roles of body and spirit. With biblical references to Genesis and the teachings of Jesus, she emphasizes that our words hold the power of life and death, and how understanding this can transform daily living. This episode encourages listeners to discover the creative potential that lies within each of us.
Welcome to Victorious Faith. We believe you will be blessed, encouraged, and receive fresh faith to begin your day as you listen to today’s message with international missionary and Bible teacher, Cherry Campbell.
Good morning. Welcome to Victorious Faith. I’m Cherry Campbell. This morning I’m going to begin sharing with you lesson number 13 in a class called The Kingdom of God that I’ve been sharing with you for the last several weeks. And this lesson number 13 is a summary of the spiritual law of the creative power of words. We are now going through a summary of each of what I call the seven primary spiritual laws. And if you’d like to listen to any of these messages again, or if you’d like a more in-depth study of each of these spiritual laws, then you can go to my YouTube channel, which is under my name, Cherry Campbell, C-H-E-R-R-I, Campbell, C-A-M-P-B-E-L-L. And they’re in the top category called radio broadcasts. you will see this series called understanding the kingdom of God. Also there, you can see the other messages on each of the spiritual laws. I’ve done a series in the radio broadcasts on the law of love, which is actually under the series called the fruit of the spirit. And also there you will see the law of faith and the law of the creative power of words, the law of authority to rule, the law of sowing and reaping, the law of wisdom and the law of obedience. Actually, obedience is tied into so many of the other areas as well. And so you can go to my YouTube channel to listen to this series again and also to listen to each of the spiritual laws in a more in-depth study. Now join me in our live class for the beginning of lesson number 13, a summary of the spiritual law of the creative power of words. We’re talking about the power of words tonight. So looking in John chapter 6. John 6 and verse 63. John 6, 63. Says the spirit gives life. The flesh counts for nothing. The words, everybody say words. The words I have spoken to you are what? Spirit and they are what? Life. They are spirit and they are life. God’s words are spirit and life. Now go back to Genesis chapter 1. Genesis chapter 1. Verse 26 says, Genesis 126, then God said, let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule, King James says, have dominion over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground. Now God said, let us make man in our image and in our likeness. Now turn to chapter 2, Genesis chapter 2, verse 7. The Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. Now, man was both made and created. Man was both made and created. Now, those are two different words. They mean two different things. To make something means to make out of something that already exists. And to create means to make something out of something that never existed before. To create something that never existed before. Make is making out of something that did exist. Now, man was both made and created. And actually, in Genesis 2, 7, we see the Lord God formed. Well, the word formed, it’s also the word made. The Lord formed the man out of what? The dust of the ground or the dirt. Well, man is in the creative image of God. We are three parts. Man is a spirit. He has a soul and he lives in the body. Spirit, soul, and body. Now, the world doesn’t recognize the spirit. The world only talks about soul and body. Soul and body. Body and soul. The world will talk about the body and the soul. We are more than just body and soul. We are body, soul, and spirit. Now, the spirit is the breath. And in the Hebrew and in the Greek language, the word spirit and breath are the same word. Spirit and breath are the same word. So that in Hebrew, it’s R-U-A-C-H, Ruach, is the Hebrew word for spirit and breath, right? Spirit is breath, breath is spirit. One word means both things. And in Greek, it’s the word pneuma, P-N-E-U-M-A, pneuma, is the Greek word for spirit and breath. One word means spirit and breath. So the spirit is the inner man. The spirit is also the breath. The spirit is the real you on the inside. The soul is mind, will, and emotions. And then the body is just the house that your spirit and soul live in. It’s just a house. Looking out two little windows we call eyes. The real you is on the inside. You know, we sometimes trick people, how many of you can see me right now? Actually, no, you can’t. You only see my house. The real me is on the inside. Right? The real me is the spirit on the inside of this house. You see my house that I live in. And I’m looking at you through these two windows called eyes. Amen? So the spirit is on the inside and the soul. Spirit and soul are joined together. Can only be divided by the word, Hebrews 4.12. The word divides soul and spirit. The only thing that can divide the soul and spirit is the word. They’re otherwise joined together. So that when your spirit leaves your body, your soul leaves your body joined to your spirit. And then your body falls into the dust of the ground. So you are spirit, soul, and body. Back up to Genesis 2-7, God formed the man from what? The dust. So what part did he make out of the dust? The body. The body. The flesh, house, body. That came from the dust of the ground. But man was both created and made. What part of him was created? The spirit. Exactly. The spirit was created. Your spirit was not made out of any dirt. Your spirit was created. But the body was made out of the dirt. And then we see he breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and the man became a living being. Now, like I just said, breath and spirit are the same word. It is equally correct to translate this as he spirited into him the spirit of life. It doesn’t make sense because we don’t use spirited as a verb. But it’s the same thing because he breathed, he spirited into him the spirit of life. Now, this is our kind of baby view of what God did. Most people think that God had Adam and he blew breath like blowing up a balloon. into Adam. He didn’t blow Adam up like a balloon. Go back to what did we read in John 6. What is John 6? My words, my words are spirit and they are life. My words are spirit and they are life. You have to connect John 6.63 to Genesis 2.7 when it says God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. He didn’t blow air on him. He spoke. And we know in Genesis 1.26 what he said. Genesis 1.26 we just read tells us what God said. And actually, the Hebrew is a command. You know, in English, it sounds like, hmm, I don’t know, let’s make us a man. No, it wasn’t like some afternoon idea for fun and play. Let’s do something this afternoon. What should we do today? Oh, let’s make a man today. No, that’s not the way God was saying this. It was a command, just like in Genesis 1, 3, in the Hebrew, where we say, and God said, let there be light. It’s not let there be. It’s a command. It’s just simply light be, light was. That’s all it says. There’s six words in the Hebrew. God said, light be, light was. And it was a command. Well, he followed that same pattern in all of his creating. Light be, light was. So when you get down to verse 26, let us make man, it would have been the same command. Man, be in our image and in our likeness. It was a command just like verse 3 was a command. Man, be in our image and in our likeness. That was the act of creating which created which part of the man? The spirit. Create the spirit, the inner man. And so you connect Genesis 1 and Genesis 2. Genesis 2 does not happen after Genesis 1. It actually is an overlapping showing more detail of the steps that God took. God formed the body, made the body out of something already existing, the dirt. And then he, Jesus said, my words are spirit and life. He spirited life into the man. He had to have spoken the word into the man because his words are spirit and life. But what did he say? That’s where you go back to Genesis 1.26 and you know what he said. Man, be in our image and in our likeness. And that created the spirit and he became a living being. He became when God said, man be. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Glory to God. Now, why am I giving you all this background on how God made man? Because man is created in the image of God. So if Jesus said, my words are spirit and life, we are in the image of God. What does that mean your words are? spirit, and hopefully their life. But we can go back to several other scriptures. Proverbs 18, 20, death and life are in the power of the tongue. Proverbs 18, 20, death and life are in the power of the tongue. You actually have the power to kill or give life. Same as God can, but he doesn’t ever kill. He only gives life. He never does kill, but he has the power in his words. And so do we have the power in our words because we are made in his image. Death and life are in the power of the tongue. So your words have the same spirit in them like God’s words have. What you just heard was the beginning of lesson number 13 in a class that I taught called Understanding the Kingdom of God. And this lesson number 13 is a summary of the spiritual law of the creative power of words. And we will continue this message tomorrow. So join me again tomorrow. And remember, God loves you. You are blessed and highly favored by the Lord.
We’re glad you joined us today for Victorious Faith with Cherry Campbell. We invite you to visit our website at, where you can listen to the Victorious Faith radio broadcast, find biblical study helps, contact Cherry, and make donations. You can also write to us at P.O. Box 509, East Lake, Colorado, 80614. Victorious Faith is a God and Partners supported ministry. As you sow seed and partner with this ministry, we believe God with you for the full harvest of victory you need in your life. Please join us again Monday through Friday at the same time to begin your day with fresh faith. And remember, faith is the victory that overcomes the world.