Join Barbara Carmack on this episode of Call to Freedom as she inspires us to rekindle the passions within our dreams through God’s Word. Reflect on scriptural encouragement from 2 Timothy and learn how the Holy Spirit plays a vital role in reigniting our desires to achieve our dreams. Dive into a heartfelt discussion about the power of faith, prayer, and God’s unwavering love as we explore the significance of staying true to our spiritual journey.
Welcome to Call to Freedom with Barbara Carmack. This is Jimmy Lakey, and I’m delighted that you are joining us for this half hour. You can reach Call to Freedom at Box 370367, Denver, Colorado, 80237, or by going to the website at If you want to leave a message or order a Word Power Daily Reading Bible Guide or a Freedom Street Express newsletter, you can call us toll free at 1-877-917-7256 and leave your name and address, including your zip code. If you want to talk to Barbara right now, she is expecting your call. You may call that same toll-free number, 1-877-917-7256 to speak to her. And now, let’s join Barbara in the studio.
Welcome to Call to Freedom on this very windy day. Oh, I blew into the studio. Oh, my friend, may God rekindle the passion in your dreams and fill you with the desire to see them come true. I mean, just desire what you used to have when you were younger and so enthused about a good plan or or going somewhere i when i sat down at the desk here in the studio and i saw this beautiful little phrase may god rekindle the passion in your dreams i thought now where have i seen that word rekindle rekindle holy spirit help me see rekindle because it was only a couple minutes before the program here and so i couldn’t go on my phone because i turned it off and it’s just like holy spirit said you know it’s in second timothy Oh, thank you, Lord. I really appreciate that. Friend, you will never regret learning scripture. Never, never, never. Because when you are talking with friends or loved ones and something pops into your heart, you say, oh, where is that scripture? I know it’s there. I know it’s just for this friend that I’m talking to. and Holy Spirit will go deep down into your heart and bring it up. Because here in 2 Timothy 1, verse 6, and for this reason, this is Paul talking to Timothy, I remind you, Timothy, to kindle afresh the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For God has not given us a spirit of fear or timidity, but of power and love and a sound mind. So may God continue continue to rekindle that passion in your dreams and fill you with the desire to see them come true because they will come true. Ask and it shall be given unto you. Oh, you are blessed to dispense for in him you live and move and have your being. If you would like to give to call to freedom, you can write a check or a money order and Send it to Call to Freedom, Box 370-367, Denver, Colorado, 80237, or you can go online at and hit that little Donate button, and it will come up for you, and all you have to do is put in your credit card. That’s very simple. We have a meeting this Saturday, our regular monthly Call to Freedom meeting. That’s March the 8th, this Saturday. And if you would like to bring a dish to accompany the chicken and rice divan that I’m serving after we have the Bible study and singing, you can bring a salad if your last name begins with A through M. or you can bring a dessert if your last name begins with N through Z, and we’ll just have some great fellowship. I’m looking forward to the praise and worship, our worship of God, the Almighty God, the Creator of all. And He’s your Creator, too. Isn’t that wonderful? Praise the Lord. If you’ve never come to a Call to Freedom meeting and you would like to, You can call me after this program at 1-877-917-7256. Or you can email me at barbracarmack at And I will return that to you. Our memory verse for this week isn’t exactly for memorizing, but if you would like to, you know, it’s good. It’s a good idea. It really is. Verse 4 of Romans 2 says, Do you think lightly? of the riches of his kindness and tolerance and patience. Oh, that tolerance. Oh, my goodness. It’s just amazing how he is so patient with us. Oh, knowing that the kindness of God leads you to repentance. And that’s what we need, friend. We need to have a clear slate, something that we don’t have to regret or be resistant in really obeying him and coming close to him. If God is calling you to come into the throne room, come in with me to the throne room. Oh, I can’t, Lord. I’m just unworthy. I can’t do this. You’re God. I’m just a peon here. I’m just an unworthy little peon. Oh, I hate that word in the Bible, but it says worm. And that’s before you’re born again. OK, but when you’re born again, you’re the righteousness of God in Christ. So we’ve got to get our eyes off ourselves and onto God, learning more and more and more about him. in the message translation Romans 2 verse 4 says God isn’t so easily diverted and he isn’t distracted from his work in you he really isn’t he is at work in you Philippians 2 13 he sees right through all such smokescreens and hold you to what you’ve done God is kind but he’s not soft in kindness he takes us firmly by the hand and leads us into a radical life change. Ah, that’s what I want. I want a radical life change. And the song we are going to listen to later on in the program, Oh, Change My Heart. Oh, God, make it ever new. We need a radical life change. Yes, we do. It’s like our country. We needed a radical life change. And it’s not going to be just whoop-de-doo vacation time. Uh-uh. It’s going to be some hard work. It really is, especially since the prices aren’t going down like maybe many of you thought it would. I didn’t think the prices would come down right away because it’s just going to be a total inside-out working of the new administration to get these things back in order again. Oh, for pleasant times for the people. Praise the Lord. Yesterday we looked into some of the things that we’d rather keep hidden from God. But God is the all-seeing God, and he’s the one who is on my radar. My radar just sees God now. It used to see all kinds of different things. Yeah, it used to go into all different directions. But he is on my radar now, and he’s the most important person in my life. so i let him see into my attic and the basement and every other floor in whom i am spirit soul and body i hope that you can take a truth attitude check that i was talking about yesterday just a truth check on who you are who you really are inside and maybe some of you say i don’t know who i am inside well we can understand who we are when we read through the scriptures and see that God’s love, it’s lavished on us. Behold what manner of love the Father has lavished on us, that we are called the children of God. And as you take up that identity in Jesus Christ, you’re going to see who you are. And you’re going to say, yeah, finally, finally in my life, I’m really seeing who I am. I am in God, in God. You know, it can be scary and inhibiting, but trust God. He’s the one who really loves you. I mean, he really loves you. Look at Isaiah 43. And so many scholars, Bible scholars, says, well, Isaiah isn’t true. Isaiah is a book just written by men. But when they found the Dead Sea Scrolls in the cave, There it was, word for word, as it had been written by scribes. So God’s word is so true. It’s alive and it’s living. Isaiah 43, verse 1 says, Now says the Lord, your creator, and he who formed you, he formed you. Do not fear, for I have redeemed you. I have called you by name. You are mine. You’re mine. You’re his. You’re God’s. It’s such a beautiful thing to think that you belong. You belong to someone. And that someone is the creator of the universe. In the message it says, I have called you by name. You are mine. When you’re in over your head, I’ll be there with you. I’ve been there. When you’re in rough waters, you will not go down. When you’re between a rock and a hard place, it won’t be a dead end because I am God, your personal God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior. I paid a huge price for you. That’s how much you mean to me. That’s how much I love you. I’d sell off the whole world to get you back. Trade the creation just for you. You don’t believe that? Well, he gave. He gave it all up. Jesus did. And God gave Jesus to you. And Jesus paid the ultimate price in his body by dying on the cross. Yesterday, as I was reading in Luke 17 in the word power for every hour, I realized how fickle we really are or we can be trying to outsmart God at every turn. And in Matthew 18, 21, in Luke 17, it doesn’t say exactly who asked God about when we forgive. But in Matthew 18, 21, it specifically says, Peter asked the Lord, Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me and I forgive him? Oh, he thought he had God. He thought, well, I’m going to tell him up to seven times in a day. He thought that was very reasonable and very logical. And don’t try to outsmart Jesus. You can’t. So just give him your attention and your submission while he works on your soul. Jesus’ response here was out of the park. I mean, out of the park. It was a home run. He said, not seven times, but 70 times seven. Multiply that. It’s 490 times. And in one of the translations, it says in a day. In a day that happens, well, can you possibly forgive 490 times in one day? It’s impossible to do that as a human being. But what he’s saying is you’re forgiving all the time. You always have a forgiving spirit. You don’t have a spirit that is offended or thinks that somebody said something bad about you. You are thinking only the best, only the best. Praise the Lord. I want to read a little bit about Luke 17, 1 through 19. Jesus said to his disciples, hard trials and temptations are bound to come. but too bad for whoever brings them on. Better he wears a millstone necklace and takes a swim in the deep blue sea than to give even one of these dear little ones a hard time. Now, dear little ones also means the born again. And you can be an adult and still be a little born, a little one, because you are just new in the faith. So Jesus says here, it’s better for a millstone to be wrapped around your neck. If you give any kind of an offensive remark to one of these little ones. And be alert, verse 3 of Luke 17, be alert, be fully alert at all times. If you see your friend going wrong, correct him. If he responds, forgive him. even if it’s personal against you repeated seven times through the day and seven times he says i’m sorry i won’t do it again what do you do you forgive him you forgive him i know this is difficult to do but you know but you now have jesus as your teacher and you know him you know jesus he was forgiving forgive those father father god on the cross he said that so apostles came up and said to the master give us more faith And Jesus said, you don’t need more faith. There is no more or less in faith. If you have a bare kernel of faith, say the size of a poppy seed. And if you’ve ever seen a poppy seed, it’s tiny, tiny, tiny. You could say to the sycamore tree, go jump in the lake and it will do it. Suppose one of you has a servant who comes in from plowing the field or tending the sheep. Would you take his coat, set the table and say, sit down and eat? Wouldn’t it be more likely to say, prepare the dinner? Now, remember, he’s your servant. Prepare the dinner, change your clothes and wait table for me until I finished my coffee. Then go to the kitchen and have your supper. Does the servant get special thanks for doing what’s expected of him? And we’re his servants. OK, so if you don’t get a pat on the back every day, oh, you’re doing great. You’re just doing great. Don’t feel bad. Don’t feel bad about that because you’re going to get accolades from God. And it’s the same with you. When you’ve done everything expected of you, be matter of fact and say, the work is done. What we were told to do, we did. Praise the Lord. That’s wonderful. It’s like when I get through with a newsletter and I’m sending it all to the post office. Ah, the work is done. for this month and the receipts go out oh the work is done oh it’s it’s a wonderful feeling to have work done when you’re doing things in the house getting ready for people to come to the house and you’re you know you’re swiffering all over the floors and everything and then they come and everything is good oh i just love that it happened and here is verse 11 as um In Luke 17, it happened that as Jesus made his way toward Jerusalem, he crossed over the border between Samaria and Galilee. As he entered a village, ten men, all lepers, met him. They kept their distance but raised their voices, calling out, Jesus, Master, have mercy on us. Looking at them, he said, Go, show yourself to the priests. And that’s what happened in the Old Testament. If they had leprosy and they were anointed or they were healed, they would go to the priest for an okay from the priest. They went and while still on their way became clean. Hallelujah. Praise God. They didn’t come back to thank Jesus. They just kept going. They kept going from one crisis to another like some of you do. You do. You go from one crisis to another, from one unexpected thing to another, and you don’t even go back to thank him. Verse 15, one of them who had had leprosy, when he realized that he was healed, turned around and came back, shouting his gratitude, glorifying God. This man did not take his healing for granted. No, he didn’t. He kneeled at Jesus’ feet so grateful he couldn’t thank him enough. And he was a Samaritan. Oh, a Samaritan. Jesus said, we’re not ten healed. Where are the nine? This man was not only healed in body, but he was born from above in his spirit. He was a new creation in God. I want to tell you a little bit about why the Jews found it so hard to get along with the Samaritans. And here, more than 600 years later, before the Jews of Judea and later on in Galilee had been at enmity with the Samaritans. This ill feeling between Jews and Samaritans came about in this way. About 700 years B.C., before Jesus, the king of Assyria, one of Israel’s greatest enemies, in subduing a revolt in central Israel, carried away and into captivity over 25,000 Jews of the northern kingdom of Israel and installed in their place an almost equal number of the descendants of the Cuthites, the Saravites, and the Hamathites. These are Gentiles. These are heathen people. Later, another king sent still other heathen people to dwell in Samaria. So the Jewish population had gone, had been gone. and to take its place, they brought in Gentiles and heathen people that didn’t believe in God, that worshipped idols. Now, when the Jews returned from the Babylonian captivity, the Samaritans, the foreigners who had occupied Samaria and the northern kingdom, worked to prevent the rebuilding of Jerusalem. Later, they offended the Jews by extending friendly assistance to the armies of Alexander, the Greek. In return for their friendship, Alexander gave the Samaritans permission to build a temple on Mount Gerizim, where they worshipped their tribal gods and offered sacrifices much after the order of the temple services at Jerusalem. Only this was blasphemy. It was. And at least they continued this worship up to the time of the Maccabees. And then John Hieronychus destroyed their temple on Mount Gerizim. He was part of the Maccabees. The Apostle Philip, in his labors for the Samaritans after the death of Jesus, held many meetings on the site of this old Samaritan temple. The antagonism between the Jews and the Samaritans were time-honored and historic. Increasingly, since the days of Alexander, they had had no dealings with each other. The twelve apostles were not averse to preaching in the Greek. and other Gentile cities of the Decapolis and Syria. But it was a severe test of their loyalty to Jesus when he said, let’s go into Samaria. And remember that in John 4, he says, let’s go into Samaria. Right before the encounter with the woman at the well, And boy, it tested their loyalty. They didn’t know what he was up to. Jesus, you know, we’re not supposed to go there. But in the year and more that they had been with Jesus, they had developed a form of personal loyalty, which transcended even their faith in his teachings and their prejudices against the Samaritans. So he was softening their hearts to all that had opposed the Jewish people in Israel. And it’s just wonderful to see that when you have been opposed to maybe a doctrine or a theology or a group of people, and all of a sudden God puts a supernatural love in your heart for them, and you’re going, wow, Lord, I don’t know what happened here, but I love these people. I love what you have done in my heart. Well, Holy Spirit is in the process of turning our worlds upside down for a beautiful reason. We were educated by the world system, and now we must go through Holy Spirit school to complete a whole makeover of who we are. Even at my age, I am daily realizing the magnitude of Holy Spirit’s work. It’s massive, my friends. And I’m so willing to have him renovate and dig deeper into those things that need change. Just like Kimberly was teaching. She was teaching about those decades. wells that they dug abraham and isaac dug wells of our souls to get to the living water of life and that’s jesus christ oh change our hearts oh god make them ever true change our hearts oh god and may we be like you here’s the vineyard
Change my heart, O God. Make it ever true. Change my heart, O God. May I be like you. Change my heart, O God. Make it ever true Change my heart, oh God May I be like you You are the potter
Call me and make me This is what I pray Change my heart, O God Make it ever true Change my heart, O God May I be like Oh, Jesus, come and fill. Oh, Jesus, come and fill your land.
O let the Son of God enfold you with His Spirit and His love. Let Him fill your heart and satisfy your soul. Oh, let him have those things that hold you and his spirit like a dove will descend upon your life and make you whole.
O Jesus Come and fill your land Jesus O Jesus
Oh, praise God. Oh, I hope that’s your prayer today. Jesus, oh Jesus, come and fill my heart. Come and fill my heart with your love. Come and fill your lambs, oh Lamb of God. So friend, be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth. Avoid that worldly and empty chatter, for it will lead to further ungodliness and their talk will spread like gangrene. Oh, but you need to remember that the firm foundation that you have in God stands the test of time. Oh, it stands the test of time, my friend. So flee from the youthful lusts and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart. It’s wonderful to know that God’s doing a renovation in you. He’s doing a renovation in me and we should be rejoicing, glad, just like the leper who came back to Jesus and knelt down at his feet and said, Jesus, thank you. You’re working on me. You’re working in me. You’re making me something that I never dreamed I would be. And that’s perfect in you, righteous in you, in Jesus. Always remember that your righteousness comes from Jesus and being in him. Oh, praise the Lord. He is so wonderful. He will rekindle the passion in your dreams and fill you with the desire to see them come true. Oh, Jesus, thank you for filling your lambs. Thank you for filling our hearts and changing our hearts and making them ever true. Remember the meeting, friend. It’s going to be a wonderful time of getting together. If you would like to come, Call me at 1-877-917-7256. And remember that if you would like to join us for lunch and you’d like to bring a side dish for that chicken and rice divan, if your name is A through M, you can bring a salad. If your last name is N through Z, you can bring a dessert. Or if you have a favorite dish, yeah, just bring that. We have a wonderful time. God bless you and keep you and stay warm today and take joy.
Come and fill your dance.
Oh, let the Son of God enfold you with His Spirit and His love. Let him fill your heart and satisfy.
Call to Freedom is a listener-supported radio ministry. Barbara and her power partners invite you to come on board with us and become a network of hands holding up Call to Freedom ministry. Power partners support Call to Freedom with prayer and monthly financial support. You will be blessed supernaturally. We invite you to visit Call to Freedom’s website,, where you can hear Barbara’s daily radio broadcast 24 hours a day or order materials. You may share your praise reports and heart cries by mailing them to Call to Freedom, Box 370-367, Denver, Colorado, 80237. Or you may email us at barbracarmack at Until next time, remember, Jesus loves you, Barbara loves you, and take joy.