In this compelling sermon, we delve into the intricate relationship between faith and speech as outlined in the Epistle of James. Dr. J. Vernon McGee explores how the human tongue, described as the most dangerous weapon in the world, holds the power to both destroy and testify to our faith. You will hear personal stories of transformation and the importance of discipline in speech as a reflection of one’s genuine faith. Join us as we challenge assumptions about the often-overlooked teachings in James and their application to our daily lives.
The foundation, ye saints of the Lord, is laid for your faith in his excellent word.
What’s the most dangerous weapon in the world? Well, according to our teacher, Dr. J. Vernon McGee, it’s the human tongue. Welcome to the Sunday Sermon on Through the Bible. I’m Steve Schwetz, inviting you to grab your copy of God’s Word and turn it to James 3, as we hear that like a fire, the tongue can consume and destroy everything it touches. But also like a fire, it can be useful when kept under proper control because it reveals in God’s people their genuine faith. We’ll begin our sermon, Tongues on Fire, in a moment. But first, here are a couple of really good letters from our fellow Bible bus passengers. Here’s a note from Jose in Argentina. I have been a listener since 1978. Today, I am a pastor of a small church, and I am eternally grateful for your studies, which were very helpful and a blessing. Whenever I can, I share the program with others. I always pray for the ministry. And then next, we have a listener from Nigeria who shares this. Almost two years ago, I sat down all alone in the darkness, thinking sadly to myself about the unfortunate trajectory of my life. I recall that somewhere in the depths of my despair and despondency, it had occurred to me to stand up and go re-listen to some of your older messages again and again. As the teaching began to filter in my mind, I remember how I began to sense the peace of God returning once again. and brilliant light flooding my heart. Ever since then, I have come to personally know for a certainty and without any shadow of equivocation that my future is indeed very bright and brilliant. Glory be to God, I can still clearly affirm that my life has never been the same. Well, to God be the glory indeed. Now, our last note comes from Teresa in Van Nuys, California, who writes this. I’m grateful beyond words for the unmatched privilege to be able to study God’s word and cannot comprehend how I survived without it for so long. Ignorance and a hard heart, I suppose. I love Dr. McGee’s unwavering and bold way of preaching the scriptures. It is my prayer that all future generations will have the same opportunity to hear this teaching. Steve and Greg, you have a beautiful mission, and with the little or much I can contribute, it is a privilege as well. Thank you for your humble obedience to keep the ministry strong and flinging the seed throughout God’s world and to all nations. Well, I agree. It is a privilege for all of us who pray and provide for the Bible bus, isn’t it? Let’s thank God for the opportunity to study his word together. Heavenly Father, thank you for the privilege of watching your word at work around the world. We ask that you would speak to us as we listen and give us humble hearts to hear even the hard things that you have to say to us. In Jesus’ name, amen. Here’s the Sunday sermon on Through the Bible with Dr. J. Vernon McGee.
Tongues on fire. James was so anxious to get to this subject that before he got to the third chapter, way back in the first chapter, he made mention of this subject that we have today. And it’s in James, the first chapter, verse 26. If any man thinketh himself to be religious, while he bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his heart, This man’s religion is vain. We have come in our Through the Bible program to the most explosive epistle in the New Testament. In fact, we have come to the book that is the spiritual atomic bomb of the Bible. It’s a book that’s feared by both saint and sinner. The policy, I think, of the average Christian is, hands off or handle with care. It doesn’t have much to do with the Epistle of James. Let this letter alone. Do not open it. It’s not, do not open until Christmas, but do not open at all. And I went back to make an inventory of my own ministry yesterday, and it was rather humiliating. I go to conferences and speak on Ephesians, Colossians, Philippians, Romans, Galatians, Acts, all of the Gospels. I take the book of Ruth a great deal in the Old Testament because I love it, and the Minor Prophets, the book of Psalms. But do you know that I have never yet in a conference spoken on the epistle of James? And I wondered why. Isn’t it part of the word of God? Yes, it is. But I can’t answer it this morning other than I just never have been in this epistle. So I come in under the category of those this morning who’ve been maybe a little afraid to open this. You see, we dismiss this epistle as being unimportant. John is the gospel of love and it appeals to our heart. Romans and Galatians are the great documents of the Christian faith. The great doctrines are given to us there. That appeals to our head. Ephesians and Colossians go into the heights with spiritual truth, and we like that. And then the epistle to the Hebrews goes down deeper than any other in the New Testament, or the Bible for that matter. And my, we latch on to that. But James, well it’s unappealing. It contains Christian cliches, sententious sayings and sentences, pious proverbs. It contains that which looks to be obvious and then it pinches just a little. Even Martin Luther who said of this epistle that it was a Troy epistle. He’s been misunderstood. Curse of Blake of Yale Divinity School years ago made the statement that Martin Luther said the epistle of James is an epistle of straw. He did not say that. He said it was a Troy epistle. He meant by that that it did not contain these great doctrines that had so transformed his life. And therefore, he gave very little attention to the epistle of James. Now, as we come to it, we might expect that it was written by one of the sons of thunder, that it was written by James, who was the brother of John. But it wasn’t written by James, the brother of John. It was written by James, who was the half-brother of our Lord. You see, Mary had other children. And we’re told in Matthew 13, verse 55, the question was asked of our Lord, is not this the carpenter’s son? Is not his mother called Mary and his brethren James and Joseph and Simon and Judas? You see, she had four other sons. And the one that probably was next to our Lord was James. And he’s the James who wrote this epistle. And you talk about a lesson in humility. If the Lord Jesus had been your half-brother, could you have written four chapters or five chapters and not have mentioned that? Oh, I very subtly would have got that in me. You know, you could have said it casually. But for goodness sakes, let’s say it if he’s your half-brother. But you notice how he begins. Not an apostle. James, the servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ. James would have said with Paul, I know him no longer after the flesh. He’s my Lord and my Savior. And so he doesn’t even mention it. He was the head of the church in Jerusalem. You find over in the 15th chapter of Acts in that great council that was held, that after Paul and Barnabas had spoken, many of the Pharisees who had been converted spoke, Peter spoke, then James drew it all to a conclusion. and formulated the opinion of the group, the Holy Spirit opinion, if you please. And we read in Acts 15, 13, And after they had held their peace, James answered, saying, Men and brethren, hearken unto me. That’s the James who wrote this epistle. Now, he was called Old Chamel Knees. That was his name. And he was called Old Camel Knees because he spent so much time on his knees praying that great calluses came there. And Alexander White says that when they buried him, they had trouble getting him into the casket. They couldn’t coffin him because they couldn’t get those big old knees down into the casket. He’s a great man of prayer. And the other very arresting thing concerning him is that he’s the one who wrote the first book in the New Testament. I remember hearing a young preacher years ago with liberal leanings say that James wrote his epistle in order to answer Paul in Romans and Galatians. The difficulty with that is that when James wrote, nobody else had written. He’s not answering anybody because nobody’s put down yet a pen for the New Testament. If you had the books of the New Testament arranged chronologically, James would come where Matthew is. He wrote first. That’s interesting. And the thing is that he has the same theme, and I have more and more come to the conclusion, in fact, the matter is, I, in my own thinking, am pretty dogmatic about this, that James had the same theme in his epistle that Paul did, justification by faith. And somebody says, but he says it’s justification by works. I know he did. You see, when James wrote, he’s saying just simply this. Man are justified by works, but not the works of the law. It’s the works of faith. And he’s writing from man’s viewpoint. When God sees us, he sees our heart and he knows whether we have saving faith. But when men see us, they don’t see our hearts. They see the work of faith. And James says, if the work of faith is not there, brother, you are not saved. Paul would agree with him, for Paul said practically the same thing. Therefore, we have the same theme here, and this man, he pours in the acid of reality on the coin of faith to test it to see if it’s genuine. That’s the reason he’s not popular. You see, we like to read the epistle of 1 John because in that epistle we get the assurance of our salvation. I frankly think we’ve got it all mixed up. I think that we ought to read the epistle of James first to see if our faith is genuine. Then read the first epistle of John and then you can have assurance of salvation. But you’ve got to read James first. James was written first because I think the Spirit of God intended that we read this epistle first. We’re to test our faith. This morning, I want us to go into the laboratory of life, reach upon the shelf, and take down a bottle of acid to test your faith and my faith today. And we ought to do this. If this morning you had property out yonder on the desert, and you were out there yesterday and were digging down and found some very shiny, heavy-looking stuff, and you say, my, this is more than a rock. This must be Ola. What would you do? You’d have rushed back into town and gone to the assayer’s office and says, test this and see if it’s genuine. If you had some property and thought you had oil on it, you’d ask an oil geologist to come out and make an inspection and run some tests. If this morning you had some water, you would take it. If it was a spring on your property, you’d take it in and have it tested to see if it’s fit to drink. My beloved, since our faith is so important, don’t you think that we ought to bring it in and test it and see whether it’s genuine or not? I want to reach up this morning. There’s several bottles there, but I want to take down off the shelf a bottle of acid. And the label on this bottle is tongue. Tongue. That’s acid, you know. You put a blue litmus paper in your mouth and it’ll turn red because your tongue is acid. So let’s take down the acid this morning. Let’s label the tongue. And let’s pour a little of it on our tongue and see whether our faith today is genuine or not. Now, this acid is stronger than hydrochloric acid. It’s stronger than sulfuric acid. Oh, this acid’s potent. And I advise you to handle this with care because you can get hurt in it. The thing could explode. So let’s be careful today as we handle a bottle of acid. Now, I’m not interested myself in the chemistry of the tongue. I’m interested in the theology of the tongue. And will you listen? If any man thinketh himself to be religious, and that word religious is the only place it’s used in the New Testament, and it has to do actually with just ritual and liturgy. When I was fooling with these electorate fans here at the beginning of the service, I was afraid maybe you’d get the impression that we were starting some new form of ritual here, bowing down and getting up, but we’re not really. But that would be a religious service, and that’s what he’s talking about here, going through a religious service. If he thinketh himself to be religious, while he bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his heart, he may be sincere.” but he’s deceiving his own heart. This man’s religion is vain. That is, it’s empty. Even your formality of going through a ritual isn’t worth that. That tongue is not under control. That’s acid already, isn’t it? Let’s look at it. We want to pour some on this morning. The tongue lifts man today above the animal world. Man is not a gibbering ape or an aping parrot. Man is not an inarticulate animal and he’s not a mockingbird. Man can put thoughts into words and he can express himself and be understood. The tongue is the badge that we wear. It’s by the tongue that we communicate on the highest level. It is said that Every articulate person utters 30,000 words every day. Now, that’s a fair-sized volume. And in the course of a lifetime, you and I fill a library. How would you like to read it? I think you and I are going to hear it in eternity. I think that’s one of the things the Lord Jesus is going to force us to do at his judgment seat, for I think he’s recorded everything you and I have ever said. That’s going to hurt, isn’t it? And we’re going to have to sit with him and listen to the words that we have uttered. The tongue is the badge we wear. It identifies us. It’s the index of our life. It’s the table of contents. It’s the fraternity pin of our character, and it gives us away. Our tongue betrays us. Several years ago we were driving from Salt Lake City, where we’d been in a conference, to Mount Hermon. Very close connection. We were in a hurry. We came over Donner Pass, stopped briefly, and then came down to one of those little towns along the highway, drove into a fill-in station. My wife and daughter got out on one side. I just stepped out on the driver’s side, turned to the young man, a fine-looking young man, and I said to him, Fill her up. That’s all I said. Then I began to look at that grand scenery that’s around there, and while I was looking I felt this boy’s eyes on me very closely. And in a moment he spoke out and he said, Are you Dr. McGee? And I said, Yes, sir, I am. But do you know me? And he said, No, I don’t. Well, I said, Do I know you? And he said, No. Well, I said, How’d you know? He said, On Sunday nights in the wintertime we can get your program. And up here in the snow, in the wintertime, we all listen to you. And he said, I think I’d have known you anywhere. Your voice deceives you. It betrays you. It gives you away. All I said was three words. Fill her up. Oh, my beloved, this tongue of ours, for that’s the thing you remember the little maid said to Simon Peter, thy speech betrayeth thee. It tells who you are. It tells where you came from. It tells whether you’re ignorant or educated. It tells whether you’re cultured or crude. It tells whether you’re clean or unclean. It tells whether you’re vulgar or refined. It tells whether you’re a believer or a blasphemer. and it tells whether you’re a Christian or a non-Christian. Your tongue gives you away and your tongue tells whether you’re guilty or not guilty. The paramour of a doctor in a little town east of here talked too much and she was arrested for murder. Her tongue condemned her. If we had a tape recorder that followed you around this past week. And everything that you said for this past week was recorded, and we could play it before this audience this morning. I want to make a bold statement. This audience would know whether you’re a Christian or not. They’d know. Your tongue tells who you are. You want to go through with it? Let’s pour some of the acid of the tongue now on your tongue and mine. First of all, we have the unbridled and unrestrained tongue. Will you listen here to verse 3? Now if we put the horse’s bridles into their mouths that they may obey us, we turn about their whole body also. And it was the rider… of the Psalms, David who said, I said, I will take heed to my ways that I sin not with my tongue. David was so afraid that he’d say something that would hurt him. And he went on to say, Father, set a watch, O Lord, before my mouth. Keep the door of my lips. Our Lord said, out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. Then we read, Therefore keep thine heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life. Then the apostle says, For every idle word that men shall speak they shall give an account in the day of judgment. Oh, my beloved, this morning, God is listening to you and he’s listening to me. Back in Malachi, it says, they spake and the Lord heartened. Yes, they spake and the Lord heard. He heard that whispered conspiracy. He heard that word of slander. He heard that falsehood that was uttered. He heard that cutting remark. He heard every obscene utterance that you’ve ever given and that foul blasphemy that you made. He heard you. And that told who you were. For out of the heart, the mouth speaketh. It tells who you are. Somebody has said that it takes a baby two years to learn to talk and then 50 years to learn to keep its mouth shut. There was a fellow fishing down here on one of the piers this summer, and a dear little lady came up to him and began to get after him. She finally said, Aren’t you ashamed of yourself to cruelly catch a little fish like that? Poor little fish. This fellow didn’t even look up. He says, Lady, maybe you’re right. But he says if this fish had kept its mouth shut, it wouldn’t have been caught. The tongue, my beloved, is like a runaway horse. He says that we put a bridle, the bits of the bridle are put in the mouth of a horse. They’re very small, but they’ll hold a horse and check and keep him from running away. I think many of us this morning here have a faint recollection of the horse and buggy days, and we’ve probably seen a horse run away. bringing death and destruction. The tongue is a runaway horse. Someone has said that the mind starts the tongue to wagging and then sometimes goes off and leaves it. The tongue is that which is like a runaway horse and only the Spirit of God can control the tongue. The Psalmist again says, Be ye not as the horse, or as the mule, which have no understanding, whose mouth must be held with bitten bridle, lest they come near unto thee. The Holy Spirit is the bridle for the tongue, and as we shall see, the Holy Spirit alone today can control the tongue of man. James changes his figure of speech here. Listen to him. Behold the ships also, though they are so great and are driven by rough winds, are yet turned about by a very small rudder, whether the impulse of the helmsman or steersman will it. Now the figure is that of a ship. A fierce storm will drive a ship, but a little rudder can control it. The tongue is a little rudder. It can change the course of our lives. Men have had their reputations ruined because someone said something they should not have said. The fair name of many a woman has been wrecked and ruined and smeared because some gossip said a thoughtless, untrue thing. It’s worse. This little tongue is worse than a storm at sea, and it can do more damage than a storm at sea. The tongue is more dangerous than a runaway horse. It’s more dangerous than a hurricane. I personally believe that alcohol will be the instrument that will eventually destroy America. It’s right now eating at the vitals of our land. We’re becoming a nation of drunks and of drunken sots. The number of alcoholics now in this country is running into the millions, and it’s one of the most alarming things. But may I say to you this morning, The Word of God condemns alcohol, but for every verse that you will show me in the Word of God where alcohol is condemned, I’ll show you 100 verses where the misuse of the tongue is condemned. I believe this morning that the tongue is doing more damage in this world than any other thing, that it’s hurting this morning this world more than anything else, and it’s far more dangerous then the atomic bomb. And the writer in Ecclesiastes says, Suffer not thy mouth to cause thy flesh to sin. And then Paul in Romans, the third chapter, he speaks of the fact that one of the marks of the sinner is that the poison of ass is under their lips. And with their tongues they’ve used deceit. Have you ever been to a zoo and gone to the snake pit and looked at those hissing serpents that are carrying enough poison to kill an army? May I say to you, and I say it kindly, and I say it to myself, when we get home we can look in the mirror and stick out our tongue and you’ll see something far more dangerous than any tongue, than any serpent ever had. For that serpent can only kill a body, but you and I have a tongue that can slay people and destroy them and wreck people. God says he hates it. These six things doth the Lord hate, yea, seven are an abomination unto him, a proud look, a lying tongue. He puts that ahead of murder. He puts that ahead of all the others. He says he hates a lying tongue. Oh, my beloved, the tongue today can absolutely be unbridled and when it is, It’s not in the heart of a Christian or controlled by a Christian. And that brings us to the second one. Let’s pour out a little more acid now. For we see the uncontrolled tongue in verse 6. The tongue is a fire. The world of iniquity among our members is the tongue which devileth the whole body and setteth on fire the wheel of nature and is set on fire of hell. The tongue is compared to a forest fire. Fire, I suppose, is one of the greatest friends that man has. A great many of the historians write like this that the dawn of civilization came when man discovered fire. When fire is under control, it will warm our bodies, it will cook our food. But when the house is on fire, it’s tragic. When fire is under control, it makes power to run the wheels of industry that brings jobs to multitudes. But when in the night we hear a fire siren and out into the night rushes the fire engines and we see the blaze yonder and the factory’s on fire, what a tragedy again, my beloved, that is. And our present civilization even today can’t control a fire. There was the Great London Fire in 1666, and Mrs. O’Leary’s cow kicked over a lantern in Chicago, and they had the Great Chicago Fire in the last century. And today, again and again, fires break out. James says the tongue is like a fire. When it’s under control, it’s a blessing. When it’s out of control, it’s a blight and a curse. It can be a cure or a curse. And again, the writer to the Proverbs says, “…that is that that speaketh like the piercings of a soward, but the tongue of the wise is hell.” And then he also adds again, “…the heart of him that hath understanding seeketh knowledge, but the mouth of fools…” feedeth on foolishness. It can be a blessing, or it can be a blight. There is an old Arab proverb that goes, Thou art master of the unspoken word, the spoken word is master of thee. Up to the time that you have said it, you’ve got control, but the minute you’ve said it, it goes like a fire. You no longer can control it. It’s like a forest fire that burns over our hills and our mountains here. The tongue is a fire that can be set on fire by either heaven or hell on the day of Pentecost. There were tongues like us of fire. And there stood up a man under perfect control now, a man who had blundered with his tongue, a man who’d always said the wrong thing. Now with the tongue under the control of the Holy Spirit, Simon Peter preaches the first sermon on the day of Pentecost, and thousands come to Christ. A tongue under control. I’ve been at the Church of the Open Doer for 11 years. Even before I came, I saw the forest fire burn through. There have been wonderful improvements made, I think, in many spheres, but I must confess there’s no improvement made here. The fire still burns, the forest fire. We’ve had several remarkable conversions here recently in the past couple of years. I can give you three couples in particular whose faith was almost wrecked by listening to the tongues of gossips. One young couple came to me and they said our feet well nigh slipped. We were ready to give it all up. We found out we were listening to the wrong folk. I tell you today, my friend, This little member that you and I have here will give us away. It’ll tell whether we are genuine or whether we are not. That’s the most dangerous thing that there is. Now in conclusion, let’s look at the third and last, and we’ve got a little acid left. Let’s pour it on again and look at the untamed tongue in verse 7. For every kind of beasts and birds of creeping fangs and fangs in the sea is tamed and hath been tamed by mankind. When I was pastor in Nashville, I had a deacon that he and I loved to go down to see the circus come to town. And we went down early one morning about two o’clock and watched it come in, and then we followed it out to the circus grounds and watched them put up the tent. And it was, I think, then Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey and Clyde Beatty was with them then, and he came into the animal tent. We were there, and there were some little cub lions, and we were watching them, very playful. And he came up and went in and put his hand in, and my, he was rough with them. He rolled them over. And my deacon, who was a salesman, never met a stranger. He went right up to him. He said, let me ask you, why did you do that? He says, these cub lions will go into the cage with me before too long, and I never pass them for what I do not play with them. Because when I go in the cage with them, I want them under perfect control. Ha! Men can train lions. Put up a hoop, jump through, and this big old snarling lion with a shaggy mane jumps through a hoop. Men can train little fleas. Men can train big elephants. But, brother, you never yet have seen a tongue on display in a zoo. Nobody’s been able to capture one of them yet. It’s not in captivity. And the circus has never been able to make one of them perform. Never depend on it.
Listen. Untamed tongues.
Verse 8. But the tongue can no man tame. It’s a restless evil. It’s full of deadly poisons. Now he says the tongue can no man tame. That’s interesting. That’s very suggestive. No man can tame it. Only God can tame the tongue. A regenerate tongue in a redeemed body is the way God does it. That’s the thing that James goes on to say here. But the tongue can no man tame. It’s a restless evil. It’s full of deadly poisons. Therewith bless we the Lord and Father, and therewith curse we men. My beloved, may I say to you this morning that with the tongue you become a child of God. If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with thee heart man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. You see, all Paul is saying is that the mouth and the heart have to be brought into harmony. They have to say the same thing because your mouth is going to tell who you are. And isn’t it interesting that when our Lord came to that dumb man, the gospel writer is very careful to say he touched his mouth My friend, if he’s touched you, he’s touched your mouth also. And Mark tells us that when they went out, our Lord gave the commission and he says, and they shall talk in new tongues. Now, that doesn’t mean unknown tongues. That means, my beloved, you’ll talk with a regenerated tongue. It means by your tongue you will say who you are. And thank God, God will ultimately bring the tongue into captivity. There’s coming a day when the tongue will be brought into obedience to God, for the scripture says, every knee must bow and every tongue must confess that he’s the Lord. This tongue will someday be brought into control. Now the question arises, and I conclude with this, Can you tell a Christian by the tongue? James says you can. Listen to him. Therewith bless we the Lord and Father, and therewith curse we men who are made after the likeness of God. Out of the same mouth cometh forth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be. Doth the fountain send forth from the same opening sweet water and bitter water? Do you believe this morning that a fountain can send forth both bitter water and sweet water? If it does, there’s something wrong with the fountain. And today, my beloved, a tongue tells who you are. Your tongue, my tongue, tells who we are. Now I don’t care, you may go to a consecration service on Sunday evening and very sweetly get up and give a verse of scripture and then my friend if you go out and indulge in filthy and suggestive language, James says you are not a Christian. I don’t care what you say. If a man seems to be religious and that little tongue is saying things it should not say, James says that man’s religion Even the profession is empty.
You give yourself away by your tongue. Your tongue tells whether you’re his or not.
And when he regenerates you, he doesn’t regenerate everything except the tongue. That’s the most important thing if we confess with our mouth. And that doesn’t mean… Just on Sunday, that means Monday morning in our business. That means in everything that we say during the week. We confess with our mouth the Lord Jesus.
It hurts, doesn’t it? This is bitter acid, but it’ll tell whether we are real or not.
I’m wondering this morning, friends, if you have to look into your own heart and you say this morning, I’m like a fountain that’s giving forth both bitter and sweet water. I have the sweetest little testimony when I’m out with the Christians you’ve ever heard. But when I’m out with the crowd, I’ve got the dirtiest mouth that you’ve ever heard. May I say to you, you’re not a Christian. Why don’t you face it? You’re not a Christian. You have to confess with your mouth. Oh, my friend, today, only the Spirit of God can control our tongues. And when we indulge in gossip, when we say malicious, gossipy things about others, James is very real. James says… that a fountain cannot give forth both sweet and bitter water. And if you’ve given forth bitter water, then evidently the sweet water you give is just a profession. Oh, friend, today make it real with him. Deal with him in reality. Bring to him today your heart. and your tongue. He wants to give you a new tongue. He wants to touch your tongue. He wants to touch your life. He wants to transform you. James says, faith without works is dead. He says, show me your faith by your works. Is it just a profession or is it real with you today? with our heads bowed, eyes closed. Ask God to search your own heart. And then I’m wondering if you were here today and you’d like today to accept this wonderful Savior and let him put a bridle on your mouth, on your tongue.
That’s an important message. If you’d like to listen again or maybe share it with a friend, you’ll find it in our app or online at And if you want to learn more about how to accept Jesus as your Savior, you can click on How Can I Know God in our app or visit us at or call 1-800-65-BIBLE. Now, when you’re in touch, tell us your story. How long have you been riding the Bible bus with us? How’s God using His Word in your life? Well, you know we’d love to know. You can leave a note in the feedback section of our app. You can also email us at biblebus at or send a note to Box 7100, Pasadena, California, 91109. In Canada, Box 25325, London, Ontario, N6C 6B1. You can also call and leave a message at 1-800-65-BIBLE. Now, as we go, I want to pray Proverbs 4, 23 and 24, asking the Lord to guard our hearts and mouths and all that flow from them as we walk with him. See you next time.
All to him I owe. Sin had left a crimson stain. He washed it white as snow.
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