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Mon - Fri: 12:00 AM - 12:30 AM & 11:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Join us on International Gospel Hour as we delve into the significance of making decisions with God’s guidance, illustrated powerfully in the Epistle of James. This episode unpacks the biblical counsel on planning, prioritizing, and participating in life’s journey with a divine perspective. With thoughtful analysis and humorous anecdotes, this broadcast is an invitation to apply faith-filled wisdom daily, all with the help of our free resources to support your biblical journey.
Less chaos and more peace. Oh, less problems and better response. Now, doesn’t all that sound good? Well, let’s pursue this kind of living from the Scripture, the living Word of God, today from the International Gospel Hour. Stay with us.
Hi, this is Jay Webb for International Gospel Hour. Welcome to our broadcast today. For over 90 years, churches of Christ have proclaimed God’s Word through our broadcasts. Just ahead is another Bible-based lesson with Jeff Archie of International Gospel Hour. Let’s begin.
Well, thank you to our J-Web always. Greetings to all of you. It’s great having you with us today for our broadcast from the International Gospel Hour on the air since 1934. And to God be the glory. We thank you for being with us. As I just mentioned moments ago, less chaos and more peace in everyday living, and less problems and a better response to those problems, friends, that does sound good, does it not? But you know what? James chapter 4, beginning with verse 13, just might help us with such living. James 4, 13-17 Come now, you who say, Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell and make a profit. Whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. Instead you ought to say, If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that. But now you boast in your arrogance, all such boasting is evil. Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin. Now friends, let’s think about this text of James 4, 13-17. You know, the person in verse 13 that has such confidence and is so sure of a great profit, you know, they should handle our money and everyday living and even saving money and investing. And then again, no, I don’t think so. You see, think about it, friends. He had the power to predict the right city. How could he know that? How could he predict that he was even going to remain a year? How could he predict that he would buy, sell, and it would be profitable? You see, the conclusion, such a rejoicing was without the Lord that’s boasting that’s evil here. He’s putting investments and banking on things that he does not have the guarantee to make it happen. That individual is not humbling himself in the sight of the Lord. He’s putting his stock and his faith in an uncertain economy. Friends, we know how that works. Even if good, it is uncertain, for it can change tomorrow. James asked the question, What is your life? And then he answers, The life is but a vapor. You know, I think about that old country music song that says, we’re only here for a little while. Today, let’s look further at some better planning, biblical planning, to make the best of our lives. But first, our free online publication offer from our J-Web.
You can subscribe to Truth. a monthly four-page publication by our friend and brother Roger Campbell. It’s available by email. Please send an email to info at internationalgospelhour.com and leave your name, your email address, and write truth in the message blank. Again, please send an email to info at internationalgospelhour.com and leave your name, email address, and write truth in the message blank. It’s free and it’s worthy for your Bible study.
Okay, friends, let’s begin. Let’s look at some good biblical planning to make the best of our lives. Number one, planning is good, but planning with God is better. Now, making plans in and of themselves, that’s not wrong. I mean, Paul often made plans in regards to his travels in Acts 15, 36 and Acts 18, 20 and 21. And, you know, in fact, as we make plans or set goals, it’s often known that’s a key to success in any venture we may undertake in life. So, yes, we can make our plans, but we must make them in light of God’s approval. Thus, from verse 15 of James 4, if the Lord will. Let’s think about that thought. Ephesians 5, 17, wherefore be you not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. We need to understand it. Listen to Colossians 1, 9. Be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding. So with our lives, we will prove the will of God. I mean, that’s a must in our lives, Romans 12 and verse 2. So we will make our plans, set our priorities and our opportunities seeking the will of God. Is this what the Lord would have me to do? It was a number of years ago a friend of mine called me who was in the grocery business. He had an opportunity to be promoted in a management position. And the first question that I asked him was, Billy, can you glorify God with this position? He said, Jeff, I believe that I can and be more effective. I said, then, Billy, that is your pursuit. You see, a lot of times a promotion may be a demotion spiritually. So we need to understand to grow in knowledge and to live our lives. So, number one, planning is good. Planning with God is better. Number two, participate now, but participate with God. Now remember, our lives are but a vapor, a mist, just there, and it’s gone, James 4.13 or James 4.14. There are no guarantees of the morrow, only what we have now. In Job 14.1 and 2, man that is born of woman is of a few days and full of trouble. He comes forth like a flower and is cut down. He flees also as a shadow and continues not. In 1 Peter 2, 24, Friends, let’s think on these things. You know, Matthew 6, 34 says, Take no thought for the morrow, for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. Therefore we should back up one verse and embrace Matthew 6.33 to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. So friends, from number one, when we keep God in our plans, then number two, we will always have Him in participation of our plans. Let’s look at a third one. Priorities are necessary, but God is always the necessity. In Luke 12, 16-21, we read of the parable of the rich farmer who had his life planned out. Oh my, did he not have it planned out? He was one who was setting priorities of what was needed on his farm, but one problem, he was leaving out God. What he had laid up for years, he would not enjoy it, because verse 20 says that night his soul would be required, or his soul would be asked back from the earth, or demanded back from the earth. In other words, he was going to die that night. And all the treasures he had laid up for himself, where would it go? He did not have God in his plans. As a matter of fact, Jesus called him a fool. Friends, regardless of economic conditions, what is our priority? Or let’s ask more accurately, who is our priority? You know, let’s be careful of our physical investments and think not they will sustain us forever. There’s nothing wrong with work. There’s nothing wrong with saving. But something is wrong when we think that’s the end of it all. In Matthew 16, 26, what is a man profited? If he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul, or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? Now friends, let’s review this a little bit more. What is your life is asked in James chapter 4. And here are the lessons we learn. Planning is good, but planning with God is better. We plan if the Lord will. Participate now, but we participate with God. We realize our lives are but a vapor here today and very well could be gone tomorrow. And priorities are necessary, but God is always the necessity. We must make certain that He is our priority. When you put all that together from James 4, 13 through 16, here is the answer in verse 17 of James 4. Therefore… Therefore means what went before. Therefore is there for a reason to look back. Therefore to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin. So friends, what is your life? Maybe we can be of help to you with your life. We have our long-time Bible correspondence course by mail. We’ve offered it for a number of years. It’s still tried and true, and we want to send it to you absolutely free. Just give it a try and see what you think. Our J-Web has the details of how you can reach out and receive your Bible study course.
Our long-time free Bible study course by mail is always available. Have you tried it yet? Just call us toll-free at 855-444-6988 and leave your name, address, and just say, Home Study. That’s it. You may also go to our website at internationalgospelhour.com, click on the Contact tab, and leave us the same information, name, address, and type Home Study in the message box. Study the Bible at your own pace. Again, it’s free from your friends here at International Gospel Hour.
Friends, let’s think on these things as we plan our lives, if the Lord will. How grateful that we can study together and to set our priorities correctly. Thank you so much for joining me on our broadcast today. Let me mention very quickly, once again, our toll-free number at 855-444-6988. Let us hear from you. If nothing else, let us know where you’re listening to our broadcast from. Also, our mailing address is P.O. Box 118 Fayetteville, Tennessee 37334. That’s International Gospel Hour, P.O. Box 118 Fayetteville, Tennessee 37334. We are blessed to bring forth these broadcasts, and we hope they will be of help to you in your studies. If you have online accessibility, please go to YouTube and look up International Gospel Hour and see our video broadcast as well. Let’s continue our studies together at another time, friends. Thank you for joining me today on the International Gospel Hour. I’m Jeff Archie, and friends, as always, keep listening.
Thank you for listening to our broadcast today, and we hope you continue onward with your search and study of God’s Word. God be with you till we meet again.