Explore the transformative power of faith in Cherry Campbell’s lesson number 12 in a series on the Kingdom of God. She articulates how God’s provisions, made before the foundation of the world, are accessible through faith. With a focus on living intentionally by faith, Campbell reveals how believers can lay hold of divine provisions. The episode serves as a reminder that faith, when genuinely practiced, yields tangible results and aligns us with God’s abundant plans.
Good morning. Praise the Lord. Welcome to Victorious Faith. I’m Cherry Campbell. This morning I’m going to begin sharing with you lesson number 12 that I taught in a class called the Kingdom of God. And we are now doing a study of each of the primary spiritual laws of the Kingdom of God. And so this lesson number 12 is a summary of the spiritual law of faith. I preached this message in the Pacific Islands of Micronesia. So join me now in our live class for lesson number 12, a summary of the law of faith. This morning, I want us to look at Mark 11 and we’re going to look at faith again. The Bible says the just shall live by faith. And it says that not one time, not two times, not three times. There’s actually four scriptures. I won’t take you there. But it says the just shall live by faith. The just shall live by faith. The just shall live by faith. The just shall live by faith. So who shall live by faith? The just. How shall the just live? By faith. Who are the just? We are. How shall we live? By faith. Amen. You know, a lot of Christians think because they’re a Christian that automatically means they live by faith. Not true at all. Not true at all. Well, I’m a Christian. Of course I live by faith. Being a Christian isn’t what makes you live by faith. As a matter of fact, if you don’t purpose in your heart every day and every morning and every afternoon and every night, every moment of the day to live by faith, you are probably not in faith. Because faith is a decision. Faith is the way you look at every circumstance. Faith is the way you look at every need. Faith is the way you talk about things. And if you are not conscientiously, purposely, diligently doing it, then you’re not doing it. It’s not automatic because the natural way of the world is fear and doubt and worry. And too many times, most Christians are living and talking the way the world does. It’s the flow of life in the world. It’s a down river flow. To go in faith, you have to go upstream. You’re going against what everybody else is doing. You are talking differently than everybody else is talking. You are thinking differently than everybody else is thinking. You are believing differently than everybody else is believing. You are believing opposite of your circumstances. And so it’s constantly an uphill stride, an uphill swim, an uphill push against the flow because the flow is in doubt and unbelief and fear and worry and anxiety. That’s the direction of the flow of life. So you have to go the opposite of that. And so, so many times people think, oh, I’m a Christian, I’m living by faith. And yet, another thing I want to show you is faith brings results. Faith works. When you are actually working faith, faith works. Faith produces. And so if you don’t get results, then it’s not faith. If you don’t get the answers to what you’re praying for, it’s not faith. So we have to check up on ourselves. Are we getting the answers when we pray? If not, it’s not God who’s wrong. It’s not God who failed. It’s not God’s will just to say, well, I guess He just wants me to be sick today. I guess He just wants me to have this need in my life. No. The Bible says He has given us everything. In 2 Peter 1.3, He has given us everything we need for life and godliness. Everything we need for life and godliness. That’s physical and spiritual needs. Physical and spiritual needs He has already given to us. Everything. Everything, everything, everything, everything. There is nothing that you need that has not already been given. He has already given you your healing. He has already given you your money. He has already given you your house. He has already given you your car. He has already given you everything that you’re believing for. He has already done it before the foundation of the world. The Bible says before the creation of the world, He has blessed us with all spiritual and heavenly blessings in Christ. Before the creation of the world. He sent Jesus before the creation of the world. Jesus died on the cross before the creation of the world. He redeemed us from sin before the creation of the world. He redeemed us from sickness before the creation of the world. He redeemed us from poverty, lack, and needs before the creation of the world. And then 2,000 years ago, he came and he did it in the flesh. And at that point, everything was finished. Jesus’ last words on the cross were, it is finished. It’s done. I’ve done it all. Now I’ve given you everything. And so for 2,000 years, everything has been done. So I want you to know this morning, did you know God has already done everything he’s going to do to heal you? God has already done everything he’s going to do to make you rich, prosperous, abundantly wealthy. He has already done everything he’s going to do and he did it before the creation of the world. He did it before the creation of the world. He finished and then He started. That’s what Alpha and Omega means. He is the first and the last, the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. And in Isaiah it says, He makes known from the very beginning what is the end. He makes the end known from the very beginning. So before He started, He finished. In other words, he knew what he wanted, he planned it and he accomplished it, and then he started creating the world and creating mankind in the world, creating you and me. So the fact that we are created is proof that he has already finished everything that we need. You were not born… And then God said, oh no, what are we going to do? We’ve got to take care of Amy. We’ve got to take care of Pastor. What are we going to do now? Gabriel, you didn’t tell me that Pastor was born. What are we going to do? We have to find something for him. No. Before Pastor was born, God already had it done. It was already finished. It was finished. Hallelujah. Everything you need is finished. Hallelujah. Do you know that’s what provision means? Provision. Provide. Vision means to see. Pro is just like pre. P-R-E, P-R-O, it means before. So provision means to see ahead of time and make supplies ready. To make the supplies ready ahead of time. Provision. Even Jehovah Jireh means God who sees ahead and provides. A lot of people think it just means God provides. It means God sees ahead and he makes the provision before you ever get there. So that when you get there, the supply is already there. When you get to the due date of your electric bill, the supply is already there. When you get to the day that you need a healing, the supply is already there. That’s provision. It’s already ready. It’s already. Everybody say, it’s already ready. It’s already ready. Amen. Say it again. It’s already ready. It’s already ready. Now say, everything I need is already ready. God has it ready for you. And he made it ready before the creation of the world. Before the creation of the world. And when Jesus died, it was finished. It was finished. Now, how do we receive? How do we receive what is already ready? How do the just live? By faith. By faith, we live. By faith, we receive what is already ready. Faith is the arm that reaches out into the unseen realm of God’s provision and takes hold and brings it into the seen realm so that you have it in your life. Faith is the arm. Faith is what lays hold. There are many scriptures in the New Testament, if you ever have time to do a study, look it up in the concordance, about the scriptures that say, lay hold, take hold. That’s something that we do. God doesn’t do it for us. We do. And you know, a lot of people are waiting for God to heal them, waiting for God to meet their need. God is already finished. God will not do for you what He told you to do. He doesn’t do our part. He did His part. And some people think it’s just all up to God. Whatever God wants, it’s all up to Him. Well, He already laid down in His Word His will and He already made the provision. It’s ready. It’s ready. But then he told us we would receive by faith. You know, it says in 1 Timothy 3 that God wants all men to be saved. Did you know that? God wants all men to be saved, not just some. He doesn’t choose for some to be saved and others to go to hell. It’s his will for all to be saved. But how must people be saved? How do you get saved? By faith. So it’s his will for you to be saved, but you have to receive it by faith. It’s his will for you to be healed, but you have to receive it how? By faith. It’s his will for you to be rich. Yes, rich. I’ve talked about this before. I’ve shown you scriptures all through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. From the Garden of Eden, God made Adam and Eve rich. That’s what Eden means. It means to live in riches and luxury. To live expensively and costly. That’s what Eden means. All the way from Genesis 2, the Garden of Eden, to Revelation 22. All the way to the end of the Bible. Amen. God has made His will that we should be very rich. All through the Bible, in Proverbs, it says the reward of the righteous is prosperity. Did you know that one of the main rewards, if not the main reward, for serving God in this life is prosperity? It’s the reward for those who serve Him. Psalm 112 says, Blessed is the man who fears the Lord. Wealth and riches are in his house. Proverbs chapter 8, wisdom is calling out. Wisdom says with me are riches and honor, enduring wealth and prosperity. Is it God’s will for you to have wisdom? Yes. And wisdom says with me are riches and wealth and prosperity. So if you get wisdom, you will get riches and wealth and prosperity. It is His will. Not for you just to have enough, barely get by, pay your bills and that’s all. But to be rich. It’s His will. What you just heard was the beginning of lesson number 12 that I taught in a class called The Kingdom of God. And we are now doing a summary of each of the spiritual laws of the kingdom of God. And this lesson number 12 is a summary of the law of faith. So join me again tomorrow as we will continue this lesson. And remember, God loves you. You are blessed and highly favored by the Lord.