Liz Franzel (Host) :
This is Liz Frenzel with Crawford Media Group, and today our guest is Katy Tolento, who is the Executive Director of Alliance of Healthcare Sharing Ministries. We’ll be talking about the confirmation of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and what that means for Americans regarding healthcare. Welcome back to our program, Katy.
Katy Talento (Guest) :
Thanks so much for having me, Liz. It’s a pleasure to be here.
Liz Franzel (Host) :
Well, first of all, Katy, tell us a little bit about Alliance Healthcare Sharing before we get started so our listeners know what that is and what you do.
Katy Talento (Guest) :
Yeah, so the Alliance of Healthcare Sharing Ministries is the trade association for healthcare sharing ministries, which are groups of religious believers who come together to bear one another’s burdens in prayer and emotional support and also financial support so that they share one another’s medical expenses. And so you go to the doctor, you get a bill, you upload the bill to the ministry. The ministry taps other members on the shoulder and ask them to help share in your bills. And then you do the same for other members. So it’s a really beautiful kind of, I would say, a little bit more human way of financing health care expenses.
Liz Franzel (Host) :
So in that, with their sharing each other’s burdens, so to speak, which is biblical, actually, is there like a monthly fee on top of what you’re going to share?
Katy Talento (Guest) :
So typically, the ministries will ask for at least one month out of the year or one bit of percent, like a certain percentage of every month to help facilitate the administrative expenses of the ministry itself. It’s usually a small amount. But the vast majority of the money that you are contributing every month is going directly to another member to share in their medical expenses.
Liz Franzel (Host) :
That’s nice. So it’s not all the, I mean, with health care today, obviously it’s so high. And, yeah, so to know that breakdown, it’s just a small amount and then just the portion. So that’s really good. Let’s talk about RFK Jr. He got confirmed. Confirmed. Yay. Yay. And we’ll be making America healthy again. So, you know, I was reading our, our nation, our, you know, Americans, our health is at an all time low. I mean, obesity, chronic diseases, those are all at an all time high, even we’re seeing it in younger generations, right?
Katy Talento (Guest) :
Absolutely. You know, 43% of U.S. children have at least one chronic health condition. And if you count overweight and obesity and developmental delays, it’s more than half of all children, 54% of all children. And, you know, adults, it’s far worse. My goodness, we have one in five kids has special health care needs. One in nine children, 15 percent actually, have an IEP, which means they need special education assistance. You know, we’ve got one in 36 children has autism now. So this is an absolute crisis. It’s an absolute epidemic. And it just is so different from when I was growing up in the 70s and early 80s. And certainly when our parents were growing up, you know, in the 50s and 60s, our countries really changed. And, you know, our genes haven’t changed. Genetics move in, you know, millennia. They don’t move in decades. Right. So humans aren’t changing. So what’s changing is what’s touching the humans, what’s going into us, what’s around us, what we’re doing, what we’re feeling, what’s going on with our culture, what’s going on with the stress in our lives. It’s just totally unnatural and unbiological and wholly ill-suited for our human design by our Creator. So I think that our lives today are really out of sync with how they ought to be, and And there are many aspects that Secretary Kennedy has to attack, I think, at this point, all at once, hopefully.
Liz Franzel (Host) :
Yeah, right. Because I know he’s he’s already touched on the vaccines and what’s going into them. And, you know, from the time when my kids were little and even you and I, I’m sure, you know, unfortunately, I did get my kids vaxxed and until I learned what’s in what was in them. But what was in them wasn’t what is in them now. And the amount of vaccines that are required, what is it, by the time you’re 18, is it like 70-some shots that you have to have?
Katy Talento (Guest) :
Yeah, and if you count the COVID vaccines, which have now been put on the childhood schedule and therefore are required in many school systems, we’re looking at well over 80. So 80 before the child’s 18 and dozens before they’re two. And we even have vaccines that have to, for an STD, hepatitis B, are given in the first hour or the first day of birth. And this is insane. And, you know, you’re right to identify the ingredients in these vaccines, you know, are also, the vaccines are tested one at a time, right? First of all, the testing is very weak. It’s sometimes just a few days of follow-up or too small a group. But the real problems are the control groups. First of all, the control groups are not no vaccine, like an unvaccinated group. The control groups are always just a different vaccine, a last year’s vaccine, or the previous generation’s vaccine. Well, that just means that we’re comparing two poisoned adjuvants to each other, and there’s not going to be a difference, and so that new one’s going to be deemed equally safe. But the reason there’s no difference is because they’re both equally toxic. They both contain aluminum. Flu vaccines still contain mercury. So aluminum is a neurotoxin. And our bodies are not designed to come into much contact with any aluminum. And then you’ve got the fluoride, fluoride in the water, which is not the biological form of fluoride that our bodies are built to be used to seeing and processing. It’s very different. And then we’ve got pesticides, and especially Roundup, the chemical name is glyphosate, which is a major driver of cancer and neurotoxicity and autism and obesity. So this is drowning all our wheat products, every single wheat product that’s not organic, whether it’s a cracker or a Cheerio or a slice of bread on a sandwich. cereal, everything is drowning in this pesticide, which Monsanto had to pay out billions of dollars because of its cancer causing effect. Bobby Kennedy was one of the lawyers that got that payout. So I’m very excited that he knows what he’s doing and he knows, you know, the ways of the regulators that have been captured by their corporate interests and the corporate interests themselves. He’s an expert in those things.
Liz Franzel (Host) :
Yeah. And it’s, you know, not only the whole what’s in the in the shots, but it sounds like he’s going after what’s in our foods, too, because, you know, all the sugars, all the dyes, all the, you know, not our GMO stuff that that we’ve been unbeknownst to us that have been slowly killing us, making us sick. And, you know, like you said, the autism rate and it’s not surprising.
Katy Talento (Guest) :
No. And I mean, you think about your average seed oil, which, you know, when you and I were growing up, we called this vegetable oil and we thought it was healthy. We were told it was healthy by our government. Right. And but in fact, these are industrial seed oils that do not exist in nature. And it requires massive, multiple times of industrial scale heating. You push it through toxic metals and all these chemical reactions. And it comes out looking like grayish color. cottage cheese that reeks. They have to deodorize it. They have to bleach it just to make it look like it’s not poison. And then they stick it in our food, in everything. Again, the Cheerio, the cracker, the cereal, the bread. Seed oils are in everything. And you think about it, Liz, seed oils did not exist 100 years ago. The first one was Crisco in the 20s and 30s. and it was made out of cottonseed oil and petroleum products, these are not meant for human consumption. They are not food. And yet they’re the majority of our calories now. So if you think about, like, they’re in every single processed food, and 66% of all of our calories are coming from ultra-processed food. This is not natural. Our great-grandparents would not recognize what we eat as food, and neither do our bodies. And that’s why they’re in a constant… state of fight or flight and attack and inflammation and toxicity resistance that are really what we know is the diseases that we fight, diabetes and cancer and autism and Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s and, you know, emphysema and epilepsy. These are all just inflammations.
Liz Franzel (Host) :
Yes. And, you know, we’ve got a God that created us so perfectly that gave us a body with an immune system that fights these things. I know just in reading and I shop the outer aisles, you know, the organics and whatnot. But what is amazing is that our cells actually work. put fat, create fat around the cell to protect itself from these toxins. So people drinking diet sodas, you know, they’ve got the aspartame in there. And so they think they’re doing a good job going to lose weight. Well, they’re getting, they’re not losing weight. Let’s say it that way. They’re getting bigger because their bodies, our bodies are self-protecting with fat and And that’s so ingenious, you know, of our God. But that’s that’s a reality. And and we like you said, that’s that’s all inflammation and destroying our health.
Katy Talento (Guest) :
Well, you’re right. I mean, the membranes around all our cells are made of fat, saturated fat and cholesterol. That’s what they’re made of. And that’s what keeps the like inside jelly inside ourselves and all the important things happening there separated from the watery environment in our blood. And if you have weakened cells because you’re not taking in saturated fat, which is primarily animal fat, you’re not taking in animal fat and you’re not taking in cholesterol, then your cell membranes are going to be weak. And all the toxins and the different pH and acidity levels between the blood and the inside the cell membrane, that’s all going to start to get weakened and start intermingling when it shouldn’t and create inflammation and disease process.
Liz Franzel (Host) :
What changes do you think we’ll be seeing with RFK Jr. at the helm? Or what are you hoping to see?
Katy Talento (Guest) :
Well, I think the first thing that he’s announced that he’s going to really focus on is transparency. And, you know, he had to make a lot of commitments to a bunch of crazy senators to get through the Senate about how he would not change this or he would not change that. But I think what he expects to do is, OK, maybe he’s not going to the first action won’t be to change X or Y, but it will be to expose X or Y. And so to the extent that we can have more labeling on foods, more labeling and truth telling on the information we give out to parents with vaccines, more labeling and truth telling when it comes to drugs and drug interactions. Just this past week, you know, the public health department in the state of Louisiana announced they were no longer going to promote that mass vaccination. And they were encouraging parents to have individualized patient-specific conversations with their doctors about the risks and benefits. That’s the first time any official health entity has ever taken that position in decades and generations. You know, I think that’s the sort of thing that Secretary Kennedy is going to encourage, which is let’s talk about the risks and benefits. Every product that, you know, was not created by God for our consumption has risks and benefits, right? So if it’s man-made, it has risks. And, you know, for us to talk about something that has risks as always safe and effective, always and everywhere for every population is just unscientific, right?
Liz Franzel (Host) :
We’ve been visiting with Katy Tolento, Executive Director of Alliance of Healthcare Sharing Ministries. And we’ve been talking about Robert F. Kennedy’s Make America Healthy Again role and how this will impact our healthcare and, more importantly, our health. Katy, where can our listeners go to find out more about Alliance Healthcare Sharing? Because I know this is a great alternative to the healthcare system that we’ve evolved into.
Katy Talento (Guest) :
Yeah, so Healthcare Sharing Ministries are non-insurance alternatives, and they’re really a wonderful way to do healthcare. We think the way Jesus would. But you can reach us at the Alliance of Healthcare Sharing Ministries website, which is AHCSM. That’s our acronym, You can find me at Katy Tolento at LinkedIn or on X at Katy Tolento with a Y.
Liz Franzel (Host) :
You know, thank you so much, Katy, for joining us today. You are a wealth of information. We barely got to scratch the surface, but I think we’re going to be seeing some great positive changes to our health care, to our health once again.
Katy Talento (Guest) :
I certainly hope so. Thank you, Liz.