Listeners also get a glimpse into the global reach of religious media. With heartwarming letters from viewers in Afghanistan, India, and other regions, this episode sheds light on how multimedia platforms serve as pivotal tools in sharing faith across borders. Moving beyond geographical limitations, these testimonies reveal the transformative power of spiritual broadcasts and the deep connections formed through shared beliefs and teachings.
The foundation, ye saints of the Lord, is laid for your faith.
The book of James is often compared to the book of Proverbs, which many view as a college course on wisdom. But you know, James offers a different kind of education, more like the school of hard knocks. In this book, we see that God wants to lead his children to full Christian maturity, and he allows trials in our lives to refine our faith, exposing the pretenders while assuring his true children that he is with them. Our trials really serve as positive proof of our faith. But as Dr. J. Vernon McGee tells us, there’s one test God will never give, and that’s the focus of this Sunday Sermon on Through the Bible. I’m your host, Steve Sweats, welcoming you aboard the Bible bus, and our message, One Subject Not Taught in God’s University, is from James 1. So while you find your place in God’s Word, Greg and I want to share a few letters from our viewers. Yep. And you heard that right. Viewers.
That’s right, Steve, because we are media agnostic. And about a decade ago, we got into satellite television and in the Middle East. And we’re doing many of the languages of the Middle East. And then we went into television in India. And we’re going to share some of those responses.
Yeah, the first one is from a couple in Afghanistan who speak Farsi. Now, those of you that don’t know, Farsi is basically… It’s Dari.
The language is called Dari, but it’s basically a dialect of Farsi.
Which is primarily Iranian. Iranian, you are correct. So this guy’s in Afghanistan, the couple is. My wife and I are the only Christians we know of. We are quiet about our faith, but are always looking to others to see if there are signs that they may know Jesus too.” Thank you for your programs that keep us connected to God. We pray one day we find others to share our faith with.
And that really is an extraordinary story of what God has done through television because we used to do radio broadcasts that were limited in their geographical scope to Iran. When we moved on to these giant satellite footprints, we found, in fact, Steve, we have at last count over 40,000 Facebook followers to our page. Persian or Farsi TV program in Afghanistan. And I’ve researched, some people don’t think the church in Afghanistan is even bigger than 20,000 people.
Yeah, in a country that barely has internet.
Exactly. And it’s just extraordinary. So this is the power of being media agnostic and flinging the seed wherever God allows it to go. Let’s go to Kamal in Gujarat, and this one is interesting because it has a couple of features that we’ll discuss. She says, “…I come from a Christian family and I am married. While working in the kitchen, I watched the Gujarati TV programs with my in-laws. These verse-by-verse explanations of the Bible helped me to understand it more easily. The program provides deep spiritual insights and nourishment, which has strengthened my faith and brought God’s presence into my life.” I have experienced peace of mind, and my days are happier and more fulfilling. I am enthusiastic about participating in the TWR India Bible Quiz. Let’s stop. We’ll explain that in a minute, folks. Let me finish. And regularly attend church. I deeply appreciate your efforts for the kingdom of God and pray that God will use your ministry for his purposes. Please also remember us in your prayers. Now, so this is a television program, maybe coming on satellite, maybe coming through YouTube. We don’t always know, but the Bible quiz is a whole nother way of flinging the seed.
Yeah, and that’s an amazing thing that impacts so much of India. We were there for a Bible quiz award ceremony.
You gave the national award winner. We’re talking about almost 100,000 people around the country studying one book of the Bible, using through the Bible, and then answering detailed questions. And you gave the award to… to the winner. Yeah.
And there were probably over a thousand people there that had traveled.
Oh, it was 3000 people. It was a big event. Yeah. And, uh, they were all there to see you. Yeah. Right. I’m sure. And they left severely disappointed. I don’t think so. But, but folks, this is so exciting. The way the Lord is allowing us to just fling the seed through radio, television, audio, Bible quiz, home groups. It’s just thrilling.
Yeah, it really is. Now, here’s one from a viewer who speaks Arabic and wishes for their specific location to be withheld. And this is significant because it’s a viewer and we used to be strictly on radio. And frankly, we didn’t get a whole lot of response and we were spending a whole bunch of money. That is true. And now it’s shifted and we’re spending a fraction and we’re getting so much more results. So it’s very encouraging. Here’s the letter. Thank you, Lord, for opening my eyes to watch the Kolokotab program to explain to me the meaning of your word. Friends, how great is our holy God. To him belongs all glory. May the Lord bless your efforts and the labor of your love.
And it just shows the power of just being there every day so someone can explore and have their eyes opened to the truth about God. Now, let’s go all the way from Arabic, and we don’t know whether that location was Arabic, to a viewer in Burkina Faso in Africa. Hello, dear brothers in Christ. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be upon you all. I am 45 years old and was born into an evangelical Christian family. A bit ago, I had the chance to discover your teaching on the whole Bible, which I now follow every day. The teaching is bringing about a revival in my faith. I am now faithfully dedicated to God’s word and hope to share it with those around me. And so, Steve, this is really what it’s all about for us. We are just flinging the seed in every possible way, whether it’s television or through YouTube or through digital channels or the Bible quiz or through home groups or through media players. Yeah. It goes on and on. It’s just so exciting.
Yeah, it’s such an encouragement. Greg, let me pray for us as we begin. Heavenly Father, we pray that you would continue to open many doors, doors that we don’t even see as being available as of the time of this recording, so that your word can continue to go out and that you would continue to bless it. Bless the program as it goes out today. In Jesus’ name, amen. Now here’s the Sunday sermon message from Dr. J. Vernon McGee.
Now the subject of the morning is, the one subject not taught in God’s university. We began a series in the Epistle of James, and at that time we said that James is the Proverbs of the New Testament, and by the same token, the book of Proverbs is the Epistle of James of the Old Testament. The book of Proverbs has a school of wisdom, and it tells actually a story and gives the course of subjects that are taught. The epistle of James is just the same thing, if you please. And actually, the James who wrote this epistle was not an apostle at all. He was a dean in God’s university. Fact of the matter is, he was dean of the School of Life for Christians, or if I may bring it up to date, he was dean of USC, the University of Scriptural Christians. Now, last time we saw the entrance exams that God always gives to those that are his own. God tests all of his Christians, all of his believers. to prove their genuine, the reality of their faith. He weeds out the counterfeit, the phony, and the pseudo-saints. And then by testing them, he can give them an assurance that they are a child of God. And he also can open up a polychrome vista of high and holy anticipation for the future. Actually, his testing is a regular obstacle course. God uses extreme measures, both physical and mental, in testing his children. He does send suffering. He sends adversity. He sends disappointment. And he permits sometimes a friend to betray us. He permits injustice to come to us and heartbreak and tragedies. All of these are tests and trials in God’s university. Now there is one test God never gives. It is not in his curriculum at all. There is one subject that is not listed in his catalog. God never tests man with evil and with sin. God never does that. Will you listen? Verse 13. Let no man say when he’s tempted, I’m tempted of God. For God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man. Therefore, we have here a statement that God does not tempt man. He’s not engaged in that. He never tests man. with evil, and with any sinful sort of a pursuit. Let me change that reading, and I’ve examined, I suppose, a half a dozen translations, and I didn’t like any of them. Let me give you mine. Let not one man being tempted say, I’m tempted of God. You’ll notice that when he was talking about the test that God gives, He used the noun for temptation. But now when he begins to talk about the testing of evil, he reverts to the verb. And that’s important, by the way, because there is today a natural propensity and a bent in human nature to blame God for our fumbles, our foibles, our faults, our failures, our filth. and our fall. We blame God. It’s been that way from the very beginning. When sin entered the Garden of Eden, the very first thing that Adam said was, the woman whom thou gavest to be with me. I’m not to blame, but she is to blame. And if you hadn’t given her to me, I wouldn’t be in the problem or the difficulty I’m in. And the woman passed the buck also. She said, the serpent beguiled me. Neither one of them took any responsibility at all. We had a question here. It’s typical of many questions today. The question was, why does God send floods and earthquakes and chills babies? May I say we’re blaming God, aren’t we? Is God responsible for floods? Was he responsible for the floods in the Northwest? Well, he did send the rain and he did send the snow, but he’s given man intelligence to know that he makes big ditches so that the runoff from the rain and the snow can get down to the oceans. And if man through greed and selfishness and for the love of money and the love of pleasure wants to build too close to the river, and he does, and when he does he calls it a flood. God never calls it a flood. God says stay away from it. May I be very personal this morning. If you’re going to live in Southern California, you’re going to take a chance on an earthquake. The seismologists are saying right now that the big one is coming, and it’s coming. This area is going to be shaken one of these days. Why don’t you move out? You want to put your house up for sale at a bargain? See me after the service. I’m not leaving. I intend to stay, but may I say you’re taking a chance on an earthquake if you live in this area. But don’t blame God if a slab of concrete falls off one of these high-rise buildings and kills one of your loved ones because you stay here. God didn’t put up the building. And God has given adequate warning that this is an earthquake area. It’s the business of blaming God for our problems and our difficulties. Now, it’s much safer to live on the wide open spaces of Texas than to live here. But who in the world wants to live on the wide open spaces of Texas? I’m staying. Men with their philosophies have blamed God. You go back through the history of the race. Pantheism is one of the oldest philosophers. And by the way, it’s liberalism right now. Liberalism has swung back over to pantheism. And pantheism said from the beginning, good is God’s right hand, evil is God’s left hand. My friend, God’s neither a rightist nor a leftist. He moves in no one direction. You can’t blame him for the evil. fatalism, and that’s a deadly philosophy, says that there is in this world today the operation of blind necessity. That’s another way of blaming God. And materialism today, and that’s the popular thing, that the loftiest aspirations and the vilest passions are the natural metabolism of a physical organism. That’s another way of blaming God. But the word of God says, for God cannot be tempted with evil. And the reason is there’s no evil in God. He’s all goodness. He’s all light. He’s all right. There’s no evil in him. There’s nothing in him at all. That’s the thing that John says in his first epistle, 1.5. This then is the message which we’ve heard of him and declare unto you that God is light, holiness, and in him is no darkness at all. And the Lord Jesus said something we may have misunderstood. He said, the prince of this world cometh and he findeth nothing in me. You and I can’t say that today, but he could say it. Why? Because there’s no evil in God. May I put it like this? Jesus could not sin. Somebody says, then why was he tempted if he could not sin? I wonder if you’ve noticed something, and we’ll turn this morning to that. Over in the fifth chapter, or I probably should say the fourth chapter of Matthew, verse 7, Jesus said unto him, it’s written again, this is the temptation, thou shall not tempt the Lord thy God. Why did the Lord Jesus use that scripture? You shall not tempt the Lord your God because you can’t tempt him. But why was the Lord Jesus tempted? He was tempted not to see if he could fall, but to prove that he couldn’t fall. May I illustrate that? The reason I’m not going back to West Texas is because I live there as a boy. I lived in a little place that’s not even on the map today. It’s disappeared. The name of the place was Burnham. It was on the West Fork of the Brazos River. where the branch line of the Santa Fe ran through that went up to Amarillo. Does that tell you where it is? There never was a station there. It was just a sawdust pile and they called the name of the station and you jumped and tried to hit the sawdust pile. It never stopped. There came a flood there one time. We lived far enough away from the river because everybody knew that that Brazos River In summertime, there wasn’t enough moisture there to rust a shingle nail. But in wintertime, you could float a battleship down there. And flood came and it washed out the bridge, the Santa Fe Bridge. For a long time, there was no railroad service. And they put up a bridge, Santa Fe did, across the Brazos. They put up a much better bridge. The other one had been wood, this one had steel, and it looked much better. And so when they finished it, they brought two engines, first time I’d seen two engines at one time, and put them on the bridge and tied the whistle down. And when they did that, now that of course was a great deal of excitement for our little town to have two whistles blowing at the same time. And the entire population of the town went down to the bridge, all 23 of us. And we went down, and one of the extroverts in the crowd said to the engineer that was there, not of the engine, but the engineer who built the bridge, what are you doing? He said, we’re testing the bridge. And the native there said, do you think it would fall down? And with contempt. The engineer says, of course it won’t fall down. Well, then says, why are you testing it? We’re testing it to prove that it won’t fall down. That was the reason of the Lord Jesus was tempted to prove God cannot be tempted. Not only that, neither tempteth he any man. My friend, this morning, God doesn’t want to tempt you with evil. God wants to save you from sin, not tempt you to sin. God wants to deliver men from sin, never permit them to enter into sin. And he never uses sin as a test. That’s true, he permits it. We have a statement, and I’m sure maybe some of you have thought of it. Over in the 24th chapter of 2 Samuel, first verse, it says, That when, and this is, by the way, probably one of the greatest sins David ever committed. Had nothing to do with Bathsheba. Let me read. And again, the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel and he moved David against them to say, go number Israel and Judah. Now that was a sin. Somebody says, well, it says God moved upon him to do that. The difficulty is that you haven’t read the whole story if you’ve just read that. The book of Samuel is history from man’s viewpoint. Chronicles is history from God’s viewpoint. You want to know his viewpoint? Then over in 1 Chronicles, the 21st chapter, verse 1, we read this enlightening statement. And Satan stood up against Israel and provoked David to number Israel. You see, God permitted it, but it was Satan who did the tempting and the testing of David in this particular connection. Now, who is responsible for our propensity to evil today? What causes us to sin? There must be a cause. And I’m sure even right now somebody says, yes, I see it. It’s not God that causes this, it’s Satan that causes this. And the average Christian believes that today, and that’s Satan’s lie, if you please. Will you listen to what God’s word says? But every man is tempted when he’s drawn away of his own lust and enticed. Who’s to blame for your sin? God’s not to blame for your sin. Somebody says, well, the devil’s responsible. No, he’s not. You know who’s responsible? You are. You’re responsible for your sin. There was a man years ago traveling through the Ozarks in northwest Arkansas. He got lost on one of those little mountain roads. He came up to where there was a mountain boy, a barefoot boy walking along the road. He stopped his Model T forward and he looked at the boy and he says, Son, where am I? Boy, a little embarrassed there for a moment about his head. And all of a sudden he looked up, he says, Dar, you are. My friend, Dar, you are. Don’t blame it on this morning. Don’t blame your sin on God. And don’t blame your sin on Satan today. Will you notice what he says? Every man. And that’s a declaration of the individuality and the personality of the race. Every man. You and you and you. Just as each one of us here today puts down a finger and we make a fingerprint that’s different from everybody else’s fingerprints. Each one of us here today has a different moral nature. We have our own idiosyncrasy, our own eccentricity. Two men were talking. One said to the other, he says, you know, we’re all different. He says, now, you take us, for instance. He says, now, you, which do you stir your coffee with, your right hand or your left hand? The fellow said, well, I always stir mine with my right hand. He says, well, then that’s the difference. He says, I always stir mine with a spoon. We’re different. We have a different nature. One person here may be tempted to drink. Another person may be tempted to overeat. And as far as God’s word is concerned, there’s no difference. The problem, will you follow me now very carefully? The problem is always drinking. within the individual. There’s no outside thing or influence or person who can make you sin. It must come from within. The trouble today is in here, not out there. You know, the unsaved world learns this sometimes before believers learn it. It was the bitter cry of Mirabeau who led the French Revolution. Listen to him. He said, if I had not degraded my life by sensuality and my youth by evil passion, I might have saved France. Who’s to blame in here? Lysimachus, when he was dying of thirst, He sold his kingdom to the Goths for a drink of water. And after he’d had it, he says, Oh, wretched man, for such a little pleasure to have lost so great a kingdom. And there are many of us here today have sold out and we are blaming somebody else. The trouble is in here. Actually, these things about us today are not bad within themselves. It’s the use that’s made of them. Food’s good, but you can become a glutton. There is a chaplain up in a girls’ school in Baltimore, Goucher College, that thinks he’s, I think, very smart. He gave a message to the girls, and his subject is sex is good. I have news for that chaplain who thinks he’s so startling. God’s word says the same thing. Trouble of it is, it’s in the evil heart of man today that makes it wrong. Causes him to step out of the bounds of the marriage relationship. That’s what makes it wrong, my beloved. The difficulty is in the heart of man today. Psychologists, today’s how to feel day. And I’m going to antagonize every psychologist and what I’m going to say now, including the Christian psychologist. Psychologist says, do you want to get rid of your guilt complex? All of us have it. He says, climb upon my couch and we’ll get rid of your guilt complex. And you know how you’re going to get rid of it? The godless psychologist will say, we’re going to blame God. You’re not responsible, God is. And the difficulty is, and I’m giving you now an exact case that I know of, the trouble with you is that you’re too religious. And the reason that you have this awful guilt complex is because you’ve been brought up with such a religious nature. What you need to do, and this was told to all of them, Go down to the bar room and pick up the first man you find. Blame God for your problem, if you please. Two religions. That’s the psychologist. Christian psychologist says this. Get up on my couch. I think your problem is that it was your mother. She was caught in a rainstorm. In Kansas, when they were crossing in a Model T Ford and coming to California, and that’s the reason you’re the little drip you are. My beloved, the reason that you and I are the little drip that we are today is not because our mother crossed Kansas in a rainstorm, it’s because we are a little drip in here. Shakespeare has Brutus say to Mark Antony, it’s not in our stars, but it’s in ourselves that we are underlings. Our problem is within here. Now, even Christians won’t like this. I want to say it to you today. You don’t need to climb upon a couch and try to find something outside of yourself to blame for your inferiority and your sin today. The problem is you are not willing to confess it yourself and instead of getting on the psychiatrist’s couch, go to the foot of the cross and confess it. Oh, I wish my voice was good today. I’d sure like to say that with emphasis because we’ve got a lot of Christians today that are trying to blame somebody else for their difficulties and their problems. And my beloved, what you need and what I need is to go to the foot of the cross. David did it even before that. David saw Christ’s day as Abraham did. Nathan came to him and Nathan didn’t say, now David, you climb upon my chaff. And we’ll see if your dad, Jesse, down at Bethlehem didn’t do something that makes you the kind of a man that looked at Bathsheba. Nathan said, you stay off the couch. Your trouble, David, is you are the man. Trouble is within. Your trouble this morning is inside. My trouble is on the inside. Don’t point the finger to anybody else. troubles in him. As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. The solicitation to sin always must have a corresponding response from within. Did you notice the language? But every man is tempted when he’s drawn away of his own lust and enticed. comes from within. Overweening desire and uncontrolled longing is the meaning of the word lust. And he’s drawn away. Let me be technical for a moment. That’s the same word that the Lord Jesus said, if I be lifted up, I’ll draw all men unto me. The scoffer comes along and says, preacher, you are wrong. He was wrong. He doesn’t draw me to him at all. Of course he doesn’t. You know why? The word means he doesn’t force you. He woos you and he wins you by his grace, by his love. He would draw you. My friend, if you don’t respond to that, that’s your fault, not his. He’s drawing you. He wants to save you. He’s winning and wooing the world, not forcing the world. You have to respond to that. Every girl, when the fella makes the proposal of marriage and tries to woo her and win it, she’s got to say yes or no. My friend, he’s trying to win you. He’s trying to woo you. Now, this word here, He’s drawn away. You know, let’s be very frank. Evil is attractive. It’s winsome. Moses, very frankly, confessed to it. The pleasures of Egypt. He knew something about them. They are pleasures. And a man’s drawn away by those things. And he’s enticed. And that word enticed is a Greek word that means to bait a hook. We have the expression today, and it’s good Greek, by the way. Or is he hooked? First, this is you. This is I. Here’s what Achan finally confessed. When I saw among the spoils a goodly Babylonian garment of 200 shekels of silver and a wedge of gold of 50 shekels of weight. That’s the first one. The second is I coveted it. And the third will always follow. I took it. Sin begins right down in here. All of it. Never out there. In here, if you please. Now I’m through verse 15. And I’m going to change verse 15. Let me read it in our text. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin, and sin, when it’s finished, bringeth forth death. Let me give you my translation. when the desire of the soul, having conceived, gives birth to sin, and the sin, having been completed, brings forth death. Conception is always the joining and the union of two. And he says here, and that’s an amazing thing, is it not, when lust hath conceived, well, The desire of the soul has been joined with something else. What was it joined with? Now here’s where good men disagree. Some think it’s the devil. You know what it is, in my humble judgment? It’s the desire of the soul joined to the outward temptation. When you bring those two together, you have a conception. Our Lord dealt with this. You remember in the Sermon on the Mount, he said, if you are angry with your brother, you’re guilty of murder. Here you are. There’s your brother. Anger in the heart. Join with that man out there that you hate. He says you’re a murderer. It brings forth sin. He says that if you so much as look upon a woman to commit adultery with her, you are guilty of adultery. Why? All inside conceives with the outward, brings forth sin. Trouble is in here. Now that leads me to answer this question, try to answer it and pass on to the conclusion. Is temptation sin? Again, if you let me advance my humble judgment, the answer is no. Temptation is not sin. It was Martin Luther who made this statement. He said, you can’t keep the birds from flying over your head, but you can keep them from building a nest in your hair. To be tempted is no sin. It’s when there is a conception with the thought, with that which is on the outside, it will lead to the act. I coveted it. I took it. Those are the steps, always the steps. Sin is the consummation of the act inwardly and outwardly. And it says it bringeth forth death. I must be brief now. Will you listen? Bringeth forth death. What does he mean by death? That’s another misunderstood word as far as the Bible is concerned. Death in scripture can be physical, it can be spiritual, it can be eternal. And somebody says, which is it here? I think it means all three. Now, will you listen to me carefully? I’m a Calvinist, but I want you to hear me this morning. I believe this business, the habitual and perpetual sinner, never did have a line of communication with God to begin with. If you’re going on in sin today, don’t tell me you’re saved, you’re not. It will bring forth death. It will bring forth physical death. What is death? Death means separation. Physical death is separation of the body and the spirit. Spiritual death is separation from God. Eternal death is an eternal separation from God. There was a Calvinist and an Arminian arguing years ago. A Calvinist believes once saved, always saved. Believes in election. The Armenian believes you can be saved today and lose it tomorrow. Believes you never can be sure of your salvation. The Armenian said to the Calvinist this. He says, if I believed your doctrine and were sure I was converted, I’d take my fill of sin. Calvinist gave this answer, and don’t forget it. He says, how much sin do you think it would take to fill a genuine Christian To his own satisfaction. Think that over. If you’re a genuinely born again Christian. You’re going on in sin. Don’t blame anybody else. It’s because you’ve never been converted. And don’t fool people. Don’t tell a lie. Don’t give your testimony. When you’re continuing in sin. I have a personal letter from a man. I have several but this one man. He’s a member of this church. I preached on John 3, 16. He says, McGee, he’s been active in this church. He said, I did not know till that morning I was not really born again Christian. What about you this morning? You really know Jesus Christ as your Savior? Man calls sin an accident. God calls it an abomination. Man calls sin a blunder. God calls it blindness. Man calls sin a chance. God calls it a choice. Man calls sin a defect. God calls it a disease. Man calls sin an error. God calls it enmity. Man calls sin an infirmity. God calls it iniquity. Man calls sin fascination. God calls it a fatality. Man calls sin a luxury. God calls it leprosy. Man calls sin a liberty. God calls it lawlessness. Man calls sin a trifle. God calls it a tragedy. Man calls sin a mistake. God calls it madness. Man calls it a weakness. God calls it willfulness. My friend, this morning, there is within you and me that which can take us to hell today. And the only one that can deliver us is Jesus Christ. He alone, he alone this morning can save you. He alone. Are you saved? Do you know him today? Who are you kidding? Who are you fooling? You can’t go on in sin if you’re a child of God. Oh, you can say today, I have a weakness. This was due to the way I was brought up. Or my parents were very strict with me. My friend, let me be kind to you. Have I become your enemy, Paul says, because I tell you the truth? Your problem this morning is you are a rotten, dirty, filthy sinner on the inside. And you need Jesus Christ today to clean you, save you, and to deliver you. This is strong medicine. It’s too strong for some of you. But I have a notion. that in this congregation and listening in today, there are those that have been struggling with this alone. They may have been looking at others that profess to be Christians, and they know their failure too. But in their own hearts and lives, they know today they need this Savior. And he did say, if I be lifted up, I’ll draw all men unto me. Now, he won’t force you. He’s given you a free will. He says to you today, Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden with the burden of sin. He says, I’ll rest you. Don’t try to cover it up. Don’t try to shut your eyes to it. Don’t try to walk a razor edge as somehow or another you can be a Christian and then live it up. My friend, today, if you’ve been born again, he’ll make you genuine. And if this morning you need him, don’t look at others. Look to Christ. Turn to him. Oh, the day he’ll lift you up, he’ll save you. In this moment, are you here today, my friend, and in this battle and struggle of life, and we’ve all got it all within us, all within us this morning, and if we could only see how all of us this morning are, we need a savior. We need a savior. He’ll save you. If you come in sincerity and in truth and reality, he’ll meet you in reality. He’ll save you.
Learn more about that salvation that God offers you by clicking on How Can I Know God in our app or online at We got more of Dr. McGee’s great teaching in James every day this week, so hop aboard the Bible bus. You won’t want to miss a single one. Now, another way that you can dig a little deeper is with our James Bible Companion. It’s a new feature. It’s a new product we have. And you can purchase it in softcover or download it for free via our digital download section of our website over at Or just give us a call at 1-800-65-BIBLE if we can help. I’m Steve Schwetz, and I’ll meet you back here next Sunday for another great study in God’s Word. Until then, we’re praying that God’s grace empowers you to serve Him faithfully and walk in His blessings each day.
Jesus paid it all All to Him I owe Sin had left the prison safe He washed it white as snow.
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