In a candid conversation, Scott and Erin Lee tackle the pressing issue of gender ideology in education. Erin shares her personal journey, revealing how her daughter was misled by educators into adopting a false identity. Together, they discuss the importance of standing up for truth and the role faith and morality play in shaping a just society. This episode is a compelling call to action for listeners who care about preserving foundational truths in politics and society.
Over a year ago, I was asked the question, what do you believe? And I really did not like the answer that I gave. I essentially answered along the lines of, I believe in Jesus. I believe that he died and he rose again. And I don’t really like the question either, which it is a fair question. And it’s a good question to ask. And there’s nothing at all wrong with the answer along those lines that I gave. But when I hear the question, what do you believe? It paints a significantly larger question. It’s a larger question in my mind. To me, it calls into question your entire paradigm, your entire worldview. And that is a significantly larger discussion than a 30 second answer to a five second question. But when I was asked that question over a year ago, my dissatisfaction with my own answer led me to essentially say, create a map of my worldview. I wanted to start at the foundation and build up to every different kind of social issue and have an answer for everything. And I never completely finished that. But I did make it. And it allowed me to create the foundations for which I can create an answer or find an answer for just about anything. And it has served me well. It gave me an opportunity to actually critically think about what I choose to believe. And I think that’s really important here. And so we’re going to talk about that. Give us… Scott Shamblin. Scott Shamblin. Scott Shamblin. Scott Shamblin. Okay, stop it. Welcome. Happy Wednesday. I am Scott Shamblin. Join the discussion. Tag me on X at Scott P. Shamblin. Complain at me. Compliment me. Call me names. Insult me. Whatever you like. I have heard it all. And I’d love to hear any of your stories if you relate with what we talk about today at all. Now, I work in politics, and so naturally, I get into discussions pretty often around the political area and political topics. And I personally really, really, really hate meaningless, circular conversations that are are really just complaints in the political arena. So people complaining about Trump or complaining about Governor Polis or either side, any of it, just complaints. I don’t enjoy it. And about a week ago, I very smartly decided to go make a comment on a Facebook post about a particular candidate. And somebody who I would never reveal the name of commented. And what Kathy said was that this individual, the candidate I was talking about, is not a conservative. And I said, yes, he is. What she doesn’t know is that I personally know the guy. I’m friends with him. I’ve traveled across the country with him. I’ve had dinner in his home. I’ve met members of his family. I know this guy. I’m friends with him. And I can say without a shadow of a doubt that he is a very strong, conservative candidate. And Kathy, in response, asked me, do you have the current definition of conservative? I’d call him a young footballer. That was Kathy’s response. And I can’t say I was surprised by her response, as this is the majority of the Republican Party and even so-called conservatives. So I responded that conservative values are intrinsically tied to Christian biblical values. Trump’s MAGA is a fantastic branding tool, but without Christian biblical values, the conservative political movement And then I asked Kathy… do you disagree? I was asking if she disagreed with my assessment that the conservative movement intrinsically requires a Christian biblical moral foundation. And her response was, yes, I do disagree. Lay down those conservative Christian values for me, please. My church folks say it this way, Jesus loves us all, that none of us is perfect and clean, not one. Yet somehow the Lord of all creation still loves each one of us, and if we turn our faces to him, humble ourselves, he will heal our land. Show me where the Trump branding and Christian values part ways. I see a convergence of all. Remember, Trump, RFK Jr., Tulsi, and Elon were all former Democrats. Last I checked, Trump is not the new Jesus. RFK, Tulsi, Elon, or any other man are not the standard of morality. In fact, many of them… maybe doing good and great things in office, like Trump pardoning the victims, the political prisoners of the FACE Act. But in these people’s personal lives, they’re not of great moral standing. Prostitutes, oodles of children out of wedlock, they’re pro-abortion, the list goes on. But what’s clear to me from this exchange is that Cathy, has not considered that there’s no such thing as separation of church from state. There is no such thing. That is a fictitious idea fabricated by the left. There is a separation of state from church, that the state cannot tell the church what to do, But it does not go the other way around. In fact, if I remember correctly, the First Amendment, which creates that separation of state from church, was written by pastors. The separation of church and state. It was written by pastors. Why would they say they can’t do what they were doing in that moment? It doesn’t make sense. But back to Kathy. From what I can see, Kathy has not applied what she’s learned from church or reading her Bible, if she does, to the real world. That yes, in your worldview, politics is not just fiscal policy and a popularity contest, but it is applied morality. It is immoral to steal, therefore we apply that concept, and therefore we punish stealing. It is immoral to bear false witness, therefore we apply that concept, and we punish thieves. It is immoral to bear false witness, which is why we punish slanderers and defamation. It is immoral to murder, which is why we punish murderers. We could go on and on and on. But I find it sad that she, like the vast majority of so-called conservatives, have not considered that the conservative platform is not just a set of policies under a conservative brand that seems to be better for all people, but rather the foundation for the conservative movement, or at least what the foundation of what the conservative platform should be, that is being built on morality and the existence of absolute truth. which leads us to our topic today, truth and morality and the existence thereof. At the beginning of the show, I spoke about how I made a worldview map and the foundation of that map begins with the question of, is there truth? Does truth even exist? That’s pretty important when you’re trying to create or define your worldview. Because if there is no truth, then, well, is it even true that you believe that? But if you go stop by CU Boulder and ask 10 students, does truth exist or does absolute truth exist? You will absolutely get a handful that say no or I don’t know. I would say probably half of them at least would say I don’t know or outright say no, truth does not exist. Truth is a fundamental part of reality of a functional society. Without truth, we cannot function. Without the existence of truth, there is no objective reality. If truth exists, then reality is not merely subjective, but has an objective nature independent of an individual’s perception. Let me reread that. If truth exists, then reality is not merely subjective, but has an objective nature independent of an individual’s perception. Your perception of reality does not affect the actual reality. Truth There is no my truth versus your truth. There is the truth. Can you imagine being a marriage counselor, for example, for a couple where either the man or the woman or both believe that truth or reality is subjective? There’s my story, there’s her story, but there’s no true story. Just imagine trying to resolve a simple conflict. I feel like he’s mad at me. And then the guy responds, well, my truth is that I’m not mad at you, but your truth is that I am mad at you. So I guess I’m mad at you because that’s your truth and that’s true. I’m not mad at you, but I am because you said so. It’s insanity. Or even worse, a judge who believes there’s no objective reality. Your Honor, I felt like I was supposed to steal that cart of groceries because I was hungry. And why would I feel hungry and forget my wallet at home if I wasn’t supposed to just take it? Why would the universe allow that to happen? Money is just a social construct. I plead not guilty. And then the judge responds in their infinite wisdom. Well, Mr. Defendant, seeing the evidence as irrelevant as you are living your truth in your best life and being true to yourself, the court finds you not guilty. What kind of a justice system would that be? Our existing justice system is already bad enough. Imagine if they threw out objective truth altogether. Whatever you feel like is true. Whoever has the biggest feelings creates the more true reality, and the more truer, bigger reality wins. Without there being truth, objective truth, objective reality, we would not have principles. We would not have science. Laws wouldn’t work. We couldn’t have logic if objective truth did not exist. The law stating that something cannot be both true and false at the same time in the same sense relies on the existence of truth. Without truth, we would lose all rationality. Rational thought and coherent arguments depend on an objective foundation of truth, which now thinking about it, I spend a lot of time at the Capitol, at our Colorado State Capitol. I listen to a lot of public testimony that’s given by activists and lobbyists on all sorts of issues. And it’s pretty obvious that the vast majority of them do not believe in objective truth. Because they’re constantly talking about their feelings. Purpose and meaning, the existence of truth implies that life and existence have order, which suggests a purpose. If truth exists, human life is not merely an accident, but something meaningful and significant. This creates a struggle for persons with an evolutionary or Darwinian worldview. If everything came about via randomness, truth cannot exist because truth cannot exist in randomness. Truth establishes the grounds for holding individuals accountable for their actions. Justice requires a standard of truth to determine guilt and innocence. So I suppose we can sum it up by saying without the existence of objective truth, there can only be chaos. When you go to CU Boulder or any other institution of higher indoctrination, you can ask, do you believe in absolute truth? If they say no, ask, is that absolutely true? And watch their minds explode in the form of insulting your intelligence because they can’t comprehend what you just said. Therefore, it must be wrong. Now, the existence of absolute or objective truth is a prerequisite for morality. And we can jump straight to the statement that morality is absolute. Because morality must be absolute. Because if it weren’t, it would be moral relativism. Moral relativism is the equivalent of no morality at all. It would be completely arbitrary. Morality is the standard for how we conduct ourselves, our character, our behavior, how ought man conduct himself. For morality to exist, that standard must be set not by ourselves, but by God, or it would otherwise be arbitrary. Many people like to argue that morality is whatever societal norms are. Our society sets the standard. Democracy rules. And so effectively what we get is people going off of their feelings. Whatever I feel is true. And that is especially true in the transgender and gender ideology cults, I guess we should call them, which that leads us to our guest. My good friend, Erin Lee. Erin is a mama bear. She is one of the biggest fighters here in Colorado that are fighting for our children, fighting to stop the lies of the alphabet mafia cult, saying that women are not actually women. So Erin, welcome. Can you please tell us your story? How did you fall into this?
yeah hey scott thanks for having me i um was really just kind of an average sleepwalking mom until 2021 when these lies came after my 12 year old daughter she was recruited by her art teacher into what she thought was an art club after school but when she got there it was actually a secret gender and sexuality awareness club with outside predator actors who’d been invited in And they told her if you’re not completely comfortable in your body or your biological sex, that means you’re a transgender boy. And as a 12 year old girl who’s just started puberty at the height of COVID in a new school in a new state, I mean, there were so many conditions at play. In her case, who’s comfortable in their body? I mean, I’m a 40-year-old woman who’s not comfortable in her body every day. No woman is. And so these people convinced her that she was actually a transgender boy. They asked her who she was attracted to because she didn’t know. They said, well, that means you’re queer. And they gave her swag, toys and stickers and bracelets to go along with her new labels. They essentially glitter bombed her. with these new identities. They talked about things like polyamory, suicide, connected with her online privately, repeatedly told her that her family isn’t safe and they don’t have to be, you know, we don’t have to be informed about this secret meeting and others that they hold. And She left the classroom that day. They really doubled down on it like, hey, remember, you don’t have to tell your parents. And we’re lucky that we raised our little girl in a way that she came home and felt like she could tell us what had happened to her. She was almost excited to proclaim her new transgender status to us. It was clear they had gotten her excited about it. And we really fell down a rabbit hole. with our little girl. It was like she went to school one day. It was a normal Tuesday. She came home and our whole world had been flipped upside down. She was just spiraled into this false identity. We sought therapy and learned the hard way here in Colorado that therapists have to affirm gender confused youth. They essentially have to lie to these children and say, oh, you think you’re the opposite sex? Well, then you are the opposite sex. And And they push them down this path. And it actually led to our little girl becoming so depressed from this impossible pursuit to be the opposite sex that she became suicidal at just 12 years old. And we’re lucky that we got her through that. It took about a year to get out of the darkness. And now we’re on the other side. And we’re one of the lucky few who’s rescued our kids from these lies, from this ideological cult. You’re right. It’s absolutely, I call it the gender cult. So we’re really loud about what happened to us so that other people understand that this is a very prevalent issue and something all people should be aware of and so that they can protect their own kids.
Erin, in this journey, I guess I’ll preface this question with… Earlier in the show, I mentioned that when you go to CU Boulder or any other institution of higher indoctrination, you can ask students, you can ask faculty if they believe objective truth. And generally speaking, they will say no. And… Coming back to your journey in what you’ve uncovered, you’ve gone to the Capitol, you’ve gone to school board meetings, you’ve spoken with tons of educators and experts, et cetera. You made a documentary on this. Do you see the lack of students, schools, and really society believing there’s no actual objective truth causing this transgender epidemic. Do you see that out there?
There’s certainly a vocal minority who denies the existence of objective truth in this situation, the members of the transgender cult. I think what I see more often, especially from teachers and people in higher education, well, first of all, people in higher education have been completely misguided. It’s just a hopeless cause. academia has been completely wrecked by a lack of objective truth. But what I see more often is what I call toxic empathy or toxic kindness, where I think a lot of people know what they’re saying isn’t real. They know it’s wrong. Like when it comes to these teachers who transition children without question, when a child comes to them and says, I’m the opposite sex, they don’t question it. They just go along with it. They know that’s not real. They know it’s impossible for a child, for a human being, to change their biological sex. But they’re doing what they have been deceived into believing is right. We’ve really, as a society, had the wool pulled over our eyes. And we’ve been almost bullied into going along with this idea that we have to believe whatever someone says they are. We have to say it out loud. There are laws here in Colorado. They’re pushing absolutely everything. you know, 1A violating compelled speech laws that force people to call a man a woman or face criminal penalties here in the state of Colorado. And it started, I think, innocent enough with people just wanting to be kind and do what they thought was the right thing to do so as not to hurt someone’s feelings. Again, where this is an episode about acting on feelings. It’s all about feelings with the gender cult. And so most people don’t want to hurt someone. Someone’s feelings, and so they go along with it, knowing that they’re lying. But it’s gotten so out of hand, and people are absolutely being harmed in the absence of people being willing to just tell the truth.
Our feelings create the truth in the majority. Majority rules our feelings. It’s whatever we feel like, which obviously is… an awful way to steer your life. Aaron, when looking at this, we find detransitioners. These are people that found that their feelings were lying to them and that was not where they got happiness. They found the truth that they are actually male. They are actually female. Can you tell us some of their stories?
Yeah, we actually just last night, there was a bill that was put before the Colorado legislature, which was a really simple common sense bill that just said that anyone who mutilated themselves due to mental health issues or had gender mutilation performed on them, that the statute of limitations would be extended till the age of 38. So anyone whose brain was not fully developed age 25 and younger would just have a course of action to hold doctors accountable for mutilating their otherwise perfectly healthy bodies. And the reality is that we haven’t seen the full repercussions of this gender affirming care medicine, which is completely based on feelings and not science. There is no science to back up these absolutely barbaric, Mengele-like procedures that they’re performing on children. There is no science. It’s all based on feelings. But we’ve just, so many people are backtracking now. We don’t know the full effects of what these people are going to experience long-term, but what we do know is that there’s over a 30% detransition rate already, that there’s over 50,000 people in the detransitioner Reddit group that are all lamenting with each other about the horrors that have occurred to them under the guise of caring medicine. And, you know, we shouldn’t be surprised. Again, you can’t change your sex. It’s an impossible pursuit. And mutilating your body to fix mental health issues has never had a history of working. You know, look at lobotomies. This, in my opinion, is like the modern day lobotomies. We are mutilating children based on their feelings and children change their minds, right? That’s what they do. They’re still figuring it out. We should not be going along with whatever a child says they are because we think it’s the kind, compassionate thing to do. Children look to us as adults to tell the truth. They rely on us for it. They rely on us for boundaries and truth. And we’ve completely eliminated that in this gender insanity that’s taken over our society.
Many of us have seen Matt Walsh’s book, Johnny the Walrus, and that Johnny, he decided he didn’t want to be a walrus anymore. As soon as he had to start eating walrus food, I believe it was. And children, they’re impressionable. They’re sponges. They are basically whoever the adults around them and their environment program them to be. And so their feelings change and are not necessarily correct or true. Aaron, what are things that we can do to fight back, to carry the mantle forward and fight feelings that are not constructive to us, that are not going to help us move forward? Specifically, how can we fight back against the legislature, against our school boards, etc.? ?
Yeah, one thing that I have learned in three and a half years of fighting back against what happened to my daughter is that truth is a pretty fundamentally universally accepted issue. So for example, last year, my organization Protect Kids Colorado ran two ballot initiatives that were just based in truth. They just said that no, you know, no males participating in single sex female competitive sports is and that parents shouldn’t be lied to. If your child has transitioned, that the school should tell you and not lie to you about it. They were very common sense, truth-based ballot initiatives. And yes, they were run by mostly, we are mostly conservative Christian people behind this organization. But what we found is that over 80% of Coloradans agreed with us. It didn’t matter what side of the aisle they were on or what religion they practiced or didn’t or if they were part of the LGB community or not. We all agreed on these truths. And so I don’t think there’s anything more important than standing for truth and speaking the truth and protecting the innocence of children. It’s really easy to get engaged. As I said, I was a disengaged sleepwalking mom until these lies came after my child and I activated. And what I learned is that there’s already so many groups that have been formed. There’s already so many other parents who are out here on the front lines fighting. against the lies that are coming after our kids. And so I encourage people to join those groups, join Protect Kids Colorado, join Colorado Parent Advocacy Network, or Grandparents for Kids is a great organization for grandparents to get involved. or your organization, Scott. There’s just, people are already doing it. And the best thing you can do is just speak truth in your own sphere of influence, but also to connect with like-minded people and show up when it matters. Show up at your school board. Show up at the legislature against these radical laws that are being passed. Some people may not know there’s a bill being heard next week that’s going to cause funeral directors to have to lie on death certificates. So we’ve got to speak out against these things.
we’re giving funeral directors a misdemeanor for misgendering the dead. Now, Aaron, we’re out of time. How do we connect with you? Where do we find your documentary?
Yes. So I go by Aaron for parental rights on all social media platforms. And our film is available for free at art club,
All right, Aaron, thank you so much for joining us.
Thanks for having me.