This episode serves as an enlightening introduction to the seven laws of the Kingdom of God, highlighting the foundational nature of these principles. Cherry Campbell provides an in-depth look at the law of love, clarifying its universal applicability, akin to natural laws such as gravity and electricity. The discourse encourages believers to engage with these spiritual laws effectively, ensuring they function for their benefit, rather than inadvertently working against them.
Good morning. Praise the Lord. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Welcome to Victorious Faith. I’m Cherry Campbell. This morning, we’re going to begin lesson number 11 that we’ve been studying in a subject called the Kingdom of God. And this lesson number 11 is the beginning of a summary teaching of the spiritual laws. And today in lesson 11, we are beginning a summary of the spiritual law of love. Now, if you’ve missed any of these lessons, you can go to my YouTube channel, which is under my name, Cherry Campbell, C-H-E-R-R-I Campbell, C-A-M-P-B-E-L-L. And there in the top category called radio broadcasts, you’ll see this series called the kingdom of God. So join me now in our live class for the beginning of lesson number 11, a summary of the spiritual law of love. We have been speaking on the kingdom of God. We’re studying the kingdom of God. And when we started this subject, we gave a definition for the kingdom of God. And we’re using three key words to define the kingdom or to study the kingdom of God. The first word we looked at is the kingdom of God is the government of God. And we saw how the government of God, the government was on his shoulders. It says in Isaiah, Jesus did not come to establish a religion, but he came to establish a government. And then we looked at the system of God. The second word that we’re using to explain the kingdom of God is it is the system of God. And we saw how that the system of God is opposite to the system of the world and how the system of God is greater than the world’s system. And so we looked at system quite a bit. And then the third word that we have to explain the kingdom of God is it is also the laws of God. So in our last class, we started talking about the laws of God. Actually, I introduced this to you in our last class. And I shared with you laws of the kingdom of God that I believe are very fundamental laws. And there are really many laws of the kingdom of God. But these laws, I believe, would cover all the other laws. So now I’m going to give you seven laws of the kingdom of God. Let me name them for you again. The first law is the law of love. Now when we talk about laws, the laws of God, explaining the kingdom of God, it is the ways and the methods of God. It’s how God does what he does. And so we ask the question, how does God do what he does? How did God create light? How did Jesus heal the sick? How did Jesus raise the dead? He used spiritual laws. And if we learn the same spiritual laws that he used, then we can do what he did. And so we are in pursuit of studying the laws and ways of God so that we can do also the works of God. And so everything that God does, he does, first of all, by love. He operates by the law of love. Now that’s going to be our lesson for today. So I’m just going to go on. Law number two is the law of faith. Everything God does, he does by faith. And law number three is the law of the power of words or the creative power of words. Everything God does, he does by speaking words. And then law number four is the law of sowing and reaping. And in our last class, I did spend a little bit of time talking about that. All the laws actually work by sowing and reaping. And so I went into some detail on that, that love works by sowing and reaping and faith works by sowing and reaping and words work by sowing and reaping. In other words, we sow our words and we reap the fruit of our words. And so the law of sowing and reaping, according to Mark chapter four, Jesus said that. that this law governs the kingdom of God. And so we did talk about that a little bit. Then law number five is the law of authority or dominion. We would call it the authority of the believer. Everything God does, he does by exercising and using his authority. And we must understand authority and use authority in order to do the works that Jesus did. And then law number six is the law of wisdom. And we will talk about that later. So then law number seven is the law of obedience. Everything God does, he does by wisdom. But also everything he does, he does by obedience. And at first I thought, but who does God obey? And then the Holy Spirit showed it to me like this. God obeys his own word. God has spoken a word and he has set forth laws, spiritual laws, and he obeys his own laws. He obeys his own words. And if he ever fails to obey his word or to keep his word, he would immediately cease to be God because all things are upheld by his word. And so God honors and obeys his own words. So these are the seven laws and then I believe that any other law that we would add from the word of God would come under one of these seven. now that can always change and you know this isn’t the end of revelation work continually growing so the lord keeps showing us more and more but today i want us to look at the law of love the law of love now the first thing that i want to do as we introduce the law of love and i didn’t spend time on this last time is i want us to first look at what is a law Let’s establish, first of all, what is a law? A law is something that works all the time for everyone. It works all the time for everyone. It is consistent all the time. It is constant. It works the same no matter who is doing it. That is what makes it a law. For example, there are many physical laws such as the law of gravity. The law of gravity works all the time. Did you ever wake up in the morning and you’re floating up to the ceiling? and you have to pull yourself down to the floor. No, because gravity is constantly working. Gravity works for everyone the same. It doesn’t matter if you’re a man or a woman. Gravity works the same. We don’t see men walking on the ground and women floating through the air. Gravity works for the young and old, the rich and the poor. It works for every nationality the same way. So it is constant. And therefore, it is a law. It is constant day in and day out, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Another example is the law of electricity. Electricity always works the same way. It works the same way for everyone. If you’re an electrician, you understand how electricity works. And you know how to connect wires together and breaker switches and connect a wire to a power source and then turn on a light. Make a light come on. Years ago, people didn’t understand electricity. For example, lightning is electricity, but you can be killed by lightning. And you can be killed by a powerful electrical shock. And so electricity is something that’s dangerous and deadly if it is not understood and not used properly. But by learning how electricity works, and there are laws that even govern the law of electricity. The law of electricity consists of many laws that make it work properly in a beneficial way instead of in a harmful way. And so through the years, we have learned how to use electricity. And in the same way, we need to learn how to use the laws of God or the spiritual laws, because in the same way, actually, spiritual laws can work for you or against you. For example, the law of faith and the law of the power of words is the same for everybody, whether you’re a Christian or not a Christian, whether you believe in God, whether you believe in Jesus Christ or you don’t. If you’re an atheist, these spiritual laws still are working in your life. But they’re working against you instead of for you if you’re misusing them. And so it doesn’t matter if you believe in God or not. The spiritual laws are still operating in your life. And so we can see that they can bring harm to you as well as good, depending on if you’re using them correctly. And there are many, many Christians today, because of lack of knowledge, are not using the laws of God, the spiritual laws. For them, they’re actually, by lack of understanding, are using these laws against them by speaking negative words, by believing things that are harmful and negative, and what they believe in their heart and say from their mouth comes to pass in their lives, whether it’s good or bad. And so by learning how laws work, we’re able to use them properly so that they benefit our lives. And that’s what we need to understand. These are laws. Everything God does, he does by laws. He does not do it by chance or just because of a whim of his imagination. But he purposely works and effects laws. They’re not by chance. The things God does, now this is an error that many people have, is that he doesn’t do these things just because he’s God. He does things by using spiritual laws. And if we use the same spiritual laws, we can get the same results that he gets. So we need to understand what the laws are and how they’re working specifically and then purposely use them intentionally use them, activating them for good in our lives. And we will see, we will reap the benefits of life and blessing that they can produce in our lives. Amen. Amen. Praise the Lord. So let’s look at the law of love. First of all, it is the first law of Love is God. God is love. Love is who God is. Love is the nature of God so that everything he does, he does by love. 1 John 4, 8. Now I’m going to read scriptures quickly today because actually I’ve got quite a bit to share and I don’t want to spend a lot of time. Actually, every one of these laws can be and should be a subject all by itself. We could spend many hours on every single law, but we don’t have time for that in this subject. We’re just introducing these laws. So that’s why we’re going to move kind of quickly to cover a lot of material. What you just heard was the beginning of lesson number 11 that I taught in a class on the kingdom of God. And in this lesson number 11, we are beginning a series of lessons which are a summary of the seven primary spiritual laws. And this lesson number 11 is a summary teaching of the spiritual law of love. And we will continue this lesson again tomorrow. So join me again tomorrow. And remember, God loves you. You are blessed and highly favored by the Lord.