Liz talks with Mike Thompson about his new book The Lion’s Army.” The Lion’s Army outlines three strategies employed by the devil against our nation and pairs them with three divine weapons to counter these attacks. Drawing from a prophetic vision Thompson had in 2018, the book sheds light on the spiritual battles taking place in today’s world. The Lion’s Army is not just a manual for spiritual warfare, but a guide to understanding and engaging with the Holy Spirit
This is Liz Frenzel with Crawford Media Group, and today we’re talking with Mike Thompson, best-selling author, respected prophet, and teacher at Word of Life in Las Vegas. We’ll be talking about his new book titled The Lion’s Army, which gives us insight in how to walk in the spirit against spiritual warfare. Welcome to our program, Mike.
Well, thank you, Liz.
Mike, I’ve watched you on Elijah’s streams and read your last book titled Third Heaven Authority, which was so insightful and easy to read. And now this book is about spiritual warfare. First of all, tell us what that is for those of our listeners that don’t know and how spiritual warfare affects us.
Well, spiritual warfare, in my opinion, is actually just the tension between The kingdom of darkness, Satan’s kingdom, and the kingdom of light, God’s kingdom, in the spiritual realm. So spiritual warfare covers all aspects of, you know, even if you lead somebody to the Lord at that particular point, you’re invading the devil’s territory, so to speak, and jerking them out of hell’s grips. And they may be standing there with tears running down their cheeks, but that was spiritual warfare, and it was victory. And it goes all the way up to purposed warfare, where you begin in the spirit, according to the scriptural context, such as in Ephesians, where Paul outlines the armor and tells us to be strong in the Lord and the power of his might, and wrestling against principalities, powers, might, dominions, you know, wicked spirits in heavenly places. where you, on purpose, in prayer and confrontation, begin to pull down strongholds. Everything that happens in the spiritual realm has an effect on the natural realm, because the spiritual realm is the parent of the natural realm. God, who is a spirit, created the natural realm, so the natural realm is still subject. So everything we do in spiritual warfare and using our authority in the Lord Jesus Christ affects things on earth for God’s kingdom and for becoming best living for us in spiritual warfare.
You know, I think so many people, when they get saved, you know, come to the Lord and they think, that’s it, life’s going to be great, we’re just going to wait until, you know, we die and go to heaven. And they don’t realize that they’ve just been recruited into a spiritual army, right?
Oh, exactly. Once you’re born again. I mean, you know, even Jesus himself. said that the kingdom of God suffers violence, and violent ones take it by force, meaning the violent ones are the ones who want to be saved. You have to push through the old thinking and all the things that are holding you back in order to get saved. So you have to do it with violence. You have to push through. And once you become a Christian, then you have to continue to push through all the opposition. So it doesn’t just go away. Spiritual warfare is not something that we just, you know, we go, okay, let’s see, I think I’ve got 15 minutes today, and so I might do a little spiritual warfare, and then I’ll wait another week. No! I mean, we live in the spiritual realm, and we face these demonic oppositions all the time. Now, that doesn’t mean we develop a foxhole mentality where we’re afraid and we’re constantly thinking about what the devil’s doing. I mean, it’s easy to see what the devil’s doing. Just look around you. Right. What we have to do is develop the attitude that we recognize the form of the Lord and what the Lord wants to do, led by the Holy Spirit through us, to just, you know, one aspect of Spiritual warfare is just doing the word. Whatever the word tells you to do is going to be in opposition to the devil’s tactics. But we must go deeper. We must realize that we also have an obligation, an instruction from the commander himself. Jesus, in Revelation 5-5, is called the Lion of the tribe of Judah. Hence my book’s title, The Lion’s Army. discusses how that he moves through us and the ways of the Spirit in using us to purposely do spiritual warfare.
You know, something you said is that to be effective in this army, we must embrace our assignments and be trained to wage effective spiritual warfare to impact the physical realm. So what does it look like? What does that look like for you as far as being trained to wage effective spiritual warfare?
Well, I would say that for me personally in my training, and I would attempt to do this and help any believer out is that, first of all, I had to go to the Word and realize that the Bible gives us the instructions. And he says, you know, that whatever we bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever we loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. That the church itself, the body of Christ, believers, have been given the commission to To bind, that means disallow what Satan wants to do. And then loose is to allow what God wants to do. And in the earth. So we take that. The Bible says then that we have authority over demonic spirits in the name of Jesus Christ. That we can rebuke those. That we can give decrees and prayers that push that stuff and release. It’s not just binding, it’s also… losing and releasing heaven into earth. And so we have that responsibility. So from there, then, let’s learn how to do it. And then we have to listen to the Holy Spirit. And it’s the Holy Spirit who leads us in the revelation and the understanding. And then we walk line upon line, precept upon precept, and we learn how to do that in the spiritual realm. And I might mention that really is what both of these books, Third Heaven Authority and my new one now that was just released, The Lion’s Army, are talking about, how to equip people, how to discover how to pray from heaven’s perspective, and then to discover the ways of the Spirit for these last days.
Right. You know, something I took from your last book and still do to this day every day and pretty much any time I’m releasing my authority, as you said, to imagine yourself sitting in the throne room of heaven with Jesus, with God, and issuing your authority, looking down on the demon or the, you know, the world and imagining you, um, using your authority and commanding these demons to leave this or that, or go to the abyss. And I do that. And it’s so effective. Um, not that, you know, just imagining it is me is what’s making it happen, but it actually, it just gives you that, the confidence of knowing you are seated with Christ spiritually and that you have that authority, um, So thank you for that. But in this book, you also say that you tell how to obtain keys to healing, miracles, favor, and prosperity. Can you touch on that a little bit?
Yes. I might mention that the very first part of the book goes into some visions that the Lord gave to me about the Lion’s Army and the spiritual warfare. that we’re all engaged in in our personal lives, but also in the atmosphere over America. And so I give strategies that the enemy has been bringing against the body of Christ and then strategies God has to overcome and to be victorious. And then from there, I segue so much into the ways of the spirit, meaning how the spirit moves, how he speaks to us, what he thinks, um, All of these things so we get an idea of moving in His ways as we go into these latter days. And what I’ve found is that we must listen to the Holy Spirit, develop a primary dependence upon the Holy Spirit in order to be able to do that effectively and to release the authority We walk by faith and authority, and so I really, really have attempted to give believers something that is concrete, that they can hang on to, and that they can be victorious in their Christian lives through.
And that’s so important. That’s what it is to be led by the Spirit, right? And walk in the Spirit. And that’s what the rest of your title says, Discover the Ways of the Spirit for the Last Days and how to walk with the Holy Spirit. And without Him leading us and guiding us, we really are just on our own. And so He’s the one that puts the power behind anything we do.
Oh, absolutely. Isn’t that wonderful to know that God has placed within us the greater one, the one who has the wisdom, who has the ability, who has the power to make us victorious. You know, all of these things.
Yeah, it’s pretty amazing. And, you know, for some of our listeners and some, you know, a lot of Christians, they wonder if they hear the voice of God or, you know, how to do that. And in your book, you actually help us discover how to walk in the spirit and hear the voice of God. So this book is instrumental in helping those that really, you know, haven’t really walked in that yet or tapped into that.
That is true. A major portion of the book is dedicated to teaching believers who we are in the Lord Jesus Christ, what our makeup is, how the Holy Spirit speaks to us, how to discover your spiritual gifting, the things that qualify you in the Spirit and allow you to walk in that victorious state. So it really is probably, Liz, the most in-depth public teaching I’ve ever given on That specific subject, how to walk in the Spirit, how to hear the Spirit’s voice and follow him.
And not only is that one of the most important and probably the most important, but you also say that you help your readers learn to recognize the demonic strategies and deceptions. So not only are we, you know, you’re first teaching us how to walk in the spirit, hear his voice, but also giving us cues as to, you know, the attacks of the enemy. And I think so many people just go along in life thinking, oh, well, oh, I just got sick today, or I tripped and fell, or oh, I’ve lost money here or there, and they just think it’s life, not demons behind that doing their dirty work.
That’s true. It’s kind of like we just pull the veil back a bit and expose Satan and his strategies so that people can understand them. And then once you understand them, You circumvent them.
Exactly. Using your authority. We’re talking with Mike Thompson, best-selling author, respected prophet, and teacher of Word of Life in Las Vegas. And we’ve been talking about his new book titled The Lion’s Army, which gives us insight into spiritual warfare and how to walk in the Spirit with the Holy Spirit. Mike, what one takeaway would you like to leave our listeners with today?
Probably that every single believer… has been authorized and qualified to walk supernaturally in the Spirit of God, to manifest visions, dreams, miracles, healings, angelic encounters. In other words, being supernatural is a natural event of the Christian walk. It’s the way God intended. And so we can learn how to do that very effectively. And as I’ve said repeatedly, be victorious for the Lord Jesus Christ in releasing heaven into this earth.
Amen. I love it. And where can our listeners get your books?
Any place that books are sold, particularly online, you can go to Amazon, you can go to Charisma Shop, because Charisma is the publisher, and you can purchase it. And probably at the same time, If you haven’t already read Third Heaven Authority, it’ll be there too.
And I highly recommend that book also. Mike, thank you so much for taking the time with us today.
Appreciate it, Liz. Thank you.