In this week’s broadcast, we hear heartwarming letters from our listeners, reminding us of the powerful impact of sharing faith stories globally. As Dr. McGee leads us through Hebrews, he highlights the urgency of heeding divine warnings and the importance of brotherly love in the Christian community. Whether through the Bible bus, personal testimonies, or profound scriptural insights, discover how your faith can rest secure amidst the tremors of the modern world.
The foundation, ye saints of the Lord, is laid for your faith in his excellence.
If you’ve ever been in an earthquake, then you know that they can be pretty frightening. Welcome to Through the Bible. I’m your host, Steve Schwartz, and I was born and raised here in Southern California, and I’ve felt an earthquake or two. It’s kind of disconcerting. The ground shifts and the buildings sway, and there’s this eerie rumbling sound that often goes before you even feel it. And I’m used to it, and yet still sometimes I’m a little spooked. Well, in our study of Hebrews 12 and 13 on Through the Bible, we learn that someday God’s voice will shake the earth. And not only the earth, but the heavens as well. And that’ll be some earthquake, right? Well, God has shaken the earth before to make a point both on Mount Sinai, where he gave the law to Moses, and at Calvary, when Jesus died for the sins of the world. I’m glad that you’re aboard the Bible bus as we continue our study of the sixth danger signal in Hebrews. That’s the peril of denying. Our teacher, Dr. J. Vernon McGee, will also encourage us about some things that are unshakable. One of those is a living faith in Jesus Christ. He’s the rock that we rest on. He cannot be shaken. Before we begin, let’s hear from a fellow Bible bus passenger, a few of them, in fact. First, we hear from Paulette in Maine, and she writes this. I have been listening since my children were small and I’m their only parent. They are now grown, married, and with children of their own. All those years, Pastor McGee was often the only adult I had available for biblical guidance. May there be many more years of future blessings and encouragement for so many others listening. Well, thanks for your letter, Paulette, and for your support that keeps the Bible bus rolling in your community and around the world. Now, next we hear from Timothy in Georgia. Today at work, I met a truck driver. I gave him a Bible bus pass. He was so appreciative. And as it turns out, he’s a pastor in Macon, Georgia, who has studied Dr. McGee’s lessons. He went on and on about how much he’d learned. We had a wonderful few minutes talking together, and he said, God made the whole trip worthwhile since we met each other, two Bible bus riders who finally found themselves together at the same bus stop. Thank you for all that you do for our Lord, reaching and impacting so many. Please send more packets of listen and share bus passes. I’m running low and need to restock for the encounters that God has prepared down the road. Well, that’s great to hear from you, Timothy. And that sounds like you had a divine appointment between the two of you. William in Ohio is making good use of our bus passes too. Here’s his story. Thank you for providing the Bible bus passes I requested to take to Paris for the Olympic Evangelical Outreach. They were very useful and successful. A brother and sister from Algeria were astounded when I shared the program in their heart language. They smiled and said, they are speaking in our language, which I thought no one could find. What a great report, William. And I’m so glad that you’re out there flinging the seed along with us. Now, if you’d like us to send you a pack of free Bible bus cards to share this program with those that you meet out and about, call us at 1-800-65-BIBLE because we’d love to get them into your hands so that you can pass them on. And then here’s a note. This one’s from Troy in Arizona. The Through the Bible app has transformed my spiritual walk in ways I never anticipated, writes Troy. With every journey through Scripture, Dr. McGee’s wisdom and relatable teaching bring the Word of God to life, offering new insights that are easy to grasp yet deeply profound. It’s like sitting down with a friend who opens up the Bible in a way that makes it feel real and accessible. This app has been more than just a study tool. It’s been a lifeline for my faith. guiding me through challenges, deepening my understanding, and helping me connect with God on a daily basis. Whether it’s on a drive, during a quiet morning, or right before bed, Through the Bible has become an essential part of my spiritual routine, nourishing my soul with timeless truths and reigniting my passion for God’s Word. Well, we’re so glad that you’re aboard, Troy. Thanks for the feedback on the app, by the way. I love it, too. And if you don’t have it yet, I sure hope that you’ll check it out. You can find it in your favorite app store. Now, what’s your story? How has our time in God’s Word benefited you? How are you sharing it with others? Well, you know we’d love to hear from you, so why don’t you leave us a note in the feedback section of our app? You can also email us at BibleBus at You can call and leave a message anytime at 1-800-65-BIBLE. And you can always write to Box 7100, Pasadena, California, 91109. In Canada, Box 25325, London, Ontario, N6C, 6B1. However you choose to be in contact, we’re always glad to hear from you. And who knows, maybe soon I’ll be sharing your letter to encourage others as they go through the Bible with us. Now let’s pray. Heavenly Father, thank you for this time in your word. As we study the book of Hebrews, would you remind us of the unshakable foundations that we have in Jesus Christ, even as you shake the heavens and the earth to reveal what truly lasts. Lord, may this time in your word deepen our trust in the rock of our salvation. In Jesus, whose name we pray. Amen. Here’s more in our study of Hebrews 12 and 13 on Through the Bible with Dr. J. Vernon McGee.
Now I’m coming back to this 12th chapter of Hebrews, and it’s such a wonderful chapter, I’m reluctant to leave it, but we’re going to have to do that today. Now, having told these Hebrews, you see, he said to them, Jesus is better than anything that God had ever done in the past, and he’d done many wonderful things. Better than the prophets, better than the Old Testament ritual, better than the law, And now he’s urged them to turn to him and that he’s a living savior. But we’re in this section of the warning. And he says in verse 25, see that ye refuse not him that speaketh. And since he is so wonderful and since his words are very important, it pays you to pay attention to him. It’ll be very profitable to you. For he goes on to say, for if they escape not who refused him that spake on earth, much more shall not we escape if we turn away from him that speaketh from heaven. Now, if you want to see what happened to a people under the law, look at the nation Israel even today. Are they living in peace today? They are not. And their story has been really a sad story, really for 1900 years. And why? Well, they refused to hear him, to hear Jesus. They also had refused to hear the law. And it was because of that that God has judged them. And therefore, it’s a pretty serious business not to listen to this warning. Because you remember the Lord Jesus says, if any man willeth to do his will, he shall know. If you’ll do his will, you’ll find out whether it’s true or not, my friend. But if you refuse, how are you going to escape, as he said before, if you neglect so great a salvation? Now, he says, verse 26, whose voice then shook the earth. But now he has promised saying, yet once more, I shake not the earth only, but also heaven. And you remember at the giving of the law, there was an earthquake, the mountain rent. At the crucifixion of Christ, there was an earthquake. And God says that the day is coming when he’s going to shake everything. When I see these big, tall buildings in downtown Los Angeles, I look at them and I say, I want to get a good look today because you may not be there tomorrow. God says he’s going to shake this whole earth and heaven itself. You know why he’s going to do that? Let all of his created universe know there are some things that are unshakable. And one of those is a living faith in Jesus Christ. He’s the rock that we rest upon, and he cannot be shaken. You want a secure place today? That’s the place to go. That’s the air raid shelter today that’s safe. They want to make this world, they say, today safe. No man can make this world safe or no United Nations can make it safe. It’s not even safe to walk on the street I live on. I don’t know about your street, but I have a notion it’s very much the same way. He’s going to make it safe someday. And in order to do that, he’s going to shake everything. Now, he says, verse 27, and this word yet once more signifying the removing of those things that are shaken as the things that are made that those things which cannot be shaken may remain. In other words, we better be very careful where we build our house today on sinking sand or we’re building it up on the rock, which is Christ, because God’s going to shake everything. And he’s going to reveal that which is false and phony. And there’s a lot of that. Verse 28, wherefore, we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear. Now, you and I are moving toward a heavenly kingdom. And as we move, why we need to recognize that we down here should serve God. But how are we to serve him? Well, we’re to serve him acceptably. Yes, but how can we serve him acceptably? With reverence and godly fear. My friend, Christianity is not playing church. It’s not assuming a pious attitude. It’s a living, vital, real relationship to Jesus Christ that affects your life, that transforms your life and anchors you in the Word of God. Now he says, verse 29, for our God is a consuming fire. And you can take that or leave it, but that just happens to be in the Word of God. This is a solemn reminder. It means that grace is available for you to serve God, but don’t trifle with God, my friend. Don’t think you can play fast and loose with God and get by with it. I remember when I first came here to Pasadena in 1940 as a pastor. I was asked by a lady to go see her husband. And they were a lovely couple, actually. But the husband was sick in bed at home. In fact, never got out of that bed. He died. And I went in and presented the gospel to him. And he heard me courteously. And he said this to me. He said, Dr. McGee, I would like to tell you right now that I accept Christ as my Savior. And I will do that. But he says, I have done it so much. I have trifled and played with God down through the years that I don’t even know myself when I’m sincere and when I’m not. My friend, don’t trifle with God. The day may come when you won’t even know where you stand with him at all. I tell you, our God is a consuming fire, but he’s a gracious, glorious, wonderful Savior. Now, that brings me to the last chapter, chapter 13. I said, you’ll recall that chapter 11 is faith chapter. Chapter 12 was the hope chapter. What a hope it offers to you there. We’re marching to Zion, but not over yonder in Israel. We’re marching to a heavenly Zion. And it ought to be encouragement today to know that, friends, that that’s the direction we’re going. And so we have in chapter 12 a hope chapter. Now we come to the love chapter. And this brings us to something that I think is quite wonderful. Chapter 10, someone has called it Christian’s privileges. Chapter 11, Christian’s power. Chapter 12, Christian’s progress. And chapter 13, Christian’s practice. I don’t exactly accept that as being actually a good outline. Other than chapter 13, here we come to the practice of the believer. And he begins by saying, let brotherly love continue. Now, if you have a Bible with good notes, you’ll have a note on that. And the note is, brotherly love should be brother love. Brother love. It doesn’t mean, friends, that believers are to love like brothers. They are to love because they are brothers. Now, if you’re a child of God, You’re my brother. I’ve received recently some letters with all these other letters that I’ve received. And somebody asked me, I know that you can’t read all of them. Friends, when I was at home lying flat on my back, you don’t know how wonderful it was to have all those letters to read. And that’s what I did. I read every one of them. that came to me from all you folk out there. And somebody said they didn’t think I did. But many of those letters came from somebody that in the letter or in the card would say, I’m a black woman or I’m a black man. But I listen to your program and I want you to know that I’m a believer and I love you. And you know, that did something to me. I want to say this to you. What difference does it make by the color of your skin? You’re a child of God. He’s given you a new heart and he’s washed you white as snow. And believe me, I know a lot of white people today. They sure need to be washed white as snow. But you’re my brother. You’re my sister, and we’re in the same family. Maybe you don’t want to be in my family, but you’re in my family. We love each other. May I say to you, this is something that’s real. I have put in my notes a triangle. The Christian life can be put like a triangle. At the top, you can put God. At one side, you can put yourself. On the other, you can put others. And it’s faith and love toward God. And it’s love toward others. That’s the way we manifest it. Let brother love continue. Now, here is stranger love. Be not forgetful to entertain strangers even, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. Now, there have been those we are, I think, acquainted with them in Scripture. You remember Abraham entertained angels unaware. Actually, old Jacob did. He didn’t do too much entertaining. He was too busily wrestling that night. And Joshua, you remember, that the angel appeared to Joshua. So that many have entertained angels unaware. We ought to be careful. Our love is to be exercised with judgment. But we need to recognize that there are folk around us that we could be very helpful to them. We could extend our love to them. And my, I tell you, we might meet some very wonderful people like that. And then it says, remember them that are in bonds that’s bound with them. Paul, you see, was in bonds himself. He knew a great deal like that. Remember the needy and those in trouble. Show love to those who are in need. You see, the church is a body, and when one member suffers, all of us suffer. Remember them that are in bonds as bound with them, and them which suffer adversity as being yourself also in the body. And we’re all in a body of believers. And I sure had an opportunity to test that myself and forgive me for referring to it so much, but it’s sure given me a marvelous illustration. I didn’t know there was so many wonderful Christians around today. One dear lady, and I don’t shed tears very easily, but I read her letter and shed tears. She said, Dr. McGee, I’m inactive now and I’m not able to do anything. I pray to God that I could just be able to come down and take your disease and And let you go on. May I say to you, you don’t find that in every church today and every group of believers. And I must admit that that’s what the writer here is talking about. We need that today. And there’s a lot of it around. I thank God for that. Now he says, marriage is honorable in all things. And if you think that when he’s talking about brother love and sister love, that you’re to love the sisters, you’re dead wrong. Marriage is honorable in all. And sex is to be exercised in the framework of marriage. God gave marriage to mankind for the welfare of mankind. And any time, and oh, I know I sound like a square, because today this idea of living together without being married is becoming very commonplace among young people. But I’ll tell you this, young person, you will sure pay for it if you attempt to live outside the bonds of marriage, because the home is the very center of the whole social structure. And it’s the very center of the church. Marriage is honorable in all and the bed undefiled. Nothing wrong with sex, except today it’s being taught too much. And when I was in London not long ago, I found out that they are going to cut down on teaching sex. It has led to more rapes in school than anything else. I don’t know about you, but when I was a kid growing up in school, I was pretty ignorant at first. Well, I sure did learn a whole lot in a short time. And I think you don’t need all this education today about sex. And also, according to this London report, it is responsible for this epidemic of venereal disease today. God is not mocked. Whatsoever you sow, my friend, you go in to reap. And you’re not getting by with it. And how many in the church today think they are? Marriage is honorable in all and the bed undefiled. But whoremongers and adulterers, God will judge. You cannot escape. He’ll judge you. Then he says, let your conversation, which means your manner of life, Be without covetousness and be content with such things as you have. For he hath said, I’ll never leave thee nor forsake thee. Isn’t that wonderful to have him say that to you? And I don’t care who you are or what you do. This is the response of faith to the word of God here. And it brings you to the place that you know that he’s never going to leave you nor forsake you. Isn’t that wonderful? I have a notion that I’ve got friends today that would forsake me. I may have relatives that would forsake me. But you know, the Lord Jesus, he’s never going to forsake. It’s wonderful to have him on your side, and I hope you have him on your side. Verse 6, so that we may boldly say, the Lord’s my helper, and I’ll not fear what man shall do unto me. These Hebrew Christians in Jerusalem and in Judea and in Samaria were really going to face in the next few years punishment. And they were going to face trials. And those that were believers need to remember God wasn’t going to forsake them. And they could say, in spite of what happened, God’s my helper. And I’ll not fear what man will do unto me. Then verse 7, remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the word of God, whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation. And I can’t help but come back and make this statement. Isn’t it interesting that we had a few of these radicals that during the war in Vietnam, they were all so interested in the POWs and they, my, they made trips over there and they led protest rallies. Then the POWs were released. Have you seen any of these folks show any interest in the POWs? You know why? Many of them came back and they said it wasn’t a movie star, a former attorney general that helped me. It was Jesus. And many of them turned to Jesus. And it’s interesting how the media, the news media, especially television, they turned that off. They didn’t like to talk about the POWs. And it’s interesting how this country has been made through the news media and all of these radicals. We’ve about forgotten that there were POWs that were released, friends. Many of them turned to Jesus. And may I say to you, what happened? He never forsook them. He stayed with them. And he’s the one that will see you through. I don’t think the radicals are going to help you much. I don’t think any of these political parties are going to help you much. I don’t think any of these politicians. I am tired listening to them. And I guess I’m as tired listening to them as they are listening to me. But I’m tired listening to them. May I say to you, I want to listen to Jesus. He says he’ll never leave me nor forsake me. Now, will you notice here? Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the word of God, whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation. I’m not going to deal with that today, because I want to close by reading the next verse, and I’m going to talk about that next time. Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever. And the only thing I want to say right now is just the word, Jesus Christ. And I want to say this to you, that there’s no accident in the word of God. That is, no words ever used carelessly. Now, Jesus was his human name. Christ is his title. That speaks of his deity. And oh, how wonderful this is. This speaks the name Jesus. That links him, if you please, with humanity. That links him with mankind down here. That links him with the most wonderful person in the world. And what you have here is a name and a title. Jesus, name of sweetness. Jesus, sound of love. Cheering exiles onward to the rest above. Jesus, oh, the magic of the soft love sound, how it thrills and trembles to creations bound. Now, Jesus, do you know how wonderful he was as a person when he was down here? I’m just not talking about his humanity. You know, people crowded around him. He was human. He was so human. Actually, the mobs followed him. They loved him. It was the teaching of Jesus they hated. It was not Jesus, the man. He was wonderful, friends. We’re going to talk about him next time. Jesus, the same, yesterday, today, and forever. Until then, may God richly bless you, my beloved.
That’s a great promise. And be sure to join us next time as we talk about Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. When we began these studies in Hebrews, we heard Dr. McGee say his one ambition was to know the Lord Jesus Christ and to get out his word. He said, To learn more about how you can partner with us to get the word out in your neighborhood and in more than 250 languages around the world, visit or call 1-800-65-BIBLE. And if you want to dig a little deeper into Hebrews, why don’t you download our free Bible companion at And as we’ve mentioned before, we’re happy to now also offer Hebrews and any of our New Testament Bible companions in beautiful paperback editions. You’ll find them on our website at I’m Steve Schwetz, and as usual, I’m going to meet you back here next time as we together go through the Bible. Today’s study is always available, free to stream or download, thanks to the generous and faithful investments from your fellow Bible bus travelers. Just go to or download our app to listen again anytime. As always, we’d love to know what’s God teaching you.