Join the hosts of the National Crawford Roundtable Podcast as they delve into the intricate world of politics and culture, viewed through a biblical lens. In this episode, hear heartfelt tributes, riveting sports tales, and an engaging discussion about the current political landscape. From the iconic NFL matchups to the pressing political matters, the conversation is both enlightening and entertaining.
Welcome to the National Crawford Roundtable Podcast, a view of culture, current events, and politics through a biblical lens, brought to you by Preborn, saving babies and souls. Join us in the fight to save babies from abortion. Your gift provides a free ultrasound for a mother in need. 80% of the time, she will choose life. Visit and click on the Preborn logo to donate to save babies now. and by SunPower LED light therapy devices. Bring light to your pain. Visit and click on the SunPower LED logo to get out of pain and improve your overall wellness. And now, here are your hosts, Neil Boron, Bob Duco, and John Rush.
Welcome to another edition of the National Crawford Roundtable. My name is Neil, host of Neil Boron Live on WDCX in Buffalo, New York. Bob Duco, host of the Bob Duco Show, WMUZ in Denver, joining us as well, of course. And John Rush, host of Rush to Reason on KLZ in Denver, is with us. And if I recall, the Buffalo Bills beat the Denver Broncos last Sunday.
Yes, you did. Handle it. Sorry about that, John.
I did feel a little bit bad about it.
We were doing good to get there. Yeah, exactly. After what we’ve been through the last several years, we were doing good to get there.
Yeah, and who knows? We were a little nervous, I’ve got to be honest. Bo Nix is an incredible quarterback, but it didn’t happen for you guys. And now it’s on to bigger and better things and hopefully a face-to-face meeting with the Detroit Lions, Bob, in the Super Bowl, maybe.
That’s going to be one massive brick wall for you to run into. You know what? Buffalo Bills will feel like a crash test dummy against the Lions. So I’m just saying, you need to redesign your helmets as crash test dummies, whatever. By the way, I’m from Columbus, Ohio originally, and my Buckeyes are in the national championship. You’re just working it today, aren’t you? You’re just working it. Oh, I’m telling you, against Notre Dame. Which, by the way, it’s interesting. Did you guys see the tweet, the ex that J.D. Vance put out? Because he’s an Ohio State alumni. He graduated from Ohio State University, so he is a massive Buckeye fan, large. Well, the national championship game is on January 20th. That’s right, Inauguration Day. And so he posted on social media, hope everybody understands I’m not going to make the inauguration. And then he posted this picture, a meme picture. There were these two buttons. and a finger that’s presumably his trying to decide, hmm, which one to push. One button says, watch the Buckeyes win the national title. The other button says, attend your own inauguration. He’s trying to decide which button to push. Hilarious. It’ll be good. It’ll be good.
Yeah, Monday is going to be a big day for a lot of different reasons.
Hey, by the way, I’m sorry. You know what? I’m sorry. Can I just throw in something real quick while we’re talking sports? I know it’s off the grid here, but John, as you know, Bill McCartney, legend in Colorado, went home to be with the Lord. Okay. And I don’t know. I know. I don’t know if I’ve ever told you guys this story before. So bear with me. I know I’m throwing a monkey wrench into this, but I think you might really appreciate this. Bill McCartney has a history with Michigan because if you name the two most famous successful Hail Mary passes, one is Doug Flutie and the other one’s Cordell Stewart, to beat Michigan. Well, and this was back in 1994, and it was September 24, 1994 that that game was. The game was in Michigan. I, John, was actually in Denver on business staying at a hotel, and I was in a hotel lounge where it was packed with people watching that game. Well, to set the stage, there’s six seconds left in the game. Michigan is winning by five, 26-21. Colorado has the ball on their own 35. They only got one play left. It’s the Hail Mary pass. And, of course, it was successful. It’s like you’ve got to be kidding. That hardly ever happens. And Bill McCartney was the head coach who, of course, went on to found promise keepers, as we know. Right. Well, anyway, Bill McCartney was in Michigan a while back at a speaking event, a banquet. Him and I were the featured speakers. So in the banquet hall, Bill and I are sitting next to each other, you know, at the round table near the stage eating dinner. And we’re just talking with each other. And I’m like, Bill, I still haven’t forgiven you for the Cordell Stewart game. And he’s laughing. He says, Bob, there’s an interesting backstory behind that that I got to tell you. And I was like, all right, let me know. So he told me, he said, here’s what happened. He said, I got into town. We got into town Friday, and we got together with some of the players, Christian players from both teams, to have a prayer meeting the night before. I was like, okay, that’s cool. And he said, while I was flying to Michigan, he said, Bob, I’m not one of those – God told me, God spoke to me kind of people. He said, but I got to tell you, it popped in my head so strong, these words, read Haggai chapter 2. Read Haggai chapter 2. He’s like, Bob, I don’t even know where Haggai is in the Old Testament. Who reads Haggai? He said, that was so obscure. I’m like, Lord, is this you? This has to be you. Why would God be telling me read Haggai chapter 2? So he says, so I get my Bible and I open it to him. I find Haggai and I read Haggai chapter two. And sure enough, verse 18 references a date. It says from this 24th day of the ninth month. And then it goes on to say from this day forward, the Lord will bless you. And I’m like, wait a minute. Today’s September 23rd. Tomorrow’s Michigan game is September 24th, the 24th day of the ninth month. What are the odds that it says from this 24th day of the ninth month, the Lord will bless you? And I’m like, Lord, are you telling me I’m going to beat Michigan tomorrow? And I asked him, I said, did you bring that up when you met with the Michigan Christian players the night before? And he goes, well, yeah. He says, I’m a brother in Christ, but I’m also a football coach. Of course I got in their heads. And I told everybody to open to Haggai too. Well, anyway, he says, so here it is, six seconds left in the game. We’re down by five. And I called a timeout and called the players over. And I told them, guys, no real mystery here. It’s a Hail Mary play. Let’s go for it. And they go back out there. And right before Cordell Stewart took the snap, he said, I heard one of the fans in the Michigan Stadium behind me yell out, hey, McCartney, where’s your God now? And right when the ball was snapped and then we won the game. And I’m like, wow. Why did you have to tell me that story? Because now it’s even worse for me. But anyway, so a little bit of an interesting backstory there. And this isn’t like some third party rumor thing. Bill McCartney told me face to face personally this story. And he insisted, Bob, I’m not making this up. This actually really happened. Yeah.
We’ve been doing this podcast five years and you held out, never told us that story. Are you serious?
I know I should have at some point, especially with John in Colorado. I don’t know why I never thought of it until just now with Bill McCartney.
A great man, did a lot of great things, as you guys know, and had a lot of being in this area. where he was at, had a lot of interaction one-on-one, actually had known his daughter real well, used to help her with her vehicles and so on when I had my repair shops and so on, and a lot of the football players as well. It was a great time in Boulder when he was there, let’s just say it that way.
Yeah, and he’s a legend. I mean, he’s in the College Football Hall of Fame, deservedly, and so, yeah.
I wouldn’t put Deion Sanders in the same class, but Deion’s a believer. Bill McCartney was a believer, and the last two times Colorado showed up in the sports headlines was when those two guys were running it, but… Yeah, McCartney obviously ran Promise Keepers, and that was massive. One of the biggest ones I ever went to. Right, and one of the biggest events I ever went to was at Ford Field in the Silverdome or whatever they called it back in the day. They’re in Detroit. Yeah, a long time ago. Hey, before we even get into any of this, we couldn’t do the National Comfort Roundtable podcast without the support of our sponsors. And, Bob, since you started us off today, let me give you an opportunity to talk about our incredible sponsor, Preborn.
Well, I’ll tell you what. We’re so thankful for those of you in our audience that have supported Preborn financially because you’re saving babies’ lives. You really are stopping abortions. I’m just asking everybody right now if you haven’t given or maybe you have and it’s like, I want to give something every year. And so it’s 2025. Folks, preborn has been around a long time, and they’re in pro-life centers all across the country, and they have ultrasound machines in them, and they show ultrasound images of unborn babies to the expectant moms. And when a mom sees a picture of her baby, boom, she chooses life. She doesn’t go across the street to Planned Parenthood. And by the way, she usually accepts Jesus Christ as Savior too. Problem is, we don’t have enough ultrasound machines. We don’t have enough ultrasound images being shown to meet the demand. And that’s why we’re asking everybody in the audience right now, do one of two things, either A, Buy an ultrasound machine. They’re $15,000 a piece. That’s a nice tax write-off for you, and your forever legacy is you’re stopping thousands and thousands of abortions every single year, okay? Option B, if you can’t buy an ultrasound machine, pay for a certain number of ultrasound images. $28 is the average ultrasound expense to stop one abortion, to save one baby’s life. So pray about a number of babies’ lives that you’ll save. Take $28 times fill in the blank. And whatever that number is, that’s your forever legacy of the amount of abortions that you stopped. So either way, here’s how you give to Preborn. Just go online right now to and click on Preborn., click on Preborn. Or you can give over the phone 24-7. Just call right now, 833-850-BABY. 833-850-BABY. Mention National Crawford Roundtable when you call. We appreciate you folks doing this. We appreciate you supporting our sponsors. And, Neil, sponsors like SunPowerLED. Because I’ll tell you what, I know from firsthand experience how well this works. I know you do, too. Absolutely.
Photobiomodulation is this big scientific term. All it means is light therapy. It’s using certain wavelengths of light to help heal the human body. And I’ve been talking about the proverbial opera singer who sings a particular note at a particular time. level of volume and and resonance and can shatter a champagne glass i think we’ve all seen that it might not be as simple as it looks like in the movies but the fact is even under uh you know sound amplification it can be done because those sound waves move the molecules within the champagne glass in its actual fiber and makeup well same thing is true with human cells using light waves I’m not talking about harmful UV radiation or anything like that. I’m talking about red and near-infrared light that penetrates the human body, excites the mitochondria in the cell, wakes it up and says, hey, do your job. And those cells begin to reduce pain and swelling and promote healing. It’s an incredible thing that you really need to see for yourself. So we encourage you to check out SunPowerLED by going to That’s And click on SunPowerLED, watch the videos, learn about how light therapy can help reduce pain and swelling and reduce healing in the human body. And by the way, that’s the very light God himself created. Well, I wanted to touch on a number of things today, and this is the last podcast. We record this on Wednesday morning each week, and this is the last podcast before the inauguration, which is kind of unbelievable, actually. And maybe let me just throw it out here. John, you haven’t said much today. Did you ever think we’d see this day? Think about all that’s transpired in the last four years, especially, even before that. Two impeachments. you know, four indictments, two assassination attempts. Did you ever think we’d be having this podcast?
Even guys, even all the way up to, you know, a year ago, did I think we’d be here today talking about this? No, I really didn’t. I mean, I think it just shows you a lot of the things we’ve talked about on the podcast, even leading up to the elections, you know, things that the American public tired of you know you’re tired of being you know uh ostracized men especially they’re tired of all the wokeness and on and on we go i mean it to me it really does show that that there’s a movement in the country where people are fed up with certain things that are going on and they want changes made
Some people don’t even follow politics at all. And I think just in listening to casual conversation would have said, oh, Trump, he’ll never, you know, he’s done. And I remember, honestly, after DeSantis was reelected governor of Florida, he gave a pretty blistering speech. speech and i thought wow this is the future maybe of conservative politics in the u.s whether or not he could ever win as president i don’t know but i think that’s the guy right there who has a powerful message to share he obviously faded into oblivion like quickly and all of a sudden donald trump started re-emerging you touched on people being fed up with the woke agenda john i think you’re hitting on something there bob i mean what in your opinion caused the turnaround because i think any normal thinking human being even conservatives who loved the policies Trump used to put forward in his first term as president, didn’t really think that he was going to have an overwhelming victory in 2024.
You know, I think the Democrat Party has gone so radically, insanely left-wing. And what happened is that through different alternative media forums and such, somehow, someway, we got to get the message out that independent swing voters saw the Democrat Party for what it is. This is just getting too crazy, insane leftist. You guys realize, for all the times… that Democrats have repeatedly said Ronald Reagan couldn’t get elected in today’s Republican Party. Okay. No, Bill Clinton couldn’t get elected in today’s Democrat Party. He couldn’t. You got to remember the Defense of Marriage Act, which declared the U.S. government’s official position is marriage is only one man and one woman. Bill Clinton is the president who signed that into law. Okay. Bill Clinton in his 19, and I’m not defending Bill Clinton. I couldn’t stand how liberal he was then. Okay. But Bill Clinton in his 1995 State of the Union address, you should, I encourage you guys, go back and watch that State of the Union address, his comments about illegal aliens. And he didn’t call them undocumented workers. He called them illegal aliens. And he said, illegal aliens coming into this country, okay, are taking jobs that belong to Americans. They cannot come in here. This is not right. If you come in this country illegally, you are going out and whatever. And he got a standing ovation from the Republicans and the Democrats at the time. I told my audience on my show, you know what Donald Trump ought to do? Because he’s a troller. We know that. Donald Trump ought to take the transcript of Bill Clinton’s exact words, and he ought to speak those at some rally, some event, some interview. Say those exact words. Let MSNBC and CNN go crazy about how hateful that is. And then say, oh, guess what, everybody? I just plagiarized Bill Clinton. OK, so I honestly I think there’s blowback to the Democrat Party has just gone insane. Gender confusing our children, traumatizing women in the bathrooms, locker rooms and showers, wide open borders, crime through the roof, foreign policy embarrassments. So I that’s what I think it is. And it’s like I think they realize I may not like Trump’s personality, but you know what? The guy is a doer and a shaker. You know, he knows how to get things done.
I tend to agree with you, Bob. I think you’re right. And John alluded to some of this, too. But I mean, just the idea of the woke agenda that has been shoved down the throats of the American people over the last four years. And as much as you’re talking about cultural slide, because what you’re describing is how far this whole world has come, you know, that Clinton couldn’t get elected by the Democrats if he ran right now. You’re probably right. And that indicates cultural slide. But obviously, to some degree, even people in the Democratic Party felt like the Biden administration went too far. And some are now saying that Joe Biden is more or less, and I put this in quotes, burning down the House on his way out by making statements like, I could have beat Kamala Harris. and defending his record as president. I think most Democrat strategists, I could be wrong on this, but I think most strategists are like, no, we want to distance ourselves from that message right now because that’s what got Trump elected.
John, your thoughts on that? Yeah, I think you’re right. And there’s even some leftist talk show hosts and so on that, by the way, if they were on our podcast right now, would be agreeing with the three of us along these lines i mean they’re actually talking about the very things that we’re talking about yet they’ll interview prominent democrats have them on their shows and i’ve seen some of these interviews and the reality is guys you know the majority of democrats are still in total denial and have no clue as to why they lost this last election which by the way i hope they keep going down that path I hope they don’t figure out what they did wrong the last time around because I want to continue to beat them. I’m afraid at some point they probably will wake up. Although, guys, there is some that are just so mentally out there. The mental illness runs rampant in the Democrat Party. I don’t know how else to say it. Being liberal is a mental illness, I always say, and I mean that sincerely because you just don’t think straight. And the reality is until they get that in check, I don’t know if they’re ever going to be back on track.
guys yeah well actually john if you think about it you got joe biden uh actually not only puts out that letter of oh it was such an honor to serve and you know what i was such a great president uh but he even said just the other day that the the economy or in foreign policy he’s late he says i’m leaving trump a strong hand to play it’s like are you kidding me we’re so And actually defended the – bragged about the Afghan withdrawal. And it’s like – so, yes, this clueless nature of what his handlers – I don’t think this is Joe Biden. I don’t. They’re telling him what to say and what to read. So the people, the shadow government that really has been running things, whether it’s Joe Biden or whoever it is that’s been really running things – They’re just deciding we’re going to go out and, if I can use the term gaslight, we’re just going to tell people these aren’t the droids you’re looking for. This is really what reality is. And hopefully some of it sticks.
You know, one other thing about that, I’ve got a few more things I want to say about Joe Biden potentially, quote, burning down the House. But, Bob, you and I have talked about the fact that We host radio programs that are also heard in Canada. You’ve got Canadian listeners I do as well. We may have more just because it’s a better program. No, I’m kidding. We cover Toronto, you know, and you’ve got a lot of farmland on the other side, maybe. We’ve got Ontario, Canada, yeah. yeah but um okay but but the bottom line is i think something similar has happened in canada as well people want trudeau out people aren’t that’s right canada’s pretty liberal but trudeau was so whacked out liberal that people are coming to their senses saying we we can’t live this way this is no way to live and they’ve had immigration problems as well they definitely had problems with the whole lockdown situation during covid i mean covid policy played into how people feel about the legacy of the Biden administration. I don’t know your thoughts, but I honestly think that something similar is happening in Canada with people realizing we don’t want Trudeau for the same reasons that we don’t want Biden or the progressive liberals.
The polls show it. I think I mentioned this on last week’s podcast that A poll was taken in Canada among Canadian voters asking them, who do you trust more, the Conservative Party or the Liberal Party? And 47% said the Conservative Party, but 18% said the Liberal Party. The rest, you know, I don’t know. But 47% to 18%, that is extremely lopsided. You look at the popularity of Pierre Polyev in Canada right now, he’s probably going to be the next prime minister. So, yeah, I think that there is a certain measure of… Trudeau was so hardcore leftist and our lives are not better off. We’re having less freedom, less liberty and add to the whole trucker thing, of course. But just economically, it’s just not working. The liberals are in charge of everything and it’s just not working. We’re losing time for a change. Yeah, no doubt.
John, let me ask you this. Donald Trump has said he’s going to pardon January 6th participants. My personal opinion, I pray to God he doesn’t pardon people who were convicted of violent crimes during all of that. I’m talking about the moms and the pops that walked in and were kind of looking around like, wow, this is incredible. Look at it. It’s the Capitol building. But either way… He’ll be watched closely for the pardons, but let’s back up a minute. Joe Biden, on his way out, pardoning his son not only for the offense regarding his handgun and handling of all that, but supposedly for anything that may or may not have happened, any criminal activity that may have happened during an 11-year period, which does include when he was operating as a board member of Burisma in Ukraine. That… I think that will forever be remembered by the American people. Your thoughts on that?
Well, it’ll be interesting to see, does he pardon himself on the way out? Does he need to pardon himself and his wife on the way out? I mean, I don’t know, guys. To your point, though, Neil, yes, he’ll be remembered for that. In a lot of ways, you’re literally saying, we know there’s things there. I’m going to pardon him anyways just to make sure no matter what, there’s no repercussions on down the road, period. It’s a big, huge CYA is what that is. And I’m really, honestly, to this point, Shocked that he hasn’t done it for himself. Will he between now and next Sunday, Monday? Great question, guys. I don’t know. I don’t know. I mean, that’s probably a deeper discussion we could have. I don’t know if he does, but actually he probably should.
Well, and, okay, Bob, your thoughts on this? Because I think that if he does, if he does what John says and then he decides to pardon himself, that’s, in a sense, kind of a smoking gun. Like, I’ve committed crimes and I’m going to pardon myself so nobody ever finds out what they were or something. At least it has that appearance.
I think it would be a stupid move. I know. I wouldn’t be a bit surprised. And of course, the way that he would word it, the way his handlers would word it, and the way that the media would report it is, I’ve done anything wrong, but I know that I’m going to prepare myself for the dishonest revenge attempts of the Trump administration or whatever. But at this point, there is nothing Joe Biden and his handlers could do that would surprise me. And I do want to say also, regarding Donald Trump and the J6 people, For me, here’s really what it comes down to. Anybody who did not engage in any kind of violence whatsoever, absolutely they should be pardoned. That’s right. I do not believe that they should be pardoned. However, I think every single one of them should have their sentences commuted because they’ve already been in prison for three or four years. And what I’m arguing is that’s long enough to serve for pushing a police officer. Yes, you deserve to go to jail. if you assault a police officer. I agree. Okay. But you know what? The average, I’ve said this many times, the average rapist in America gets seven years, but there are many rapists who get one or two years. I had, I talked about this on my show. I had a former police officer email me saying, look, I have sent countless rapists to jail and you want to know something? I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen them get even less than a year in prison for that. So seven years, and you’ve got J6 people, the most violent of the violent J6 people, Still, killed no one, shot no one, pointed a gun at no one, set zero fires. They were violent and they were wrong, okay? But they don’t deserve 20 years in prison as several of them have gotten. They don’t deserve three times what a rapist gets. They don’t deserve 10 times what a drug dealer averages, which is just over two years. So that to me is a… They’ve served their prison time. Three to four years, that’s enough. Commute their sentence, leave it on their record. Don’t pardon them, but commute their sentence. I think… Every single JSEC person needs to be walking free right now, just either pardoned or commuted. Got about 30 seconds. I agree. Do you agree with that, John?
Yes, absolutely. Everything Bob just said, I would second that.
Okay. Yeah, well, we’ll see what happens once he takes office. Monday is the date for the inauguration. So a lot to watch in the news, and we’re going to be talking about more of this as we continue. But let me first of all say one of the things that goes hand in hand with this switchover from the Biden administration to the Trump administration is a hope that somebody will stand up to Big Pharma and represent the common man. The feeling is that big government, big tech, Big Pharma, have really not been for the needs of the people right now, but they’ve been about making big money and pushing agendas that really are not to the benefit of the average human being. Big Pharma is definitely in the middle of that whole thing. Big Pharma obviously has an agenda, and that’s to sell drugs, expensive drugs in many cases. And if we can keep people on those drugs for the rest of their life and simply manage the problems they have as opposed to actually trying to heal them, Well, then you’re going to make a lot of money in the long run. But the bottom line is people deserve better than that. And I thank God for SunPowerLED because they’re putting out a product that involves what’s called light therapy or photobiomodulation, which is simply using the light God created. to help reduce pain and swelling and promote healing in our bodies. So migraines, joint pain, wound care, post-surgical care. You need to get better. You need to heal. You need to reduce pain and swelling, promote healing in your body. Learn about what light therapy can do for you by connecting with And our website, Again, Click on SunPowerLED and watch what light therapy can do for you. Bob, we’ve got about 90 seconds here. Thank God for our sponsors, Preborn. They make this possible.
Oh, they sure do. And a lot of our listeners are going to pre-born. And I’m just asking you right now, maybe you have 2025 is a new year. Would you give to them again? You’re talking about saving babies’ lives, showing ultrasound images of unborn babies to expectant moms in pro-life centers across the country. But the problem is, folks, that demand is higher than the supply. Right now, there are pro-life centers around the country that they don’t have an ultrasound machine in there. They’re not able to show the ultrasound images of these babies to the moms. But when a mom does see a picture of that baby, she chooses life almost all the time. By the way, she usually accepts Jesus Christ as Savior too. So we’re asking you in the audience, Pay for ultrasounds. You’re saving babies’ lives. Do one of two things. Either buy an ultrasound machine or pay for an individual number of images. If you buy an ultrasound machine, they’re $15,000 a piece, great tax write-off for you, and your forever legacy is you are stopping thousands and thousands of abortions every year. How great is that? For everybody else, pay for a certain number of ultrasound images. $28 is the average ultrasound expense to stop one abortion, to save one baby’s life. How many babies’ lives will you save? Take $28 times fill in the blank. Whatever that number is, that’s your gift to pre-born. So here’s how you give. Go online right now to, click on pre-born, and give right there. And 100% of what you give, every penny, goes to ultrasounds, not a penny for overhead. So, click on Preborn, or they answer the phones 24-7. You can give over the phone to a real-life person. Call 833-850-BABY, 833-850-BABY. Just mention National Crawford Roundtable when you call.
We’ve got plenty to talk about in the second half of the National Crawford Roundtable podcast, the first days of the Trump administration, etc., and we’ll get to it as we continue here. Don’t go away. More to come on the National Crawford Roundtable podcast.
This is a Crawford Media Group production.
You’re listening to the National Crawford Roundtable podcast, the final podcast of the Biden administration. By the time we speak again, Lord willing, Donald Trump will have been sworn in as the 47th president of the United States. So this is being recorded on Wednesday morning, the inauguration coming, of course, on Monday. And then Bob’s Ohio State Buckeyes will win the national championship Monday night. It’s going to be a great day Monday. Guys, let’s talk about the California wildfires for a minute. I don’t want to glaze over this, but on the other hand, we can’t ignore it. It’s been a huge story in the news, massive destruction in the state of California as a result of this. And people are now beginning, as it begins to wind down, Lord willing, it looks like it’s going to be… you know over with sooner sooner rather than later but uh people are asking the question you know was this arson was it an accident is it an act of god i mean i’m not sure anybody knows exactly but people are beginning to ask questions and point fingers then who’s who’s to blame for this let me just get some reaction now that entire week this was going on last week we talked about this to some degree john your thoughts i mean you’ve been through a wildfire before
I have. And, you know, we get those in Colorado on a pretty routine basis. We’ve been pretty fortunate this year, haven’t had so far this year. I mean, the season, I guess I should say, hasn’t been too bad. But our dry season, you know, anytime that happens, we have a lot of the same things that they just went through. And, you know, what started it, guys? I haven’t the foggiest idea. I’m not sure that they’ll ever know. A lot of the ones that start here in Colorado, they try their best to try to figure out exactly, you know, what the root cause was. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don’t. you know, bottom line in California, same here in Colorado and other states, they’re going to happen. This won’t be the last one they have. Unfortunately, there will be others. How are you planning ahead to manage for them is always the question. And in the biggest disappointment, I think people have, especially those that are out there right now is just the absolute total failure, lack of planning, lack of management, lack of management, leadership once it actually happened. I mean, they’re so woke, they’re more worried about three lesbians being in charge than they are people actually qualified to get the job done. And I think people are finally fed up. The question really is in California, is this going to be a turning point for how they vote moving forward, knowing the disaster they just went through?
And real quick before we move to Bob, I’m just curious. Some people have said this could spell the end of Gavin Newsom’s political career.
I think it does. You do? Okay.
I was going to ask if you thought it was an overstatement. And why? Simple mismanagement? That this should have been handled differently under his watch?
I mean, when you have Democrats even, you know, Hollywood movie stars and so on, talking about the mismanagement of everything, that does not bode well for him at all.
Yeah. All right, Bob, let’s move to you. Your thoughts on all this? We’ve been watching it, obviously.
Now, you know, I think the last thing that John said here is really the key to this. Will this actually change the electoral process out in California? Will some of these leftists start realizing maybe just maybe the Democrats are not the people that we should be trusting here? And maybe we give the Republicans a new look. This is just part of the blowback process. that has pushed Donald Trump back into office. I mean, people in California are realizing, well, hold on a minute here. We’re not clearing away the underbrush and the dead trees. We’re not thinning the forest with controlled burns. We’re not doing that because, after all, we have to protect the Scandinavian spotted cricket and their natural habitat. We’re not building the desalinization machines and plants that we should be building so that we can fill the reservoirs. I know we’re pumping water in California into the Pacific Ocean. So and we’re creating a tinderbox in our forests. So if a spark ignites, whoosh, it’s going to spread through California. Yes, John, you’re absolutely right. When Hollywood liberals are like, OK, this is ridiculous. All right. There comes a point where California voters have to have the light bulb go off over their head and say, you know something, we’re going to do this. We may think that the Republicans are a bunch of hate mongers, but they at least know how to keep us safe and prosperous.
And really quick, let me add something to what you guys are saying as well. They’ve only seen the tip of the iceberg. As somebody that’s been through this, wait till they start going through the whole… hassle factor of putting in your claim and figuring out what you’re going to do next and are you going to rebuild or are you going to just sell your lot off and on and on and on we go i mean they are just at the tip of the iceberg guys by the way don’t forget the ap says that this is really a racist fire on top of that but but you know what you can’t blame
You really can’t blame, and far be it for me to rally for the insurance companies, but you can’t blame insurance companies for saying we’re pulling fire insurance from California when we’re watching the mismanagement being created this way. There comes a certain point where you say, this is nuts. If your policies are going to make it easier for fires to spread, why in the world would we offer fire insurance?
So you should really, not to throw a monkey wrench into all of this, but Who’s the smartest guy at State Farm that pulled out right before these?
I know. Somebody.
Who has the crystal ball at State Farm? Unbelievable, guys.
By the way, we’ve got to remember, too, if they kept fire insurance in California and they would be shelling out billions and billions and billions of dollars in fire insurance settlements, you think that’s just California? No. State Farm, Allstate, everybody.
We’re all going to be affected.
Homeowner’s insurance will go up. We all end up paying for it because insurance companies are really nothing more than one big pool that everybody pays into. And those who don’t make claims end up paying for those who do. So everybody’s rates would go up if they didn’t pull out of California.
So we had a conversation on our program last night talking about if, you know, feds are going to give money, of course, and so on. And the thing that I think Donald Trump needs to step in and do is there needs to be heavy strings attached to any federal money that goes back out there to help them rebuild. In other words, we’re only giving this money if you do X, Y, Z. Like what? Like the things Bob just mentioned, fire mitigation. Let’s get these dams and things built that you guys have already had money allocated for. Let’s get these things going so that really you are proactive moving forward and not reactive. And environmental groups, sorry, get in line. We’re going to do the things necessary to make sure people are safe.
Okay, so you’re talking about government policy. When you first said it, I thought you were talking about individual homeowners.
No, no, no. Government policy as in, you know, state of California, we’re not giving you X until you do X. That’s right. That’s right.
And by the way, life insurance companies, they charge more for people that skydive or smoke. That’s right. I mean, there’s a certain sense of if you’re doing things. And as a government, a state government, if you’re doing things in your policies that are just going to increase the odds that you have disaster and you’re inviting disaster in your state, then we’re not going to subsidize that. It’s that simple. That’s not a mean-spirited thing. That’s forcing them to do the right thing to keep people safe and alive out there.
Now, it’s irritating as a taxpayer, honestly, guys, to have to be funneling money back out there to total mismanagement. I don’t know about the rest of everybody listening, but as a taxpayer myself, a net taxpayer, there is nothing more infuriating than watching your own tax dollars go to things like this.
Yeah. Well, Bob, technology has been used for evil and it’s also being used for good. Thank God for ultrasound technology that shows us the development of a baby inside a mother’s womb. It’s been used to help women choose life for their children and does so on many occasions. Preborn provides a lot of that technology and they’re one of our major sponsors. Can you talk about that?
Yeah, absolutely. Preborn puts ultrasound machines in pro-life centers all across the country. It shows these ultrasound images. It would be great if every pro-life center had an ultrasound machine. It would be great if every pro-life center could show ultrasound images to expectant moms. But they can’t. We don’t have enough ultrasounds out there. Preborn is the one who supplies them, but it takes money to supply them. This is where we come in, folks, the body of Christ. We’re asking you to pay for the ultrasound images so we can get more of them out there. When a mom sees a picture of her baby, an ultrasound image, that’s the first time she’s ever seen what her baby looks like. So I’m not surprised that statistically she almost always chooses life. She doesn’t go across the street to Planned Parenthood, and she usually accepts Jesus Christ. So here’s how you pay for these ultrasound images and save babies’ lives. Do one of two things. Either A, buy an ultrasound machine, or B, pay for an individual number of ultrasound images. Option A, an ultrasound machine, buying it is $15,000. Right. Nice tax write off for you. And, you know, you get to go to bed every night knowing that you are saving thousands and thousands of babies lives year after year after year. What a legacy in your family or business. Now, for everybody else, I wish I had 15 grand to buy a machine. I can’t do that. OK, fine. Pay for an individual number of ultrasound images. Twenty eight dollars is the average ultrasound expense to stop one abortion to save one baby’s life. So how many babies lives will you save? Take twenty eight dollars times fill in the blank. Pray about a number. And then that’s your gift to pre-born. Maybe you gave last year. Will you give again in 2025? And 100% of what you give goes to fund ultrasounds, not a penny for overhead. So here’s how you give. Go online right now to Click on pre-born. or just give them a call. They answer the phones 24-7. You can give right there, 833-850-BABY. That’s 833-850-BABY. Just mention National Crawford Roundtable when you call. We appreciate you doing that. We appreciate you supporting our sponsors like Preborn, like SunPower LED, which I’ll tell you what, Neal, the photo bimodulation that they do at SunPower LED is remarkable. And it’s all natural too, which is great. No shots, no drugs, no injections, no none of that stuff.
No surgery. Yeah, I mean, it’s all natural. Using the light God himself created to heal our bodies. Let me tell you about that, because four years ago today, January 15th, I couldn’t breathe. I mean, I could take a breath, but I wasn’t getting any value out of it. I had come down with COVID right after Christmas, I think like the 26th or whatever, and for about three weeks. I got worse and worse to the point where my blood oxygen saturation number was like 82. And if I got up to walk across the room, it dropped to 79. And I was being told, you need to go to the hospital. But the paramedics that came to my house on three separate occasions because I couldn’t breathe said, don’t go to the hospital. You’ll sit in the hallway. Nobody’s going to see you. Nobody’s going to care for you. Your wife’s a nurse. You’re hanging on. You’re not delusional right now. Hold on, and let’s see where this goes. Well, Tom Kerber of Kerber USA, one of the makers of this photobiomodulation and light therapy, called me and said, look, I’ve got a device that I think can help you. And he sent it to me. I started using it, putting it on my chest. And the red light and near-infrared wavelengths penetrated my body, got to my lungs, and started healing my lungs. And in a matter of two weeks, I was back at 99% blood oxygen content. I was really on the doorstep of being hospitalized with a ventilator. God used red light therapy to help heal my body. No surgery, no pharmaceuticals. So check it out for yourself. Go to and click on SunPowerLED. That’s S-U-N like sun in the sky. SunPowerLED at Well, you’re listening, obviously, to the National Crawford Roundtable. Bob Duco, John Rush, myself, Neil Boron. We’ve got so many things to talk about. I’m wondering where to go from here. But this is the last time we’re going to be talking before, Lord willing, Donald Trump is sworn in as 47th president of the United States. One of the things that’s all of a sudden appeared in the news is the talk about the U.S. potentially taking over or buying Greenland. The Panama Canal situation, he’s referred to Canada as the 51st state and probably tongue-in-cheek, but has said, you know, Justin Trudeau would be the governor of Canada. Now he’s also talking about renaming the Gulf of Mexico the Gulf of America. What’s going on, guys? What are you seeing in all of this? What’s happening? Bob, let me start with you on this. What are your thoughts?
Well, first of all, Trump is a troller. I think that the Canadian thing is certainly trolling. There’s no way realistic. It made Trudeau resign. This is true. This is true. Well, that combined with the threatened 25% tariffs and Trudeau flying down to Mar-a-Lago to kiss Trump’s ring. Please don’t do this. Right. So I think it’s being perceived as weak by his own liberals. Okay. Gulf of America. You know what? I’m for that. Why not?
I’m okay with that.
You know, it’s like, why not? And actually, I was assuming that Mexico had more shoreline in the Gulf of America than the U.S. did. I looked at a map. It’s like, actually, they don’t. I mean, the U.S. has more of Gulf of Mexico shoreline than Mexico does, so why not?
Anyways, because to your point, Bob, there’s a whole lot more U.S. coastline if you do it correctly.
That’s right. And you know something? As far as taking over Greenland and Panama Canal, buying Greenland and somehow getting Panama Canal back, I am all for that. Not just because… you always want to buy Marvin Gardens and St. Charles Place if you have a chance to, okay? Not just because of that, but there’s very strong strategic benefits in us having control of the Panama Canal again, and especially for foreign policy purposes, Greenland as well. Why are we at the point where suddenly the U.S. doesn’t buy? If we go back to 1960, well, should we have bought Alaska or not? Of course we should. Well, I don’t know when we bought it. That’s when they became a state, Alaska and Hawaii. But when we bought Alaska, when we bought Hawaii- Wasn’t as long ago as you think.
Let’s just say that.
Why would we not? Yeah. Why would we not? Okay. We bought Hawaii. We bought Alaska. Okay. We bought Puerto Rico. I mean, if there’s areas, the U.S. Virgin Islands, if there’s areas that we can go ahead and buy and acquire, why wouldn’t we do it? And Donald Trump is the epitome of, let me buy up some land and and dramatically increase its value, why would we not have him bring that to the table and let it be in the history books that Greenland and Panama Canal are the United States territory?
At the end of the day, really, what this is all about, if you ask me and Bob, get you and Neil’s opinion, but… This is a big poke in the eye at China, whether he does anything along these lines or not. What he’s really telling China is, guys, back off. I’m back in charge. We’re going to do things my way. You guys have had your full run of the Panama Canal. You’re running ships constantly in submarines, you and Russia, past Greenland. And the reality is you’ve had your way throughout the world, and that ends on January 20th.
You know what he reminds me of, honestly, Trump? Trump reminds me of the guy who’s always, always, always on the offensive, always moving. And it’s like he’s not like, OK, well, everything’s a mess, so I’m going to play it safe and just try to tread water and keep things from getting worse and maybe they’ll get better. He’s a guy who’s like, oh, no, what, the game is close and it’s fourth down and fourth in inches? You know what? I’m throwing a long 25-yard pass, okay? Let’s get aggressive. I mean, so no matter what is going on, he’s like, oh, no, wait a minute. I’m not just treading water. I’m taking three steps forward. And you’re right. It sends a message to China, to Russia, to everybody else that’s like, you’re not going to be able to keep up with me. You think we’re on the defensive? You’re not going to be able to keep up with the direction I’m taking this country.
Right. I think it’s interesting. And whether it’s tongue in cheek or not, I think it’s hilarious. On Monday, U.S. House Republicans unveiled a bill that would allow Trump to start negotiations with Denmark, quote, to secure the acquisition of Greenland by the United States. By the way, the Denmark’s prime minister said Greenland’s not for sale, but there does seem to be.
It’s always a price.
Right, exactly, that there is open potential for some negotiation here. But what’s funny is that Representative Andy Ogles, a Tennessee Republican, I don’t know if you saw this, he’s the main sponsor of a two-page Make Greenland Great Again Act.
Right. It’s really funny. The reason why I always say there’s a price, do either of you have any idea what the GDP of Greenland actually is? No.
Do you know? Did you look it up?
I looked it up. $3.2 billion is all.
3.2, that’s not much. Well, you know what? That means you should be able to get it for a pretty decent price.
You may have did five times GDP and bought the thing for, you know, I don’t know what, 15, 18 million or $18 billion.
And you stretch it out over whatever.
Let’s say you give them $100 billion. Is it worth it at that point? Absolutely it is. And the reality is with Greenland or, you know, with Denmark, look at $100 billion as something that they might entertain. You’re darn right they would.
I’m just waiting for the memes to say it’s a billionaire Donald Trump just wants Greenland because it’s called Greenland, you know.
It’s actually, and this I did do some research on. I didn’t realize this prior. It’s actually, militarily speaking, very strategic, much like we have Hawaii. It’s very strategic for us up in that area. And frankly, we don’t have enough presence and need more.
And we would have military presence there. We totally would.
There’s this referred to in one of the articles I read as the mythical Northwest Passage. It was never really opened before, but with some of the ice melt there, it looks like it could improve shipping routes, but I’m 100% in agreement with you. I really believe this has more to do with military strategy than it does shipping lanes. So we’ll see.
Yeah. And a message to China. Because the reality, guys, is, and most people don’t, because you’ve got to look at the world map, and yes, we live on a globe. We don’t live on a flat Earth. If you look at the area up there and how submarines and other things that could actually come into our eastern seaboard, and you look at the openness of what’s there right now, yeah, it’s very strategic.
You know what? We got Alaska, Greenland and Hawaii surrounding the mainland of the United States. Yes. It positions us very well long term in this country.
In foreign policy and security and everything else. This is a really, really. And by the way, can I just say on a side note? People look at Greenland, but it’s just one big iceberg, isn’t it? It’s just a whole bunch of ice. Do you know why Greenland is called Greenland? Because it used to be green underneath all that snow and ice when Leif Erikson and the Vikings and everybody else were. It used to be green. That’s why it’s called Greenland. Apparently, they had a lot of… SUVs and drove EVs a thousand years ago.
That’s a big problem. One quick quote, Donald Trump on Truth Social said, for the purposes of national security and freedom throughout the world, the United States of America feels that ownership and control of Greenland is an absolute necessity. Then listen to the way he words this. I’m talking about protecting the free world. You don’t even need binoculars. You look outside, you have China ships all over the place. You have Russian ships all over the place. We’re not letting that happen. And so I think obviously military strategy is a huge reason.
Yeah, that one I look at him being a lot more serious. I mean, that one in the Panama Canal, he’s probably pretty serious. I know there’s a lot of Panamanians or however you say that that aren’t real happy about that. But the reality is, this is what they don’t even understand. They’re not running it. China is. And that’s what Trump wants to end. China’s running the canal. Panama’s not. Right.
Yeah, agreed. And by the way, regarding Canada, I think it’s all tongue-in-cheek. I’m not saying that he doesn’t want different economic policy towards trade with Canada, that’s for sure. But as far as the Canadian people, I’ve seen some statistics, only like 10% would even consider such a thing. I’m talking about the people of Canada. And I have friends there and stuff, and there’s a lot of nationalistic pride. Canada wants its own sovereignty. That would create more problems, I think, than than help in the long run, but better cooperation economically with Canada, I think is important down the road. So we’ll see where that goes. I want to ask you guys before this all gets away from us, we’ve got a few minutes left here. The Trump, you know, cabinet appointments, Pete Hegseth’s been under fire recently here, obviously. There’s an effort to kind of step things up so that some of the cabinet or all of the cabinets in place by inauguration day, I don’t think that’s going to happen, but… A lot of pushback on Pete Hegseth, obviously, but also RFK Jr., people saying, look at what qualifications does this guy have to run health and human services. I wanted to get some of your thoughts. All right, so John, maybe we’ll start with you on that one.
Okay, so some of the confirmations and stuff that’s going on, and I have not had time – I’m doubting, Neil, you have either. I’ve watched a lot of excerpts of different things. I didn’t get a chance to watch the entire thing with Pete, for example. And I think the one thing people have to realize with Pete especially is, number one, he’s not a politician. Is he going to be as polished with – his answers and his ability to handle some of these what I call slick politicians that have been sitting in those chairs for, in some cases, decades, Neil. No, he’s not going to be as slick as a Marco Rubio or even a RFK Jr., by the way, will be. On the same token, I think Pete’s done a pretty good job of defending himself. They’ve attacked him on all sorts of things that, frankly, have nothing to do with the job of defense secretary when it’s all said and done. But I think he’s handled himself very well. Will he get confirmed? You know, I think at this point, I’m a little more confident than I was, you know, a day or two ago, Neil, that he will. So I think he’ll get confirmed again. Will he learn a lot by doing, you know, by being in this job and doing what he’s doing? Absolutely. But the one thing I think folks need to realize when they watch him answer some of these questions is, you know, he’s not a politician. It’d be like you, you know, you and I, Neil, up there answering questions. We’re not politicians. We’re going to answer them just like a regular civilian would. And that’s what Pete has done.
Yeah, and John, I think you’re absolutely right, you know, based on what you’re saying. But let me add something, too. I think that a lot of people would rightly say, does he have the qualifications to lead the organization? Well, in one sense, he doesn’t really need to. Let me give you an example. I have a friend who’s a pastor who runs a bakery. He bought a bakery and runs it as a business, but he also serves in pastoral ministry. He doesn’t know anything about baking, but he knows something about business and running a business. And he’s got a highly successful bakery because he hires the right people to do the right things. I don’t think that RFK needs to know everything there is to know about medicine, but he can surround himself with other people that are like-minded in saying, we got to get people healthy again. And, you know, big pharma… Americans are living longer than ever before, but we’re not healthier than ever before. And we’ve got to fix that problem. So the idea that he’s skeptical towards big pharma I think is going to be a plus for the American people. Bob, do you have any thoughts on this, Bob?
I think we lost Bob or Neil. I think he’s got some connection issues. So you and I will finish things up, which we can definitely handle.
All right. Well, let’s do that. And we’re going to need to talk about pre-born and admit. But as long as we’re talking about RFK, let me mention again, some of you are experiencing a tremendous amount of distrust towards Big Pharma. And your feeling is that, you know, I’ve been on medication my whole life, but I’m not getting better. So what’s the problem here? And, you know, Big Pharma’s goal is to keep you on medication. There’s no desire to see you be healed, because if you’re actually healed of whatever disease you’re struggling with, whatever physical ailment you’ve got, then you don’t need to purchase medication anymore. And somebody ought to be asking the question, is that right? Is that good for the American people? And should we allow that? So hopefully RFK will step in and do it. But listen, there is a treatment that’s available that is non-invasive, meaning no surgery involved, no medication involved. It’s called red light therapy, and it is available from our friends at SunPowerLED. What is it? Well, it takes the very light God himself created, certain wavelengths of red and near-infrared light, and it utilizes that light to penetrate the skin, no UV harmful radiation or anything like that, but it penetrates the skin, gets deep into the body, gets to the cells, energizes the mitochondria, wakes up the cell, and the cell begins to do what it was intended to do, and that’s to provide life and heal your body. And it’s unbelievable. You really need to look at what a red light therapy can do for you. Go to, click on Sun, S-U-N, like sun in the sky, Sun Power LED,, and check it out. We could not do any of this, John, without the help of our friends at Preborn.
You are correct. And you hear Bob talk about it a lot. I feel him and Bob can’t. And Preborn, just a great organization. You know, I give to them on a routine basis and love them dearly. They’re there to help not only the unborn, but the moms that are carrying the unborn. There’s two lives. Actually, there’s multiple lives, as you know, Neil, that’ll be affected by these decisions, not just those two. But those two immediately are the ones that are affected most. Preborn is there to not only help save babies’ lives, but help save literally the spiritual and physical life of the mother as well, and of course have huge effect upon the rest of the family. They do that by showing ultrasound images of the baby. By the way, Planned Parenthood does not do that. Even though they have the same equipment or better, they do not show the image to the mom. In this particular case, Preborn does. It works. They save babies’ lives on a daily basis, and a lot of you listening say, you know, I want to do everything I possibly can to help create life and save babies’ lives. We’ll do that by donating to Preborn. Just go to the National Crawford. Sorry, just go to is what I should say. Click on the pre-born link there and donate. And as I always say, put your money where your mouth is, Neal.
Yeah, we’ve only got a couple minutes left, and I guess we did lose Bob along the way. My thought is, John, that he’s afraid that I was going to bring up that the Buffalo Bills are coming after his Detroit Lions. You know, we want them in the Super Bowl. Let’s go. You know what?
You could see that matchup.
It might happen.
You could.
Let me ask you this real quick. I saw an article. I didn’t really pay close attention, but during the election, remember, obviously, Trump was handing out French fries at McDonald’s. The other big optic was that he was in a garbage truck, a Make America Great Again garbage truck. And apparently that garbage truck, I was told, is going to be somehow a part of the parade after the inauguration come Monday. So I don’t know. I think in one sense, Trump is hoping for some kind of a joyous celebration as opposed to just a formal celebration.
ceremony uh regarding all this but um i don’t know well we haven’t a chance to talk about this much i know we’re running short on time but really monday’s going to be fun in my opinion though neil tuesday is even going to be more fun the very first day what does he do to reverse some of the awful policies that have been implemented by the current administration what’s he going to do to try to get things back on track you know giving us all more freedom getting the economy back on track things along those lines that’s the day actually i’m more excited for is you know, is Tuesday, not Monday, but we’ll see how that goes as well.
Yeah, we got about 30 seconds left. I’m just curious. Shouldn’t he be very concerned, not just about what happens on Monday, but what happens between his first day in office and the midterm elections? Because he lost control. Yeah, and what was it, 2018?
He’s got to have a really solid run these next two years. Really, not even two years, 18 months, Neal, is about what he’s got to be able to have any kind of effectiveness in the midterms.
Yeah, and I think grow his relationship with minority voters, young voters, all of which showed support to him, and obviously he won by a landslide in that last election. Anyhow, that’s going to do it for today’s edition of the National Crawford Roundtable. We lost Bob Duco, host of the Bob Duco Show on WMUZ in Detroit. Somehow technology failed us on that one. John Rush, of course, Rush to Reason in Denver, Colorado, one of my colleagues here. And my name is Neil Boron, host of Neil Boron Live. We encourage you to listen every single week. Tell others to listen to the National Crawford Roundtable Podcast, and Lord willing, we’ll see you next week again right here.
You’ve been listening to the National Crawford Roundtable Podcast, a view of today’s culture through a biblical lens, brought to you by Preborn, saving babies and souls. Join us in the fight to save babies from abortion. Your gift provides a free ultrasound for a mother in need. 80% of the time she will choose life. Visit and click on their logo to donate. And by SunPower LED light therapy devices. Bring light to your pain. Visit and click on the SunPower LED logo to get out of pain and improve your overall wellness. You can download this podcast from Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, and more from your local Crawford Media Group stations website or at And please give this podcast a five-star rating on your Apple app. Look for the notification on your app for when the next weekly edition of the National Crawford Roundtable podcast is ready for you to download. This is a Crawford Media Group production.