Rabbi Schneider invites us to explore the spiritual and prophetic dimensions behind the ‘mark of the beast’ as foretold in the book of Revelation. In a world grappling with identity fraud and a surge in technological oversight, could the mark of the beast signify future methods of identity verification? Rabbi Schneider implores us not to view these revelations as mere science fiction but as potential realities. He compares this to historical events, such as the forced identification of Jews in Nazi Germany, encouraging listeners to see the plausible unfoldings in contemporary society. As technology evolves, Rabbi Schneider urges vigilance
Welcome to Discovering the Jewish Jesus. I’m your host, Dustin Roberts. And today, Rabbi Schneider continues decrypting the book of Revelation to prepare you for what’s to come. There’s a lot of different man-made gospels out there today, but none of them are quite as damaging as the one that we know as the gospel of me, that self-focus. And that’s why Rabbi Schneider is going to explain how we can keep our hearts and our minds focused and centered on the true gospel instead of ourselves. This message, it comes from one part of a larger study on the book of Revelation. And if you have your Bible handy, our primary text, it can be found in Isaiah chapter 14. And now here’s Rabbi Schneider with today’s message.
God bless you and shalom, beloved ones. Welcome to those that are joining for the first time today. We’re talking about end time events and the return of the Messiah. I’m going to pick up now right where I left off. And in the book of Isaiah, I was showing you what Isaiah reveals to us about the devil and the anti-Messiah who will be the devil personified. So let me just get right into the text. Then we’re going to make some comments and begin to put things together. I’m going to journey forward today after this, and we’re going to get in, beloved ones, today to the mark of the beast. Hear the word of God, Isaiah 14, verses number 12 through 14. How you have fallen from heaven, O star of the morning, sun of the dawn. You have been cut down to the earth. You who have weakened the nations. It’s interesting that what we’re actually seeing here is the devil, Lucifer, Satan, the serpent of old, who began to rebel in heaven. We see here, Isaiah says, he was cut down to the earth. So he was cast down out of heaven. Remember I said earlier, Jesus said, I saw Satan fall. fall from heaven like lightning. So that’s what we’re reading about here in the book of Isaiah. Let’s continue on. But you said in your heart, I will ascend to heaven. I will raise my throne, get this now, above the stars of God. And I will sit on the mount of the assembly in the recesses of the north. Satan continues in verse 14 in saying in his heart, God’s saying what he saw in Satan. You said, I will ascend above the heights of the clouds. I will make myself like the most high God. So God now is revealing what happened. He’s revealing how Satan was cast out of heaven, he was thrown down to the earth, and yet in his heart he said, I am going to arise and take the place of God. And so this is what we’re dealing with. This is the power of rebellion that we’re dealing with on the planet. Now I want to ask you a question. When you see Satan’s heart here, this one that said, I will ascend. I will become the center of the universe. I will make myself like the most high God. God is the center. So Satan wants to be the center. So when you think about this and look at our planet today, doesn’t humanity in general reflect this same type of disposition where human beings want to be the center? I mean, look at any of the shows about the entertainment industry, Access Hollywood, any of the different types of coverage we see of the Hollywood stars. What do we see? We see these people getting out of limousines, clothes in the finest clothes, makeup, hair done perfect. And you see how conscious they are that all the cameras are on them, the billboards of their faces in magazines and in cities. But you know what, beloved? Not only is that a great personification of the spirit that we’re describing here, but the truth is, Many of us, most of us carry around this same type of disposition in perhaps smaller ways, but in similar ways. We think about how everybody else is thinking about us, how everybody else is looking at us. We can’t even sometimes come out of our own world because we’re so focused just on ourselves. We can’t really put ourselves in other people’s shoes because we’re so focused, beloved, get this now, on the God of me. And that’s the heart of Satan. It’s all about himself. And even if you and I examine ourselves, We need to be cleansed of this type of disposition. That’s why Gia said, he that loses his life for my sake shall find it and gain it. But he that tries to hang on to their life, the life of the me will lose it. Not that we’re not people that have our own personalities and consciousness, et cetera, but that God needs to be the center, not ourselves. And the power that we’re in a fight with is the power of me. In other words, the spirit, beloved, that is seeking to control us is wanting to make us like himself where we make ourselves the center. And in making ourselves the center, you know what we’re actually doing? Making Satan the center because that’s what he wants, because he knows that anybody that makes themselves the center will be destroyed. And that’s what he’s trying to do is to bring all of humanity into destruction. That’s why the Bible says he weakened the nations. Now, I want to share with you a prophetic experience that I had that I hope is a blessing to you because I don’t share my prophetic experiences just because I like to talk. I share them because I feel like the Lord often gives them to me, not just for me, but for all the people that I minister to. This happened several years ago. It was in the form of a dream. And here’s what I saw in the dream. Some of you may have heard me share this before on a different episode because it was so life-changing for me. But let me share it with you because it relates so heavily to what we’re talking about right now. In the dream, I was preaching the Word of God, standing behind the pulpit, preaching again the Word. And in the middle of my sermon, the congregation stood up. Somebody said, they don’t want to listen to you anymore. And they started pledging. They put their hand over their heart. AND THEY WERE SAYING, I PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AND THEY LITERALLY DROWNED OUT MY PREACHING. SO I’M PREACHING THE WORD OF GOD, SUDDENLY THE CONGREGATION STANDS UP AND THEY’RE OVERPOWERING MY PREACHING AS THEY’RE RECITING THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. I’m so humiliated in the dream. In other words, it’s all still in dream form. I’m so humiliated that the preaching of the Word of God had been drowned out that I walk out of the sanctuary and I went to the restroom down the hallway. And I’m in the sanctuary. I’m feeling totally humiliated, didn’t know what happened. What happened? Why did this happen? And the Lord spoke to me and He said to me, I want you to go back in there and finish. So I went back in. I finished the sermon. At the end of the sermon, you know, the dream ended. And I was so dissettled by it. I said, Lord, what did that mean? They drowned out your preaching with their Pledge of Allegiance. Somebody rose and said, I don’t want to listen to you anymore. They don’t want to listen to you anymore. I said, what was that about, Lord? And I said, Lord, what am I doing as a leader where the congregation would go into such rebellion like this? Where am I weak as a leader? Where am I failing? What’s my blind spot? I was so grieved about it because I felt sure in my spirit that the Lord was the one that gave me this dream. And I kept on asking the Lord, Lord, what am I doing wrong that this would happen? Where am I failing? So I’m grieving, I’m praying for days about this. About three, four days later, but within the week, I was in a hotel room because I was preaching at a church somewhere at a different location as a guest speaker. And that night in the hotel room, The Holy Spirit spoke to me. And it wasn’t in an audible voice, but it was so clear, it was like it was an audible voice. I just knew in my heart He was speaking to me. And He said to me, it wasn’t about you. I kept on asking the Lord, where am I failing, Lord, that this would happen, that the congregation would go into such rebellion and drowned out my preaching? And the Holy Spirit spoke to me. He said, it wasn’t about you. He said, what I was showing you was that people’s allegiance, even though they’re attending churches, it really isn’t to me, it’s to the American dream. Now, I want you to understand, beloved, I am so thankful to be an American. I love our country. I love our government. I honor our president. I want you to know that, you know, I am blessed and thankful. The Bible says, honor the king. So this is not meant to be unpatriotic, but I believe it’s truth. The Lord was showing me what I’m showing you, he said. Was it people, even though they’re in church? He said, they may come to church, but deep inside the way they live, the way they think, their heart, it’s not for me first. It’s for themselves first. It’s for the American dream. It’s all about getting success. You know, we’re known as the land of opportunity. In other words, the Lord was saying that people have as the center of their lives, me. They want to get fulfilled. That’s their primary thing. It’s not to live for me. It’s not to lay down their lives for me. It’s not to serve me. The Lord was saying, it isn’t about me. It’s not about God. The Lord was saying, it’s about themselves. And where does the spirit of self come from? The spirit of putting self first? The spirit of self-exaltation? It comes, beloved, from the one that was cast out of heaven because he put himself above the Lord. And that’s what we’re struggling with in this age, beloved ones. And in this time, in this generation in which we live.
You’ve been listening to Discovering the Jewish Jesus with Rabbi Schneider, and he’ll be right back. But first, I want to let you know that these teachings, they’re available for you to watch on Roku TV. and it’s completely free. You can watch full TV episodes of Discovering the Jewish Jesus from the comfort of your home or on the go. See Rabbi on screen as he brings biblical truths to life and deepens your understanding of Jesus the Messiah. Just search for Discovering the Jewish Jesus on Roku today. At Discovering the Jewish Jesus, we are looking for like-minded people who are ready to partner with us. If you’re sensing the Lord leading you to offer a financial gift of support, would you please contact us today? Become a monthly partner. Go to discoveringthejewishjesus.com. or to give a gift of any amount today, just call 800-777-7835. That’s 800-777-7835. And now here’s Rabbi Schneider with the rest of today’s message.
Satan is the author, beloved, of the gospel of me. And much of the gospel that’s being preached today in, quote, Jesus’ name, it’s not the real gospel. It’s not the gospel that was delivered to Paul and the apostles. The gospel that Paul preached was, I am determined to know nothing but Christ and him crucified. That was the gospel that Paul preached. Christ crucified, buried and raised. It was all about laying down his life. It was all about following Jesus. denying ourselves, picking up our cross and following him. It’s all about fighting the fight. But the gospel that we’re hearing today, it’s more, beloved, of the gospel of me. It’s in Jesus’ name. But remember, Jesus said many false Christs and false teachers would come, Jesus said in Matthew 24, in his name. And this is one of the characteristics of the end of the age. We’re going to have false gospels that are being preached in Jesus’ name. And the gospel that’s being preached, beloved, today in Jesus’ name that’s a false gospel is the gospel of me. It’s a man-centered gospel rather than a Christ or a God-centered gospel. The gospel that people so often are hearing today that they think is a Christian gospel is not really the Christian gospel. But what it is, beloved, is a gospel that has made Jesus a magic genie. In other words, they’re presenting Jesus to people. They’re saying, just receive Jesus and Jesus is going to make you wealthy. He’s going to make you happy. He’s going to make you wise. And it’s all about using Jesus to fulfill me. As opposed to saying, Jesus died on the cross for you. Now we need to lay it on our lives for him, love him, serve him, obey him regardless of the cost. Beloved, the gospel that we’re hearing today is oftentimes a false gospel because listen, it’s not a Christ-centered gospel. Jesus said, unless you pick up your cross, deny yourself and follow me. That’s not the gospel that we’re hearing. It’s not a Christ-centered gospel. Rather, listen now, it’s a man-centered gospel, and Jesus is just being presented as the way, hear me now, to self-fulfillment. And Jesus wants us to be fulfilled. He said, he that believes in me, rivers of living water will flow through him, and it will become within him a well of living water, so will hunger or thirst no more. That comes from dying to ourselves, beloved, and yielding ourselves to him. But what I’m saying in terms of fulfillment now in relationship to Jesus is different than the way that Jesus is being presented today in many circles, where it’s not about dying to ourselves to obey Jesus. It’s just simply about using Jesus as a magic genie, again, to fulfill our own selfish desires. And so, again, you can see that this all goes back to the fall of Satan from heaven that I just read about in the book of Isaiah and that Jesus spoke of when he said, I saw Satan fall from heaven like lightning. Now, we’re going to move forward. I’m changing gears now. And I want to talk to you about as Satan arises and gains power on the planet, he is going to cause people, listen now, to take what we have heard of as, hear me, the mark of of the beast. I’m going to read now from the book of Revelation, hear the word of God. And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead. And he provides that no one will be able to buy or sell except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast, get it now, or the number of his name. And so, again, we’ve heard of the mark of the beast. It’s the name of the Antichrist or the number of his name, the number 666. Let me read it again. Revelation chapter 13, verse 16 and 17. And he causes all the great and the small and the rich and the poor and the free men and the slaves to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead. Here we go. And he provides that no one will be able to buy or sell except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name. Now, I want you to think about this for a second so that it doesn’t just seem like science fiction to you. We think today about all the identity theft that’s going on with credit cards. How many today, for example, have had to call your credit card company, tell them that there was a wrong charge that appeared on your card, or maybe you were alerted by your credit card company that there was a charge on there and they were checking to see whether you made that transaction or not, and it turned out you didn’t. So what you had was fraudulent activity on your credit card, and as a result of that, your credit card was stopped, you had to cut that one up, and your credit card company sent you a new credit card. How many of you have had that happen? I have that happen, listen, to me, like almost every couple months because of all the travel that I do around the world. We know that identity theft, especially through credit cards, is huge, and it’s happening all over the earth. So the governments and institutions are looking for ways to prevent identity theft. It isn’t far fetched for us to see how we could move away from having paper or plastic credit cards to instead the government now mandating that everybody gets a chip placed under their skin somehow and that transactions take place through scanning the chip. Now, I’m not saying or suggesting that is absolutely the way that this is going to be fulfilled, that mankind will be required take the mark of the beast and no one’s going to be able to buy or sell, get that tie in out to the credit card without the mark. I’m not saying that it is absolutely or necessarily going to be some type of chip under the skin, but we certainly can see that possibility because today we see it happening, for example, even in animals where dogs are getting these chips implanted in them so that if the dog gets lost, All someone has to do is to scan the dog’s skin. You know, you take it to the appropriate location, a vet or whatever, and right, they’ll be able to see it on a computer who the dog belongs to, what the address and the phone number is of the owner, etc. So it’s not hard for us to imagine how this is going to be fulfilled. Now, I want to continue here and I want to read another scripture. I’m going to the book of Revelation now, chapter 14, verse 9 through 11. Then another angel, a third one followed them, saying with a loud voice, if anyone worships the beast, listen now, in his image and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand, he also will drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is mixed in full strength in the cup of his anger. And he will be tormented with the fire and the brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the lamb. And the smoke of their torment goes out forever and ever. They have no rest day and night. Those who worship the beast and his image, get this now, and whoever receives his mark. Now, remember, I got done saying that this mark is going to make it possible for people to buy and sell. And the small and the great are going to be forced to take it. Think for a second to try to bring this down to earth for you in a way that you can see, wow, I can see how that’s possible. Think, for example, what Hitler did in Nazi Germany. Again, just about 70 years ago. He required every Jew to wear a yellow Jewish star on their clothing to identify them. He made them take a mark. And if they were caught, beloved ones, without wearing the mark, they’d be killed. I’m going to give you some information that I think you’re going to find extremely interesting. I’m going to share with you a possible explanation for what the mark of the beast is. Many people have speculated over the years, what is the mark of the beast? When Jesus speaks to the mark of the beast in the book of Revelation, he says, let he that has understanding understand in reference to the mark of the beast. I’m going to talk about some possible ways that perhaps are outside of the box that you’ve thought in before, some possible ways that we could see the mark of the beast coming to fruition and fulfillment in the lives of humankind. Beloved, I love you. The purpose of this is not to scare you. but rather it’s to prepare you. Jesus gave us the book of Revelation. Listen now, because he loves us and he wants us to be like the sons of Issachar, that we’re able to discern what is going on around them in the spiritual world and God’s activity and government being unfolded upon the planet. So stay tuned. Pay attention. Tell a friend about this very important broadcast, beloved ones, and get the book. I love you. This is Rabbi Schneider saying in peace and shalom. Amen. In Yeshua’s name. Beloved, neither you or I would go to a restaurant, order a meal, and then not pay for it, right? But yet we do that with God. I think that’s why the Lord said in the Book of Malachi, Chapter 3, will a man rob God? They said, how are we robbing you? The Lord said, in tithes and offerings. We’re instructed in Scripture to financially support those ministries that are blessing us and feeding us. If discovering the Jewish Jesus, if my life, beloved, and ministry is a blessing to you, would you support it? I’m telling you, the Lord will bless you for honoring him with your wealth. God wants us to respond to his love through our wealth. The book of Proverbs tells us in Proverbs 3, verse 9, this word, honor the Lord from your wealth and from the first fruit of all your produce. I want to ask you, beloved, honor the Lord with your wealth through discovering the Jewish Jesus, if he’s blessing you through this ministry.
Amen. The Lord blesses those who honor him. And not only that, he’ll also use it to bless those who need to hear the gospel. So please give a generous gift today. You can give online at discoveringthejewishjesus.com or you can support this ministry by giving us a call. Our number is 800-777-7835. And you can also give a financial donation in the mail. That address is Discovering the Jewish Jesus, P.O. Box 777 Blissfield, Michigan 49228. That’s P.O. Box 777 Blissfield, Michigan 49228. 49228. And as a token of our appreciation for you, when you give, we’ll send you our latest newsletter. It is filled with event information and ministry updates, special teachings from Rabbi, and it recently had details about Rabbi’s latest book update, the Book of Revelation Decoded Revised Edition. We’re letting you know about this resource because Rabbi, I would love for you to gain a deeper understanding of how current world events align with biblical prophecy. The book has been updated with recent world shaking events like the October 7th attack in Israel and all sorts of new stats with what’s happening in our world today. And we believe that the book will not only prepare you for the end times, but it’ll bring hope and clarity in uncertain times. And Rabbi wants to help you discover how the Hebrew Bible and the book of Revelation work together. They work together to reveal God’s master plan for the end times. And this book, I really enjoy it personally because Rabbi uses Old Testament scriptures to help us understand really the book of Revelation. And while there’s 22 chapters in Revelation to explain the end times, there’s 150 in the whole Bible. So there’s a lot to learn from the Old Testament. And you know, this book is a perfect complement to this series. And you can get it online at discoveringthejewishjesus.com or call us 800-777-7835. And when you pick up your copy, if you’d like to make a donation to support us, we’d definitely appreciate that as well. Thanks so much for joining us today. And now here’s Rabbi to speak the Aaronic blessing over you. And I hope that these words inspire you to share Jesus’ love today in your heart and in others. Rabbi.
The Aaronic blessing in the book of Numbers, chapter 6, is not a blessing that comes from an impersonal being out there somewhere in the heavens. This special blessing comes from a person, Yahweh, God Almighty, our Creator and Maker. So receive God’s blessing into your life right now.
Yevarechei Yahweh vayishmarecha Ya’er Yahweh, P’navei Lecha, Vichu Ne’echa Yissa Yahweh, P’navei Lecha, Ve’asem Lecha Shalom.
The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you. The Lord lift you up with his countenance and the Lord give you beloved one, his peace. God bless you and shalom.
I’m your host, Dustin Roberts, and this program is produced and sponsored by Discovering the Jewish Jesus. Make sure to join us next time when Rabbi Schneider explains the mark of the beast and what that could actually look like in today’s society. That’s Wednesday on Discovering the Jewish Jesus.