Join Rabbi Schneider as he delves into the profound teachings of the Book of Revelation, drawing parallels between the end times prophecies and the historical accounts of Noah and Lot. This episode uncovers the deeper meanings behind these biblical narratives and their significance in understanding Jesus’ predicted return. Engage with these lessons to prepare yourself spiritually and to navigate the times ahead with faith and understanding. With insights from both the Old and New Testaments, you’ll gain a clearer perspective on the prophetic messages and truths that define the end times.
Hello, I’m your host, Dustin Roberts, and I’d like to welcome you to Discovering the Jewish Jesus. And today, Rabbi Schneider is going to continue our study in the book of Revelation to prepare us for what’s to come. Both the Old and New Testaments, they have a lot to say about the end times. And today we’ll be uncovering the parallels between the apocalyptic visions in Revelation and the days of Noah and Lot in Genesis. It’s so important for us because Jesus said that he’ll be coming again soon. And both of these books actually parallel each other and give us insight into Jesus’ return. So let’s make sure we’re ready. There’s a lot of ground to cover in this episode. And with our message titled Elements of the Tribulation, here’s Rabbi Schneider.
God bless you and shalom, my friends. Welcome today to Discovering the Jewish Jesus. My name is Rabbi Schneider. I’m continuing a series today that I’m calling Decrypting the Book of Revelation. My teaching notes are online at our website, I encourage you to start a Bible study around this. Take notes. This is really important material. You know, the Bible says in the book of Revelation, the last book in the Bible, it begins in chapter one with Jesus revealing to us, blessed is he that heeds the words and the prophecy of this book. Jesus concludes the book of Revelation by saying the same thing. Understanding the book of Revelation is critical for every believer. That’s why I encourage you to start a Bible study around this. I know you’ll be able to take a lot away from it. Now, in last week’s broadcast, I began the part of the end times known as, listen, the Great Tribulation. I went to the book of Jeremiah and Daniel and showed you how the Hebrew prophets refer to the great tribulation that Jesus spoke of as, listen now, Jacob’s distress or Jacob’s trouble. And I showed you last week how the Great Tribulation will begin with Israel and then it will spread across the entire globe. It’s going to seem that all the other horrendous things that have happened in world history pale in comparison to what’s going to happen on planet Earth during the Great Tribulation. You know, I know that this sounds scary for some of you, but we have to face truth. Jesus was very clear about it. Let me look at Jesus’ own words about this time. We’re going to the book of Matthew 24. In Matthew 24, Jesus is responding to the question that his disciples asked him. When Jesus began to speak about the end times and his return, listen to what Jesus said in response. The grass withers and the flowers fade, but the word of the Lord abides forever. Hear the word of God. He said, for then there will be a great tribulation such has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will. Unless those days have been cut short, No life would have been saved, but for the sake of the elect, those days, Jesus said, have been cut short.” So we need to face the facts. A lot of people want to believe that things are just going to get better. You know, they’re looking at the world and the world’s history with rose-colored glasses on. But beloved, that’s not what the Bible teaches. A lot of times I hear these so-called prophets And they’re always prophesying how things are going to get better, how this is going to get better, that’s going to get better. But I want you to know, beloved, what the Bible teaches is that difficult days are coming. And knowing this helps us get serious about God today because it’s going to be too late to get serious about God when all these things hit. We’re going to need to be strong, beloved, to face them and to go through it. Jesus said when the tribulation hits, many will fall away. Now, one of the things that we’re doing in this series is once again showing you, church, how the Old and New Testaments fit together like a hand and a glove about this. In other words, it’s not just the book of Revelation that talks about the end times. The Hebrew Bible, the Old Testament, also had a lot to say about the end times. And I’m showing you how it all fits together. So what do I mean by that? Let’s take this further down the trail. When they asked Jesus about the end times, Jesus compared it. Listen now. to two events in the Old Testament or the Tanakh. Jesus said, listen now, it’s going to be like the time of Noah And Jesus said, it’s going to be like it was during the time of Lot. Once again, remember I was teaching on last week’s broadcast how Israel’s history is prophetic. That when we read about Israel’s history in the Tanakh, Old Testament, what we’re reading about literally and actually happened in that time, but it was also prophetic because what Israel went through is going to repeat itself on the earth in the last days. And so Jesus, once again, when they asked him about the end times and the tribulation, Jesus said, it’s going to be as it was during the days of Noah. So in the book of Matthew, chapter number 24, verse 37 through 39. We read this, “‘For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah. For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and they did not understand until the flood came and took them all away, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.'” And so think about this. Jesus is answering their question about what it’s going to be like during the tribulation right before his coming. And Jesus said it’s going to be like it was during Noah’s day. So we have to ask ourself, obviously, well, what was it like in Noah’s day? So let’s take a second now. We’re going to go back to the book of Beersheet, the book of Genesis in the Torah, in the Old Testament. And we’re going to read about what was it like in Noah’s day? Because Jesus said, it’s going to be like this on earth before I come again. Let’s go now, beloved ones, as we read together from the book of Beersheet, the book of Genesis, chapter number six, verse five, six, and then 11 through 13. Hear the word of God. The grass withers and the flowers fade, but the word of God abides forever. Then the Lord, then Yahweh, saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. The Lord was sorry that he had made man on the earth and he was grieved in his heart. First of all, I just want to draw your attention to a few things that we just read so we don’t miss them. I really feel God’s spirit in this. I mean, we read about the horrible things that are gonna be happening on the earth, and we ask ourself why, and would a loving God really do this? I want you to hear, first of all, that when the Lord, we just got done reading, looked at the earth during the days of Noah, he saw that every intent of man’s heart, he said, listen now, was evil continually. Let me ask you this question. How many of you, if you think about it, when you go to work, All you hear around you is people’s negative talk, talking bad about this, talking bad about this, talking bad about this person, complaining about this. Every intent of man’s heart was evil. The Lord saw when he looked upon the world during the time of Noah. And then I like what God said here. I mean, I like it in the sense of it really helps me connect in my heart with this loving person. God’s a person. And the Bible says it grieved God and he was sorry that he had made man. Listen again. I’m reading from the book of Genesis. Listen again what we read here. The Lord was sorry that he had made man on the earth and he was grieved in his heart. Why? Because every word that was coming out of men’s mouth and every intent of their heart was evil continually. And beloved, I don’t think we’re far away from the state today. Jesus said, it’s going to be like this right before I return.
This is Discovering the Jewish Jesus with Rabbi Schneider, and he’ll be right back. But first, we have an important announcement. Rabbi has revised his book, The Book of Revelation Decoded. And in this special edition, he’ll guide you through Revelation and what’s to come line by line, helping you to understand the current events with updated facts, statistics, and additional insights. It’ll show you how prophecy is being fulfilled right now. Order your copy at To become a blessing in someone’s life today, get in touch to partner with us. Our mission is to prepare the world for Jesus’ return, and your financial gift is channeled directly toward this worthy cause. Take your first step today by calling 800-777-7835. That’s 800-777-7835. Or visit us at Your contribution will equip others for Messiah’s return. And now here is Rabbi Schneider with the rest of today’s message. Let’s continue reading here.
Genesis chapter number 6, verse 11. Now the earth was corrupt in the sight of God. I want to ask you, is the earth corrupt now? Turn on the television, right? Look at how people are selling things. Look at the way people are making money and the manipulation that’s used. Look at the lack of integrity people have in their words. I mean, we could go on and on. The earth was corrupt. Now the earth was corrupt in the sight of God, and the earth was filled with violence. God looked on the earth, and behold, it was corrupt, for all flesh had corrupted their way upon the earth. Then God said to Noah, The end of all flesh has come before me. The earth is filled with violence because of them, and behold, I am about to destroy them with the earth. So what was going on? God was grieved. He looked at man. that he had made in his own image. Beloved one, God looked at humankind. He looked at mankind who he created in his own image to reflect his glory, to reflect his love, to reflect his righteousness, to reflect his beauty, to reflect his goodness. But instead, when he looked at the earth, he saw that man was corrupt and every intent of his heart was bent towards evil. And the earth was filled with violence and it grieved God’s heart. And he was sorry that he had made man. And so God said, the end of mankind has come before me. I am about to destroy the flesh of the earth. Why was he doing this? Because beloved, it had become so corrupt and so putrid to him, he couldn’t bear the stench of it any longer. But his purpose of it, listen beloved one, was redemptive. Because he cleansed the earth with the flood, listen now, in order to start over, right? There was a few on the earth, Noah and his descendants. God’s purpose in cleansing the earth, listen now, was to start over. And this is what God is going to do, beloved, during the great tribulation and the releasing of the plagues that we’re going to read about later in this series in the book of Revelation. It’s not just that he’s so angry that he’s so frustrated that he’s out of his mind with rage and he’s just going to wipe. No, he’s got a purpose. Listen, a new heaven and a new earth. He’s going to start over with his redeemed creation. Now, remember what I said. The Lord looked at the earth during the time of Noah. He saw that it was corrupt. We’re gonna talk more about this. And he saw it was filled with violence. And I wanna ask you today, just let’s take a check and become aware of what kind of culture are we living in? Let me ask you this question. The earth was filled with violence in Noah’s day. Jesus said, that’s what it’s gonna be like before I return. Let me ask you today, what kind of movies are playing at the movie theater? What percentage of the movies at the movie theater, even the cartoons, Carry with it the primary element of violence. What cells? Sex and violence. What was it like in Noah’s day? The earth had become corrupt and it was filled with violence. We think in other times of history, like for example, in the ancient Roman world, where the great celebration or the great time that people came together for social entertainment was watching what would happen when they released the gladiator into the Colosseum and pitted him against a wild beast. Who was going to die and who was going to live? And the crowd went crazy. What were they celebrating? What were they giving themselves over to? Violence. Violence, violence, and it’s no different today. We may not be going to the Coliseum to literally watch somebody being destroyed by an animal, but what we do instead is the same thing. We just cover it up in a more sophisticated way. We get our DVD. our Blu-ray, put it in our player, sit down in front of the television set with our popcorn and watch criminals. And we’re entertaining ourselves, beloved, with violence. I want you to know it’s putrid to God. It does not reflect what he made us to be. It does not reflect his glory from the earth. And God is not going to put up with it forever. It’s not long. Jesus said, behold, I am coming quickly. And that’s the message of the book of Revelation. But you know what, beloved? Jesus didn’t just stop with Noah. Jesus went on and he began to talk about it was going to be similar to what it was like during the days of Lot. So I’m reading now from the book of Luke, chapter 17, verse 28 through 30. Again, we’re looking at how the book of Revelation and the Gospels connect with what the Old Testament writers said about the end times. Jesus is talking about the end times, and how is he helping us to understand it? By going back to the Torah and to the Old Testament. Here’s what Jesus said in Luke chapter 17. It was the same as happened in the days of Lot. They were eating, they were drinking, they were buying, they were selling, they were planting, they were building. But on the day that Lot went out from Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. It will be just the same on the day that the son of man is born. So what I want to do now is I want to go to the book of Bereshit once again, the book of Genesis. I want to read about what it was like on earth during the day of Lot. Gia said it’s going to be like it was during Lot’s day. We’re asking ourselves the question, church, well, what exactly was it like on Lot’s day? I know that some of you know this information, but what we’re doing is we’re taking the time now to expressly focus on it so that the revelation can see deeper into our being. Hear the word of God, Genesis 19, beginning at verse 4. Before they lay down, the men of the city, the men of Sodom, surrounded the house. So this was the culture on earth when God rained down fire on Sodom and Gomorrah. It says, the men of Sodom surrounded the house, both young and old, all the people from every quarter. And they called to Lot. Remember, Jesus said it’s going to be like it was during the time of Lot. And they called to Lot and said to him, where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us. Get this now, that we might have relations with them. What kind of relations were they referring to? Most of us know they were referring to sexual relations. It was homosexual behavior, exalted and intensified. But Lot went out to them at the doorway and shut the door behind them. And Lot said, Please, my brothers, do not act wickedly. Now behold, I have two daughters who have not had relations with man. Please let me bring them out to you. You could do to them whatever you like. Now this was terrible. that he would be willing to give his daughters. Terrible, horrendous, horrendous. But the homosexuality part was really the main focus that showed how corrupt the entire society was. So listen what happens. Let me bring them out to you and do to them whatever you like. Only do nothing to these men inasmuch as they have come under the shelter of my roof. But they said, stand aside. Get this next part here. Furthermore, they said, this one, speaking of Lot, listen to this. Furthermore, they said this one came in as an alien because Lot wasn’t from Sodom and Gomorrah. Listen now. And already he is acting like a judge. So what are the two things I’m trying to point out here? That the predominant culture was homosexual. And when Lot came against it and tried to raise up a standard of righteousness against it, They said, who are you acting like our judge? Are you setting yourself up as a judge over us? And beloved, we’ve got the same exact cultural phenomenon taking place on earth today. homosexuality is being exalted it’s even being taught in schools to children as a acceptable lifestyle and those that are saying no this is not god’s will for humanity are being accused of setting themselves as being hateful judges beloved jesus is getting ready to come back you don’t have to take my word for it take his word for it you see People are trying to put Christians in some type of pigeonhole box by trying to make us say, well, is homosexuality wrong? By trying to make us say, Jesus is the only way to heaven. And if we don’t believe in Jesus, we’re not going to go to heaven. Beloved, this is what the Bible teaches. The Bible teaches Jesus is the only way out. There is salvation in no other name. The Bible teaches that homosexuality is not God’s will for His creation. God created them male and female, male and female. He created them in His own image. God loves everybody. If you’re struggling with homosexuality, trapped in homosexuality, I want you to know, I understand that many of you are victims. I want you to know God loves you. God loves you just like He loves me. But God loves us too much to leave us where we’re at. He sent Jesus to bring us to himself, to heal us and to restore us. And that is the message of salvation. And if today we hear his voice, we better not harden our heart because he will not strive with man forever, just like he didn’t during the days of Noah and just like he didn’t during the days of Lot in Sodom and Gomorrah. I want you to know, beloved, Jesus is heading down the highway fast. Jesus is coming back soon. Jesus’ first words were, repent for the kingdom of God is at hand. We don’t have to do it ourselves. Jesus said, I’m standing at the door of your heart and knocking. If any man will open up and ask me to come in, I will come in and sup with them and he will meet. I want you to know tonight, beloved, whatever you’re struggling with, Whatever you’re struggling with, Jesus is here for you right now. Just right now, get on your knees, lift your hands to him, call out to him. He loves you and came to save you. This is a beautiful few verses of scripture. Proverbs chapter 11, verse 24 and 25. Hear the word of the Lord. One person gives freely, yet gains even more. Another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty. A generous man will prosper. Whoever refreshes will be refreshed. He who waters will himself be watered. It’s so true. God is a giver. Love gives. God so loved the world that he gave. Jesus said, he that gives is greater than he that receives. I just want to encourage you and I to walk in a spirit, beloved, of generosity. Of course, I myself am a television preacher, and it costs us many, many dollars to do what we do. And I just wanted to ask you to open your heart to be a giver. If God’s using this ministry to truly bless you, beloved, would you sow financially back into it? I believe according to the word of God, you’ll be refreshed for your obedience. Thank you. God bless you and shalom.
Amen. And as the Lord leads you to support discovering the Jewish Jesus today, call us at 800-777-7835. That’s 800-777-7835. And, you know, your generous financial gifts, they are what ensure that Rabbi’s messages have global impact. It allows us to touch lives not only in your local area, but all around the entire world. We’re on TV. We’re doing on the ground crusades in Africa, just like we did in our recent trip to Nigeria. And we’ve got more coming this year. And your generosity, it helps fuel the mission that we share. It enables us to reach more people with the message of hope. So please give online today at When you give, as a token of our appreciation, back to you, we’ll make sure that you receive our latest newsletter. It’s packed with exclusive additional content, exciting ministry updates, and even personal correspondence from Rabbi’s wife, Cynthia. And her letters are a special treat each and every month, and they’re bound to encourage and I believe inspire you. And then before we wrap up our program, I want to remind you that in addition to these radio programs, you also have access to these powerful messages anytime on Roku TV for absolutely free. You can experience Rabbi’s dynamic teaching style in full HD from the comforts of your living room or even on the go. His biblical insights are they’ll come alive. And we believe that you’ll see scripture in meaningful ways that you may have never seen before. So to learn more, visit us online at or just search for Discovering the Jewish Jesus on your Roku TV and transform your viewing experience today. And now let’s wrap up today’s message on the end times with God’s sacred and special blessing. Rabbi.
Blessings trump curses, and in the book of Numbers chapter six, we find the Aaronic blessing that God commanded Moses’ brother Aaron, the high priest, to speak over the children of Israel. There’s power in blessing, beloved ones, so take part in receiving Father’s blessing upon your life today.
Yevarechech Yahweh, vayishmarecha. Ya’er Yahweh, panavelecha. Vichu. Yissa Yahweh, penavei lecha ve’asem lecha. Shalom.
The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you. The Lord lift you up with His countenance. And the Lord give you, beloved one, His peace. God bless you and shalom.
I’m your host, Dustin Roberts, and this program is produced and sponsored by Discovering the Jewish Jesus. Next time, Rabbi continues in the book of Revelation, and we can’t avoid the end times, but we can listen in so we can be prepared. That’s Tuesday on Discovering the Jewish Jesus.