Join us as we venture into the heart of expository preaching, where the timeless principles of reading and understanding Scripture are brought to life. Witness the awe-inspiring dedication of the Israelites as they stand for hours, hungry for the divine wisdom that guides their every action. Learn how applying these biblical lessons can ignite a revival in our own lives today.
Welcome to Expository Truths, where we exalt Christ by bringing clarity of truth through the scriptures with Dr. John Kyle, pastor of Faith Community Church in Vacaville. As Christians, we are called to know the truth and be able to proclaim it. We can know the truth when we know the word of God, which is precise, without error, powerful and effective for both salvation and spiritual growth. Let’s join Pastor Kyle as he takes us verse by verse through the book of Nehemiah, an incredible book showing us how God sovereignly used the faithfulness of Nehemiah to lead the people to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem in the midst of many mighty and powerful enemies.
All right, please turn with me in your Bibles to Nehemiah chapter 8, verses 1 through 8. Nehemiah 8, 1 through 8. Now remember, Nehemiah was a faithful Jewish man who was living in the capital city of the Persian Empire, Shushan, also known as Susa. And Nehemiah was a cupbearer to King Artaxerxes. As we saw, the good hand of God led Nehemiah to go to Jerusalem where the people were in great distress and reproach and where the walls of the city were still in ruins. And God used Nehemiah to lead the people in rebuilding the wall in 52 days. An absolutely amazing work of God. Okay, so now what? Here’s what. Figure out a plan. for the sparsely populated city to be filled. Why? Because Jerusalem is a very special city, and the need to reoccupy it had redemptive reasons. See, this is a city where the temple was located. And this is a city where the worship of God was centralized for His people. And while walls around Jerusalem were very important, the best way to secure Jerusalem’s future was to ensure that people actually lived in the city of Jerusalem. And so, if you remember… Nehemiah sought to register the people by genealogy so he could then use that to choose the families who would make the move to live inside the city of Jerusalem. In the process of doing that, Nehemiah found a list of the people who had returned to Judah from their Babylonian captivity, which had lasted 70 years, and we looked at that list last week. Why was that 90-year-old list important for the people of Nehemiah’s day to look at? Here’s why. Because it could help him to begin formulating a fair way to revitalizing the city. But even more, this list would remind the people of who they are. They are the Lord’s covenant people. They are the sons and daughters of the heroes who came back to the promised land out of Babylon. They’re the sons and daughters of the faithful ones who had rebuilt the temple. They are the sons and daughters of those who had lived here and who had died here. And they wouldn’t be here if it hadn’t been for those people. And so the list in chapter 7 was a great encouragement for the people in Nehemiah’s day. And it’s also a good transition for what comes next. So now what? Well, it is now the first day of Tishri, which is the seventh month in 445 B.C. The construction project of the city walls has been completed for just a few days. For today, for the minute that I’m going to read just a part of this passage, let’s be like those in Nehemiah’s day who stood for hours as the Word of God was being read. And let’s stand now as I read Nehemiah chapter 8, verse 1. Now all the people gathered together as one man in the open square that was in front of the water gate. They told Ezra the scribe to bring the book of the law of Moses, which the Lord had commanded Israel. So Ezra the priest brought the law before the assembly of men and women and all who could hear with understanding on the first day of the seventh month. Then he read from it in the open square that was in front of the water gate from morning until midday before the men and women and those who could understand. And the ears of all the people were attentive to the book of the law. So Ezra the scribe stood on a platform of wood which they had made for the purpose. And beside him at his right hand stood Mattathiah, Shammah. Ananiah, Uriah, Hilkiah, and Maaseah. And at his left hand, Padaiah, Mishael, Melchijah, Hashum, Hashbedanah, Zechariah, and Meshulam. And Ezra opened the book in the sight of all the people, for he was standing above all the people. And when he opened it, all the people stood up. And Ezra blessed the Lord, the great God.” Then all the people answered, Amen, Amen, while lifting up their hands. And they bowed their heads and worshiped the Lord with their faces to the ground. Here in today’s passage, we first find four general descriptions of what took place. First is this, that all the people gathered together. Second, look, Ezra brought out the book. So, the people are now gathered in Jerusalem to hear the law of God read and explained to them. Now, many had camped out in Jerusalem during the construction project, but they had returned home when that project was complete. But look, only days later, all of them are back in the city, men, women, and children. One imagines that it was Nehemiah or maybe Ezra who said after the wall building project was completed, you all deserve some time off. So take a break. Take some time off. But be back here on the first and bring the women and children with you for a Bible conference. Moses requires it. And now here they are. And they’re eager. Ezra, let’s go. Let’s get going. We’re ready. We’re excited. So, Ezra, bring out the book of the law of Moses, which the Lord had commanded Israel. So, at the people’s request, Ezra went and got the scroll of the law, the first five books of the Bible, Genesis through Deuteronomy, and third, he read it. The law of God, the Word of God. Today, we have the complete Word of God at our fingertips, at our disposal. But at that time, they had only the law, which was enough for them to learn about God and what He says and what He wants and how to properly worship Him and how you need to respond to Him. What’s a summary of the law of God? I mean, you say, oh, the law is boring. Really? What’s a summary of the law of God which isn’t boring? Two commandments, what? Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. And what? Love your neighbor as yourself. That’s not boring at all. So Ezra began reading the law. The Word of God to the people. You picture it? Ezra goes and gets the scroll. He comes back to the platform as all the people grow silent. He unrolls the scroll. Everybody’s standing. He starts to read in the beginning. God created the heavens and the earth. He continues on and reads the story of creation. He continues on and reads about the fall of man and the garden and then the flood. He keeps reading Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph. He keeps reading on into Exodus. Exodus. The people of God becoming slaves in Egypt, Moses, the ten plagues, and then the Passover, which is an excellent picture of Christ. And he keeps on reading. How long? From morning until midday, at least six full hours of reading God’s Word. Note that they’re standing the whole time and there’s no coffee break. How far can you get in six hours? Pretty far. Pretty far. Even with some breaks for interpretation and explanation. They wouldn’t have been able to read the entire law of God, but their priority is clear. Give people the Word of God. Why? Well, what’s more important than that? These sinful and spiritually dry people desperately needed to hear the word of God. And so here they are. And Ezra is going to seize the moment. So he seized the moment. Fourth look, everyone was attentive. Oh man, how I love that. Here’s a question. And this is for me as well. Where’s the earnestness? Where’s your zeal and passion for the Lord? No judgment, I’m just asking. What’s your prayer life look like? What does your intake of the Word of God look like? What ministries are you gladly serving in because you want to please and honor the Lord? Where’s your hunger for godly fellowship, Sunday worship, Bible study? What about your obedience, your joy in the Lord, your hunger to be challenged by the Word of God? How about this? Can you look back and see that you don’t pray or read or serve the way you used to years ago, last month, last year? Danger. When we had our first love, it was how much can I do for Christ, but with too many these days, it’s how little can I do for Christ and still feel okay about it. Have you left your first love? Mediocrity reigns supreme here in America. I’m convinced of it. May it not reign supreme here in you, in me, at Faith Community Church. So I say, may God bring some persecution to the church so we can wake up and grow strong, so we can be intent on living for the things that truly matter, because the things of this life mean nothing, absolutely nothing in the end. It was a great day on that first day of the seventh month for the people of God in Jerusalem. May today be a great day for us as we put our focus on Him and on the things that truly matter. It all begins with our intake of His powerful and effective Word. Verses 1 through 3 give us a general description of what took place on the most amazing day, on that most amazing day. And verses 4 through 6 give us a more detailed explanation. Look, first, and as far as specific details go, we’re now going to get specific. First, Ezra stood on a platform, verse 4. Ezra the scribe stood on a platform of wood which he had made for this purpose. This shows us that preparation had been made for this event. The term platform of wood is literally a tower of wood in the Hebrew. It seems that this not only included a stage, but also a sort of pulpit for Ezra to use as he reads the Word of God to the people. This would not only serve as a practical purpose that would assist him as he reads, but it also shows the forethought that they gave to what was going to happen. So they made the podium and platform in preparation for the reading of the Word of God. This platform of wood also served as a focal point for the people as they listened. Verse 5 indicates that Ezra is on a platform above the people so that he could be in sight of all the people. What’s the point? This. That God’s Word is vitally important for your life and for your soul, and listening to it is a high priority for you, and practical steps to enhance your ability to focus on listening to God’s Word is also very important, as one said. The way the people of God treat the reading and teaching of God’s Word speaks volumes about their spiritual condition. And that’s right. See, this is serious. This is important. This has eternal ramifications. This isn’t a light thing. And that’s why we do what we can to eliminate distractions within reason. See, we don’t want phones going off as much as possible. I just set myself up there, I know. We don’t want people distracting other people within reason, knowing that sometimes it’s inevitable. We don’t want people getting up and getting down a million times throughout the service if we can help it, because again, it’s a serious thing. Not that we get legalistic and judgmental about it, not at all, but that we take it seriously like it ought to be taken. Isn’t it true that Really, the last thing you should want as a Christian in worship, in corporate worship, is to be a distraction from others hearing the Word of God read and preached. To be a distraction from their worship of God. The Word that has power to change their lives and souls forever. See, so the platform and wooden pulpit was made so the people could focus. Thirteen people were also up on the platform while Ezra read. Some to his left and some to his right. Why? Why? I believe to give credibility and support. These were probably religious leaders who had some cloud in Jerusalem. And then having them be on the platform with Ezra spoke volumes to the people. We support Ezra. We support what’s happening here. We’re all in. We support what he’s doing. Very good. Second, the people stood when the word was read. Verse 5, Ezra opened the book inside of all the people. He was standing above all the people, and when he opened it, all the people stood up. We already looked at that, but their standing was a sign of their reverence for Scripture as the Word of God. Now again, this isn’t a rule for us, but it’s simply what they did at that time. Note that Mary sat at Jesus’ feet and listened to His teaching, and then the people told Baruch, Jeremiah’s scribe, to sit down and read the Scriptures to them in Jeremiah 36. So this isn’t a rule to insist that standing is the only correct posture for reading and listening to Scripture. It simply shows us what they did at that time, and it shows us the reverence that they had for the Word of God and for the God of the Word. See, they aren’t flippant. They aren’t playing with their phone. They aren’t sidetracked by a billion other things. No, they’re intent on listening to God’s Word that points us to God Himself. Hey, think about this. Think about this. People died to get this book into our hands. One said, our Bible is a blood-stained book. Why? Because many people were tortured and killed to get this book to us today. And we should have a healthy love and respect for it. For again, it leads us to the God who wrote it. It seems that the people stood for the entire six hours as the Word of God was read and explained. Comfort? Ha! Hearing from God, worshiping God was their priority, not comfort. We can stand, we can take the heat, and we can take the cold, and we can take some discomfort, and we can stay long, and we can sacrifice for God, of course. Our priority isn’t our comfort, our priority is Him. And hearing His Word read and expound, it is vital, it’s essential for our walk with the Lord. So forget comfort, give me the Word of God. Bring out the book. See, next time you want to complain because you’re a little bit uncomfortable in church, think of these people here who gladly stood for hours and hours and hours to glorify God. Think of them. That ought to give us all proper perspective. Third, as we get more specific about what happened, Ezra blessed the Lord, verse 6. This shows us that Ezra began with a prayer which makes sense. Ezra is a man of God, so Ezra begins talking to God and by leading the people in a prayer to God. Bless means to praise, to adore, and to speak words of excellence about. So Ezra begins by blessing God, praising God, extolling the greatness and goodness of God. We talk much about the importance of prayer and about the power of prayer and how God mightily works sovereignly through the prayers of His people, which is all true. See, that being said, prayer is much more than making requests to God, right? As good as that is. Much of our prayers should be us offering up our praises to Him, our love to Him, our thanks to Him, our adoration to Him. He is worthy, and we do well to let Him know that. We love Him. Anybody? Amen. And we do well to let Him know that. We exalt Him and we praise Him for who He is and for what He’s done. And letting Him know that regularly is good and it’s important for us to do. It glorifies Him, yes. And it reminds us where our focus should be. And when Ezra blessed God, it did two things. It honored and pleased the God who hears. Amazing. And it also reminded the people who their God is. And it turned their hearts to him as a people. Good job, Ezra. He began by blessing God. Fourth, the people said amen and they worshiped. Look, verse 6. Ezra blessed the Lord, the great God. Then all the people answered, amen, amen. While lifting up their hands and they bowed their heads and worshiped the Lord with their faces to the ground. How good is that? And it was only after that. that they read from the book, and it was then explained to the people. You see the eagerness and the love of the people here? They can’t help but respond. And look, they all responded. How? By lifting up their hands in worship. Nothing wrong with lifting up your hands in worship, by the way. And by showing a sense of need by saying, Amen, Amen. And thus, affirming their submission to the authority of Scripture. And then, by bowing down to the ground with a sense of humility and submission before God. Should we respond like that externally? Maybe, but not necessarily because many people can raise their hands and not mean it. And many people can be vocal and not mean it. And many people can bow and make an external show and not mean it. So no, not necessarily. But we should definitely feel this way when we come together and worship, right? I mean, I’m needy. I’m ready. I’m low and He is exalted and I’m here to lift Him high and I’m here to worship Him. My all in all, my beloved Lord, my King, it’s about Him. You feel that way? Because you should. Look at Him. Look at you. You should feel that way. He died to save you. You should feel that way. He bled on a cross to deliver you from hell. You should feel that way. He took on human flesh and came all the way down to rescue us. You should feel that way. You deserve hell. And you get heaven as a believer. You should feel that way. You should feel the same way that they felt. Do you? And then it’s after that. that they read from the law of God, the word of God. Verses 7 and 8. More names. Also, Yeshua, Bani, Sherebiah, Jamin, Akub, Shabbatai, Hodijah, Maaseah, Kelada, Kelida, Azariah, Josabath, Hanan, Peliah, and the Levites helped the people to understand the law and the people stood in their place. So they read distinctly from the book in the law of God. They gave the sense and helped them understand the readings. You have Ezra now reading the law of God and you also have a group of people going around helping the people to understand what it meant when it was written. So it seems that Ezra would read portions of God’s word and then the helpers would go around to the people and give the sense of it. In other words, they would explain it and help the people to understand what it meant so they could then apply it and live it out in their own lives. And then Ezra would read some more for hours on end and the people ate it up, rightly so. See, Ezra and Nehemiah knew. What did these people need the most? Money? Food? Land? What did they need the most? They needed the Word of God. And that’s what people need today as well, even us. See, this passage is saying that the most important thing in all of our lives is the Lord. And how do we know the Lord in saving faith? And then, how do we know the Lord in growing measure? How? The Word of God! If we want to know the way of salvation, if we want to know how to be a Christian, if we want to know how to live our lives in this world, if we want to know the answer to a thousand questions, the answer lies in the Word of God. This verse shows us what true preaching ought to look like, by the way. Read the text. Give the sense what it means, which means that you’re to explain what it meant when it was written, and then help the people to understand, which leads them to applying it to their lives. That’s biblical preaching. That’s what they did. That’s called expository preaching. Webster’s dictionary defines expository as a setting forth of the meaning or purpose of a writing. And so when it comes to preaching, expository preaching seeks to set forth the true meaning of the Word of God. On a broad level, expository preaching has been done by going verse by verse and book by book through the Bible. However, true expository preaching is much more than just going through a passage or book of the Bible because many people do that and they never really explain what the passage really means. No, true expository preaching does what Ezra did. True expository preaching doesn’t just preach from the Bible, but it preaches the Bible. And that’s a big difference. A lot of people preach from the Bible. They use the Bible. They read a verse or passage from the Bible, but they never really preach the Bible. Expository preaching, however, explains the meaning of the verse or passage. It digs into the text to find out the author’s original intent, and then it seeks to apply that in a God-honoring way. Some might say that that’s boring, but that wasn’t boring for the people in Nehemiah chapter 8. Why? Because they wanted to hear from God. They wanted to hear from God. And God’s Word isn’t boring. God’s Word is alive and powerful and effective and exciting. And anybody? Convicting? Anybody? Right? The heart of the expository sermon is the authority of the Word of God. Expository preachers believe that the Word of God truly is God-breathed, and because of that belief, they seek to expose the Word as best they can to the listeners. Expository preachers believe that the Word has more authority than their own personal opinions and anecdotes, and they consider it their divine mandate to expose that Word. The Word of God is powerful and it changes lives and it’s true and it has our answers and it’s the means of saving lost souls and of growing the saved. And our need isn’t some catchy message that I make up that makes you feel pretty good but has no redeeming power. No, our need is to hear what God has to say. Lord, help us to see that today and Lord, help us to be eager and passionate to do it daily and then corporately. Look. You’re only hurting yourself if you’re ignoring the Word of God. Did you hear that? You’re only hurting yourself if you’re ignoring the Word of God. Reading it, listening to it, studying it. Why would you hurt yourself? Stop hurting yourself and bring out the book. Let’s pray. Heavenly Father, Thank you, Lord, so much for your wonderful word of truth. Thank you for conviction, convicting us, Lord, in these things that really do have eternal value. And I pray, Lord, that this would indeed convict us, that it would cut us out of the heart like it did in Nehemiah’s day, and that we would respond like they did, which we’re going to look at next week. But Lord, help us to have ears to hear. to receive this truth, to have it go into our heads, sink into our hearts, and help us to respond accordingly by lifting you high, by repenting much, and by drawing ever closer to you, our amazing God who saves. Speak to our hearts now. May we encourage each other in your word. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Pastor John is the Preaching Pastor. Thank you. Join for services at Faith Community Church Sundays at 9 and 1045 a.m. 192 Bella Vista Road, Suite A. To learn more, visit or call 707-451-2026. That’s 707-451-2026. Or visit