In this episode of the National Crawford Roundtable Podcast, join our hosts Neil Boron, Bob Duco, and John Rush as they kick off the new year discussing the intriguing topic of the flat earth theory and its surprising foothold among some conservative Christians. With a blend of humor and serious contemplation, they explore how scripture is used (and misused) in these debates. Bob shares his experiences from his Detroit-based apologetics show, where these debates often take a surprising turn.
Welcome to the National Crawford Roundtable Podcast, a view of culture, current events, and politics through a biblical lens, brought to you by Preborn, saving babies and souls. Join us in the fight to save babies from abortion. Your gift provides a free ultrasound for a mother in need. 80% of the time, she will choose life. Visit and click on the Preborn logo to donate to save babies now. and by SunPower LED light therapy devices. Bring light to your pain. Visit and click on the SunPower LED logo to get out of pain and improve your overall wellness. And now, here are your hosts, Neil Boron, Bob Duco, and John Rush.
Welcome back. Another episode of National Crawford Roundtable. It is New Year’s Day. And yeah, there’s no secrets. We’re recording this a few days prior to that, guys. But good morning, Neil and Bob, Bob Duco, Detroit, Michigan, Bob Duco Show, Neil Boron, Buffalo, New York. We’ve made it through another year, guys. by god’s grace good to be here happy new year and by the way as we get older do these slow down or do they just keep getting faster faster faster yeah i’m afraid you’re correct guys blankets the new year unbelievable now in good news as we start off today we did in fact find out that the earth is round so some guys went down to antarctica some of the flat earthers even and they saw the 24-hour sun and are now convinced that we live on a globe
Hey, progress. That’s unbelievable.
Man. And I know we’ve, and I laugh at that, but yet on a serious note, guys, and Bob, you and I have talked about this in particular on some podcasts, I think even when Neil wasn’t present, and the amount of conservative Christians that believe in this hogwash of a flat earth is just beyond me, Bob. Yeah.
You know what? My show here in Detroit is primarily an apologetics-driven show more than anything else. And on Fridays, we have Free For All Friday where people call in about whatever they want to and they debate me and such. And, John, I can’t tell you over the years how many debates I’ve gotten into with Flat Earth people. And I know there’s trolls out there. I get that. But these are Christians that have bought in.
Oh, I know some. No, no, no. I know some people that are not trolls. They have bought in hook, line, and sinker that we live on a flat earth. I know, and you know what? And they’re using Scripture to prove it some way, somehow. I know. Or they think they are. Sorry, I didn’t say that correctly. They’re using Scripture incorrectly to prove a point.
Right, exactly. And they are misusing Scripture. I mean, rising and setting of the sun, that’s language that people use today, okay? Atheists, astrophysicists use language like that, you know, or such. But if you think about it scripturally… The way scripture is written only makes sense for a spherical earth because you had Jesus talking about when he returns, there’ll be some sleep in the middle of the night, some working in the fields during the day. That only makes sense during a spherical earth. You have the earth being referred to as the circle of the globe. But then also one of the things that stands out to me scripturally is when Jesus says that our sins will be – or when God’s word says that our sins will be forgiven, they’ll be removed as far as the east is from the west, that’s actually a reference to infinity. Now, if the earth were flat, then there would be a finite level of east you can go, and then that’s it.
The ice wall, it’s called.
Right. It also doesn’t say as far as the north is to the south because in a spherical globe, you can only go north so far and then you’re going south again. Whereas in a spherical globe, if you travel east, technically you always, always, always go east for infinity. You never reach. Yeah, we have international date lines. But you’re still going east. Right. So, I mean, there’s just so many areas.
You never switch around and go the other direction west. Right.
Right. But, no, I’ll tell you what, though. These flat earthers, John, it confounds me. You can watch YouTube videos with smoke and mirrors, and before you know it, people can get wide-eyed and they can buy into it. And they just won’t listen to reason or logic, no matter what you try to tell them.
And we’ll cover today some of the events of this past year. And really, I think, guys, as much as anything, and yes, I want to celebrate some of the wins and things that we had happen this past year. But it’s near and dear to me that, and it’s something that Bob and Neil both, I talk about pretty frequently on my program, is having wide eyes. discernment looking at each one of these conspiracy you know theories and that’s what flat earth is by the way and you know these theories that come along and being able to have good discernment on what’s right from wrong we see these things happening over and over again and by the way they’re not going to stop and i’ve got my own theories as to why they won’t stop but the reality is they’re not going to stop and we have to be solid and have good discernment when it comes to these things i’m afraid that far too often christians especially get sucked into some of these things and And I get it. Not everything ends up being a conspiracy. We had a lot of stuff during COVID that, frankly, those of us on this side were right, and we weren’t conspiratorial at all, by the way. We were just giving facts out over and over again. We were called conspiracy theorists, but we were giving out facts. But, Neil, you as sort of having a background in the church like myself and probably even growing up around some of these individuals, I can remember back— growing up in the church and just listening to some of these theories that people even believed when I was a kid. And unfortunately, it’s done nothing but groan.
Yeah, well, we wrestle not against flesh and blood. There is an enemy, and he’s a deceiver, and he would do anything to keep people off track. And I honestly believe part of his strategy is not just to get in the way of non-believers so that they’re prevented from seeing the truth, if that’s even possible, but to get in the way of believers and throw them off track so they’re not busy doing what God has told us to do, like make disciples, for instance. So, you know, and then the other thing is I think Christians, and I’m sure I brought this up on a prior podcast, but I think Christians are more prone to it, more susceptible, because we believe in good and evil. And, you know, any movie plot really is in some way a clash between good and evil. You know, you’ve got your antagonist, the protagonist, whatever. So we’re sort of conditioned to that. If you can throw out some kind of maybe sort of plausible, you know, statement, that looks like it could be true or maybe helps to explain something we just fully don’t understand, and it’s like a possible explanation, well, then we just gravitate to it. And you’re right, John. I mean, we need to be praying for Holy Spirit discernment, and He’s capable of giving us that. You know, Bob was quoting some Scripture earlier. People will twist the Scriptures, but when we really let the Holy Spirit, you know, take us to the Word and show us truth, and He’s more than willing to do that, then the conspiracy theories fade away, and we get back to focusing on who Jesus really is and what he actually asked us to do.
Bob, as we head into pre-born, by the way, it’s not just our side that can believe in conspiracies, and maybe folks wouldn’t think that abortion is a conspiracy, but let’s just face it, Bob, there’s a lot of folks out there on the left that will deny the truth. And by the way, when you start denying truth, you believe in things that are falsehoods, conspiracies, and so on. These folks believing that abortion has no effect whatsoever upon that mom, upon society, upon, by the way, me as an employer. These people that don’t think there’s any ill effect from that are sorely mistaken.
Oh, they sure are. Well, first of all, the biggest ill effect is a human baby is being killed, a baby made in the image and likeness of God in abortion. And then those moms, when they get abortions, the studies and statistics are overwhelming of the dramatic increases in suicide attempts, depression, anxiety, alcoholism, drug addiction, everything else. And so… Now, we need to show moms that there’s a better way. And if you show a pregnant mom an ultrasound image of her baby, she almost always chooses life. And it’s very common that she accepts Jesus Christ as Savior too. Well, pre-born is the main pro-life group. that’s in pro-life centers all across America showing these ultrasound images, okay? Problem is the demand is higher than the supply. So we have pregnant women out there that aren’t able to see ultrasound images. They cost money. That’s why we’re asking everybody in the audience right now, will you give to Preborn and supply some ultrasound images? There’s two ways you can do it. Number one, buy an ultrasound machine. They’re $15,000 a piece, but your forever legacy will be that you are stopping thousands and thousands and thousands of abortions over the years. Think about that, okay? and a great tax write-off for you coming up right at the end of the year, okay, if you can do that. Now, if you want to do on a smaller level, you can go ahead and just pay for an individual amount of ultrasound images. They’re $28 a piece. to save one baby’s life, how many babies’ lives will you save? Take $28 times fill in the blank. And then whatever that number is, that’s your forever legacy of the amount of abortions that you stopped. So everything you give goes to preborn, 100%. So here’s what you do. Go online to And click on Preborn. Click on Preborn. Or they answer the phones 24-7. Just call 833-850-BABY. That’s 833-850-BABY. Mention National Crawford Roundtable when you call. And we appreciate you folks doing that. We appreciate you supporting our sponsors. Certainly our sponsors like Preborn. And Neil, our sponsors like SunPowerLED.
Yeah, absolutely. And one of the things we’ve talked about a lot this past year, and I’m sure we’re going to talk about in the coming year, is distrust for government and big pharma and big tech, etc. But, you know, people are coming to realize that, look, big pharma has a vested interest in keeping us addicted to pills and the idea that medication can solve all of our problems. And if they can do that, then the trillion dollar industry they’re running can be a multi-trillion dollar industry. Well, bottom line is, there are alternative ways to help heal your body, and one of them happens to be utilizing the very light God himself created. Identifying proper wavelengths of red light that God created, they dig deep into the cell, no invasive surgery, by the way, no medications necessary, but that light penetrates deep into the body, excites the mitochondria in the cell the cell starts working the way it was intended to and your body can be healed it reduces pain and swelling it promotes healing if you’ve got arthritis or migraines or other issues you just can’t seem to get a handle on think about checking out sun power led and that’s sun like sun in the sky sun sun power led you can find all about them on just click on sun power led at
And Neil, again, appreciate that, and everything you said in regards to, you know, I do think that people have a huge mistrust in government, in all sorts of things, by the way, in a lot of establishments, and in some cases even the Church, I hate to say, but the reality is that the mistrust factor is probably… at an all-time high. I mean, I’ll go through a few of the events of this past year where, by the way, there were some conspiracies around some of these things. One of those, by the way, being the Baltimore-Francisco-Key Bridge, the collapse. There was lots of conspiracies surrounding that. That was done by government to do all sorts of nefarious things and so on and so forth. And guys, sometimes stuff just happens. I mean, did I ever think for one second that that was done intentionally? Um, reality is no, I did not. I mean, sometimes stuff just goes wrong, Bob. And when it does, we just need to accept that at times.
You know, we do. And that’s, that’s one of the things that I think it kind of ties to what we were talking about a little bit earlier too, with the conspiracy conspiratorial thinking that, uh, we live in a fallen world. Okay. Bad stuff happens. And so, but it almost seems like in this day and age, anytime something bad happens, it’s There’s this hyper focus on we have to figure out how to keep this from happening again. You know, just, you know, anytime there’s a school shooting like, you know, recently happened, okay, in Wisconsin at the Christian school. Okay. There are evil people out there. There are bad people out there. There are messed up kids out there like that 15-year-old girl. There are people out there that are committing horrific crimes. We live in a sin-ravaged world. And sometimes bad things just happen. Sometimes perfect storms happen. And then sometimes there are things that are being organized and planned and we need to do a better job of taking action, like securing the border, like fighting terrorism. So there are things that do need to be done to take action. But we can’t sit there and say every single time some bad thing happens, well, you know, that was preventable. A lot of things just are not.
Can I throw out a theory real quick on that? Sure, go right ahead. Because I think it goes back to the fall, the idea that we could be as God, that we could know all things, we could do all things, we could be just like God. And I think maybe the best way to do this would be take a picture of a playground from 1960 and compare it to a playground today and what it looks like. Well, OK, protecting kids is important, but, you know, basically we’ve bubble wrapped the world and we’re trying to eliminate problems from happening in every situation. OK, maybe in this day and age, metal detectors at school doors make sense. And, you know, we’ve mentioned Wisconsin. There’s their school. schools and school districts that don’t have metal detectors maybe they should have them but i’m just saying that there’s this obsession with trying to know all things and prevent all things that are bad and promote all things that are good and we don’t have that power at some point we need to be reasonable about how we approach public safety and child safety and so forth And then beyond that, learn to trust God and get on to other things like loving our families and being productive at work and being good citizens. If we’re always focused on trying to take away evil, we don’t have the ability to do that. And we do live in a fallen world. So our hope should not be in us being able to fix this one, but the one that’s coming that God has provided for us through Jesus.
Amen. And I agree with that wholeheartedly. And I think there’s times, guys, where we will… You know, grasp onto things, hoping, by the way, that that is the answer, you know, that gave the example a moment ago of the Francis Scott Key Bridge. I think some folks at times feel like, you know, a better answer would be nobody screwed up and this was something that was done on purpose by… our own government because it’s more explainable that way. Well, on the same token, as we said a moment ago, sometimes stuff just happens. And by the way, Neil, you and Bob both, I mean, I agree wholeheartedly. We live in a fallen world. Things happen. I also believe with what you said, Neil, that men in general, human nature is we want to be God, like God, take his place if you would. By the way, that’s what Marxism is all about from day one and what’s happening to our country more and more. That’s why it was such a huge victory this last year. One of the things we’ll highlight is, of course, Donald Trump and the whole election and all of what happened. They’re not saying Donald Trump by any means is our fixer or our savior or anything, but I think it does show that people are tired of some of these just… evil woke agendas that are being shoved down our throat bob and the reality is there was a wake-up call this past november
Well, there really was. And, you know, it’s it’s interesting, too, that it does seem like one of the big losers in this election was the mainstream legacy media.
Because they as dishonest and deceptive as they are and as media research centers show that like 90 plus percent of everything ABC, NBC and CBS reported about Donald Trump during the election was negative news. Whereas 78% of everything they reported about Kamala Harris was positive. And that still wasn’t enough to trick Americans. So there’s alternative media out there that’s making more inroads. And frankly, the American public, they got to see for themselves. What happened at their paycheck? What happened at the gas station? What’s happened at the grocery store? They’ve got to see this for themselves, what’s happened to the crime in their communities. And Democrats pretty much tried to tell them, don’t believe your lying eyes, believe us. And don’t believe your lying bank account, believe us. But it is a new day. And I think that there’s a sense of optimism even on the world stage about what Trump is going to get done regarding other nations.
And again, 20 days until he’s inaugurated. But let’s face it, guys, for the past – let’s face it, even longer than these past 20 days. He’s been the quasi-president, even though he’s not been actually instituted into office. He’s the guy going around the world, setting up meetings, talking to world leaders, and so on. No offense, our current president right now, I’m not sure he even knows what day of the week it is most times. And I’m being honest when I say it.
No, I know. We don’t have a functioning president right now. We really don’t. You’re right. And Donald Trump is, in essence, the de facto president. And he’s being treated that way by world leaders. And I…
you can’t blame him i guess yeah what does that say and and and by the way even if joe biden in a lucid moment is somewhat capable of doing something i think he’s kind of backed off and said okay you want me out fine i’m out and and he stepped out of the way and donald trump is filling the void you know and i think the american people are happy about it but i don’t think democrat party brokers are happy about it and you know the progressive people that have been you know the The megalomaniacs that have been pouring all kinds of money into these liberal and progressive campaigns, I don’t think they’re happy about it. But bottom line is, you’re right. The world right now is showing respect for Donald Trump. They may not agree with everything he does, but they’re worried about him becoming president.
and point is guys we’ve gotten look past this past year 2024. we had what was going on in israel continue on no real leadership they’re not saying that israel isn’t a leader but no real leadership from the united states on trying to get that thing you know ended and put away same thing in ukraine with russia the reality is there’s been just this huge vacuum if you would of leadership from us as the united states of america which i know there’s been times in our history where some of that has happened in the past, but let me tell you what, and I’m looking forward to 2025 because I believe that vacuum has been filled. Again, I’m not saying Donald Trump by any means is our messiah or our savior, and you guys all know my feelings on all of that. He’s got his set of faults just like the rest of us do, so the reality is he’s no different than the rest of us, but the one thing that he can do and has done and proven it is, and even right now, we’re talking about the other world leaders. Currently, he’s not even inaugurated yet, And he’s acting like the president. The reality is he will lead where a lot of the other folks right now that have been there have not. And Bob, he’ll fill that void. That I am confident of.
Right. Well, and something else, too, that, you know, I was mentioning the media, the legacy media earlier. And I never would have thought it possible that any Republican president could actually cause the media to somewhat be on the defensive. But frankly, I’m glad to see that Donald Trump is bringing these lawsuits. He brings a lawsuit against ABC News and George Stephanopoulos and what happens next. They have to apologize and give $15 million to his presidential library. He’s suing CBS for $10 billion. He’s not going to collect that. But you know what? But at least it’s sending a message. Yeah, it’s sending a message to them that, you know what, there’s a new sheriff in town and we’re not going to let you get away with this anymore. OK, we’re going to I’m going to start hauling you guys into court. And now he’s suing the Des Moines, Iowa Register newspaper, as well as that pollster that right before the election had Kamala Harris beating Trump by three points in Iowa, when the truth is Trump beat her by 13 points in Iowa. And now she’s getting sued. And so what I think at a minimum is going to happen here is that you’re going to have the executives at the major networks as well as the big newspapers across the country that are going to be telling their people you can’t be this sloppy anymore. All right. You have to at least give a semblance of fairness. And because let’s face it, they’ve been willing. It used to be, John, you remember this. Neil, you do, too. It used to be that the media was subtle and nuanced in the way that they carried out their bias. And we would educate our listeners how to read between the lines. Now they’re just outright saying things like, yeah, Donald Trump called neo-Nazis very fine people. He said if you had COVID, drink bleach. He said there’s going to be a bloodbath in the streets from his followers if he doesn’t win. Hey, he was found liable for rape, George Stephanopoulos. You know, they’re just getting sloppy and lying over the top. And now I think they’re being put on notice.
Yeah, because they’ve been allowed to. Yeah, I know.
And their executives are telling them, we’re not showing up millions of dollars for your sloppiness anymore.
That’s right. Neil, your thoughts on that?
Well, I think conservatives have always been skeptical of the mainstream media to some degree. And so that’s a good thing. But I really think they really tipped their hand on the Biden thing. They overplayed their hand. And Bob, getting sloppy is probably the, you know, when somebody may be- Yeah. Stealing money from a company they’re embezzling or whatever. And they’re real careful at first. But after they get away with it for five, six, seven years, they get sloppy and then all of a sudden they get caught. Well, on the issue of Biden, I mean, you got you got Dr. Kevin O’Connor, the president’s doctor, supposedly saying, oh, he’s fit as a fiddle, man. He’s good to go. and the obamas and the you know all the power brokers in washington he’s good for another four years no problem then you put him on national tv against donald trump and i don’t think trump did particularly well and i mean he did okay in that he didn’t quite you know squash biden but when biden’s staring off into space and fumbling over his words it was apparent and then you know what then that reinforced the feeling we all had i kind of feel like they’re not always telling us the truth i kind of feel like they’re lying to us and boom there was the moment i believe When the Band-Aid was ripped off and all of a sudden it was like, we have been systematically lied to. Then they shove Kamala Harris down the throat of the Democrat Party and say, this will be your nominee. No primary, no chance to vote, no – conversation about it, just she’s the nominee. And I really think even Democrats at that point said, all right, I’m out, I’m off, I’m off this ship, and either didn’t vote or switch their vote. I think more likely they didn’t vote, but I think it took the steam out of whatever was happening there for the Democrats. And in the end, truth prevailed, right? I mean, he was not fit to be president, probably even in 2020, and definitely not in 2024. We were lied to.
And to prove that point even further, Bob, the assassination attempt on Donald Trump’s life in Pennsylvania, had that not been televised live as it was, the other networks were still, you know, misinforming folks of what actually happened that day. Fortunately, it was live on Fox News or other channels. I don’t remember if it was Fox or what. I think it was Fox News. But whoever was carrying the actual rally that day, it was actually televised live. Had it not been for that, who knows what we would have heard, Bob?
You know what? That is a good point, too. Well, look, you had the director of the FBI, Christopher Wray, testifying before Congress. I don’t know. It might have been shrapnel. It could have been glass. Give me a break. No, look, it’s very true. If you think about it, I am kind of curious how— how history, a generation from now, how history will look back on the Trump-Biden-Trump 12-year period. I really do because, first of all, think about how historic this is. Never in my lifetime have we seen an actual vacancy in the presidency where no one is the functioning president. You have a dementia patient wandering around being propped up. I mean, that’s just incredible. And then, of course, to have a well-known celebrity and developer like Donald Trump become president. But then also, some of the things that he accomplished. I mean, do you realize what a big deal the Abraham Accords really are? Since 1948, when Israel became a nation, every president has tried to get that feather in their cap of just one, just one Middle East peace deal. And almost everybody has come up empty, almost everybody. Bill Clinton managed to get one with little Jordan, okay? And Jordan’s a very moderate nation. So, okay, but give Bill Clinton credit. He deserves the history books for that. Jimmy Carter with Egypt and Anwar Sadat, even though that was mostly Anwar Sadat. But still, give it to him in the history books. But everybody else, Ronald Reagan, eight years, not one. Barack Obama, eight years, not one. George W. Bush, eight years, not one. Nobody’s been able to get one. Donald Trump, four years against four. And he was working on the fifth with Saudi Arabia when Biden replaced him. So he – He deserves to be in the history books, not to mention how many presidents get shot with blood running down their face and stand up defiantly and pump their fist. He belongs in the history books for legitimately good reasons. And I’m curious how historians in the next generation.
I know we’re running short on time, but Bob, as far as that goes as well, also one of the presidents that got the Supreme Court to where it is today that had a huge effect on Roe v. Wade. And that’s where Preborn comes in.
That’s right. Roe v. Wade was overturned. We’re thankful. But it doesn’t mean that the abortion industry is going away. No, they’re kicking it into high gear. And they’re doing everything they can to convince women to come into Planned Parenthood and get an abortion. Well, pro-life centers around the country are doing everything they can to convince women to let that baby live. And you know one of the best ways to do this? Show her an ultrasound image of her baby. That’s right. That’s what Preborn does in pro-life centers all across the country. When that mom sees a picture of her baby, she chooses life almost all the time. Usually she accepts Jesus Christ too. But it does take money to show these ultrasound images. And that’s why we’re asking you folks in the audience, will you pay for ultrasound images? Here’s how you can pay. Number one, just go ahead and go to, click on Preborn, and pray about a number of babies’ lives you’d like to save. $28 will save one baby’s life. $28 is the average ultrasound expense to stop one abortion. So take $28 times fill in the blank. Whatever that number is, that’s your forever legacy of the amount of baby’s lives you saved. The other way is by buying an ultrasound machine. They’re $15,000 a piece, nice tax write-off for you, but your forever legacy is gonna be you are stopping thousands and thousands of abortions year after year. And 100% of what you give to Preborn goes to ultrasounds, not a penny for overhead. So here’s how you give. Go, click on Preborn right there. Or you can give over the phone. They answer the phones 24-7. So call 833-850-BABY. That’s 833-850-BABY. And just mention National Crawford Roundtable when you call.
all right neil wrap it up with uh sun power if you would please yeah real quick you know the bottom line is we are grateful for our sponsors and we’ve got a brand new one called sun power led now you’ve all seen the the opera singer who hits a particular note and explodes the champagne glass why is that because a particular sound wave at the right frequency can do that well what about light waves at the right frequency they can actually reduce pain and swelling and promote healing in your body So if you’ve got problems associated with post-surgical wounds, if you’re dealing with migraines, you’ve got arthritis, you’ve got painful joints, and you want to see a reduction in pain and swelling and a promotion of healing in your body, then you need to check out SunPowerLED, literally harnessing the very light God created to heal our bodies. And it’s available at SunPowerLED by going to
And that’s it for this first half, guys. You can listen to the second half next right here on the National Crawford Roundtable.
This is a Crawford Media Group production.
All right, we are back. Second half, National Carver Roundtable. Myself, Bob Duco from Detroit, Michigan, The Bob Duco Show. Neil Boron, Neil Boron Live from Buffalo, New York. All right, guys, we sort of went, I don’t want to say we were negative in that first half, but just talking about realistic things that happened in 2024. We always look forward to the new year, of course. And I don’t want to get off on a tangent here or not, but just going to throw this out. Do either one of you do resolutions? Because I don’t.
Nope. I did for years and failed at every single one of them. So I quit. I’m done with resolution. I made a resolution to never make resolutions again.
It’s the only one I’ve kept. Make a resolution to not have resolution. And you know, there’s a lot of folks listening that will do that. And I’m not against anybody that wants to set something You know, different in their life. I mean, there’s been several different years, guys, where I don’t know if it was a resolution or just a goal where, you know, there’s certain things I wanted to do, certain things I wanted to read for several years I read through. you know, the entire Bible, you know, each year. And, you know, those were some, I don’t call them resolutions, but goals. And I think for a lot of folks listening, there’s nothing wrong with having some goals, setting those, making sure that you can achieve those. You know, as you then go down the road and look back on those years, knowing you did certain things, there’s a sense of accomplishment there. And, you know, I’m never going to take that away from anybody, but yeah, I’m the same way as you guys. I’m not a huge, you know, resolution guy. It’s sort of like, okay, yeah, it’s maybe it’s because we get older. It’s just another year. And here we go, guys. Is that how it is?
Yeah, it’s another year, another day. That’s how I look at it. I mean, you know, anything that we need to get motivated to do differently, we can get motivated to do that differently anytime. And I just for me, I feel like if you pick a day like, oh, the first day of the year as though there’s something unique and special about that.
resolutions for the most part are broken what do they say an average of a couple weeks afterwards so because the habits don’t get formed and you know no offense people really aren’t serious about it i’m with you bob if you’re going to do something you start doing it whether it’s the you know january 1st or whether it’s you know march 15th it doesn’t make any difference once you decide to do something and make a change that’s what you should do and again folks please i am not trying to knock anybody that has something they would like to do. And the start date is January 1. I mean, you do you, that’s fine. I just am not somebody that is that way. I am, as you guys know, as you probably would know, I am a goal setter. I like to see certain things done and so on. And I help a lot of my different clients in the business world do the same thing. And Again, though, that’s not something that I just do on January 1. Those are ongoing things that you’re continuing to look at and making adjustments accordingly, Bob and Neil, because that’s just the way that end of it works. We kind of do the same thing even with our radio programs. There are certain things that we want to accomplish, whether it be weekly, quarterly, annually, whatever the case may be. This year is going to be definitely different for all three of us given the inauguration coming up in 20 days and the fact that Donald Trump will be president because, believe me, And Neil, I’ll start with you. I do think things will change. How much? And again, I’m not saying that he’s the fix-all, but there’s right now a cabinet being formed and people being put in place that are a lot different, 180 degrees different than it was the last time around.
Yeah, well, I mean, he had made the promise to drain the swamp in 2016 and came in with that intention, but he started listening to the voices in Washington saying, well, this is the guy you’re going to need to run that. That’s the woman that should be in charge of that. And I think he made some foolish mistakes. This time, he’s not trusting them. He’s looking at the loyalty factor. And right or wrong, I mean, he could be proven wrong in this, but I have a sense that he’s going after people that he knows want no part of the established swamp in Washington, D.C., and is making a concerted effort to bring change to our nation’s capital. And I think anybody that’s going to be honest has to look at government in general and just say, we need change. Bottom line, something has to change. Ronald Reagan had made several statements. I can’t recall exactly what they were, but the bottom line is like, you know you’re in trouble when the government says they’re here to help.
And it’s kind of true because, you know, they get off on power, they get off on taking our money through taxes, and they’re supposed to be working for us, but I don’t think the vast majority of the American people actually believe that. Donald Trump is putting some people in there that are going to take a totally different angle at dealing with these issues. And yeah, it might be a little scary at first because there’s people in there that you would have never thought, you know, to be in the post that they’ve been assigned to. But we’ll see how it goes. I really think, though, people are optimistic about change. And I’m looking forward to this year for that very reason.
Bob, I can’t disagree with Neil on any of that. I think everything he just said, I agree with, by the way. I think people are optimistic. What will it be like? Time will tell, of course. We’ll keep talking about it each week as we go through this year, not only on our shows but on this podcast as well. But I’m excited. I think he’s putting some good people in place. I think this last election cycle, by the way, showed – and we talked about this in the last half – showed that people do want a change. They’re tired of what’s been going on before – And whether it’s, you know, they’re tired of it for the social reasons or they’re tired of it because the economic reasons or they’re tired of it because it’s a combination of both. Reality is they said, I want to change and I want to go back in time, by the way, to the guy that did it already.
Right. Well, and I do believe that we’re going to see some huge transformations in the way that things are done in this country. One of those huge transformations is going to be health care. I mean, it really is. RFK Jr., I think, is going to be a very powerful force for HHS. And this has the potential to be an actual generational change and not just a presidential four-year change because I think when the American public starts getting a taste of credibility given to alternative healing methods, okay, starts getting, starts saying that, wait a minute, the establishment and their marriage that they have with big pharma is something that needs to be broken up and people start looking outside that box. And before you know it, insurance companies, I think the possibility exists for some insurance companies to start saying, you know what, maybe it’d be better for us to start covering some of these various alternative treatment methods. I agree. Not to mention actually examining things like vaccinations and vaccinating our kids. Are we over-vaccinating our kids? Is there a link between increased vaccinations and autism? Or is that just crazy, wacky conspiracy theory talk that you can never speak out loud? Well, no, these things need to start being spoken out loud.
so yeah i i think there’s some big changes coming and neil that leads into our sponsor sunpower led because everything bob just said he is spot on i’ve been chomping at the bit to jump on this one because it’s so true and uh actually it was four years ago at this time in 2001 i had my son and daughter-in-law had come over for christmas all of our family was there and They gave me a wonderful present that year. They gave me COVID for the first time. So December of 2020, I got COVID, and by January of 2021, I was in pretty rough shape. So literally, I mean, my blood oxygen saturation was at 79. People were saying, you should be in the hospital. Thank God I wasn’t delirious, but you know, I was really suffering. Couldn’t walk to the bathroom. Without becoming so winded, I thought I was gonna pass out. Well, the problem was my lungs weren’t healing, and that went on for the better part of a month. until Tom Kerber, who’s with Kerber Applied Research, told me about what’s called red light therapy or photobiomodulation, which is literally taking the very light that God himself created and using certain wavelengths of that light to penetrate your body, get to those cells that are damaged, provide energy for them, excite the mitochondria and the cells to wake up so that the cell does what it was created to do, and that’s heal the human body. And in a matter of a few days, all of a sudden, my numbers were climbing, and in just over a week, I was at 98, 99%. I hadn’t made any progress in the better part of a month. I was literally tethered to an oxygen machine. And by God’s grace, I was healed. And I want you to know that that kind of therapy is available. You need to check out SunPowerLED. Just go to And if you want to deal with, you know, if you need a reduction of pain or swelling in your body, you want to see the promotion of healing in your body, check it out. SunPowerLED at
You know, Bob, one of the other things that might change on the abortion front, let’s face it, I know where RFK Jr. stands on these things. On the same token, he’s a fiscally responsible guy, and it’ll be interesting to see if some of the funding that our tax dollars, yours, mine, and Neil’s, now goes towards abortions. It’ll be interesting to see if any of that changes.
Yeah, you know, it would be very interesting because one thing’s for sure, whether it does change or whether it doesn’t change, there’s something that we can do about it. We can save babies’ lives by paying for ultrasound images for those moms to see their babies. Preborn is the main pro-life group that does this in pro-life centers all across the country. And as you hear me say every day, when a mom sees a picture of her baby, she chooses life. She doesn’t go across the street to Planned Parenthood. She lets her baby live almost all the time and usually accepts Jesus Christ too. So what we wanna do is show as many of these ultrasound images as we possibly can, but it does take money to do this. $28 is the average ultrasound expense to save one baby’s life, to stop one abortion. So pray about a number of abortions you’d be willing to stop. You know, in this new year, maybe, what a great way to kick it off. Okay, take $28 times fill in the blank. And whatever that number is, that’s your forever number of baby’s lives that you saved, your forever legacy. Now, if you can afford it, buy an ultrasound machine because we don’t have enough of them. Okay, they’re $15,000 a piece. Your forever legacy will be to stop thousands and thousands of abortions year after year. And it’s a nice tax write-off for you, too. But either way, give to Preborn now, and 100% of what you give goes to fund ultrasounds, not a penny for overhead. You can give two ways, online or on the phone. Online, go to, click on Preborn., click on Preborn. Or the answer to the phone is 24-7. So go ahead and call now, 833-850-BABY. That’s 833-850-BABY. Just mention National Crawford Roundtable when you call.
All right, this next topic, I did not throw in my notes, but I want to throw it out to you guys because I was talking about this on my program recently. And one of the things that we’ve seen a lot of, and it’ll be interesting to see how 2025 goes, but in 2024, we saw more, quote unquote, UFO sightings and evidence of. And we even had some congressional hearings where Some Christians, by the way, were asking about undersea worlds and things along those lines, which in my opinion, by the way, it’s all just a bunch of hooey. It’s not true. I don’t believe in other life forms anywhere else in the universe. I think it’s all a ploy by Satan. And here’s my take on it. I’ll get your opinion on this first, Neil. My feeling is that the day the second coming happens and the saints are raptured, the world will need an explanation. And my feeling is that explanation will be aliens abducted or did this or did that, and my feeling is the reason why we’re seeing a lot more of these quote-unquote alien phenomenas, which, again, I don’t believe in, is to, by the way, set the narrative for the second coming of Christ. Am I right or not, Neil?
I tend to agree with you. Something has to happen in order to make it explainable. And I would guess that there are lost people in the world who don’t know anything about the rapture that don’t quite know why they’re fascinated with these kinds of things and promoting these kind of theories. But is there something out there in the sky? Well, I don’t know. People are seeing it with their own eyes. When we saw Joe Biden unable to conduct himself during the Trump debate, our own eyes told us that there was something going on. And I think that if there’s any kind of an explanation other than some foreign military trying to gather intelligence or something, it probably has to do with exactly what you’re saying, that there’s an attempt to increase technology. Hey, that’s a good thing. We need better technology. You know, make our defense systems more effective. Yeah, that’s what we’re doing. We’re testing these drones to see how we would defend against them or whatever. Maybe it’s some company. Who knows? Who knows what’s going on? But you’re 100% right. That will be, I think… the very thing that the enemy uses to try to convince people that people were not actually raptured according to God’s word. And I realize there are Christians who don’t believe in a pre-trib rapture kind of thing. But on the other hand, man, how else would you explain the disappearance of millions of people? And by the way, immediately after that happens, there will be no further National Crawford Roundtable podcast.
Don’t, because we’ll be gone.
We’re signing, that’s right.
Great, I’m going to get stuck doing it alone. Yeah, you’ll be here by yourself, Bob. I hate when that happens. I knew it. I knew it. Bob, I mean, am I way off in left field or what are your thoughts?
No, I don’t think you are at all. Satan’s not stupid, obviously. And so I think that we’ve already seen a lot of anti-Christ dress rehearsal prep in many different areas. Frankly, I think that the COVID hysteria, I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if this wasn’t a little bit of a dress rehearsal, partially by Satan and his demons to see how hard is it going to be to get a bunch of people like Lemmings to walk in line, give up their freedoms for fear of just needing somebody to keep them alive. And then, yeah, the UFOs thing. Yeah, I can see that. I can see the enemy.
This is a question I wanted to ask you specifically because you are kind of the mainstay in this. You do a lot more work and study on this than probably any one of the three of us does. When it comes to some of these quote-unquote phenomenons, Do you feel like those are real, or are those things that Satan is putting in front of these individuals to get them to believe that way? In other words, where does his power end when it comes to what he can do with certain alterations of things? Let me say it that way.
Well, Satan does have the ability to violate the laws of physics. Correct. I mean, he can cause things to levitate. He’s violating gravity when he does that in the so-called haunted house. He can make pictures, get knocked off of a mantle and such, and pose as poltergeists. And so he does have the ability to interact with the physical world, and he is a deceiver. So UFO sightings, frankly, I think the overwhelming majority of them, there’s some kind of natural explanation for it. People see a little bit of something, they tell the story 20 times, and their imagination fills in the gaps.
And now Bigfoot appears.
Exactly, and they created more than there really was. But there are some times where you have phenomenon that seem to be defying the laws of physics. And in those cases, yeah, I think that this is demonic trickery creating an interest and a fascination there. in the idea of UFOs and sightings. Keep one thing in mind, when you see these orbs that are moving really fast at quick 90 degree angles, any carbon-based life form that would be in them would be decimated through g-force of that. Secondly, a lot of these things that are moving are moving faster than the speed of sound. Yet, you know what? It’s not creating any sonic boom and they’re not creating any kind of atmospheric burn trail. This tells me these are phantom images that are being created by the enemy to get people fascinated. Yeah, to deceive and to lure people into a fascination with other worlds visiting us. Yes, potentially setting the stage for a rapture explanation.
And this is where, again, I go back to what I was talking about earlier, Neal, where Christians, unfortunately, can even get caught up in some of this stuff. And I know some Christians that, well, Lauren Boebert claims to be a Christian, and yet she’s the one talking on Capitol Hill about underworld, you know, colonies of whatever life form. I don’t even know where she was going with all of that, by the way, Neal. But we have Christians, and maybe they’re not as firm in their foundation as they should be, but we’ve got Christians that believe in this nonsense. Right.
Man, I got so much to say, I’m not even sure how to start and where to end. But this whole thing represents, again, distraction in my mind. Because, you know, here’s one example. I ran into a lot of people during the Biden years who said, oh, man, we got to get him out. We got to get Trump back in so that the church… you know, has the ability to preach the gospel and to do evangelism. Well, guess what? Just like you said with preborn, Bob, whether or not the laws say, you know, that it’s legal to kill a child in any particular state in our nation, we still have the ability to talk to people about life, you know, to talk about those issues. So the point being that even during the Biden administration, who knows, maybe somebody would have ended up in jail. I doubt it yet, but someday, you know, that could happen. uh that somebody would end up in jail well during the trumpet years we feel a sense of of common and rest about that okay so the point is we’ve got great opportunity right now we’ve got the ability to live our faith out you know and so what are we going to do we’re going to focus on ufos really like and and by the way if there is something in the sky shouldn’t we be talking about the fact that the son of man jesus is coming back in the sky to take people home with him and so we shall ever be with the lord right i mean the bottom line is we need to be talking to people about things like the gospel i’m not saying we can’t be curious or ask questions about this or enjoy watching a movie or two that raises the possibility of alien life forms but ultimately we have a responsibility to talk about truth and truth is found in god’s word so let’s take i mean there’s some pretty amazing things todd you ever read the book of revelation and some of the things that are there the ten horned beast and you know, these creatures with eyeballs all over it. Why are people not fascinated with God’s Word, only what Hollywood has to tell us, or what they’re picking up off the internet?
Bob, I can’t agree with Neil anymore. It kind of goes back into our original conversation we opened up the podcast with in regards to, you know, Christians believing in a flat earth. If Christians that were in that realm, by the way, spent as much time on the things Neil just talked about, rather than proving that there’s a flat earth, we’d all be better off.
Well, we definitely would be. And maybe 2025 is a year that the body of Christ starts getting a little bit more serious about their faith in Christ and realizing how deep into the end times we really are. Because we’re talking politically. There’s a sense of optimism, I think, about Donald Trump coming in and a Donald Trump presidency coming. There’s not optimism among the gals on The View, but for a lot of Americans, there certainly is, and that’s good. But we got to remember, and I know we’ve all said this many times, we may hope for certain things in this world, but our hope is not in these things. Donald Trump isn’t the savior. Look, I’m glad he’s going to be inaugurated later this month. I think that that’s great. I think it’s going to be great for America. But my hope and my peace and my security does not come from that. It comes from Jesus Christ, because ultimately, we know how this ends, okay? This earth is gonna be destroyed again and God’s gonna create a new heavens and a new earth and it’s gonna get farther and farther away from godliness. This is what Jesus predicted. So slight temporary reversals in many areas that Trump can do, yes, that’s great. But let’s make sure that our hope and our peace doesn’t come from what Trump can get done. Let’s make sure our hope and our peace comes from the knowledge of Jesus Christ and he’s the one that’s in control.
I know it’s a little early here, but Neil, it just ties in with SunPowerLED and the fact that I do a health and wellness segment every week on my program Wednesdays for the first hour of my show. And one of the things that’s near and dear to me is people’s wellness. I think, by the way, as Christians, that we have also not taken the lead in that area. We allowed the world, by the way, to take the lead through things like you know, yoga and all sorts of other things that are out there when it comes to being physically fit, and the church honestly failed when it comes to, you know, showing people what it really takes to live a fulfilled, healthy life. I mean, I’ve said it before, and I’m not trying to, you know, criticize, but, you know, typically at church, you go and get coffee and a donut. You’re not getting things that are super healthy, even potlucks and such. And again, I grew up with all of this stuff, so I know firsthand how that looks. And by the way, how most of the people look that are attending those particular events. And so my point is, we have the power to take our health into our own hands. And I believe as Christians, we should be, and yet most don’t.
don’t mess with our ice cream socials john there you go there i mean you’re 100 right and i think that the shock that rfk jr you know was mentioned as the possible secretary of health and human services was rooted in the fact that we just want to believe that there’s a simple answer to everything just take a pill and you’ll be fine but we’re sicker than ever and you know americans may be living longer but they’re not healthy there’s a big difference i mean if you’re infirmed and you’re laying in a nursing home unable to do anything and you’re on 42 different medications are you actually living at that point so you know what’s it going to take for us to live happier healthier lives and i submit that that medication is not the answer Big Pharma has a vested financial interest in keeping every single one of us on medication. But if there are alternative forms of therapy or interventions that can help make us healthier, like red light therapy, then we ought to investigate what it’s about. And I want to encourage people to go to, click on SunPowerLED, because literally certain wavelengths of light, the very light God created, are being used to penetrate the body through devices created by SunPower LED that excite the mitochondria in the cell, wake up the cell and cause the cell to do it. It’s designed by God to do. You know, you don’t have to teach a little infant to heal. Like if it accidentally cuts its finger a little bit, you could sit there and watch that body heal. Why is that? Because God created it that way. Well, learn about what SunPower LED can do for you to reduce pain and swelling and promote healing in your body. Go to and click on SunPower LED to learn all about it.
Bob, one of the things that we get wrong all the time, or I should say the left gets wrong all the time, is calling abortion women’s health. Speaking of health, it is not women’s health.
It’s not. It’s not women’s health care at all, let alone necessary health care to execute an unborn baby. And, you know, we got to not just save these babies lives. We got to help these moms, too, because a mom is way better off when she chooses life. She doesn’t have to deal with all the emotional baggage that comes from the guilt of that abortion. So you can save babies’ lives, everybody, by paying for ultrasound images for the moms to see. You see pre-borns in pro-life centers all across the country, and they’re showing ultrasound images to these moms, and moms choose life when they see a picture of their baby. But the problem is that we don’t have enough ultrasound machines and enough ultrasound images being shown because it costs money. That’s why we’re asking everybody in the audience right now, will you pay for a certain number of ultrasound images? $28 is the average ultrasound expense to stop one abortion, to save one baby’s life. So pray about a number of baby’s lives you’ll save. Take $28 times fill in the blank. And that becomes your forever legacy of the number of abortions that you and your family stopped, okay? Now, if you can afford it, buy an ultrasound machine. They’re $15,000 a piece. Nice tax write-off for you. But your forever legacy will be that you are stopping thousands and thousands of abortions year after year. But for everybody else, pray about a number of abortions you’ll be willing to stop. $28 times fill in the blank. And here’s how you give. Go online to and click on Preborn., click on Preborn. You can give right there, and 100% of what you give goes to the ultrasounds, not a penny for overhead. If you want to talk to a real-life person over the phone, they answer 24-7. Call now, 833-850-BABY. That’s 833-850-BABY.
Guys, I appreciate that very much. And yes, all of you, please support our sponsors. Preborn, who’s been with us literally the entire year of 2024. And of course, Red Light coming on here at the very end. We appreciate both of them greatly. Guys, kind of ending on a lighter note here. McDonald’s. So in 2024… McDonald’s was probably, as a retail organization, food place, in the news, probably, Bob, more than anybody else in that space.
Well, sure. I mean, let’s face it. When you get the former president of the United States and the new incoming president of the United States putting on an apron and working the drive-thru counter and the fries at McDonald’s, you’re going to make it in the news. But then also, my goodness, to have people be giving that one McDonald’s in Pennsylvania one-star reviews because they’re angry on behalf of the CEO killer that they’ve turned into some hot, hunky – Oh, my word. It’s like you have to be kidding me. So, yeah, I mean, McDonald’s is – there’s no doubt. They have been – they have absolutely been in the – which, by the way, I should say, Donald – did you guys happen to see that meme that Donald Trump did that he forwarded about the drones?
And Chris Christie? Oh, no. It’s insulting, but this just shows Trump he’s got a sense of humor, okay? I don’t think he originated this, but he saw it and then he forwarded it and put it on his truth social. It’s an explanation for the drones. And what you see are these drones that are carrying and delivering big McDonald’s bags down to Chris Christie sitting there at a table while he’s munching a bunch of McDonald’s himself. That’s bad.
Bad but funny. I know.
I know.
But it’s funny because, you know, Neil, even, you know, McDonald’s has even capitalized on all of this in a big way because, you know, for a while you’re even seeing the golden arches in the Trump name. I mean, McDonald’s did great on a lot of these things and got a lot of literal free press when it was all said and done.
Yeah, and I’m not sure they really need the press, seriously. I took four, my grandson and three other nine-year-olds, I take to a little boys’ program at church every week, and one week I promised to take them out, so they all wanted fries from McDonald’s. $2.89 for a small fry. It was more than $13 to give these guys a small fry. I thought, McDonald’s is doing well. I’m going to donate my money to Preborn. I’m going to buy a unit from SunPower LED. I’m going to save my money and use it for God’s glory.
Guys, that’s going to wrap it up for today and first day of the year. We’re looking forward to 2025. We hope that all of you will continue to not only support what we do here on the roundtable, but support our individual programs. You can listen to each one of us, by the way. Whether you’re in our areas or not, you can still listen to us via the podcasts that are available. You can also continue to listen to this program. Support our sponsors. Please do. We just talked about those a moment ago. But most of all, we wish every one of you a very happy new year. Happy 2025, and we look forward to spending it with you guys in the future. This is the National Crawford Roundtable.
You’ve been listening to the National Crawford Roundtable podcast, a view of today’s culture through a biblical lens, brought to you by Preborn, saving babies and souls. Join us in the fight to save babies from abortion. Your gift provides a free ultrasound for a mother in need. 80% of the time she will choose life. Visit and click on their logo to donate. And by SunPower LED light therapy devices. Bring light to your pain. Visit and click on the SunPower LED logo to get out of pain and improve your overall wellness. You can download this podcast from Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, and more from your local Crawford Media Group stations website or at And please give this podcast a five-star rating on your Apple app. Look for the notification on your app for when the next weekly edition of the National Crawford Roundtable podcast is ready for you to download. This is a Crawford Media Group production.