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Let the Fire Fall

Sermon Overview


Scripture Passage: 1 Kings 18:1-39


In 1 Kings 18, there were dark days of apostasy in Israel. The people had forgotten God and begun worshiping a false god named Baal in obscene and immoral ways. Then God sent the prophet Elijah to challenge them.


1 King 18:24 says, “Then you call on the name of your gods, and I will call on the name of the Lord; and the God who answers by fire, He is God.


In our own troublesome days, this story offers hope for those of us waiting for fire to fall again and ignite a church revival.


First, there are some enemies of revival we must be aware of.

There are the compromisers, represented by a man named Obadiah. (See 1 Kings 18:5-6) Like Obadiah, there are believers who have compromised and backslidden in their beliefs. In an attempt to befriend the world, they have become salt that’s lost its savor, and stumbling blocks to the saved.


There are the corrupt, represented by Ahab and Jezebel. King Ahab was deeply religious, praying to idols and gods that fed his own pride and lust. But praise God—no king, court, or president can hold back revival.


There are the confused, who are on the fence, represented by the crowd in 1 Kings 18: 19-21. The crowd will be swept into the Kingdom of God if there’s true revival in the Church.


And there is the competition, the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel. But as we see, the competition was not even close. No amount of praying and praising from Baal’s prophets could make fire rain down.

This passage also reveals the elements of revival:


The solidarity of God’s people, coming together in unity for an altar fellowship.


-The separation of God’s people from the world.

-The sacrifice of Jesus Christ, whose powerful blood is our only hope.

-The supernatural power of God, which shines even brighter through odds stacked against Him.

-The strength of believing prayer.

-The evidence of revival was immediate.


Once Elijah called upon the Lord in prayer, God answered by fire. The worshipful response from the crowds reveals that revival fire from Heaven is all-consuming, convicting, and converting.


Apply it to your life


Adrian Rogers asks, “How much of your prayer life is consumed for the glory of God?” Pray for revival today—that God would send fire from Heaven through a Church revival; pray that God’s people will climb off the fence and serve Him.


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