Rabbi Kurt describes how the Hebrew prophet Daniel had visions of an era characterized by vastly increased knowledge and rapid travel, paralleling the Age of Information we are living in today. Through his book, Schneider connects these visions with the accounts in the Book of Revelation, illustrating how ancient prophecies are manifesting in our contemporary world.
The conversation delves into the theological debate regarding the rapture, a concept describing believers being caught up in the air to meet Jesus. Rabbi Kurt challenges the predominant pre-tribulation rapture theory, urging believers to consider the symbolism of Jesus as the Lamb, referenced 28 times in the Book of Revelation. He suggests that this portrayal of Jesus is deeply tied to the Exodus experience and has significant implications for understanding the sequences of judgments described in the Book of Revelation.
The discussion also touches on the confusion many modern Christians feel toward the Book of Revelation. Rabbi Kurt recalls his initial fear when approaching these difficult scriptures but shares how viewing them through the lens of the Hebrew prophets brought clarity and understanding. His goal with Revelation Decoded is to present this understanding in a simple, accessible manner for everyone, regardless of their theological background.
Mike Triem brings attention to the avoidance of Revelation by some churches and believers due to its complexity and daunting themes. In response, Rabbi Kurt reassures listeners of the inherent blessing in engaging with this challenging book and encourages believers to strive for a deeper understanding, consistent with the promises in the scripture itself.
Current world issues such as advancements in artificial intelligence and the rise of antisemitism are further explored in relation to ancient prophecies, providing listeners with a context for interpreting these developments through a biblical lens. Rabbi Kurt asserts that these interpretations can offer both clarity and preparation for believers facing an uncertain future.
Concluding the episode, Rabbi Kurt expresses his love and appreciation for his audience, inviting them to immerse themselves in the book and gain strength from its revelations. Discovering the Jewish Jesus, the radio program he hosts, aims to continue guiding listeners through their spiritual journeys, offering insights that are both timely and timeless.
Join us in this compelling episode as Rabbi Kurt Schneider takes us on a journey through his revised book, Revelation Decoded. Discover how he connects ancient prophecies from the Hebrew Bible with the Book of Revelation, offering a comprehensive approach to understanding the end times. Rabbi Kurt provides insights into why modern believers might find Revelation intimidating and how his latest work simplifies these complex themes for everyone.
Lake Mary, Fla. – Rabbi Kirt A. Schneider emphasizes the connection between the Old Testament and End Times, revealing tell-tale signs that we are in the last days.
In his book, The Book of Revelation Decoded Revised Edition, Rabbi Schneider shows how ancient prophecies are being revealed before our very eyes (ISBN-13: 978‐1‐63641‐418‐8).
“Now more than ever, the church needs to recognize what is happening and prepare for what is yet to come,” Rabbi Schneider said.
The Book of Revelation Decoded Revised Edition is a wake-up call to a lethargic church. Within these pages, Rabbi Schneider ties together the events prophesied in the New Testament book with the teachings of the Torah and the Hebrew prophets.
“The time to prepare for the battle is not when you’re in the battle. It’s before the fight.”
While reading The Book of Revelation Decoded Revised Edition, readers will discover what to expect during the last days and how to stand firm in Christ even in the face of opposition. With updated facts, statistics, and insights, this edition will further illuminate the signs of the times.
“And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions. Even on the male and female servants in those days I will pour out my Spirit. And I will show wonders in the heavens and on the earth, blood and fire and columns of smoke. The sun shall be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood, before the great and awesome day of the Lord comes. And it shall come to pass that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. For in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there shall be those who escape, as the Lord has said, and among the survivors shall be those whom the Lord calls” (Joel 2:28-32).
It's Mike Treen with the Crawford Media Group. We're joined by Rabbi Kurt Schneider of Discovering the Jewish Jesus today. And Rabbi Kurt, thank you so much for taking the time with us.
My brother, I love you. Thank you for being a brother. I just sense it in your heart.
Rabbi Snyder, we know there is a revision of the book of Revelation Decoded. And to talk through that and just to have a sense, could you give people a little bit of an overview of the book? And then there are some new things that you want to talk about, AI related, Israel related. We want to get right into that.
Well, I first released Revelation Decoded in 2017, so we just re-released it, Revelation Decoded Revised. You want to make sure to get the revised edition, because what I do is I talk about some of the things that have happened in the world over the last eight years and how they directly fulfill prophecy. And the unique thing about Revelation Decoded Revised is that what I do is I show not just what the New Testament says, about the end times, not just what the book of Revelation says about the end times, but I show what the Hebrew Bible says about the end times. You know, we oftentimes think about the book of Revelation as the end times book in the Bible, and Matthew 24, where Yeshua, Jesus, talks about the end times, and Luke 21, but you know, there's actually 150 chapters in the Bible that talk about the end times, and most of those are in the Old Testament, the Hebrew Bible. For example, even in the book of Genesis, when Jacob blesses his 12 sons, he says that this blessing is in relation to the last days. Of course, Daniel in the Hebrew Bible had a vision of the end times, and Daniel said that the vision that he had, the understanding of it, would be sealed up until we were actually in those days. And one of the things that the Hebrew prophet Daniel saw was that in the end days, he said he saw that knowledge would vastly increase, And people would be traveling to and fro. So Mike and our listeners, Daniel literally saw the age of information, computer technology, knowledge covering the earth through all the internet technology that we have right now. And he also saw travel, people flying in planes and everything else. So what the Hebrew prophets saw is literally unfolding before our very eyes, and in Revelation Decoded Revised, I take what the Hebrew prophets saw, and I connect them to the book of Revelation to show how people can see the same thing written about in both the New and Old Testaments.
So without one, really difficult to get the full picture of Revelation, of what the Hebrew, you know, the Old Testaments, I don't know what the right word is, but basically the scholars, the speakers were addressing.
Well, it's interesting. You look, for example, to understand the book of Revelation, because this book, Revelation Decoded Revised, the subtitle is, understanding the book of revelation through the eyes of the hebrew prophets so what's unique in this book is i approach the end times not only again by what the new testament says but what the hebrew bible says so consider this for an example why it's important to understand the book of revelation through the eyes of the hebrew prophets we think of the different theological positions that people have taken over the years on the rapture. Some of our listeners today know what the rapture is, others may not be so familiar, but the rapture refers to a time when believers will be caught up in the air to meet Jesus. And so as you know, Mike, most people over the last period of time have been what is called pre-trib rapture. In other words, most believers have been taught, if they've been taught about the rapture at all, that God's going to rapture his church out of the world and before the tribulation begins. But consider this, that 28 times in the book of Revelation, Jesus is referred to as the Lamb. 28 times in the book of Revelation, Yeshua and his ministry is referred to as the Lamb. He's referred to one time as the offspring of David, he's referred to one time as the bright and morning star, he's referred to one time as the Lion from the tribe of Judah, but he's referred to 28 times as the Lamb. So we have to understand, what does this mean? Why is Jesus portrayed as the lamb in the book of Revelation? I mean, from beginning to end, it's about the lamb. Why? What does the lamb mean? A lot of people, when they read that, they probably don't think a whole lot about it. They maybe think of the lamb as just this warm and unthreatening animal. But The right understanding of why John is using the term Lamb in Revelation is because he's connecting Revelation to the Exodus experience in the book of Exodus in the Torah. So when you understand that we have to understand the Lamb through the lens of the Exodus, what this tells us is this. When the plagues were falling on Egypt, Israel... was in Egypt. They were in Egypt for the first ten plagues. They were in Egypt when the Nile turned to blood, when the frogs covered the land, when the locusts covered the land, when darkness covered the land. The Israelites were even in Egypt with the plague of the death of the firstborn. It wasn't until God's final judgment on the Egyptians that the sea was parted, the Red Sea was parted, and Israel was supernaturally translated to the other side of that sea, while Israel Egypt was drowned in the sea. So if you think about this conceptually, that Israel was in Egypt when the first ten plagues fell, and it was only until the final wrath of God fell upon the Egyptians when he drowned them all in the sea, you think about this in relationship to the judgments in the book of Revelation. There's 21 judgments that we read about in the book of Revelation. It begins with the seven seals. There are seven seals... seven trumpets and seven bowls of wrath. So the book of Revelation begins with Jesus breaking the seal and the judgments begin to fall. At the breaking of the last seal, the seventh seal, seven trumpets begin to blow. I believe the church will be in the world for the first seven seals. I believe the church will be in the world through the first six trumpets. Then when the seven trumpet blows, The Bible says the kingdom of the world become the kingdom of God and of his Christ. I believe at that point the church is taken out of the world because the Bible says when the last trumpet sounds in relationship to the rapture, the church will be taken out. And then at the blowing of that seventh trumpet, not only will the church be taken out of the world, but the scripture says that at that same time in the book of Revelation, the seven bowls of wrath will be released, which is God's final judgment, which is the equivalent of Egypt being ground in the sea. So I know there's a lot of different views on eschatology, but when we understand the book of Revelation through the lens of the Hebrew prophets, what I'm sharing lines up completely.
We are joined by Rabbi Kurt Schneider. He is the host of Discovering the Jewish Jesus. And Rabbi, modern churches seem, and a lot of our parishioners, they seem to be really confused about. It seems like this book will help clear that confusion, help people really understand deeply about Revelation.
Well, I was one of those people that was very confused about the Book of Revelation. In fact, when I read it as a young believer for the first time, it scared me. I thought, wow, this doesn't sound like the same Jesus that I just got done reading about in the Gospels. This seems like a different guy. I didn't know what to do with it. But eventually, when I began to look at the Book of Revelation through the eyes of the Hebrew prophets, it all made sense. And my goal in writing it is not only to bring clarity, but also to make it so simple, Mike, that anybody can understand it. There's so much scripture. I encourage, somebody asked me recently who should read it. I think everybody should read it. You know, it's my most popular book, and I think people will definitely be blessed regardless of what their theological position might be. I think they're going to gain a lot from it. Revelation, Decoded, Revised.
And Rabbi, I think that some people, some Bible readers, they avoid Revelation. They just say, this is too intimidating. And a lot of churches, they haven't woken up and won't teach about Revelation. What would you add to that? And how would you encourage people to say, look, it may seem intimidating, but this book's really going to help you?
Well, we as believers, as God's people, we have to get past our own emotions and response because Jesus said, himself, right at the beginning of the book of Revelation, Jesus said, blessed is he who heeds and reads the prophecies in this book. So Jesus, right at the beginning, promised a blessing to the person that read it, hears it, and puts it into practice in their life. So there's a promise of a blessing for those that dive deep into the book of Revelation. When I say dive deep, I'm saying to the ability that you have. But every believer is called to read the Book of Revelation and to try to assimilate the information that's there to the best of their ability.
That calling is important. I'm glad you brought that up because that is something that, again, if someone would think, I'm going to avoid the Book of Revelation, the Book of Revelation Decoded Revised Edition, it's, again, Rabbi Kurt Schneider, author, Without that, then you're just going to say, well, this is too intimidating. It's not necessarily relevant to today. I'll worry about this or I'll be concerned with this when that day comes. What about that person that's basically procrastinating, Rabbi?
Well, I think, again, you know, Jesus said, blessed is he that reads and studies and applies and heeds the words of this book. So you have to read it. I mean, if you're a believer, you can't stick your head in the ground like an ostrich. I mean, it's just not an option. So we have to dive in. And I go into the book, some of the things that are happening in the world today and how they relate to the book of Revelation and the prophets of the Hebrew Bible, AI, for example, and what does this mean for the church, AI, and what does it mean to the world and some of the developments with what's happened with Israel and the growing anti-Semitism as the nations of the world are more and more becoming anti-Semitic. So I bring to bear some of the things that are happening in the earth right now and how they relate to these ancient writings and prophecies.
Well, Rabbi Snyder, we're always so grateful for the time with you. It's Discovering the Jewish Jesus is the radio program. Go to your respective Crawford Station's website, and you'll see all the airing times. There are many on each station. And the book is called The Book of Revelation Decoded, Revised Edition. Rabbi Snyder, any final words? And thank you again for your time today.
Only that I love you, my brother. I love you, God's people that are tuning in today. I hope you'll read the book. I think it'll strengthen you.
Thank you, Rabbi.
All right. God bless you, my friend.