Dr. Kelly discusses how to be a good doctor and not to treat patients as a statistic. She talks about how she feels the profession of medicine is at risk when the government tries to regulate doctors. The Federation of State Medical Boards is centralizing control over the populations medical decisions. Today, the medical practice is oriented entirely with pharmaceuticals versus looking at other alternative options and lifestyle changes, like and supplements. Learn more about Dr. Sutton at www.reclaimingmed.org/drsutton
Dr. Kelly Sutton practiced medicine for five decades with no board or hospital complaints, and no malpractice judgments. The Medical Board of California revoked her California medical license March 25, 2022, for writing eight vaccine medical exemptions for school children; Dr. Sutton is challenging this revocation in court. On July 13, 2023, the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine revoked her Massachusetts medical license based on one fact: her California license was revoked. This is called ‘reciprocal discipline.’ There were no patient injuries or patient complaints in either California or Massachusetts. Now, the New York medical board has set a date for Sept 7th for a proceeding against her, applying reciprocal discipline, despite her New York license having been inactive for almost forty years and despite the fact she never practiced in the state. The Wall Street Journal and Children’s Health Defense have chronicled Dr. Sutton’s case.