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Kingdom Business Alliance

Sponsored by Kingdom Business Alliance, join business professionals and entrepreneurs for a live event with world-class speakers on faith in the workplace and strategic business foundations.

Keynote speaker, Os Hillman, is president of Marketplace Leaders, an organization whose purpose is to help men and women discover and fulfill God’s complete purposes through their work and to view their work as ministry.
Attendees of this event will leave with a clearer understanding of determining the timing for key decisions in 2016 such as: hiring, investing in expansion, buying or selling a business, looking for a new job, eliminating personal debt, and more.

Event details:
: FBC 64th & Ward Arvada, Colorado
Date & time: Friday January 8th 12pm-5pm  & Saturday January 9th 9am-1pm 
Price: $49

See the full program, speaker list and buy tickets at
Only a limited number of seats available

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